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The Baltimore Sun | Sunday, July 23, 2023 15


Affirmative action needed then, now Legal marijuana

By Jonathan David Farley I’ll listen to an opponent of affirmative action when he
tells me that he also opposes the kind of police discrimi-
use can still
When I was a graduate student at the University of
Oxford, I met an English mathematician who told me that
he had once visited Harvard, my alma mater. While there,
nation that killed Amadou Diallo, a Black immigrant from
Guinea whom officers mistook for a suspect.
I’ll listen to someone who opposes spending the govern-
disqualify you
he came across the files of two members of the hockey
team, who, he said, had received scores of 400 on the SAT
for high school students — the lowest scores possible. (Of
ment’s money to assist Black people when he tells me that
he opposed spending government money to discredit,
destabilize and destroy “subversive” organizations like
from federal jobs
course these students were white, since Black people don’t Martin Luther King’s Southern Christian Leadership
play hockey.) I would not have believed it if he had not told Conference (to the tune of $100 million). By Tiahna Pantovich
me that this was something he had seen with his own eyes. I’ll listen to conservatives who say Black people should
His story opened mine. “lift themselves up by their own bootstraps” when they While medical marijuana use has been legal in
The opponents of affirmative action know of such condemn the bombing and demolition of the Black busi- Maryland since 2013 and recreational possession
stories, but the only stories that bother them are the ones ness district — by white people — in Tulsa, Oklahoma. became legal July 1, federal laws classify marijuana
involving unqualified Black people. So it is a mistake to I graduated summa cum laude with the second-highest (both medical and recreational) as an illegal Sched-
counter them by refuting their logic, since even they don’t grade-point average in Harvard University’s Class of 1991. ule I drug.
believe what they’re saying. Like the hydra, as soon as we As The Boston Globe reported at the time, the man given Because of this, qualified individuals who seek
demolish one argument, they’ll invent another. the award for having the highest average was technically a employment in the federal government, and who
For example, if the opponents of affirmative action member of the class of 1990 and white. Was that affirma- reside and work in jurisdictions where marijuana
really were so concerned with “discrimination,” then why tive action? use is legal, are prohibited from obtaining certain
do affirmative action debates always center around race, The problem with affirmative action is not the concept. positions — even if their cannabis use is medically
when white women are the primary beneficiaries of the It’s the implementation. prescribed for physical or mental health conditions.
policy? Why do we never hear conservatives complain- Black people do not need standards lowered. I won I am proud of my four years of service in the
ing about university admissions policies that promote Oxford University’s highest awards for graduate students United States Army, but it left me with PTSD after
geographic diversity? (I even once saw a scholarship for in mathematics, the Senior Mathematical Prize and John- serving through a traumatic time at my duty stations.
descendants of Confederate soldiers. Presumably, many son University Prize. I solved two mathematics problems I had a lonely transition from the service to civil-
southerners would have no problem with that.) that a former chairman of Oxford University’s Mathemat- ian life, and like many veterans I frequently had rage
The most damning proof that conservatives are funda- ics Department posed in 1976 that had remained unsolved and suicidal ideation. Eventually, I found my foot-
mentally dishonest regarding affirmative action is the for 46 years. And still I say that I owe my career to affirma- ing in academia and veteran advocacy surrounded
policy of legacies: You have a better chance of getting tive action: I am a professor at a historically Black college. by other motivated and intelligent veterans from
into many universities if your parents went there. One of Despite having gotten tenure at Vanderbilt University around the globe willing to talk about and address
my brothers had a white roommate at the University of in Nashville, ranked No. 13 in the country by US News mental health. This journey would not have been
Virginia — founded by enslaver Thomas Jefferson, lest we and World Report, I had to flee Tennessee after getting possible without the support of phenomenal mental
forget the original motivation behind affirmative action — love letters like “I hope you are killed in the most violent, health professionals, faithful viblings (veteran
who used to laugh about how low his SAT scores were. bloody way possible by another worthless jigaboo ni**er!!! siblings), supportive civilians and a very important
“You know what?” my brother’s roommate used to say. WHITE POWER!!! HEIL HITLER!!!” when I criticized a prescription: medical cannabis.
“They had to let me in, because my father went here, my statue of a Confederate general. PTSD and other mental health symptoms left
grandfather went here, and my great-grandfather went My credentials were and are meaningless to the racists me miserable for a period of time after my military
here.” who attacked me. I estimate that I am out about $1 million separation. Seeking help from my Texas Veterans
Legacies affect more people than affirmative action poli- in lost salary, lost benefits, lost opportunities and lost time. Affairs (VA) providers, I was prescribed six differ-
cies for African Americans do. But lawsuits challenging Harvard University Professor S. Allen Counter told Jet ent psychotropic medications, the combination of
them don’t generate fiery debates. Magazine in 2004, “Jonathan Farley is one of the world’s which worsened my symptoms.
In fact, although we have all heard stories of “unqual- most impressive young mathematicians ... Harvard is I had a breakthrough while studying psychology
ified” Black people getting jobs over “qualified” white proud to honor his achievements and acknowledge his in Michigan, however: I obtained a medical cannabis
people (which is why the Black unemployment rate is fine example.” Danica McKellar, who has over 400,000 license from a doctor. Cannabis and therapy did for
twice that of white people), I’ll wager that none of us Facebook followers and was a star of the hit TV show “The me what all those pills could not.
have heard a complaint about “unqualified” white people Wonder Years,” called me “the incomparable, brilliant My rage disappeared; I felt calmer and more
getting jobs over “qualified” white people. But if you do the Jonathan Farley” in her New York Times bestselling book, balanced. I was able to safely wean down from
math, you’ll see that, since Black people are only 14% of the “Hot X: Algebra Exposed.” Seed Magazine called me one six medications to one, in addition to the medical
population, we can’t be taking away all the jobs. of “15 people who have shaped the global conversation cannabis. Continuing with this therapeutic regimen,
Before someone files a lawsuit against a university for about science in 2005.” I have been able to earn four college degrees, work
“reverse racism,” shouldn’t they check first to see if a white I still needed — and need — affirmative action. on Capitol Hill with the House Committee on Veter-
person with lower test scores has gotten in ahead of them? ans Affairs and provide therapy for clients coping
By immediately suing over race-based affirmative action Jonathan David Farley ( obtained his with their own anxiety and trauma.
policies, are they conceding that they are the least quali- doctorate in mathematics from the University of Oxford and The purpose of this is not for intoxication; it is
fied white person to have applied to a school? graduated summa cum laude from Harvard University. used for alleviation of symptoms of a medical condi-
tion. Medical cannabis prescriptions can reduce
symptoms of trauma, anxiety, insomnia and trau-
matic flashbacks. For some, it is a safer and more
effective alternative than psychotropic medications.

