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Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia; and 2Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Split, Split, Croatia

ABSTRACT had higher BH and body weight, followed by opposite hitters and
Sattler, T, Sekulic, D, Hadzic, V, Uljevic, O, and Dervisevic, E. receivers, with no differences in the BMI between positions.
Vertical jumping tests in volleyball: reliability, validity, and playing-
position specifics. J Strength Cond Res 26(6): 1532–1538, KEY WORDS test construction, reproducibility, jumping abilities,
2012—Vertical jumping is known to be important in volleyball, and position differences
jumping performance tests are frequently studied for their
reliability and validity. However, most studies concerning jumping INTRODUCTION

in volleyball have dealt with standard rather than sport-specific olleyball is one of the most popular team sports in
jumping procedures and tests. The aims of this study, therefore, the world. The game is characterized by short,
were (a) to determine the reliability and factorial validity of explosive movement patterns, quick, agile posi-
2 volleyball-specific jumping tests, the block jump (BJ) test and tioning, jumps, and blocks. Although a match may
last for up to 3 hours, volleyball is considered an anaerobic
the attack jump (AJ) test, relative to 2 frequently used and
sport, with metabolic demands met mainly by phosphagen
systematically validated jumping tests, the countermovement
energy processes (15). Along with a technical and tactical
jump test and the squat jump test and (b) to establish volleyball
knowledge, appropriate morphological features (e.g., a lean
position–specific differences in the jumping tests and simple body with greater height), speed and agility, and jumping
anthropometric indices (body height [BH], body weight, and ability are the key elements for success in volleyball for both
body mass index [BMI]). The BJ was performed from a defensive sexes (1,16), because game play is oriented around a net
volleyball position, with the hands positioned in front of the chest. whose top height is set at 2.43 m (men) and 2.24 m (women).
During an AJ, the players used a 2- to 3-step approach and Consequently, athletes and coaches in volleyball should pay
performed a drop jump with an arm swing followed by a quick special attention to testing and developing characteristic
vertical jump. A total of 95 high-level volleyball players (all men) vertical jumping abilities (16) that will allow the player to
participated in this study. The reliability of the jumping tests compete at a more advanced level. A volleyball team consists
ranged from 0.97 to 0.99 for Cronbach’s alpha coefficients, from of 12 players in the following positions: opposite hitter,
middle hitter, libero, setter, and receiver. Given the
0.93 to 0.97 for interitem correlation coefficients and from 2.1 to
specialized role and tasks players are involved in (7), it is
2.8 for coefficients of variation. The highest reliability was found
generally accepted that different morphological (11), fitness
for the specific jumping tests. The factor analysis extracted one
(18) and physiological (23) are associated with the different
significant component, and all of the tests were highly playing positions. However, the specific jumping abilities
intercorrelated. The analysis of variance with post hoc analysis required by the different volleyball positions have rarely been
showed significant differences between 5 playing positions in studied. In short, Marques et al. (18) found no significant
some of the jumping tests. In general, receivers had a greater differences between the playing positions in terms of jumping
jumping capacity, followed by libero players. The differences in ability when measured using the countermovement jump
jumping capacities should be emphasized vis-a-vis differences in (CMJ), whereas Duncan et al. (5) found no differences in
the anthropometric measures of players, where middle hitters vertical jumping capacity between playing positions among
elite junior players.
Vertical jumping performance can be assessed using
a variety of tools, ranging from sophisticated electronic
Address correspondence to Damir Sekulic, measuring instruments (e.g., force platforms, contact mats, or
26(6)/1532–1538 photocells) to popular field-testing procedures (e.g., the
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Sargent jump test or the Abalakov test). In such assessments,
Ó 2012 National Strength and Conditioning Association different types of jumps may be performed (e.g., squat jumps
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[SJs], CMJs, or repeated jumps). In volleyball, there are knowledge, have not been studied for the reliability and
some specific movement patterns associated with jumping, validity of their respective tests. Additionally, studies focusing
namely, a block jump (BJ) and an attack or spike jump (AJ). on volleyball have heretofore rarely noted positional differ-
When performing a defensive BJ, a player starts from the ences with respect to jumping capacities. We hypothesized
characteristic stable position, with the knees slightly bent and that systematic training and specific game performance
arms in front of the chest. When performing a BJ, the athlete would lead to significant differences between playing
