Rizl111 W13 Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo

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THE TITLE • Son of a Filipino businessman, Don Rafael Ibarra, he studied
• The title, in Latin meaning Touch me not, refers to John 20:17 in Europe for seven years.
in the Bible (King James Version) as Mary Magdalene tried to • Ibarra is also Maria Clara's fiancé. Several sources claim that
touch the newly risen Jesus, He said “Touch me not; for I am Ibarra is also Rizal's reflection.
not yet ascended to my father” MARIA CLARA
• Noli Me Tangere is a novel by Filipino polymath and national • Ibarra's fiancée. She was raised by Capitan Tiago and is the
hero José Rizal first published in 1887 in Berlin. Early English most beautiful and widely celebrated girl in San Diego.
translations used titles like An Eagle Flight (1900) and The • an illegitimate daughter of Father Damaso.
Social Cancer (1912), but more recent translations have been
published using the original Latin title.
• Santiago de los Santos, known by his nickname Tiago and
REFERENCES FOR THE NOVEL political title Capitan Tiago is a Filipino businessman and the
• Jose Rizal preferred that the prospective novel expresses the cabeza de barangay or head of barangay of the town of San
backward, anti-progress and anti-intellectual way Filipino Diego. He is also the known father of Maria Clara.
culture was. PADRE DAMASO
• On JUNE 2, 1884, Rizal proposed the writing of a novel about • Damaso Verdolagas, or Padre Damaso is a Franciscan friar
the Philippines written by a group of Filipinos. and the former parish curate of San Diego. He is best known
• His proposal was unanimously approved by the Filipinos as a notorious character who speaks with harsh words and
present at the party, among whom were Pedro, Maximino and has been a cruel priest during his stay in the town.
Antonio Paterno, Graciano Lopez Jaena, Evaristo Aguirre,
Eduardo de Lete, Julio Llorente and Valentin Ventura.
• Ibarra's mysterious friend and ally. He wants to revolutionize
PUBLICATION the country & to be freed from Spanish oppression.
• Rizal finished the novel in December 1886. PILOSOPONG TACIO
• Rizal feared the novel might not be printed, and that it would • DON ANASTASIO: Seeking for reforms from the government,
remain unread. he expresses his ideals in paper written in a cryptographic
• A financial aid came from a friend named Maximo Viola which alphabet "that the future generations may be able to decipher
helped him print his book at a fine print media in Berlin named it" & realized the abuse & oppression done by the conquerors.
Berliner Buchdruckerei-Aktiengesellschaft.
• Dona Victorina de los Reyes de Espadana, is an ambitious
Filipina who classifies herself as a Spanish and mimics
Spanish ladies by putting on heavy make-up.
• Narcisa or Sisa is the deranged mother of Basilio and Crispin.
Described as beautiful and young, although she loves her
children very much, she cannot protect them from the
beatings of her husband, Pedro.
• Crispin is Sisa's 7-year-old son. An altar boy, he was unjustly
accused of stealing money from the church. After failing to force
Crispin to return the money he allegedly stole, Father Salvi and
the head sacristan killed him. It is not directly stated that he was
killed, but the dream of Basilio suggests that Crispin died during
his encounter with Padre Salvi and his minion.
• Basilio: Sisa's 10-year-old son. An acolyte tasked to ring the
church bells for the Angelus, he faced the dread of losing his
younger brother and the descent of his mother into insanity. At
the end of the novel, Elias wished Basilio to bury him by burning
in exchange of chest of gold located on his death ground. He will,
later play a major role in El Filibusterismo.



PLOT • Meanwhile, in Capitan Tiago's residence, a party was being

• Having completed his studies in Europe, Juan Crisostomo Ibarra held to announce the upcoming wedding of Maria Clara and
y Magsalin comes back to the Philippines after a 7-year absence. Linares. Ibarra, with the help of Elias, took this opportunity to
• In his honor, Don Santiago delos Santos "Captain Tiago" a escape from prison.
family friend, threw a get-together party, which was attended • Before leaving, Ibarra spoke to Maria Clara and accused her of
by friars and other prominent figures. betraying him, thinking that she gave the letter he wrote her
• One of the guests, former San Diego curate Fray Damaso to the jury. Maria Clara explained that she would never
Vardolagas belittled and slandered Ibarra. conspire against him, but that she was forced to surrender
• The next day, Ibarra visits Maria Clara, his love, the beautiful Ibarra's letter to Father Salvi, in exchange for the letters
daughter of Captain Tiago and affluent resident of Binondo. written by her mother even before she, Maria Clara, was born.
