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Dear Qarshi Industries Procurement Team,

I trust this message finds you in good health. I wish to express my sincere appreciation for the meeting
we had today to discuss the acquisition of the EPSON Distributor Certificate on behalf of ABMDS. Our
dialogue proved to be both enlightening and productive, and I am grateful for your receptiveness to our

During our conversation, we explored the significance of the EPSON Distributor Certificate for ABMDS.
As an authorized distributor of EPSON products, this certificate serves as a cornerstone in affirming our
official status and unwavering commitment to the distribution of genuine, high-quality products
throughout our designated region.

Attached to this message, you will find the requisite documentation that substantiates our
distributorship agreement and establishes our eligibility to pursue the EPSON Distributor Certificate.

Once more, I extend my gratitude for your time and attention during our meeting. I eagerly anticipate
our ongoing collaboration and maintain optimism regarding a favorable outcome in securing the EPSON
Distributor Certificate for ABMDS.

Enclosures: Pertinent Documentation for EPSON Distributor Certificate Request.

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