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My top 10 most practical & powerful exercises

to rapidly shift you out of

scarcity mindset
Break up with scarcity

Hello Awesome Lady,

Good on you for making moves to create more abundance in your life!

If you often find yourself thinking I don't have enough, time, money or confidence,
you are in the right place.

Shifting out of scarcity mindset into an abundant mindset is 100% learnable.

You don't have to settle for not feeling 'enough'.

I get it- our brain can be pretty convincing and easily find evidence for everything
we don't have and lack.

This is scarcity mindset.

If this is you, nothing has gone wrong here. We are surrounded by scarcity
messaging everyday in advertising, the media and from well meaning members of
our family and community. 'We can't afford it' or 'money doesn't grow on trees' are
phrases that you have no doubt heard before.

We hear this messaging so often we believe it to be true.

We don't have power to change what we are unaware of. Hence, the first step to
shifting out of scarcity mindset is simply to create awareness of it.

Notice where it shows up in your life and start taking proactive steps to shift out of

In the following pages I have included the top 10 most practical & powerful
exercises I know to shift you out of scarcity mindset and into living an
abundant life.

Let's get you on your way to cultivating abundance in your life today.

Big Love

Me aghan xx 01
What is scarcity mindset?
Scarcity mindset has many names- 'not enough' mentality, lack, insufficient and
inadequate to name a few. Whatever you want to call it is up to you.

Scarcity mindset is a state of being.

It is formed by the way we think. It is often associated with money but can show up
in all areas of our life.

Scarcity mindset is when you believe you don't have enough or there is not enough
for everyone. When you are in scarcity mindset you are focussed on what you don't
have. You think more is better. You desire more, out of the perceived notion that
you don't already have enough.

This doesn't mean you can't create or desire more in your life, it just means when you
are trying to create more out of a scarcity mindset you will never be satisfied
because scarcity isn't a quantifiable amount it is a state of mind.

That is why one person can have $10000 dollars and feel rich while another can feel
stressed and believe it is not enough. It is not the amount of money but what you
believe about it.

How do you know you are in scarcity mindset?

The most common indicator is, if you find yourself thinking I don't have enough.
This could be about money, time or your self concept. For example you might
believe or find yourself saying things like 'I don't have enough time', 'I'm not good
enough', 'smart enough', 'confident enough', 'skinny enough', 'rich enough', you fill in
the blank.

If you are in scarcity mindset there is nothing wrong with you.

We are bombarded with messaging in advertising everyday that tells us more is

better and we need 'X, Y, Z,' product to be happier, thinner, richer, more confident
The important point is to know how to recognise when you are in scarcity
mindset as you cannot have power to change what you are unaware of. 02
How can you shift out of scarcity mindset?

There are many exercises you can do to help shift you out of scarcity mindset but the
first and most important point is to simply get curious about your thinking and
behaviour. Be willing to look at how you think and examine your thoughts. You
cannot have power to change what you are unaware of.

Once you have awareness of your thinking you are in the position to decide on
purpose what is working for you and what you want to change.

From this place you can put your attention on what you want that you already
have and decide on purpose what you want to create more of.

How to get the most out of this toolkit

There is no 'one' way or 'right' way to shift out of scarcity thinking.

Nobody benefits from you being in scarcity thinking, least of all you!

Abundance means there is more than enough for everyone . When you are in an
abundant mindset everyone benefits.

I encourage you to try the exercises in this toolkit. These exercises are to be used
FOR you , not AGAINST you.

With that in mind, take what works for you and leave what doesn't.

Feel free to tweak any of the exercises to suit you. 03
#1 'I have more than enough for today'

Your thoughts creates the results in your life.

If you think you don't have enough money, sure enough that is what you will create
in your life.

So why can't you just think 'I have more than enough money' and have enough?

Well, you can.....

The catch is you have to believe your thought.

If the thought 'I have more than enough money' is not believable to you, can you
think and truly believe 'I have more than enough money for today' ?

If you can practise this thought and believe it, it will shift you out of the scarcity
thought 'I don't have enough'.

Believing you have more than enough money for today is abundant thinking!

If you can practise and believe that thought, then you can expand and build on it to
'I have more than enough money for this week' or this month or this year or just
simply ' I have more than enough money!'