• Their long-standing love was clearly manifested in this • Maria Clara, thinking that Ibarra had been killed in the shooting
meeting, and Maria Clara cannot help but reread the letters incident, was greatly overcome with grief. Robbed of hope and
her sweetheart had written her before he went to Europe. severely disillusioned, she asked Damaso to confine her into
• Before Ibarra left for San Diego, Lieutenant Guevara, a Civil a nunnery.
Guard, reveals to him the incidents preceding the death of his • Damaso reluctantly agree when she threatened to take her
father, Don Rafael Ibarra, a rich haciendero of the town. own life, demanding, "the nunnery or death!” Unbeknownst to
• According to Guevara, Don Rafael was unjustly accused of being her, Ibarra was still alive and able to escape. It was Elias who
a heretic, in addition to being a subversive — an allegation had taken the shots.
brought forth by Damaso because of Don Rafael's non- • It was Christmas Eve when Elias woke up in the forest fatally
participation in the Sacraments, such as Confession & Mass. wounded, as it is here where he instructed Ibarra to meet him.
• Damaso's animosity against Ibarra's father is aggravated by Instead, Elias found the altar boy Basilio cradling his already-
another incident when Don Rafael helped out on a fight dead mother, Sisa.
between a tax collector and a child fighting, and the former's • The latter lost her mind when she learned that her two sons,
death was blamed on him, although it was not on purpose. Crispin and Basilio, were chased out of the convent by the
• Suddenly, all of those who thought ill of him surfaced with sacristan mayor on suspicions of stealing sacred objects.
additional complaints. He was imprisoned, and just when the • Elias, convinced that he would die soon, instructs Basilio to
matter was almost settled, he died of sickness in jail. build a funeral pyre and burn his and Sisa's bodies to ashes.
• Revenge was not in Ibarra's plans, instead he carried through He tells Basilio that, if nobody reaches the place, he come back
his father's plan of putting up a school, since he believed that later on and dig for he will find gold.
education would pave the way to his country's progress (all • He also tells him (Basilio) to take the gold he finds and go to
over the novel the author refers to both Spain and the school. In his dying breath, he instructed Basilio to continue
Philippines as two different countries as part of a same nation dreaming about freedom for his motherland
or family, with Spain seen as the mother and the Philippines • Elias died thereafter.
as the daughter).
• During the inauguration of the school, Ibarra would have been EPILOGUE
killed in a sabotage had Elias — a mysterious man who had • Tiago became addicted to opium and was seen to frequent the
warned Ibarra earlier of a plot to assassinate him — not saved opium house in Binondo to satiate his addiction.
him. Instead the hired killer met an unfortunate incident and died. • Maria Clara became a nun where Salvi, who has lusted after
• After the inauguration, Ibarra hosted a luncheon during which her from the beginning of the novel, regularly used her to fulfill
Damaso, gate-crashing the luncheon, again insulted him. his lust.
Ibarra ignored the priest's insolence, but when the latter • One stormy evening, a beautiful crazy woman Was seen at the
slandered the memory of his dead father, he was no longer top of the convent crying and cursing the heavens for the fate
able to restrain himself and lunged at Damaso, prepared to it has handed her.
stab him for his impudence • While the woman was never identified, insinuated that the said
• As a consequence, Damaso excommunicated Ibarra, taking this woman was Maria Clara.
opportunity to persuade the already-hesitant Tiago to forbid his
daughter from marrying Ibarra. The friar wished Maria Clara to
marry Linares, a Peninsular who had just arrived from Spain.
• With the help of the Governor-General, Ibarra's
excommunication was nullified and the Archbishop decided to
accept him as a member of the Church once again.



