Baltimore Sun Essay June 24 2015

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South Carolina’s racist history Maryland’s

authority to protect
he massacre by a then immediately began trying to white superiority despite having fathered
young white man, ac-
cording to police, of
nine African Americans last
renege on that bargain.
John Calhoun, the state’s most
prominent19th-century politician,
a child with a black teenage family
servant. His 1948 Dixiecrat presidential
campaign remains the great electoral
the Chesapeake is
week at a Charleston church
Bible study has drawn the
divined the theory of nullification
— the idea that states can simply
eyesore of postwar America.
The following decade, South Carolina’s in jeopardy
nation’s attention to lingering ignore federal edicts and court Clarendon County was the original,
racial hatred in America. If rulings with which they disagree segregation-defending litigant in the By Bob Irvin
there is a more appropriate — as a thinly veiled but clever legal bundle of cases generally associated with

place to draw that attention Thomas F. justification for state autonomy in Topeka, Kan., thanks to the Supreme aryland and its economy depend
than South Carolina, I don’t Schaller service to the perpetuation of Court’s 1954 Brown v. Board of Education on a healthy Chesapeake Bay.
know it. state-sanctioned terrorism of mil- landmark ruling. And get this: Well into Right now, the state is negotiating
In its perpetual resistance lions of enslaved blacks. the 20th century, many white South with energy company Exelon over water
to the Union — which ultimately stood Everybody knows the first shots of the Carolinians refused to celebrate the quality threats posed by the Conowingo Dam
down slavery, racism’s most dehumaniz- Civil War were fired at Fort Sumter, and Fourth of July, preferring instead to — and who will pay to address them.
ing form — and its racist legacies many recall that South Carolina was the recognize Confederate Memorial Day. However, Congress is considering legislation
including segregation, the Palmetto State first to secede. But before that, in This week, South Carolina Gov. Nikki that will take away Maryland’s authority to
has had few peers. No state mounted November 1860, the first formal call to Haley and Sen. Lindsey Graham called negotiate and allow Exelon to stick state
greater opposition to the Republic for secede and form what became the for their state to remove the Confederate taxpayers with the bill to repair any water
which we stand, nor resisted federal Confederacy was issued on what’s known flag that flies on the Capitol complex in quality damage the dam causes.
power and legitimacy so ardently, nor as Secession Hill in Abbeville, a small Columbia. That flag represents a defense Proposed federal legislation (The Hydro-
fought as vigorously on behalf of the town in the western part of South of slavery before and after the Revolu- power Improvement act of 2015) would strip
establishment, continuation and justifi- Carolina. So fervent was South Carolina’s tionary era, and before, during and even Maryland of its authority to hold hydro-
cation of slavery in America than South devotion to slavery that the state actually after the Civil War that supposedly power dam owners accountable for water
Carolina. threatened to secede from the Confedera- created racial equality. Its resilient dis- quality violations and end critical protections
That’s a bold claim to defend. But in a cy when the other 10 Confederate states play validates the state’s treasonous acts for fish and wildlife at hydropower dams.
chapter I published last year about South refused to join South Carolina’s call to against the Republic in service to human- This federal power grab would give Mary-
Carolina’s long, sordid history of resisting begin importing slaves more than a ity’s most odious practice. Good riddance. land’s authority to the Federal Energy
the American consensus (see “Nation half-century after the Constitution’s orig- But those who think its removal is a Regulatory Commission (FERC), an obscure
Within a Nation: The American South inal, 1808 deadline. panacea, or who conveniently charac- agency based in Washington, D.C. that
and the Federal Government,” University Following the Civil War, South Caroli- terize the Charleston church slaughter as regulates the interstate transmission of
Press of Florida), I make exactly that case. na was one of many states that used the the senseless act of some misguided loner, natural gas and electricity.
In deference to demands by South 13th Amendment’s oft-forgotten “except miss the point. We can make sense of it, What’s at stake for Marylanders? Exelon
Carolina slaveholders, Thomas Jefferson for punishment of a crime” clause to and the alleged shooter is not alone, Corporation is currently seeking a new
removed condemnation of slavery from perpetuate slavery for decades through because a long and sordid history pre- 46-year license from FERC to operate the
the Declaration of Independence, stain- the nefarious convict lease system. South cedes him. Conowingo Dam, located at the head of the
ing forever via this omission the first of Carolina’s Wade Hampton and his in- Thomas F. Schaller teaches political bay near the Pennsylvania border. It needs
America’s two core documents. As for the famous “red shirts” — forerunner to the science at UMBC; his most recent book is Maryland to certify that the dam’s operations
nation’s other core document, the Consti- Ku Klux Klan — used domestic terrorism “The Stronghold: How Republicans will not violate state water quality standards
tution legalized slavery and the contin- to subjugate the freed slaves who couldn’t Captured Congress but Surrendered the before FERC can grant the license. Right
ued importation of slaves until 1808 be tossed into prisons. White House.” His column appears every now, our state officials and natural resource
because South Carolina and other slave Twentieth-century South Carolina other Wednesday. His email is agencies have the authority to negotiate for
states extracted these conditions in ex- gave the country Strom Thurmond, a Twitter: changes to the license that benefit Mary-
change for joining the new union—and proud segregationist and believer in @schaller67. landers and the bay. The hydropower
industry would like to change that.
Nearly 200 million tons of sediment are
trapped behind Conowingo, and during big