Hogan should drop According to a recent study of veterans that

compared those who used medical and recreational
cannabis, the medical cannabis users had lower odds
dangerous third-party of other drug use, alcohol or drug-related problems,
or alcohol or drug-use disorders. In states where

presidential campaign medical cannabis delivery is legal and available,

homebound veterans suffering from chronic pain
have new life-affirming options to improve quality of
life — including in employment.
By Charles Babington Like many other veterans, I wanted to continue
serving my country with a career in federal service.
Former Gov. Larry Hogan and a nonpartisan group he I was fortunate to be awarded a fellowship with
co-chairs, No Labels, deserve credit. They’ve worked hard a federal agency that is located in Maryland and
to promote politically moderate ideas in a time of growing began the paperwork process. On the screening
polarization and anger. Hogan, in particular, accomplished form I completed, I responded honestly to a ques-
quite a feat: Winning consecutive gubernatorial elections tion about marijuana use because medical mari-
as a Republican in a deeply blue state. And he was among Former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, shown in Las Vegas in juana is legal in the state of Maryland, where I
the few prominent Republicans to sharply criticize Donald November, co-chairs the No Labels organization. reside and the agency is located.
Trump’s efforts to subvert American democracy and over- JOHN LOCHER/AP That honesty came with a heavy cost: I was told
turn a presidential election. that I could not work at a federal agency because
So it’s dismaying to see Hogan and No Labels risk the George Wallace — 55 years ago. Several others have tried, “substance users” are deemed a high risk to the
good work they’ve done with a reckless push for a third- barely making a dent. country. I was flagged for one year, preventing me
party presidential ticket that’s likely to help Trump in But third-party candidates can surely be spoilers in close from applying anywhere with the background
2024. They argue otherwise, but such a candidacy likely presidential elections. Ralph Nader’s 97,000 Florida votes check. My use of that prescription has now stopped
would siphon more votes from President Joe Biden than in 2000 were fatal to Al Gore. He lost the state by 537 votes, me from federally serving my country further.
from Trump. Given how narrowly Trump won in 2016, handing the presidency to George W. Bush. I was devastated by the thought that I, who served
and lost in 2020, that could be enough to tip next year’s Polls consistently show Trump’s supporters to be my country honorably, could now be considered a
election to him. die-hards who will never abandon him. Biden’s support is risk to the country because cannabis is legal where
For several years I worked off-and-on as a contract softer. Voters who abhor Trump but feel lukewarm toward I live, but illegal at the same time, despite the fact
writer for No Labels, and I liked the people there. They Biden might consider an alternative — say, perhaps, Sen. that many veterans and civilians alike have medical
advocated commonsense, collaborative solutions to sticky Joe Manchin of West Virginia, a Democrat and No Labels cannabis prescriptions.
problems. I drafted op-eds explaining why, in our divided leader often floated as its potential nominee. It is legal in three dozen states, three territo-
and non-parliamentary government, Congress can accom- Another possibility: Hogan, who repeatedly declines to ries and the District of Columbia — where the seat
plish nothing without two-party cooperation. rule out accepting the third-party nomination himself. As of the federal government is located. I have had a
Like Hogan, the organization had admirable ideals for a Republican, No Labels says, he’d be as likely to siphon legal medical cannabis prescription since 2018 and
effective government and national healing. Some people votes from Trump as from Biden. But that’s disingenuous. purchase only at state-regulated dispensaries in