(W13.2) EL FILIBUSTERISMO • With the help of a reluctant Father Irene as their mediator and
• El Filibusterismo (Spanish for "The Filibustering"), also known Don Custodio’s decision, the academy is established; however
by its English alternate title The Reign of Greed, is the second they will only serve as caretakers of the school not as the
novel written by Philippine national hero José Rizal. teachers. Dejected and defeated, they hold a mock celebration at
• It is the sequel to Noli Me Tangere and like the first book was a pancitería while a spy for the friars witnesses the proceedings.
written in Spanish. • Simoun, for his part, keeps in close contact with the bandit
• It was first published in 1891 in Ghent, Belgium. group of Kabesang Tales, a former cabeza de barangay who
suffered misfortunes at the hands of the friars. Once a farmer
PLOT SUMMARY owning a prosperous sugarcane plantation and a cabeza de
• Thirteen years after leaving the Philippines, Crisostomo Ibarra barangay (barangay head), he was forced to give everything
returns as Simoun, a rich jeweler sporting a beard and blue- to the greedy and unscrupulous Spanish friars.
tinted glasses, and a confidant of the Captain-General. • His son, Tano, who became a civil guard, was captured by
Abandoning his idealism, he becomes a cynical saboteur, bandits; his daughter Huli had to work as a maid to get enough
seeking revenge against the Spanish Philippine system ransom money for his freedom; and his father, Tandang Selo,
responsible for his misfortunes by plotting a revolution. suffered a stroke and became mute. Before joining the
• Simoun insinuates himself into Manila high society and bandits, Tales took Simoun’s revolver while Simoun was
influences every decision of the Captain-General to staying at his house for the night.
mismanage the country’s affairs so that a revolution will break • As payment, Tales leaves a locket that once belonged to María
out. He cynically sides with the upper classes, encouraging Clara. To further strengthen the revolution, Simoun has
them to commit abuses against the masses to encourage the Quiroga, a Chinese man hoping to be appointed consul to the
latter to revolt against the oppressive Spanish colonial regime. Philippines, smuggle weapons into the country using
• This time, he does not attempt to fight the authorities through Quiroga’s bazaar as a front.
legal means, but through violent revolution using the masses. • Simoun wishes to attack during a stage play with all of his
Simoun has reasons for instigating a revolution. First is to enemies in attendance. He, however, abruptly aborts the
rescue María Clara from the convent and second, to get rid of attack when he learns from Basilio that María Clara had died
ills and evils of Philippine society. earlier that day in the convent.
• His true identity is discovered by a now grown-up Basilio while • A few days after the mock celebration by the students, the people
visiting the grave of his mother, Sisa, as Simoun was digging are agitated when disturbing posters are found displayed around
near the grave site for his buried treasures. Simoun spares the city. The authorities accuse the students present at the
Basilio’s life and asks him to join in his planned revolution pancitería of agitation & disturbing peace and have them arrested.
against the government, egging him on by bringing up the • Basilio, although not present at the mock celebration, is also
tragic misfortunes of the latter's family. arrested. Captain Tiago dies after learning of the incident and
• Basilio declines the offer as he still hopes that the country’s as stated in his will—forged by Irene, all his possessions are
condition will improve. given to the Church, leaving nothing for Basilio. Basilio is left
• Basilio, at this point, is a graduating student of medicine at the in prison as the other students are released.
Ateneo Municipal de Manila. After the death of his mother, • A high official tries to intervene for the release of Basilio but
Sisa, and the disappearance of his younger brother, Crispín, the Captain-General, bearing grudges against the high official,
Basilio heeded the advice of the dying boatman, Elías, and coerces him to tender his resignation. Juli, Basilio’s girlfriend
traveled to Manila to study. and the daughter of Kabesang Tales, tries to ask Father
• Basilio was adopted by Captain Tiago after María Clara entered Camorra’s help upon the advice of an elder woman. Instead of
the convent. With Captain Tiago’s help, Basilio was able to go to helping Juli, however, the priest tries to rape her as he has
Colegio de San Juan de Letrán where, at first, he is frowned upon long-hidden desires for Juli.
