Latihan Conversation 1 Dan 2

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Assignment! (Tugas!

Please practice conversation 1 and conversation 2 below with a friend and record the
results of your practice using video from a hand phone. submit your video no later than
1 week from now. Write your and your friend's names on the video file.

Silakan berlatih percakapan 1 dan percakapan 2 di bawah ini dengan seorang teman dan
rekam hasil latihan Anda dengan menggunakan video dari telepon genggam. kumpulkan
video Anda selambat-lambatnya 1 minggu dari sekarang. Tulis nama anda dan teman
anda pada file video tersebut
A: Who did you vote for?
B: I voted for Obama.
A: Me, too.
B: He will be a great president.
A: Everyone likes him.
B: He's a good speaker.
A: And he's really smart!
B: He will solve our problems.
A: He will end the war.
B: The next four years will be good years.
A: I'll vote for him next time, too!
B: I think everyone will.
A: I don't have long distance service with my home phone.
B: So how do you make long distance calls?
A: I use a calling card.
B: Where do you get that?
A: I buy it at the dollar store.
B: How much is it?
A: It's one dollar for 100 minutes.
B: That's only a penny a minute!
A: It's a great price. But you have to dial a lot of numbers.
B: How many?
A: First you dial seven numbers, then ten numbers, then ten more numbers.
B: Yikes! I think I'll keep my long distance service.

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