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Web of Life

Joint Collaboration of Society for All Round Development (SARD) and CIET NCERT
present the program –Web of Life
This content is free for educational use.

Background Voice: The sounds of birds chirping and water flowing

Scene 1.The rays of the sun fall on the trees and plants.
At that in the very place, a mouse was eating grains from a sack when a snake came and swallowed
the mouse.
Background Female Voice: Huh! The snake ate the mouse………………..
Let’s go around and find why did this happen?
Scene 2.This scene was being observed by a frog. (visual effect)
Frog:Come with me and I shall tell you how each living being is inter connected to each other and
how we are inter-dependent.
Scene3. Background FemaleVoiceThe herbivorous animals
Herbivorous animals like– Rabbit, Deer, Horse, Goat, cow and other animals survive by eating
grass and leaves.
Frog: Friends these animals get their food fodder from the plants and greenery.
Scene4.Background FemaleVoice
And do you know who eats these animals?
Carnivorous animals (tiger, leopard, wolf) eat herbivorous animals.
Frog:In this way the life cycle operates.
Background Female Voice-
Whenever an organism dies, they are eaten by other living beings, and the remaining part is
decomposed by very tiny organisms living in the soil, divided into extremely small particles, and
this is the final stage of this life cycle, during which carbon dioxide and other gases gas are is also
Frog:Friends, we all plants and animals are a part of this life-cycle.
Scene 6.Life cycle………..(visual effect)
Frog:and this is why life cycle is an ongoing journey.
Scene7.Observe! This cycle is a part of the animal kingdom biosphere. that helps each animal
organism to gain energy from the other.
Frog: Come and let us learn how energy reaches from one level/layer to the another.
Insert Energy pyramid {straight machine voice}
An energy pyramid is a way to show how much energy is passed between different animals and
plants in an ecosystem. It looks like a pyramid because there's less energy as you go up, from plants
to animals.
Background FemaleVoice-The only natural source of energy on Earth is from the Sun.
Sunlight generates the process of photosynthesis in the presence of water and carbon dioxide gas
and helps plants to make their own food. {}

Frog–This energy is stored in the leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds of trees and plants.
In this, the first place is of plants. That is, the first link is added to the last link and the life cycle
gets completed.
If any one of these links is lost or broken, the chain will break and energy will be exhausted due to
which the existence of life will be in danger. That's why balance of this life cycle is very important.
Background FemaleVoice-
Come let us understand this concept together,
we all have to play our defined roles in keeping life balanced.

Sl No. Instructions
1. Proceed in the direction of the arrow using the controller.

2. Click on the water bottle.

3. Click on the Continue button.

4. Click on the (Continue) button.

5. Click on the drop of water.
6. Click on the sun.
7. Click on the cloud.
8. With the help of the controller, move in the direction of the arrow.

Dear Friend, we hope that you might have acquired many interesting facts about
interdependence of food among various species on earth. Have you realised that it
has also highlighted your responsibilities in these grave concerns. So do not waste
time and share it with your friends. refrence video

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