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must jump as quickly as possible, meaning that he or she does positions regarding the players’ jumping performance. At
not have time to perform a classic CMJ but instead uses the same time, selection processes would probably lead to
a somewhat shortened version of the CMJ technique. In differences in the anthropometric measures between playing
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addition because the hands must be positioned in front of the positions. As a result, this study consists of 2 separate
chest to perform the block, there is no time for a full arm methodologies. The first part of this study focuses on the
swing. A full countermovement and arm swing would almost reliability and validity of the jumping tests (see Statistical
certainly result in a jump of greater height, but the blocking Analyses). The second part of the study seeks to determine
would be delayed, and consequently, the defense would be the differences in jumping tests and anthropometric measures
unsuccessful. The AJ is a combination of a drop jump and (dependent variables) between different playing positions in
a CMJ with an arm swing. The player generally uses a 2- to volleyball (independent variable).
3-step approach, performing a half-drop jump (sometimes
referred to as a ’’bounce drop jump" [3]) followed by a
A total of 95 high-level volleyball players participated in this
countermovement arm swing and an eccentric contraction
study. The subjects were all men between the ages of 18 and 30
that exploits the stretch-shortening cycle of the activated
years. The subjects’ heights ranged from 177 to 207 cm (mean
muscles (13). The movement finishes with a maximal vertical
189.1 cm), and their body weights ranged from 57.2 to 128.6 kg
jump accompanied by a forceful backward arm swing to
(mean 85.1 kg). All the participants were members of the teams
enable a subsequent spike. The pattern of this final movement
that competed in the Slovenian National Championship (first
probably has a slight negative influence on jumping
and second Divisions) during the 2008–2009 season. Testing
performance (i.e., the maximum jump height would probably
included 96% of all the players participating in the highest
be more higher if the strong backward arm swing were not
level of the National competition and 12 members of the
performed), but as stated above, such movement patterns are
National team. Thus, one-third of the subjects were interna-
characteristic of volleyball. It is absolutely crucial, therefore,
tional-level players who played in the European Championship
that they be included in any volleyball-specific testing
and the European League. All the subjects underwent a pre-
season preparation period of at least 1 month before the testing
Standard vertical jumping test procedures have been
was performed. Only the subjects who had no injuries and
validated extensively for a variety of purposes (4,17,19,24).
illnesses for 30 days before the experiment were included in this
However, we have found no studies that deal with the
investigation (based on a health history questionnaire completed
reliability and validity of volleyball-specific jumping perfor-
before testing). None of the players were taking exogenous
mance or volleyball-specific jumping tests. Additionally,
anabolic-androgenic steroids or other substances that might be
studies that have dealt with volleyball playing positions (5,18)
expected to affect their physical performance during the course
and their jumping abilities have used standard (i.e., CMJ) and
of the study. The players were categorized as opposite hitters
not volleyball-specific (i.e., AJ or BJ) jumping procedures.
(OPPOSITE, n = 15); middle blockers (MIDDLE, n = 26);
The sample of subjects in these studies was also smaller than
liberos (LIBERO, n = 11); setters (SETTER, n = 19); and
our sample (see Discussion), which possibly influenced their
outside receivers (RECEIVER, n = 24).
results and conclusions.
All the participants were fully informed about the nature
The aims of this study were (a) to determine the reliability
and demands of the study and the possible health risks.
and factorial validity of 2 volleyball-specific jumping tests, the
Written information and oral instructions were given to each
block jump test and the attack jump test, relative to
participant before the testing, and all the participants gave oral
2 frequently used and systematically validated jumping tests,
consent to participate. The Institutional Ethical Board was
the CMJ and SJ tests and (b) to determine position-specific
introduced to the testing methods and the complete
differences in jumping abilities among high-level male
experiment and gave written consent for the investigation.
volleyball players and their anthropometric characteristics.
Training History
METHODS All the subjects had been playing volleyball for at least 5 years.
Experimental Approach to the Problem Apart from standard technical and tactical practice sessions (1–4
In our professional experience, we have observed the hours per day) and competitions, the subjects were involved in
measurement of jumping abilities as an index of the upper-lower body resistance training programs in the gymna-
performance status in volleyball. This is especially true for sium (1–3 sessions per week), plyometric and medicine ball
volleyball-specific jumping techniques that, to the best of our training (1–3 sessions per week), and proprioceptive balance

