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Airbus Amber

Reference SA01RP1800465
A320 Family Difference Requirement Tables and
Issue 10
Cabin Aspects of Special Emphasis
Date 28-Sep-2023

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Airbus Amber
Reference SA01RP1800465
A320 Family Difference Requirement Tables and
Issue 10
Cabin Aspects of Special Emphasis
Date 28-Sep-2023


Direct Access

Record of Revisions Click to consult

Introduction Click to consult
Acronyms and Abbreviations Click to consult

A320 Family Variants DR Tables

Revision Reason for

Title Issue
Date Revision

A320 to A318 30 Oct 2015 1 Click to Consult

A320 to A319 30 Oct 2015 1 Click to Consult
A320 to A321 16 sep 2019 2 Click to Consult
A320 to A321 ACF 21 Oct 2020 2 Click to Consult
A321 to A321 ACF 07 Nov 2018 4.1 Click to Consult

A320 Family MODs DR Tables

MODs Revision Reason for

Title Issue
Number Date Revision

CAS Lavatory Door mounted 165947 15 Jun 2021 1 Click to Consult

Classic to Enhanced CIDS FAP Nil 16 Nov 2015 1 Click to Consult
Decentralized Pulsed Oxygen
162040 08 Feb 2023 6 Click to Consult
Electronic Direct View – J3K06 & J3K08 14 Dec 2020 2 Click to Consult
Inadvertent Slide Deployment Prevention
160940 26 Feb 2018 2 Click to Consult

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Airbus Amber
Reference SA01RP1800465
A320 Family Difference Requirement Tables and
Issue 10
Cabin Aspects of Special Emphasis
Date 28-Sep-2023


Issue Date Reason for Revision

#1 15-Jan-2018 First Issue

Addition of the A321 to A321 ACF Variant ODR Table.
#2 30-Mar-2018 Minor modification of the ISDPL Mods ODR Table.
Various entries added to the “Acronyms and Abbreviations” table.
#3 11-May2018 Minor typographic correction of the A321 to A321 ACF Variant ODR Table.
#4 13-Nov-2018 Minor modification of the A321 to A321 ACF Variant ODR Table.
#5 17-Jan-2020 Update of the A320 to A321 Variant ODR Table.
ODR table and CASE “A320 to A321 ACF” is added.
Section 1 “Purpose of the document” is updated.
#6 26-Nov-2020
Section 3.2.3 “Training difference levels” is reworded for clarification.
Acronyms are added
Addition of the eDirect View for JEK06 & J3K08 MOD ODR Table and
#7 23-Mar-2021
Addition of the CAS Lavatory Door mounted MOD ODR Table and CASE
#8 27-Jan-2022
“Acronyms and Abbreviations” update
New template application
#9 08-Jun-2023 Introduction of Export Control compliance
ODR Tables are renamed to DR Tables in harmonization with FCD
Addition of the following Mod DR Table and TASE:
#10 28-Sep-2023 ● Decentralized Pulsed Oxygen System-DPOS
“Acronyms and Abbreviations” section updated.

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Airbus Amber
Reference SA01RP1800465
A320 Family Difference Requirement Tables and
Issue 10
Cabin Aspects of Special Emphasis
Date 28-Sep-2023


1. Purpose of the document

This document provides the Difference Requirement (DR) tables:
Between aircraft variants within the same aircraft type
For aircraft modifications having an impact on cabin crew training and qualification.
This document is referenced in the “Operational Suitability Data – Cabin Crew” document of the applicable
aircraft type and constitutes an OSD. OSD are approved either by EASA or by Airbus under privilege granted
by EASA.

OSD must be used by operators when establishing training programmes in accordance with Commission
Regulations Air Operations.

The technical content of this document is approved under the authority of the Design Organisation Approval
ref. EASA.21J.031.
Note: the present document includes OSD data approved either by EASA for major changes or by Airbus
under DOA privilege for minor changes.

