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1. This is the graphic presentation of the Site Development Program.

Its main function is to show the school

site in its present status and the current program period.

a. School Development Plan

b. Site Development Plan
c. School Site Development Plan
d. Site Development Planning

2. This was the front area in school site usually developed and improved to constitute the school.

a. Lawns
b. Visual zone
c. Assembly area
d. Physical zone

3. What was the first step procedure in acquiring the Original Certificate of Title?

a. Service notice to all interested parties.

b. Filing of application for land registration at the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of the province or city
where the land is located.
c. Setting of date by the RTC of Initial Hearing
d. Survey of land and approval of plan

4. This principle states that buildings shall be arranged to facilitate cross ventilation by exposing the window
sides to the direction of prevailing breezes which is generally northeast-southeast. However, the east-west
orientation is sufficient in as much as it allows adequate cross-ventilation.

a. Sun Path
b. The distances between buildings
c. Layout of Buildings and Other Structures
d. Arrangement of Buildings

5. What was the purpose of Site Development Planning?

a. Anticipate the future needs and development of a school in terms of physical facilities and to
contribute towards conducive teaching-learning environment.
b. Show the school site in its present status and the current program period. This exercise in the layout of
infrastructure based on the physical requirements established in the Site Development Program.
c. Give focus on the future needs of the school for its success, implementation and development in the
teaching-learning process.
d. Site Development Planning gives the school the assurance to create a better learning environment for
both the teacher and students who take an active part in the curriculum.

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