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1. Module Name: Nutritional needs for ageing population and nutritional status assessment

2. General objective: Understand the nutritional needs for aging population

3. Specific objectives:
- Understand the nutritional needs of aging population and their differences compared to
adults’ nutritional needs
- Know how to establish the nutritional needs of the elderly in practice, according to the EU
dietary guidelines
- Learn how each micro- and macro-nutrient contributes to satisfy the nutritional needs of
aging population

4. Contents:
− Nutritional needs for aging population in theory
− Nutritional needs for aging population in practice

5. Description of the activity:

a. Name of the activity: Nutritional needs for aging population: Mr. Smith’s case study

b. Type of activity (it is recommended to choose Theoretical-practical):

− Theoretical-practical
− On-site-online

c. Material and support for the activity:

− For the theoretical part: Module 2 - paragraph 4
− For the practical activity, read the case study and answer the questions below:

Mr. Smith is a 68-year-old man who does not practice any kind of physical activity. He
is 1.68 meters tall and his weight is 57 kg.


• Calculate Mr. Smith’s BMI. Then integrate the value obtained with further
• Calculate Mr. Smith’s energy needs
• Elaborate a nutritional plan to answer to Mr. Smith’s energy needs, involving
all micro- and macro- nutrients categories

d. Timing of the activity:

− Beginning of the activity: 5 minutes to explain the objectives of the activity,
explaining what we are going to do in the session and how we are going to
do it
− Theoretical explanation of the content: 20 minutes. The nutritional needs
for ageing population and the related methodologies are explained to
− Carrying out the activity: 20 minutes. Trainees will have to complete the
case study proposed in point 5c, answering the questions reported below
the case study. This is an activity where theoretical knowledge is put into
practice. It is that the students can analyze, reflect, discuss problems that
allow them to train in the search for solutions
− Closing of the activity - Conclusions: 15 minutes. In this phase, trainees
share the results obtained and reflect in group about the conclusions and
outcomes of the activity

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