A Tim Hunt witch hunt?

storms large quantities of this sediment are
flushed into the bay. Maryland is pressing
Exelon to agree to clean up the dam before
the state will sign off on the new license. If
Congress passes the proposed bill, Mary-
land’s authority disappears, and Exelon gets
to pass the costs of dealing with the dam’s
Did the Nobel Prize pollution along to taxpayers.
Exelon, which will control about 80
winner get a Bunsen percent of Maryland’s electric market now
that its merger with Pepco has been
burning at the stake? approved, is one of the country’s largest
energy corporations. Exelon is also a mem-
By Jonathan David Farley
ber of the National Hydropower Association

obel Prize winning scientist Tim (NHA), the hydropower industry’s trade
Hunt joked that men and women association. Perhaps not coincidentally, the
in the same lab tend to fall in love, NHA has called for legislation that in
and that tends to get in the way of their practice would weaken federal and state
work. He also said that when female lab agencies’ authority to require hydropower
workers get criticized, they tend to cry. companies to protect water quality and
As a result of this criticism, women fisheries.
cried, and Mr. Hunt resigned within days. As Marylanders, who do we want in
Was Mr. Hunt wrong? I once told a charge of protecting our billon-dollar Chesa-
female friend about a program I created peake fisheries, our clean water and our
called Equations of Peace, aimed at endangered species from the damage caused
helping girls in conflict areas study math. by hydropower dams? The professional
My friend thought that I didn’t know scientists and policymakers at the Maryland
enough to create such a program. When I Department of Natural Resources and the
defended my decision, she started to cry. Maryland Department of the Environment,
I’ve never personally seen a man cry who who are accountable to taxpayers and the
wasn’t cradling his dead son. governor; or FERC, a D.C.-based energy
Women do cry. Feminist role-model permitting agency that has virtually no
Sheryl Sandberg herself said, “I’ve cried at accountability to Marylanders and no man-
work.” But it was Mr. Hunt who was date to protect the Chesapeake or any of the
Bunsen-burned at the stake. CSABA SEGESVARI/AFP/GETTY IMAGES
communities that rely on it?
By contrast, the Globe and Mail news- English biochemist and Nobel Prize laureate Richard Timothy ’Tim’ Hunt said he was Fortunately, the state of Maryland is
paper recently published an essay espous- forced to resign from University College in London because of comments about female fighting back. Gov. Larry Hogan and his
ing the “Male Idiot Theory,” stating that scientists. administration understand the importance
men are more likely than women to risk of the Conowingo Dam’s water qality
life and limb. No men cried as a result, to explain that the “Denver Museum of man back his job. (Full disclosure: He paid certification and are standing up for Mary-
my knowledge, nor did they call for the Nature & Science [is] excited to host a Girls for lunch. And I’m black.) land and for the Chesapeake Bay by opposing
female author’s head. and Science event … where girls will meet In conclusion, Mr. Hunt spoke light- this damaging legislation. Maryland’s Secre-
(Incidentally, one could formulate an- women scientists”? heartedly about an age-old problem: How tary of the Environment Ben Grumbles and
other “MIT” theory: When I was a visiting There was a related furor last year when can the sexes work together without Secretary of Natural Resources Mark Belton
associate professor of applied mathemat- Mattel pulled the book, Barbie: I Can Be a romance occasionally blossoming? When recently sent letters to Congress pointing out
ics at MIT, I recall only one female Computer Engineer, because, in it, Barbie it does, problems can arise, as emotions that the legislation being considered would
professor compared to dozens of male asks two boys for help. (Gasp!) Never mind collide with professional ideals. The sug- relegate states to “bystander or second-class
ones. Moreover, the Male Idiot Theory that only 15 percent of techies in Silicon gestion about segregation was not meant status” with regard to protecting water
