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Project Schedule Management( Gantt chart)

Project Schedule Management is a project management technique used to plan, track, and
control project progress. This technique uses a Gantt Chart to visualize tasks, timelines, and
dependencies between tasks in the project. A Gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart that shows
the tasks to be performed in a project, the start and finish times of each task, and the
dependencies between tasks, including the sequence of tasks, the start and end times of each
task/ service. Not only that, but it also helps managers to understand the project status and
completion rate of task included in the project, and at the same time ensure project is still on
schedule, It also indentifies task to be executed in parallel and tasks that cannot be execured
until other tasks are finished, can detect unseen problems or task that can be dropped from the

Explain: The team has detailed the project schedule according to each main task. For
example, in the kick-of meeting in hase 1, the team will conduct a meeting to meet the
members and set work breakdown structure. This activity will be done during 1 workking day
on February 29, 2024.
3. Project resources planning
3.1 Work breakdown structure( WBS)
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a systematic hierarchy of all the tasks, jobs, and work
packages needed to complete a project. It divides a project into smaller and more manageable
parts, helping project managers understand the scope, plan, and track project progress. It’s
well-designed that can bring a lot of benefits not only to a particular project but also to the
entire organization. Specifically, indentifying the necessary work and clarifying the work
content as well as evaluating the important details in the project such as scope, cost, and
potential risk,.. so that the roject can be completed in the best possible way. Iff in a prrojrct
due to lack of information, the content of the work isn’t clarified, then even if you try to
analyze it, a certain error will occur when starting to imlement.
Explain: To accomplish the main goal of the team project, the team simplified this big goal
into smaller task that were easy to do. Here, the team ahss been divided into 4 main task
(LV1): Planning, design and analysis, testing and production. Next are jobs at LV2, LV3,..
3.2 Organization breakdown structure( OBS)
OBS is an organizational hierarchy in which each level represents different parts of the
organization, including departments, teams, or individuals. It is usually represented as a table
or graph. A project of different task and task requires approriate expertise and clear
acountability. Every element or entity in a projrct has a specific function, so it’s extremely
important to implement OBS to distribute the roles and responsibilities of each defined
element based on the basic goals of the project.

Explain: The team used OBS to divided the structure for the organization, to make it easier
to operate and manage personnel and to help complete the project better.

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