This document has been reviewed under European Export Control Regulations (EU) 2021/821 and was
determined as EU_Not in the Export Control List.
As this document does not contain any US data, US Export control Regulations (15 CFR Part 774) are not
This document does not contain any Military Data, pursuant all Regulations as stated above.
This Export Control Assessment does not include additional restrictions pursuant to EU, UK, or US
Regulations regarding the Destination or the Final User.
This document must not be re-exported without the clearance of Airbus SAS, to any third party (legal or
natural persons). When re-exported, it has to be covered by appropriate authorization and export control
licenses when applicable.

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Airbus Amber
Reference SA01RP1800465
A320 Family Difference Requirement Tables and
Issue 10
Cabin Aspects of Special Emphasis
Date 28-Sep-2023

2. Definitions
Aircraft modifications means an approved change to the aircraft design or the aircraft operational
Base aircraft means an aircraft used as a reference to compare differences with another aircraft. In the DR
tables for aircraft modifications, the base aircraft is the aircraft without the given aircraft modification.
Candidate aircraft means an aircraft subject to the evaluation of differences. In the DR tables for aircraft
modifications, the candidate aircraft is the aircraft with the given aircraft modification.
Differences Requirement (DR) is a description of the differences identified between the base and the
candidate aircraft.
Operation means a series of chronological actions performed by the cabin crew to accomplish a specific
Variant means an aircraft that has differences to the base aircraft requiring completion of differences
Training difference level means a formally designated level of difference between a base and a candidate
aircraft for the establishment of cabin crew training.

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Airbus Amber
Reference SA01RP1800465
A320 Family Difference Requirement Tables and
Issue 10
Cabin Aspects of Special Emphasis
Date 28-Sep-2023

3. DR tables
3.1. Purpose of DR tables
The DR table identifies the differences pertinent to cabin crew in terms of aircraft configuration, aircraft
systems and any design-related elements that would impact normal and/or emergency operations. The DR
table also identifies the impact of the differences on description and operation, and proposes recommended
appropriate training difference levels.
The DR table is a formal description of the differences identified between the base and the candidate aircraft,
for the purpose of establishing the “variant” status of the candidate aircraft.
In addition, DR table provides the basis for development of customized cabin crew differences training by

3.2. Description of DR tables

3.2.1. Differences
This DR table identifies the differences between a base and a candidate aircraft. The differences are
categorized by:
- Aircraft Configuration (General). The characteristics of the candidate aircraft are compared
with the base aircraft with regard to the aircraft configuration and general design.
- Systems. Consideration is given to differences in systems and equipments which are operated
by cabin crew on the base and the candidate aircraft.
- Normal and Emergency Operations. Comparison is run between the base and the candidate
aircraft, for any design-related element that would impact normal and/or emergency operations.

3.2.2. Differences impact analysis

The impact of differences on cabin crew data elements is assessed in the DR table as per the following
- Impact on the description of the element is tagged with a “YES” in the column DESC when there
is an identified difference between the base and the candidate aircraft that needs to be notified
to the cabin crew.
- Impact on the operation of the element is tagged with a “YES” in the column OPS when the
identified difference affects the operation of the element and that needs to be notified to the
cabin crew.

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Airbus Amber
Reference SA01RP1800465
A320 Family Difference Requirement Tables and
Issue 10
Cabin Aspects of Special Emphasis
Date 28-Sep-2023

3.2.3. Training difference levels

Training difference levels are used to identify differences between a base and a candidate aircraft identified
in the DR table. A range of three training difference levels, from 1 to 3, listed in order to assist operators to
meet the minimum training requirement.
Training difference levels apply when a difference between a base and a candidate aircraft affects the
existing cabin crew training, knowledge retention and operation. Such differences may lead to affecting the
proficiency required of a cabin crew member.
The aim of the DR table is to facilitate the achievement of the required level of cabin crew proficiency.
The levels 1 to 3 represent a minimum training requirements level.
Note: the level 3 assessment training should be assessed on a case by case basis.

