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Towards a World

Film Movement

Main Title/Information Point
Follow the journey of a group of armed forces veterans and warrior hearted filmmakers as they unite to bring
about a World Film Movement

Bucket of Info Our Reasons Why Because there is no other medium as powerful as film for giving a voice to the voiceless,
entertainment to the masses and telling the stories which speak of our times.

Because an untapped reservoir of talent exists in the form of writers, actors, and
filmmakers, all yearning to contribute that talent to the world.

Because no model currently exists to bring that talent to light, therefore it is up to those
to whom it matters the most to create one which will.

Bucket of Info The Fires we’re Starting . . . documentary follows our journey as we take to the path like
warriors to create such a model. A model in the shape of a new:

World Film Movement.

Bucket of Info Read more about the Joining Forces Campaign

Linking to this downloadable brochure:


Bucket of Info Watch the company reel from Wild Frontier Productions, who have donated multiple
screenplays to the cause.

Linking to this video:


Main Title/Information Point

The filmmaker as Philanthropist

Bucket of Info Watch founders of The Joining Forces Campaign talk about the making of the Thin, Brittle,
Mile AudioMovie. And their determination to bring the harrowing story of a soldier, going
through his greatest battles on his return home, to an audience as a film.

Link to this clip:


Bucket of Info Listen to an excerpt of Simon Callow’s narration from the Thin, Brittle, Mile AudioMovie

Link to

Bucket of Info While finding an audience for their own story, our veterans are doing what soldiers do best -
looking after others.

Age of Decent is the poignant and powerful story of how the knife crime epidemic and other
issues affect our younger generation.

Read more about Age of Descent

Link to PDF Brochure

Bucket of Info Via the Great British Challenge veterans and filmmakers will be raising funds to produce a
charity based AudioMovie of Age of Descent.

Bucket of Info Both AudioMovies for Thin, Brittle, Mile and Age of Descent will donate all profits to
charities supporting the issues at their heart.

Read Walking with Warriors to see how you can be part of this journey.

Link to PDF

Main Title/Information Point
The filmmaker as Entrepreneur

Bucket of Info Supported by one of the UK’s leading blue-chip organisations and film financiers, we’re
turning to the industry to bring together cast, crew, producers, and distribution for a series of
commercially viable horror films under the Glass Darkly Films mantle.

All Glass Darkly films will employ veterans alongside filmmakers to help grow the Joining
Forces initiative and demonstrate the storytelling talent of new filmmakers.

Glass Darkly Films, read the brochure.

Link to PDF

Main Title/Information Point

The filmmaker as Documentarian

Bucket of Info The Strongest Among Us

The stories of those who never gave up, with pictures from a soldier who never will.

Giving a voice to the voiceless, The Strongest Among Us provides a platform for quiet heroes
who have come up against extraordinary hardships, survived, and whose shared experiences
can encourage and inspire us all.

Link to pdf

Main Title/Information Point
The filmmaker as Warrior

Bucket of Info Sometimes, despite every effort, the filmmaker must find their own way to bring their
projects to light.

The Ricia-Ann Agreement is a contractual arrangement allowing filmmakers to unite, pool

resources, and work without the fear of exploitation or a lack of care for their safety or welfare.

The Only AudioMovie

Based in America, an AudioMovie of the Glass Darkly film The Only will be the first production
made under the Ricia-Ann Agreement.

Read The Only’s first three chapters.

Link to PDF

Main Title/Information Point

The filmmaker as Storyteller

Bucket of Info The Only link to synopsis, PDF


Thin, Brittle, Mile link to synopsis, PDF


Age of Descent link to synopsis, PDF


The World Writers Showcase tkx99cp7iu5sik&st=mxz12txn&dl=0

The World Writers Showcase is a festival for screenwriters and novelists, where
The Strongest Among Us link to PDF
work can be promoted, deals with publishers, agents and production companies
can be made, as well as the option to be part of our own publications list.
Along with our own four books, we’re looking to find and champion the four most
remarkable fiction and nonfiction books of others.

Bucket of Info Visit the website
to learn more

Main Title/Information Point

The filmmaker as Traveller . . .

Bucket of Info ‘We shall either find a way or make one.’ Hannibal

The first World Film Showcase brings together all elements of our work and forms the model
for The World Film Movement.

To set one last precedent and close Fires we’re Starting . . ., veterans, filmmakers, industry
figures and our youth come together to make Youth Anthem, a song and accompanying video,
echoing the sentiment of Age of Descent.

Watch the last time we did this with the short film Love of Words

Proceeds from Youth Anthem will support the Age of Descent charities.

Link to video clip


Main Title/Information Point

. . . on a Journey that’s ending cannot be Known

Bucket of Info The final message which closes Fires we’re Starting . . . is an invitation to filmmakers and
actors everywhere who would like to be part of Drowning Room Only and No Visible Scars,
the first two films made under the Ricia-Ann Agreement in the spirit of the new World Film
Movement and help prove the model’s validity and pave for the way for more filmmakers and
actors to take to the path like warriors themselves and bring their own work into fruition.

Watch the teaser trailer for Fires we’re Starting . . .


Bucket of Info Read more about the UK based film Drowning Room Only

Read more about the US based film No Visible Scars


Watch the teaser trailer for Drowning Room Only


Further Information
For further information visit our websites or get in touch

Link to websites:

The Joining Forces Campaign The World Writers Showcase

www.joiningforces.club www.worldwritersshowcase.com

Wild Frontier Productions The World Film Showcase

www.wildfrontierproductions.com www.worldfilmshowcase.com

The British Filmmakers Alliance Telephone: 07525 221 080

www.britishfilmmakersalliance.com Email: klc@wildfrontierproductions.com


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