Here are some ways you can practise changing how you think:

Every day write down the thought 'I have more than enough money for today'.
Put a reminder in your phone.
Take your time to feel how that thought feels in your body.
Actively look for and collect evidence that support this new thought. 04
#2 Ten ways I can love my..... [money/ business/ body/
Abundance is the energy of generosity and LOVE.

Scarcity is the energy of not enough, fear & criticism.

You attract more of what you focus on.

If you are going to focus on something intentionally why not choose LOVE?

Get a notepad & pen

Write a list of 10 ways you can love your money.

Here are some questions to help you get started.

How would you treat your money if you were coming from a place of LOVE?

Would you be a good custodian of it?

What would having a positive relationship with your money look like?

Would you actively pay attention to it and care for it?

What would you spend your money on intentionally?

Would you speak about it in a positive way?

This same exercise can be done for your business , yourself , your body or what ever
else you want to create an abundant loving relationship with. 05
#3 Attitude for GRATITUDE

Get a notepad & pen

Write down at least 3 things you are grateful for.

Do this everyday for a month or the rest of your life and reap the benefits.

Nurturing a daily gratitude practice is the secret sauce, key to the universe.

It's pretty hard to be in scarcity mindset when you are basking in all the glorious
gratitude of what you have in your life.

There are no rules for how to do a gratitude practice.

here are some prompts if you need them.

I'm grateful for...

I'm so glad I have [ x ] in my life.

I appreciate.....

I simple love and adore......

I love the way....

I am filled with thanks for.....

I'm so blessed that.....

Thank you for... 06
#4 I WANT and I already HAVE

Often when you want and desire something it comes from a place of not already
having it i.e. a place of scarcity.

I want more money because I think I don't have enough.

I want to lose weight because I'm not thin enough.

Nothing wrong with wanting something.

But let's get you creating what you want from a place of already having i.e. a place
of abundance.

Get a notepad & pen

Write a list of 25 things that you want , that you ALREADY HAVE.

For example:
I want 2 healthy daughters & I already have 2 healthy daughters
I want to work for myself and I already do work for myself
I want a Subaru Forester and I already have a Subaru Forester

This exercise is designed to shift you into the energy of sufficiency (of already
having) and out of insufficiency (not having).

It is a lot easier to create more when you feel like you already have. 07
#5 1% is enough
Just do the thing. 1% is enough.

Want to start saving? Saving 1% of your income is enough!

Want to save $1000 a month? But it feels impossible.

What if you just started by saving $10.

Now I know your brain is going to have a fit and say that is not enough but what if
the amount was not the important part?

What if the important part was that you were developing a habit to create
something you want.

What if you meet yourself where you actually are, and helped yourself every step of
the way?

Not saving $10 because it doesn't feel like enough is scarcity thinking.

So often we dismiss doing things because we deem it as not enough.

There is no point exercising if it's just 5 minutes.

There is no point saving if it's just $10.

This is all or nothing thinking.

We think we have to commit to saving $1000 a month or we do nothing.

We think we have to commit to exercise 5 days a week or do nothing.

This is scarcity.

Just start.
Do the thing.
1% is enough.

You can always increase later. 08
#6 I love me

Loving yourself is the secret sauce, key to the universe.

If you are in I'm not good enough mentality and don't love yourself HARD. I mean
really love the sh*t out of yourself and appreciate YOU, this will block you from
receiving and experiencing abundance in your life.

You can't beat yourself up and be unappreciative of yourself, and expect to create
abundance. When you don't feel good enough you don't attract what you want
because you don't believe you deserve it.

Loving yourself looks different to the individual person.

Grab a pen and paper

Brainstorm every possible idea about what loving YOU looks like.
Then do that.

You will soon work out what feels like 'mean girl' energy and what feels like love

Loving yourself is the ultimate doorway to abundance.

Because when you love yourself you are sending a message to yourself and the world
that you are enough.

When you feel like you are enough and believe it- this is true abundance. 09
#7 Let Go

You can't create a new result in your life if you keep doing the same thing.

Something has to change.

Letting go of physical items is more than just having an 'on trend' minimalist look

It's about saying thank you and goodbye to the past.

It's about letting go of the old to make room for the new.

It's about being in the energy of 'I have enough' .

It also literally declutters the space around you.

Sometimes the hardest part about moving forward with our life is letting go of who
we are today to become the woman we want to be tomorrow.

Are you hanging on to items because you might need them some day?

Likewise, are you hanging on to old ideas and beliefs about yourself that are not
serving you anymore?

