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School: San Marcos

Student Name: Victoria Serrano

Year: 2°C

Subject: English

Activity: Number 22

1) Listen to the audio and complete with the missing words. Escuchen el audio que aparece al final
de la hoja y completen con las palabras que faltan en el texto.

To make a cup of tea, you need a ……CUP………, some tea or a teabag, some …HOT ………… ………
WATER……….., and ……MILK………… and ………SUGAR……………….. to taste.

First, boil some ……WATER………………….. and put the teabag in the ………CUP……………….. or a
teapot, if you have one. Pour the boiling water on the teabag and ……WAIT………………… for a few

Take out the teabag and add …MILK…………………… and ………SUGAR……………. if you want. Some
people like ………LEMMON…………………. with their tea.


2) Complete the dialogue with the corresponding sentence, then listen to the text and see if you
were “ok”. Completen el siguiente diálogo usando las oraciones que están abajo del mismo, hay
una frase para cada parte del diálogo. Luego pueden escuchar el audio que está al final de la hoja y
chequear si pudieron hacer bien la actividad.

Hi! Can I help you?

- A Cappuccino, please
Regular or large?

- Large, please. And can I have an espresso, please

For here or to take away?

- To have here

Anything else?

- No, thanks. How much is that

That’s 6.90, please.

- Sorry, how much

6.90. Thank you. Here's your change.

No, thanks. How much is that?

Sorry, how much?

A Cappuccino, please

Large, please. And can I have an espresso, please?

To have here.

3) Listen to the audio and complete the exercise with “true” or “false”. Escuchen el audio del
ejercicio 3 que aparece al final de la hoja y contesten con verdadero (TRUE) o falso (FALSE).
Pueden usar el traductor para saber el significado de las palabras que no conocen.

1. He has tea for breakfast. (FALSE)

2. He never reads in bed. (FALSE)

3. He hardly ever uses public transport. (FALSE)

4. He doesn't usually eat paella on Sundays. (TRUE)

5. On Sundays, he almost always gets up before 8 o'clock. (FALSE)

6. He sometimes goes to the cinema on Fridays. (TRUE)

7. On Mondays, he never leaves home before 9. (TRUE)

8. He usually celebrates his birthday with friends not with his family. (FALSE)


Exercise 1:

Exercise 2:

Exercise 3:

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