Task 1 Writing

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Note: Task 1 is trying to emulate the experience of Writing a Report thus focus on

- The given/ provided/presented – (type of graph)- graph/chart/diagram
- Paraphrasing styles: + Synonym Alteration.
+ Grammar Altercation.
- Ex. The chart and graph below give information about participants who have
entered the Olympics since it began.
Paraphrase: The provided bar graph portrays the number of Olympian participants
divided by gender, whilst the given line chart depicts the total number of
contenders from 1924-2012.

B. Overview
- Opening Statement: In general; Generally speaking; As can be seen; As a general
trend; It can be seen clearly ; As it is presented.
- Methods:
Rankings/ Significant changes: The most noticeable change is; Overall it is clear;
Overall the majority; minority.
Overall trend: The most/least significant trend is…
C. Detail/Body

- Proportions: - …is 15% - …makes up 15% - …accounts for 15% - …comprises

15% of
- Top and bottom: - To reach/hit a peak of… - To reach/hit the highest point of… - It
peaks at… - Hit the lowest point of… - Hit a low of…
- Comparisons: - Twofold/threefold increase (adj) - Decrease twofold/threefold
(adv) - increased/decreases/dropped by 15% - declined to about 15% - 2 times
higher/3 times lower - whereas / while - Although … - To be more … than … - far
more … than … - far less … than … - to be as … as … - Like/ Unlike - twice as
much/many … as ... - three times more … than … - slightly more … than… - the
same amount of… as …
D. Practice.

The given line graph depicts the amount of carbon-dioxide emitted per individual from a variety of
nations, ranging from 1967 to 2007.

Overall, per-individual carbon emissions cause by the swedish people and british public experience
a decline. Conversely, carbon emissions from the italians and portugueses observed an
considerable increase.

Over a forty year period, per person CO2 emissions cause from both the British and Sweden’s
public experience a moderate downfall. Carbon pollutants produced by a single United Kingdom
citizen witnessed a gradual decline over a four decade period. However,Sweaden's per-capita
Carbon-dioxide emissions fell drastically, the exception to which was in 1997, when CO2 emissions
hit a peak of 10 metrics tons per person, rivaling/ roughly equal that of the United Kindom's.

In stark contrast, from 1967 to 2007, per-capita emissions caused by the italian and portugese
public witnesses an gradual increase. However, Portugal's per-person carbon footprint observed a
far more rapid increase nearly tripling in a span of fourty years. While CO2 emissions from a single
italian only doubled in the same time frame

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