Be willing to let it go.

If you knew you could create whatever you wanted, would you be concerned about
letting go of what you have now?

Be honest with yourself.

Hanging onto 'stuff' out of fear of not being able to create more is a sure sign of
scarcity mindset.

You don't have to clear out everything at once. Start small. A desk drawer, that
cupboard in the spare room- just make a commitment to clear out the old to let the
new in. 10
#8 Own your money authority

You are 100% responsible for how much money you have and how you manage

Money doesn't slip through your fingers.

You are the spender of your money.

Likewise that new client you just signed or that raise you got is not by chance or

You are the creator of that money.

If you spend more than you make this is not an opportunity to beat yourself up this
is an opportunity to take authority over the money you have in your life.

When you take complete ownership and own your money authority you
empower yourself to create more!

Tip: Words and thoughts are powerful.

Avoid saying 'I can't afford it' . This is a disempowering thought and comes from
scarcity mindset.

Rather, try saying 'I'm choosing to spend my money on something else' . This puts
you in the driver's seat. You are directing the flow of money in your life. 11
#9 Money Actions & Money Feelings
Be willing to look at how you think and examine your actions and feelings towards

You cannot have power to change what you are unaware of.

Once you have awareness of your actions and feelings about money, you are in the
position to intentionally keep what is working for you and change what is not.

This exercise is not about judging yourself. It is an awareness exercise to decide and
keep what actions & feelings about money that are abundant and serving you.
And let go of what actions & feelings are not serving you.

1. Grab a pen & paper

2. Get curious
You can do this exercise in one sitting or observe what you do and feel over a week.

3. Write down all the actions you take with money

For example
Do you pay your bills on time or late?
Do you have debt?
Do offer to pay when out with friends?
Do you save money?
Do you spend all your money?
Do you invest it?

4. Write down all the feelings or ways you are being with money
For example
Are you generous or tight with your money?
Do you worry about money?
Do you feel shame about having it or not having it?
Do you keep your money secret?
Are you embarrassed to talk about money?
Do you feel guilty for having it or spending it?
How do you feel about debt?

5. Decide on the actions and feelings you like and want to keep.
6. Decide on the actions and feelings you want to let go of and make a plan to
change. 12
#10 Be Open Receive

Can you accept a compliment?

Will you accept a gift?
When someone offers to pay for you, can you accept?

Will you ask for help? Or accept help when it is offered?

If you answered no to any of these questions are you willing to to get curious about
it and ask yourself why?

Abundance mindset is a state of being that means there is enough for everyone.
That includes you!

Scarcity mindset is a state of being that means there is not enough for everyone.

It's all very well to want more abundance in your life but you have to ask yourself if
you are actually open to receive it!

If you feel uncomfortable receiving from others, there is nothing wrong with you, it's
just an invitation to get curious and ask why?

Do you like your answer?

If not, it's okay and safe to change.

Hot tip: It may sound counter intuitive but being open to receiving can be an act of
abundance from you to the giver.

It can be equally empowering to be the receiver as well as the giver.

There is a power in letting other people help you. It feels good to help others, so let
others help you. Let them have that experience, by being willing to receive from
them. 13
Work with Meaghan

Meaghan Jean Smith

is a Money Mindset & Life Coach
who helps women shift from feeling
stuck in ‘not enough’ mentality
and at the effect of their life
to being unapologetically themselves

and creating the extraordinary life

they want to live on purpose.

Meaghan is a certified Weight & Life

Coach through The Life Coach School,
who has worked with clients in
Australia, the US and Europe.

She is the host of the Money Mindful podcast with over 1700 subscribers and 60000
downloads, and a regular contributor to the Pay it Forward Life Coach University.

Meaghan lives in Sydney, Australia with her partner, two daughters and whippet.

She can usually be found snuggled up with her dog on the couch knitting or bush
walking with her family.

Want to up level your self belief, confidence and money mindset?

Transform your relationship with yourself & money.
Break up with ‘not enough’ mentality.
Learn to love yourself like your life depends on it and show up in all your
glorious enough-ness.

Enough Confidence
Enough Time
Enough Money

Meaghan runs a 6 month, in-depth, 1:1 coaching program with everything you
need to up level your self-belief, confidence, money mindset & get sh*t done!
Book a complimentary consultation at to talk with
Meaghan. 14

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