The Impact of Social Media Marketing On Brand Loyalty

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The Impact of Social

Media Marketing on
Brand Loyalty

Presented By:
Visha Ahmed & Ifra Khan

Social media has shifted power to consumers, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and
Twitter engage billions globally, and brands find social media highly effective to build
awareness and engage cost-effectively, targeting vast audiences. Customer loyalty
remains crucial, as loyal customers reduce acquisition costs and attract new customers
through their networks, fostering long-term, profitable relationships.

Statistically and specifically, out of 100% of the generations’ populations, US millennials

account for the highest number of social media users, at 90.4%, followed by Generation
X (77.5%) and Baby Boomers (48.2%) (Lipsman, 2019). The figures also reveal the
strategies brands are using to target their customers and up to 73% of marketers believe
that social media marketing is “somewhat effective” or “very effective” for their business
(Buffer, 2019).
Problem Statement

There is limited information on how Social Media Marketing (SMM) affects customer
loyalty in the mobile phone sector. There lies a gap in how mobile phone brands can
utilize their SMM activities to achieve better customer Loyalty, especially in the case of
the giant Samsung mobile phones and its marketing activities.
Research Question

What is the impact of the elements of Samsung smartphone’s SMM activities that
influence customers’ brand loyalty?
Research Objective

To identify the impact of the elements of Samsung smartphone’s SMM activities that
influence customers’ brand loyalty.
Conceptual Framework
Time Horizon

A total of 4 months (120 Days) were spent on the completion of this research article.
Following is a detailed timeline broken down into days.

● Planning - 14 Days.
● Research Design - 12 Days.
● Data Collection - 34 Days.
● Data Analysis - 25 Days.
● Drafting - 15 Days.
● Revising - 10 Days.
● Finalizing - 10 Days.

Research Design and Planning 20,000

Data Collection 50,000

Data Analysis 40,000

Report Writing & Publication 40,000

Miscellaneous & Contingency 50,000

Total 200,000

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