VOLUME 26 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2012 | 1533

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Volleyball Jumping Tests

training (0–3 sessions per week). In general, resistance training prestretching), the subjects perform a quick upward vertical
included free-weight and machine-based exercises that lasted jump as high as possible.
45–75 minutes on average, incorporating 10–15 minutes of The BJ is performed in a defensive volleyball position. The
abdominal and lower back (core) exercises on the mat and Swiss subjects in our study were instructed to visualize preparing for
ball. The plyometric sessions consisted of loaded and unloaded a defensive block during a game. In this situation, the hands
drop jumps and medicine ball throws and lasted 30–45 minutes are positioned in front of the chest in the most convenient
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in addition to the warm-up. Most of the athletes (70%) position. From this position, the participants perform a CMJ-
participated in the regular proprioceptive exercises, which lasted type technique with self-determined countermovement
15–30 minutes and included unstable wobble board, BOSU and depth and the amount of arm swing that is typical for their
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AIREX mat, and Swiss ball exercises. The average training individual volleyball technique during a game or practice. The
frequency for all the subjects ranged from 4 to 10 training subject performs the vertical jump with full arm extension,
sessions per week, with an average of 5–6 sessions weekly. trying to reach as high as possible.
In the AJ test, the subject uses an individually determined 2- to
The variables in this study included 4 types of vertical jump, 3-step approach, performing a bounce jump with an arm swing.
the CMJ; the SJ, the BJ, and the attack jump (AJ); and This movement is followed by a quick upward vertical jump as
2 anthropometric measures, body height (BH), and body high as possible, accompanied by a forceful backward arm
weight (BW). swing. (Note that the photocells do not include the very
The subjects were invited to participate through the beginning stage of the AJ procedure.) The subjects were
Slovenian National Volleyball Federation. The response rate instructed to perform the jumping procedure in the way that
was .95%. The testing was conducted during June and July they found most convenient, similar to their personal technique
2009. It was conducted in a closed, ventilated facility with during a volleyball game or practice.
a temperature ranging from 20 to 23°C in the morning (from Because we asked the subjects to use their usual individual
10 AM to 1 PM). Before testing, the athletes were suggested procedures for performing the AJ and BJ tests, their specific
to be properly but not excessively hydrated. Each subject procedures were relatively nonstandardized. Because the
underwent all the tests during 1 session. The BH and BW of main intention of this investigation was to construct and
the participants were tested before the warm-up when they validate volleyball-specific vertical jumping tests, it was
were in shorts and with no shoes. For the rest of the testing, necessary to acknowledge that each of the tested players had
the subjects wore volleyball shorts and shirts and their characteristic individual movement patterns (length of
standard playing shoes. After a 6-minute warm-up on approach, foot positioning, arm swing, etc.). Because all
a stationary bicycle using progressive resistance (50–100 W) the tested subjects were high-level volleyball athletes,
and 1 minute of hamstring stretches, each subject further standardization would have almost certainly had
performed 3 trials for each of the 4 types of jump. The a negative influence on their jumping performance during
ordering of the different types of jump was assigned the AJ and BJ tests.
randomly for each participant. Between the testing trials The BH and BW were assessed using a Seca stadiometer
and different tests, each subject paused for a self-defined and weighing scales (Seca Instruments Ltd., Hamburg,
period, which was limited to 3–5 minutes. All the jumps Germany). Body mass index (BMI) was calculated as the
were measured using the Optojump system (Microgate, ratio of the BW (kilograms) and squared BH (meters).
Bolzano, Italy). The Optojump is a dual-beam optical device The playing positions were self-reported using a multiple
that measures ground contact and flight time during a jump choice questionnaire form in which the subjects were asked
or series of jumps. The flight time (Tf ) and the acceleration to determine their primary playing position as opposite
due to gravity (g) were used to calculate the vertical rise (h) hitters (OPPOSITE), middle blockers (MIDDLE), liberos
of the center of gravity of the body: (LIBERO), setters (SETTER), and outside hitters/receivers
T2 3 g (RECEIVER). This information was verified by a team
h¼ f : official (coach and team manager).
There producibility of the vertical jump test results using
the Optojump device has been shown to be excellent (10), and Statistical Analyses
it has been used in other studies (20). Descriptive statistical parameters (mean, SD, minimum, and
The CMJ test begins with the subject standing in an upright maximum) were calculated for each individual trial (each
position. A fast downward movement to about 90° knee item) and for the overall results (case-specific maximal
flexion is immediately followed by a quick upward vertical results) of all of the tests conducted. An analysis of variance
movement as high as possible, all in one sequence. The test is (ANOVA) for repeated measures and a Tukey post hoc test
performed with a full arm swing. were used to detect any systematic bias between the
The SJ test begins with the subjects in a stance with 90° knee individual trials (items) for each test. Average interitem
flexion, with the feet hip-width apart. Their hands remain on correlation coefficients (IIR) and Cronbach’s alpha re-
the hips throughout. From this static position (with no liability coefficients (CA) were used to determine the
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TABLE 1. Descriptive statistics and reliability coefficients of the applied tests.*