ignores the men who, on the same Valley are female, so the probability that seriously, it seemed. He was just saying quality. For defending Maryland’s right to
impulse, rush into burning buildings to Barbie would randomly meet two women there is no solution to this difficulty, except protect our waters, Governor Hogan de-
save women; who mine, like my co- in tech is less than 3 percent. (Trust me: to try to be sensible and mature about it, serves our thanks.
author’s grandfathers, the coal that makes I’m a mathematician.) It seems as if not to rush into ill-considered “solutions,” Maryland’s congressional delegation
our civilization run; and who drop out of feminists want Barbie to exist in a like penalizing all such romances. should join with Governor Hogan in oppos-
college to create the computer companies sex-segregated space. As if it heard the uproar on Earth, the ing this legislation. Rarely do our senators
whose software feminist writers use to call Those leading the witch hunt twisted probe a team of British scientists led by and members of Congress have to defend the
men idiots.) what Mr. Hunt was saying into “girls can’t Matt Taylor — widely lambasted for bay from such a blatant attempt to roll back
Feminists also lambasted Mr. Hunt for do science,” and cited Marie Curie to prove wearing a shirt with scantily clad women environmental protections. Fifty percent of
using the word “girls,” but the feminists him wrong.But if that Nobel laureate in on it — landed on a comet came back to life the bay’s fresh water flows down the
who scoff at that term worship at the altar physics and chemistry thought the way this month. Its message? Science doesn’t Susquehanna River and over the Conowingo
of Lena Dunham, whose hit television today’s feminists think, there would have care about your social politics. Dam. The new federal license for Cono-
show is called “Girls.” This hypocrisy been no Marie Curie, because Marie The critics of Messrs. Hunt, Taylor and wingo offers Maryland a once-in-a-lifetime
reminds us of the uproar over the Skłodowska would have sued Pierre Curie Watson should consider what advances chance to bring the dam into compliance
European Union’s attempt to attract more for sexual harassment the first time he they’re derailing along with their targets’ with modern laws and standards for envi-
girls to science, a program called “Science: asked her out for coffee in an elevator. careers. We should not have to choose ronmental protection. Maryland cannot af-
It’s a Girl Thing!” Its promotional video Even if what Mr. Hunt said was wrong, between women’s liberation and the ford to lose its authority to protect the
“featured sexist cliches including high there must be room for redemption. James liberation of all mankind. Chesapeake Bay from Conowingo’s pollu-
heels and lipsticks,” according to The Watson, another Nobel Prize winning Baltimore resident Jonathan David Farley tion.
Guardian newspaper — as if women don’t scientist, became an “unperson” after is the co-founder of Girls Equal Math. His Bob Irvin, an Olney resident, is president and
wear high heels or lipstick. making comments about inherent intelli- email is CEO of American Rivers, a national
Mr. Hunt’s joke finished with his gence that some called “racist.” But after Professor Colin McGinn contributed to this conservation group; his email is
suggesting sex-segregated scientific having lunch with Professor Watson and article; he is the subject of the New York
spaces, which everyone had to pretend his wife, I concluded that whatever he is, Times article, “A Star Philosopher Falls,
was outrageous; but how does one then there should be more like him. Give the and a Debate Over Sexism Is Set Off.”

What Maryland thinks

DOONESBURY BY GARRY TRUDEAU Should South Carolina remove the
Confederate flag from its Capitol?

Yes 52%
No 44%
Not sure 4%
(229 votes, results not scientific)

NEXT POLL: Do you approve of plans to

rename Robert E. Lee Park in the wake of
renewed national concerns over
Confederate symbols?
Vote at

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