mocked No Labels as naïve. But I readily embraced its To the extent Hogan is known outside Maryland, it’s as a the communities where I have lived. My VA health
main message: Our checks-and-balances government, GOP never-Trumper. Only anti-Trump voters would be care providers (including my psychologist, psychia-
built on compromise, cannot function in a tribalistic soci- tempted to vote for Hogan — and Biden may need every trist and primary care provider) are all aware of my
ety. one of them. cannabis prescription. The state of Maryland, where
But now No Labels has veered wildly offtrack, and Americans may not want a Biden-Trump rematch. But I live, allows delivery of medical cannabis.
Hogan is going along. They innocently say they just want barring a major health incident or astonishing turnabout Nothing I do is hidden; nothing is illegal. Yet
to give voters an option besides Biden vs. Trump, painting in GOP voters’ sentiments, it’s what they’ll get. The No legally taking a medication that allows me to be my
the two men as equally unacceptable. Labels claim that a third-party ticket can miraculously best self cost me the opportunity to take up a differ-
They’re not. You may not like Biden, but he restored overturn history and win the presidency is fantasy. Next ent position with the U.S. government.
government normality and reasserted the importance of year’s election will offer a binary choice. Anything that The regulations pertaining to cannabis do not
democratic pillars. Trump tried to overturn the 2020 elec- hurts Biden, even a little, will help Trump. align with the current reality of medical cannabis
tion, summoning a violent mob to the Capitol. He called The notion of an unleashed Trump as president — use, and these gray areas open the path for stigmati-
for negating regulations, “even those found in the Consti- vowing to jail political rivals and shred the Constitu- zation, discrimination and ostracization. Congress
tution.” tion — is antithetical to Hogan’s and No Labels’ ideals for must remove cannabis from the Prohibited
Champions of good government — like Hogan and No collaborative, effective government. Restricted Substances list, but in the meantime an
Labels — should work overtime to block a would-be auto- Hogan’s national profile isn’t huge, but it’s big enough immediate exemption should be issued for medical
crat like Trump. Instead they are risking their reputations, to let him keep speaking out for political consensus, for cannabis cardholders.
and much of the good they’ve done, on an ill-conceived reason over rage. The same goes for No Labels. I am the exact type of person — driven, intelligent,
escapade. Both of them should return to the core values they’ve honest and dedicated — the federal government
Hogan remains No Labels’ co-chairman, but other lead- championed for years. Crafting bipartisan solutions is needs in its workforce. As a Black woman veteran, I
ers have left in protest. They include co-founder William hard, incremental work. It’s also honorable and worth- am also the exact type of person the federal govern-
Galston, a Brookings scholar who writes: “If a No Labels while. ment wants in its workforce. If the federal govern-
ticket receives even a tiny share of the vote in key states, Mr. Hogan, please steer No Labels away from this ment wants to build a capable, more inclusive and
Mr. Trump could end up back in the Oval Office.” dangerous and hopeless mission, and get back to doing diverse workforce, it must change this policy.
No Labels says it will back off “if our rigorously gathered good work for good government.
data and polling suggests an independent unity ticket can’t Tiahna Pantovich ( is a social
win.” History shows that, indeed, third-party presidential Charles Babington ( is a Hyattsville worker and founder of VETSxHBCU, which supports
candidates cannot win. They can’t even come close. The writer who covered politics, Congress and the White House for military-connected communities on the nation’s
last third-party contender to win an electoral vote was The Washington Post and Associated Press. Historically Black College and University campuses.

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