by his peers and teachers not only because of the color of his • Juli, rather than submit to the will of the friar, jumps over the
skin but also because of his shabby appearance. balcony to her death. Basilio is soon released with the help of
• Captain Tiago’s confessor, Father Irene is making Captain Simoun. Basilio, now a changed man, after hearing about Juli's
Tiago’s health worse by giving him opium even as Basilio tries suicide, finally joins Simoun’s revolution.
hard to prevent Captain Tiago from smoking it. He and other • Simoun then tells Basilio his plan at the wedding of Paulita
students want to establish a Spanish language academy so Gómez and Juanito, Basilio’s hunch-backed classmate. His
that they can learn to speak and write Spanish despite the plan was to conceal an explosive inside a pomegranate-styled
opposition from the Dominican friars of the Universidad de Kerosene lamp that Simoun will give to the newlyweds as a
Santo Tomás. gift during the wedding reception.



• The reception will take place at the former home of the late CHARACTERS OF THE EL FILIBUSTERISMO
Captain Tiago, which was now filled with explosives planted by • SIMOUN - A powerful man who has a great influence over the
Simoun. According to Simoun, the lamp will stay lighted for Kapitan Heneral. Using this, he plans to destroy the Spaniards
only 20 minutes before it flickers; as his vendetta for the sufferings of Crisostomo Ibarra.
• If someone attempts to turn the wick, it will explode and kill • BASILIO - The eldest of Sisa's two sons, now an aspiring doctor
everyone—important members of civil society and the Church whose medical education was being financed by Capitan Tiago.
hierarchy—inside the house. Basilio has a change of heart and He is now at the point of graduation during the events in the novel.
attempts to warn Isagani, his friend and the former boyfriend • ISAGANI - Poet and Basilio's best friend; portrayed as
of Paulita. emotional and reactive; Paulita Gómez boyfriend before being
• Simoun leaves the reception early as planned and leaves a dumped for fellow student Juanito Peláez
note behind: “Mene Thecel Phares.”—Juan Crisostomo Ibarra • KABESANG TALES - Cabeza Telesforo Juan de Dios, a former
• Initially thinking that it was simply a bad joke, Father Salví cabeza de barangay of Sagpang, a barangay in San Diego's
recognizes the handwriting and confirms that it was indeed neighboring town Tiani, who resurfaced as the feared Luzón
Ibarra’s. As people begin to panic, the lamp flickers. Father bandit Matanglawin
Irene tries to turn the wick up when Isagani, due to his • DON CUSTODIO - Custodio de Salazar y Sánchez de
undying love for Paulita, bursts in the room and throws the Monteredondo, a famous "journalist" who was asked by the
lamp into the river, sabotaging Simoun's plans. students about his decision for the Academia de Castellano.
• He escapes by diving into the river as guards chase after him. • PAULITA GOMEZ - The girlfriend of Isagani and the niece of
He later regrets his impulsive action because he had Doña Victorina. In the end, she and Juanito Peláez are wed,
contradicted his own belief that he loved his nation more than and she dumps Isagani
Paulita and that the explosion and revolution could have • MACARAIG - One of Isagani's classmates at the University of
fulfilled his ideals for Filipino society. Santo Tomas. He is a rich student and serves as the leader of
• Simoun, now unmasked as the perpetrator of the attempted arson the students yearning to build the Academia de Castellano.
and failed revolution, becomes a fugitive. Wounded and • FATHER FLORENTINO - Isagani's godfather, and a secular
exhausted after he was shot by the pursuing Guardia Civil, he priest; was engaged to be married, but chose to be a priest
seeks shelter at the home of Father Florentino, Isagani’s uncle, after being pressured by his mother
and comes under the care of Doctor Tiburcio de Espadaña, Doña • JULI/HULI - Juliana de Dios, the girlfriend of Basilio, and the
Victorina's husband, who was also hiding at the house. youngest daughter of Kabesang Tales. To claim her father
• Simoun takes poison in order for him not to be captured alive. from the bandits, she had to work as a maid under the
Before he dies, he reveals his real identity to Florentino while supervision of Hermana Penchang.
