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narasi percakapan ketika berinteraksi dengan rekan kerja menggunakan kalimat sapaan,
ramah tamah, meminta maaf, dan perpisahan!

1. Sapaan dengan rekan kerja

Dannial: Good Morning Caca.

Caca: Oh, hi Robby. Come sit with me. What did you order?

Dannial: I’m tryng the rice chicken teriyaki. How about you? What are you eating?

Caca: Oh i love their chicken teriyaki. It’s really good. But today I ordered something else. This is beef

Dannial: Looks delicious. By the way, how much time do you have for lunch break?

Caca: Oh, not long. I have to eat quickly. Because I need to return to my desk in 30 minutes.

Dannial: oh, why is that?

Caca: There’s a client complaint that i want to solver before 1pm. After that, out team will have a
weekly meeting at 1.15pm, remember?

Dannial: Ah yes, that true. I hope you can finish it before the meeting.

Caca: I hope so too. Alright, I have to go now. See you later Dannial!

Dannial: See you Caca

Dannial: Good Morning Caca.

Caca: Oh, hi Robby. Come sit with me. What did you order?

Dannial: I’m tryng the rice chicken teriyaki. How about you? What are you eating?

Caca: Oh i love their chicken teriyaki. It’s really good. But today I ordered something else. This is beef

Dannial: Looks delicious. By the way, how much time do you have for lunch break?

Caca: Oh, not long. I have to eat quickly. Because I need to return to my desk in 30 minutes.

Dannial: oh, why is that?

Caca: There’s a client complaint that i want to solver before 1pm. After that, out team will have a
weekly meeting at 1.15pm, remember?

Dannial: Ah yes, that true. I hope you can finish it before the meeting.

Caca: I hope so too. Alright, I have to go now. See you later Dannial!

Dannial: See you Caca

2. Meminta maaf dengan rekan kerja

Dannial: Oh, I’m terribly sorry! Are you okay Caca?

Caca: Yes, I’m fine Dannial.

Dannial: Here, let me help you with that.

Caca: Thank you Dannial

Dannial: I’m sorry again. I should’ve been more careful.

Caca: Don’t worry about it. Oh, the elevator is here. I have to go now.

Dannial: Sure. See you around.

Dannial: Oh, I’m terribly sorry! Are you okay Caca?

Caca: Yes, I’m fine Dannial.

Dannial: Here, let me help you with that.

Caca: Thank you Dannial

Dannial: I’m sorry again. I should’ve been more careful.

Caca: Don’t worry about it. Oh, the elevator is here. I have to go now.

Dannial: Sure. See you around.

2. narasi percakapan ketika melaporkan status pekerjaan kepada atasan!

Dannial: Good Morning, Ma’am. Excuse me.

Supervisor: Good Morning, Dannial. Please have a seat. What can I do for you?

Dannial: Thank you. I’d like to give you my weekly update. Do you have ten minutes?

Supervisor: Yes, Sure. Go ahead.

Dannial: So, right now my team is handling 2 projects: February flash sale, and this new game called
Shopping Park. The flash sale project is going well. Everything is a head of schedule, and out
spending is within budget.

Supervisor: Good job on that!

Dannial: Thank you, ma’am i will tell my team that you said that.

Dannial: But unfortunately, the game project is delayed. It is now 1 week behind schedule, and the
spending is a little over budget.

Supervisor: That doesn’t sound good What do you need to push the game on track?

Dannial: Well, my team will need 3 more programmers, to put the game development back on
Supervisor: I see. Let me talk to the Human Resource Development Staff first to arrange for new

Dannial: That would be great. Thank you, ma’am.

Supervisor: Thank you, Dannial. I appreciate your updates.

Dannial: My pleasure, ma’am.

Dannial: Good Morning, Ma’am. Excuse me.

Supervisor: Good Morning, Dannial. Please have a seat. What can I do for you?

Dannial: Thank you. I’d like to give you my weekly update. Do you have ten minutes?

Supervisor: Yes, Sure. Go ahead.

Dannial: So, right now my team is handling 2 projects: February flash sale, and this new game called
Shopping Park. The flash sale project is going well. Everything is a head of schedule, and out
spending is within budget.

Supervisor: Good job on that!

Dannial: Thank you, ma’am i will tell my team that you said that.

Dannial: But unfortunately, the game project is delayed. It is now 1 week behind schedule, and the
spending is a little over budget.

Supervisor: That doesn’t sound good What do you need to push the game on track?

Dannial: Well, my team will need 3 more programmers, to put the game development back on

Supervisor: I see. Let me talk to the Human Resource Development Staff first to arrange for new

Dannial: That would be great. Thank you, ma’am.

Supervisor: Thank you, Dannial. I appreciate your updates.

Dannial: My pleasure, ma’am.

3. narasi percakapan ketika berinteraksi lewat telepon dengan rekan kerja untuk meminta
informasi, mengatur janji, dan mengkonfirmasi janji!

a. Meminta Informasi

Dannial: Good morning. This is Dannial from SUKA MAKMUR INDUSTRIES. May I speak with Caca?

Caca: Yes, I’m Caca

b. Mengatur Janji

Dannial: I am calling to invite you to our office. We need to have a discussion about our agreement.
When are you available?

Caca: How about today at 3 pm?

Dannial: That sounds good. See you then.

c. Mengkonfirmasi Janji

Dannial: Can you visit our office at 3 pm today?

Caca: I’m sorry. I have another appointment today. Can we move it to tomorrow afternoon?

Dannial: Sure, tomorrow afternoon sounds good. How about 3 pm?

Caca: That works for me.

Dannial: Hello, Caca? This is Dannial from SUKA MAKMUR INDUSTRIES. We have appointment this

Caca: Yes, that’s correct. Is it still on?

Dannial: Yes, it’s confirmed. We’ll see you soon.

Caca: Thank you Dannial. See you.

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