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1. Introduce yourself to a classmate in your class.

Exchange general information: name, surname, age, place where you are from, place
where you live, occupation, major, e-mail, phone number, nickname.
2. Talk about favorite things. Food, singer, music, hobbies and why you like them. Describe
her favorite thing. (object, color, why).
3. Talk about your daily routine.
4. Talk about free time activities.
Share three things that you like to do in your free time. Say which one is your favorite and
5. Talk about abilities (5 things you can do and how well you can do them)

Forma de trabajo:

Para realizar este proyecto deben trabajar en parejas.

Deben intercambiar su información.
Después cada uno de ustedes realizará a una presentación con toda la información de su
compañero con quien hayan trabajado que les servirá para exponer el día de la presentación.

Puntos a considerar en la evaluación:

Debe contener toda la información solicitada.
Debe estar redactada en tercera persona
Debe estar redactada en presente simple
La presentación debe tener imágenes que faciliten la comprensión de la exposición.
Puedes incluir títulos, pero no texto. La presentación se hará de manera oral.


My personal Information
My name is Ángel Gabriel Ceron Apale
I am 19 years old
I'm from Ixtaczoquitlán Veracruz Mexico
I study English Level 1
This is my final project
I am going to talk about my classmate __________
Information about my partner
-His/ Her name is Ángel
- His/ Her surname is Ceron
-He / She is 19 years old
--He/ She is from ixtaczoquitlan Veracruz MEXICO
- He / she lives in vista hermosa
- He/ She is a hombre
-His /her major is student
-His /her email address is
-His /her phone number is 2722967295
-His /her nickname is Gabo
Favorite things
-His /her favorite music is salsa
-He / She likes Swimming because It releases stress
Her favorite hobbies are Watching, movies Cycling , and Listening to music
-He / She likes Going for a walk because He's having fun
-He / She likes Watching the sunset because He likes landscapes.
-He / She likes Lying in the shade of a tree because He feels comfortable.
Her favorite thing is his/her Phone
It is A tool to do the homework
He / She likes Your job because He's having fun
Talk about routines:
Exchange information about your daily routine. (10)

He /She gets up at 8am, he /she takes a shower….__________________

Talk about free time activities.

Share three things that you like to do in your free time. Say which one is your
favorite and why.

In his/her spare time he/she likes:______________________

His/Her favorite activity is ___________ because _____________.
Abilities. (5)

He / She can play the piano very well.

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