Mean 6 SD Minimum Maximum CA IIR CV

SJtrial1 38.53 6 5.49 29.40 53.60 0.97 0.93 2.40

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SJtrial2 38.66 6 5.70 22.50 53.70

SJtrial3 38.67 6 5.50 25.55 53.10
SJ 39.59 6 5.31 29.40 53.70
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CMJtrial1 43.62 6 5.32 27.30 54.50 0.97 0.93 2.60

CMJtrial2 43.62 6 5.09 31.60 56.50
CMJtrial3 43.61 6 5.22 29.33 55.55
CMJ 44.37 6 4.95 32.40 56.50
BJtrial1 47.71 6 5.77 32.40 58.70 0.99 0.97 2.10
BJtrial2 47.91 6 5.69 33.30 62.80
BJtrial3 47.90 6 5.69 32.77 61.10
BJ 48.38 6 5.60 33.30 61.80
AJtrial1 61.41 6 6.98 42.40 78.80 0.97 0.94 2.80
AJtrial2 62.34 6 6.78 47.70 81.20
AJtrial3 62.01 6 6.79 44.44 80.09
AJ 63.16 6 6.97 48.70 81.20
*CA = Cronbach alpha; IIR = average interitem correlation coefficient; CV = coefficient of variation; SJ = squat jump;
CMJ = countermovement jump; BJ = block jump; AJ = attack jump.

between-subject reliability of the jumping tests. The within- MIDDLE players are the tallest and heaviest, followed by
subject variation for each of the tests was determined by OPPOSITEs and RECEIVERs. LIBERO players are the
calculating the coefficient of variation (CV). To determine shortest of all and lighter than the OPPOSITEs and
the factorial validity of the jumping tests, the intercorrelation MIDDLEs. No significant differences between positions
matrix for the 4 tests was factorized using a principal- were found for BMI. The differences in jumping abilities
components factor analysis. The number of significant reached statistical significance for the SJ and CMJ, where
components was determined using the Kaiser-Guttman RECEIVERs had higher average jumps than did the
criterion. The correlations between tests and factors were SETTERs, and for the AJ, where RECEIVERs had higher
used to determine the factorial validity of the tests. average jumps than did the LIBEROs. Finally, LIBEROs
Differences between playing positions in anthropometric performed significantly better than did the SETTERs in
measures and jumping tests were determined using the the BJ (Table 3).
ANOVA with a Unequal-n post hoc test. All the coefficients
were considered significant at 95% (p # 0.05).

