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Les Matières - School Subjects

l’anglais = long-leh (English)

le français = luh fron-seh (French)
l‘indonésien = lan-do-neh-syen (Indonesian)
les sciences = leh see-ons (science)
les mathématiques = leh ma-teh-ma-teek (mathematics)
les maths = leh mat (maths)
l’histoire = lee-stwar (history)
la géographie = lah jeh-oh-gra-fee (geography)
la cuisine = lah kwee-zeen (food tech/cooking)
le dessin = luh deh-sahn (art)
l’éducation physique = leh-doo-ka-syon fizz-eek (PDH (long))
l’ÉPS = leh-peh-ess (PDH)
les travaux ménagers = leh trav-oh meh-na-jer (sewing)
la musique = lah moo-seek (music)
le sport = luh spor (sport)
la technologie = lah tek-no-lo-jee (tech)

“ THE ” in French
Don’t forget we have 4 words that mean “the” in French:
1. le (for masculine nouns), e.g. le français
2. la (for feminine nouns), e.g. la musique
3. les (for plural nouns), e.g. les sciences
4. l’ (for nouns starting with vowel sounds), e.g. l’histoire
Please copy the following notes for use next lesson:

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