they exchange thoughts about the failure of his revolution and • JUANITO PELAEZ - The son of Don Timoteo Pelaez, a Spanish
why God forsook him. Florentino opines that God did not businessman, he is also one of the members of Macaraig's
forsake him and that his plans were not for the greater good gang who wish to have the Academia de Castellano built.
but for personal gain. • DOÑA VICTORINA - Victorina delos Reyes de Espadaña, known
• Simoun, finally accepting Florentino’s explanation, squeezes in Noli Me Tangere as Tiburcio de Espadaña's cruel wife.
his hand and dies. Florentino then takes Simoun’s remaining • FATHER CAMORRA - The parish priest of Tiani. He has been
jewels and throws them into the Pacific Ocean with the corals desiring young women ever since. He nearly raped Juli
hoping that they would not be used by the greedy, and that causing the latter to commit suicide.
when the time came that it would be used for the greater good, • BEN-ZAYB - The pseudonym of Abraham Ibañez, a journalist
when the nation would be finally deserving liberty for who believes he is the "only" one thinking in the Philippines.
themselves, the sea would reveal the treasures. • PLACIDO PENITENTE - A student of the University of Santo
Tomas who was very intelligent and wise but did not want, if
not only by his mother's plea, to pursue his studies.
• HERMANA PENCHANG - Sagpang's rich pusakal (gambler).
She offers Huli to be her maid so the latter can obtain money
to free Kabesang Tales.
• TIBURCIO DE ESPADAÑA - Don Tiburcio is Victorina de
Espadaña's lame husband. He is currently on hiding with
Father Florentino.



• FATHER ÍRENE - Captain Tiago's spiritual adviser. Although

reluctant, he helped the students to establish the Academia de
Castellano after being convinced by giving him a chestnut.
• QUIROGA - A Chinese businessman who dreamed of being a
consul for his country in the Philippines. He hid Simoun's
weapons inside his house.
• DON TIMOTEO PELAEZ - Juanito's father. He is a rich
businessman and arranges a wedding for his son and Paulita.
He and Simoun became business partners.
• TANDANG SELO - Father of Kabesang Tales. He raised the sick
and young Basilio after he left their house in Noli Me Tangere.
• FATHER FERNÁNDEZ - The priest-friend of Isagani. He
promised to Isagani that he and the other priests will give in
to the students demands.
• SANDOVAL - The vice-leader of Macaraig's gang. A Spanish
classmate of Isagani.
• HERMANA BÁLI - Another gambler in Tiani. She became Huli's
mother-figure and counselor; helped to release Kabesang
Tales from the hands of bandits
• PASTA - One of the great lawyers of mid-Hispanic Manila,
opposed the students' demands for a Spanish language academy
• FATHER MILLON - The Physics teacher of the University of
Santo Tomas. He always becomes vindictive with Placido and
always taunts him during class.
• TADEO - Macaraig's classmate. He, along with the other three
members of their gang, supposedly posted the posters
• LEEDS - An American who holds stage plays starring
decapitated heads; he is good friends with Simoun.
• TANO - Kabesang Tales's elder son after his older sister, Lucia
died in childhood.
• PEPAY - Don Custodio's supposed "girlfriend". A dancer, she
is always agitated of her boyfriend’s plans. She seems to be a
close friend of Macaraig.
• GOBERNADOR GENERAL - The highest-ranking official in the
Philippines during the Spanish colonial period.
• PECSON - Basilio's classmate who had no idea on the
happenings occurring around him. He suggested that they
held the mock celebration at the panciteria.
introduced in Noli Me Tangere, now the vice-rector of the
University of Santo Tomas.
• FATHER BERNARDO SALVI - Former parish priest of San
Diego, now the director & chaplain of the Santa Clara convent.
• CAPTAIN TIAGO - Santiago delos Santos, although making a
cameo appearance, Captain Tiago is Maria Clara's stepfather
and the foster-father to Basilio.
• MARIA CLARA - Introduced in Dr. Rizal's first novel "Noli Me
Tangere". She was once the girlfriend of Crisostomo Ibarra but
chose to became a nun despite Father Damaso's (her real father)
arguments. She eventually committed suicide, as witnessed by
Basilio when he visited the convent of Santa Clara.


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