The parameters of reliability for the tests (Table 1) ranged from TABLE 2. Intercorrelation matrix and factor analysis
0.97 to 0.99 for Cronbach’s alpha coefficients, from 0.93 to 0.97 results.*
for interitem correlation coefficients and from 2.1 to 2.8 CMJ BJ AJ F1
for coefficients of variation. The highest between-subject
reliability was found for the newly constructed volleyball- SJ 0.85† 0.82† 0.77† 20.93
CMJ 0.89† 0.75† 20.95
specific tests (0.97 and 0.99 for Cronbach’s alpha, 0.94 and 0.97
BJ 0.77† 20.94
for interitem correlation). We observed no systematic differ- AJ 20.88
ences between the trials for any of the tests. ExplVar 3.41
The correlations between tests were high, ranging from PrpTotl 0.85
0.75 (SJ and AJ) up to 0.89 (CMJ and BJ). Factor analysis
*SJ = squat jump; CMJ = countermovement jump;
extracted one significant component (F1) with high corre- BJ = block jump; AJ = attack jump; ExplVar = explained
lations for all the applied tests. This component accounts for variance; PrpTotl = proportion of the total variance
86% of the common variance, meaning that only 14% of the explained; F1 = correlations of the variables with principal
component of the factor analysis.
variance among the tests cannot be explained by calculated †Significant correlation coefficients.
linear combination (F1). All these results indicated the high
validity of the applied tests for this subject sample (Table 2).

VOLUME 26 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2012 | 1535

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Volleyball Jumping Tests

TABLE 3. Differences in anthropometric measures and jumping variables between volleyball playing positions.*

Opposite (n = 15) Middle (n = 26) Libero (n = 11) Setter (n = 19) Receiver (n = 24)

BH (cm) 190.35 6 5.31†‡ 194.38 6 6.9†‡ 180.21 6 3.25§k{ 184.7 6 6.26§k 189.32 6 5.13†k
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BW (kg) 88.82 6 15.08† 89.31 6 7.9†‡ 76.65 6 10.68§k 80.47 6 8.78k 84.43 6 6.71
BMI (kgm22) 24.53 6 4.12 23.62 6 1.59 23.59 6 3.16 23.57 6 2.16 23.54 6 1.43
SJ (cm) 39.33 6 4.48 38.69 6 5.09 40.49 6 6.54 37.2 6 4.1{ 41.88 6 5.57‡
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CMJ (cm) 43.21 6 4.91 43.63 6 4.84{ 46.00 6 4.52 42.27 6 4.23{ 46.55 6 5.01‡
BJ (cm) 48.19 6 6.35 47.42 6 5.66 50.9 6 4.61‡ 46.47 6 5.18† 49.87 6 5.44
AJ (cm) 64.25 6 7.3 61.84 6 7.23 60.81 6 3.52{ 61.16 6 6.89 66.06 6 6.94†
*BH = body height; BW = body weight; SJ = squat jump; CMJ = countermovement jump; BJ = block jump; AJ = attack jump;
BMI = body mass index.
†Significantly different from Libero.
‡Significantly different from Setter.
§Significantly different from Opposite.
kSignificantly different from Middle.
{Significantly different from Receiver.