The training difference levels are defined below:

- Level 1: Applicable to aircraft with minor differences that can be adequately addressed through
self-instruction. Level 1 training represents a knowledge requirement such that, once
appropriate information is provided, understanding and compliance can be assumed to take
place. Compliance with Level 1 training can be achieved by methods such as:
o Issuance of operating manual page revisions
o Cabin crew operating bulletins
o Hand-outs/emails
o Etc.
The above is a non-exhaustive list of examples. Level 1 training methods must be defined by the
airline in accordance with the local aviation authority acceptance.
- Level 2: Applicable to aircraft with differences that can be adequately addressed through aided
instruction. At Level 2, aided instruction is appropriate to ensure crew understanding,
emphasize issues, provide a standardized method of presentation of material, or to aid retention
of material following training. Compliance with Level 2 training is typically achieved by methods
such as:
o Classroom training/instructions
o Computer Based Training (CBT)
o Stand up lectures
o Audio/visual presentations
o Etc.
The above is a non-exhaustive list of examples. Level 2 training methods must be defined by the
airline in accordance with the local aviation authority acceptance.

- Level 3: Applicable to aircraft with differences that affect knowledge, skills, attitude and that can
only be addressed through the use of devices capable of hands-on/practical training. Training
devices are required to supplement instruction to ensure attainment or retention of crew skills
and attitude to accomplish the more complex tasks. Compliance with Level 3 practical training is
achieved by the use of a representative device or aircraft, as specified in ORO.CC.115(c). Level
3 training methods must be defined by the airline in accordance with the local aviation authority

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Airbus Amber
Reference SA01RP1800465
A320 Family Difference Requirement Tables and
Issue 10
Cabin Aspects of Special Emphasis
Date 28-Sep-2023

4. Cabin aspects of special emphasis

CASE is specific knowledge and skills required for:
● the safe operation of a novel and unique cabin design, or
● a novel and unique operational characteristic for cabin crew.
CASE addresses new cabin safety-related elements that affect the cabin crew duties and for which cabin
crew have to be informed on how to operate the element. CASE may be applicable to a given variant or a
given aircraft modification.

5. Use of DR tables by operators

For operators under EASA regulations, the DR tables between variants within one aircraft type provide the
training requirements that shall be taken into account for the establishment of differences training as per
ORO.CC.130. The list of variants within an aircraft type for cabin crew is defined in the applicable
“Operational Suitability Data – Cabin Crew” document.
The DR table for aircraft modification is provided for aircraft modification (or combination of aircraft
modifications) identified by Airbus as requiring additional knowledge, skills or attitude in order to safely
operate the aircraft equipped with this modification over time. An aircraft modification can be the installation
of new equipment or function, or the implementation of new operational characteristics. As such, the Airbus
DR table for modification supports the establishment of aircraft type specific training, operator conversion
training or differences training required by ORO.CC.125 and ORO.CC.130.
This document provides the DR tables for all variants and aircraft modifications of a given aircraft type. It is
the operator's responsibility to identify the configuration of the aircraft to be trained and to consider the
applicable DR table.

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Airbus Amber
Reference SA01RP1800465
A320 Family Difference Requirement Tables and
Issue 10
Cabin Aspects of Special Emphasis
Date 28-Sep-2023



ACF Airbus Cabin-Flex

CAS Cabin Attendant Seat
CASE Cabin Aspects of Special Emphasis
CBT Computer Based Training
CEO Classic Engine Option
CIDS Cabin Intercommunication Data System
CMD Command
cms Centimetres
DESC Description
DOA Design Organisation Approval
DPOS Decentralized Pulsed Oxygen System
DR Difference Requirement
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
EMER Emergency
EVAC Evacuation
FAIL Failure
FAP Flight Attendant Panel
FWD Forward
ISDPL Inadvertent Slide Deployment Prevention Light
L Left
LAV Lavatory
LH Left Hand
MAINT Maintenance
NEO New Engine Option
OPS Operation
OSD Operational Suitability Data
Pb-sw Push-Button Switch
PED Portable Electronic Device
PTP Programming and Testing Panel
R Right
RH Right Hand
s Second
SWIL Slide Warning Indication Light
SYS System
USB Universal Serial Bus

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