DISCUSSION these studies involved physically active individuals instead of

high-level athletes. In our study, we focused on high-level
The CMJ data are similar to those previously reported for high-
level volleyball players (18), but the jumping abilities of our volleyball players, and therefore, high reliability for the
subjects are evidently far better than those reported in previous jumping tests was hard to be expected. In brief, the numerical
studies (17,24) for physically active and trained subjects values of the reliability coefficients rely on 2 descriptive
(20–25% greater for volleyball players). Our subjects achieved statistical parameters: the correlation between items (IIR)
the greatest heights in the AJ test (24, 31, and 40% higher than and the difference between single-item and overall (in this
for the BJ, CMJ and SJ tests, respectively). This finding can be case, 3-item) variance (CA and CV). When testing high-level
explained by the biomechanical characteristics of the AJ. In athletes in a specific sport for characteristic sport-specific
this jump, a multistep approach results in additional achievement measures (e.g., jumping performance in volley-
acceleration during the bounce drop jump (i.e., the eccentric ball), less single-item variance should be expected (21). This
contraction) through an intensive stretch-shortening cycle lower variance leads to (a) lower numerical values for the
that is effectively transformed into concentric vertical jumping correlation coefficients (i.e., small differences between the
performance (13). However, we believe that such superior results for different test items are statistically penalized) and
results on AJ tests should be expected only for experienced (b) a higher possibility that the single-item variance and the
athletes who are able to use all the muscular capacities relevant overall variance will differ significantly, which will conse-
to this sport-specific jumping technique (e.g., high-level quently decrease the CA and CV values. In view of these
volleyball and handball players). The BJ test results are considerations, we judge the reliability coefficients found in
approximately 9% higher than the results for the CMJ test our study to be very high. We found no significant differences
(in our case, the CMJ was performed without an arm swing, between trials of the jumping test procedures, which accords
and the BJ was performed as a CMJ with a partial arm swing). with the findings of previous studies in which participant
Interestingly, previous studies noted a larger difference familiarity with the jumps has not been discussed in relation
between vertical jumps performed with and without arm to tests of jumping performance (9). However, we must note
swing. When comparing the CMJ with and without an arm that we sampled high-level athletes; thus, their specific motor
swing, Slinde et al. (24) found a 14% difference for both men knowledge of the types of jumps that we tested should be
and women. In addition, a 13% difference was found in the considered high and stable. Additionally, the participants
Abalakov jumping test (17). We consider it probable that the were instructed to adhere to their usual routine when
limited arm swing performed during a BJ led to the relatively performing a BJ and an AJ, which almost certainly influenced
smaller difference between the BJ and the CMJ found in our the high stability of results. Because volleyball players are
investigation. specialized for certain positions, we hypothesized that our
The CMJ and SJ tests have been used extensively, and there tests might identify 2 separate factors for jumping perfor-
have been a number of studies that have checked their mance. However, this was not the case. In fact, the results of
reliability (2,12,17,24). However, the CMJ and BJ tests are the correlation analysis indicate that the volleyball-specific
standard rather than sport-specific jumping tests, and most of tests are highly intercorrelated (Table 2). Generally, the test
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intercorrelations are notably higher than those previously results in the jumping tests that we conducted and allows
noted for nonvolleyball-specific tests. Furthermore, our them to achieve a superior performance at the net. In light of
factorial validity supports the findings of previous studies the relatively greater BH of MIDDLE players in comparison
in which researchers performed factor analyses and identified with that of LIBEROs and SETTERs, one should also
a single latent dimension for explosive power in well-trained observe the jumping performance of the OPPOSITE players.
male subjects (17). At this time, we are not positing any The relative inferiority of the SETTERs in the jumping
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ranking between the tests with regard to their factorial performance is not surprising because this playing position is
validity. Because of the high correlations between tests and known to be relatively more ‘‘tactical’’ than ‘‘physical’’ in
the extracted latent dimension, any such interpretation volleyball.
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would be partially speculative. Most of the previous studies that have dealt with the
Our results showed significant differences between playing physical capacities of volleyball players have studied female
positions with respect to anthropometric measures and and junior volleyball athletes (6–8,11) and have rarely
jumping abilities, which will be discussed in parallel. In identified .3 playing positions (e.g., MIDDLE, SETTER,
general, RECEIVERs are superior in most of their jumping and OUTSIDE [23]). In one of the rare studies that studied
capacities, but these findings should not be oversimplified. 5 playing positions with respect to jumping ability, Marques
Although better in jumping performance, RECEIVERs do et al. (18) found no significant differences between positions
not jump frequently during game play because of their lower in their CMJ performance. However, the numerical differ-
BH (in comparison with other teammates) and because of ences between playing positions for the CMJ in their study
their tactical position in the game (relatively far from the net). were almost identical to those we have reported here. It is
However, it is generally accepted that RECEIVERs are likely that the number of subjects (95 subjects in this study vs.
technically the most advanced of all players and must 35 subjects in Marques et al.) should be regarded as
participate in diverse tactical situations during game play. It is a significant factor in investigations that deal with positional
possible that such diversity in their training stimuli partially differences in team sports.
explains their dominance of the jumping tests that we studied.
In short, the different actions that they are involved in during PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
games and training sessions ensure a wide range of training Based on the results studied and discussed, we emphasize
stimuli, which allows RECEIVERS to develop superior 2 groups of important practical considerations.
physical capacities to their teammates. Our finding accords First, this study found that all the test procedures showed
with the findings of previous studies in which authors have high reliability and validity. Additionally, the subjects
demonstrated the superiority of RECEIVERs in the parallel involved in this investigation (i.e., high-level volleyball
squat (lower body strength), although differences for CMJ in players) were highly consistent in their sport-specific jumping
their study did not reach statistical significance (18) (see text tests (i.e., AJ and BJ) and in the standard jumping tests
given later for more details). The relationship between BH (i.e., CMJ and SJ). Generally, the newly constructed tests
and muscle mass is generally curvilinear and not linear. Much (AJs and BJs) showed a relatively higher between-subject
the same explanation can be offered when addressing reliability than did the standard tests (CMJs and SJs).
LIBEROs’ jumping capacities (note that LIBEROs are the However, the differences in reliability parameters between
second most successful of all playing positions studied behind the tests of standard jumping procedures and the tests of
RECEIVERs). Because LIBEROs are the shortest of all the volleyball-specific jumping procedures were very small.
groups, their jumping reach height is insufficient for Therefore, we conclude that these newly constructed
a successful jumping performance in a volleyball game. volleyball-specific tests, which simulate real-game situations
However, their BH is probably one of the most important of defense and attack, captured appropriate metric character-
reasons for their advancement in jumping tests. Previous istics and should be used to test volleyball athletes for sport-
studies of volleyball players (22) have found that the ‘‘best’’ specific jumping abilities in the future.
and the ‘‘worst’’ CMJ performers differ significantly in their Second, the data presented for the different playing
BH (e.g., the ‘‘best performers’’ are significantly shorter), positions should be observed as the numerical norms and
which could be explained by the fact that the relationship achievement standards for the tests we have studied herein.
between BH and muscle mass is generally curvilinear and not They should be used in 2 separate ways. First, they should be
linear (21) (e.g., the development of the muscle tissue as used as orientation values that will allow coaches to compare
a generator of force does not linearly follow advancement in the achieved results of their players with the results presented
BH among adults). However, in volleyball, all previously here and to emphasize the need for specific training. This
discussed should be judged by emphasizing the differences in comparison will allow strength and conditioning specialists to
BH and the correlated arm length and reach height design appropriate training programs aimed at improving the
differences (14). More precisely, MIDDLE players are by specific jumping abilities of athletes at different positions,
far the most advanced in their body length dimensions (see keeping in mind their morphological features (e.g., BH and
BH results), which certainly makes up for their average BW). Finally, using the results presented here, volleyball

VOLUME 26 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2012 | 1537

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