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Word Choice
Word Choice

Word choice is related with choosing the correct or right

Word Choice

Good word choice uses vocabulary and language to

create clear mood, image of the written work.
Principles of Word Choice

a. Choosing the understandable words

b. Using specific or precise words
c. Choosing strong words
d. Emphasizing positive words
e. Avoiding overused words
Consideration to choose the right

1. Meaning
2. Specificity
3. Audience
4. Style

Word can be denotative and connotative meaning.

Denotative refers the meaning in dictionary; while connotative
refers to how the word is being used in context.

1. Will you lend me a sharp pencil ? (denotative)
2. She is a sharp student. (connotative)

1. His new bag is blue.

2. The girl is very blue.

The writer not only should use words in correct of meaning,

but also specific in description.

The words should be concrete rather than abstract to create

a powerful writing in certain types of writing.
Abstract words are suitable for poetry or fiction.

Words should be chosen for the right audience; for example

choosing the words which suitable for young adult for young
adult reader.
Style in writing refers to the way writer writes. It shows the
technique what the author uses in his/her writing.
Types of Style
1. Argumentative style
It aims to tell the reader about a specific object and the writer
gives his/her opinion about the topic in the end.
Types of Style
2. Descriptive style
In this type, the writer describes an event, character, object,
or place in detail,
Types of Style
3. Persuasive style
The writer gives reason to make the readers believe with what
he/she states in the written work. This style aims to persuade
and convince the reader about his/her point of view.
Types of Style
4. Narrative style
It is the type when the writer tells a story. It can be short
stories, novels, poetry or biography.
Analyze the following paragraph
based on the meaning, specificity,
audience and style
I had a scary experience driving home from work last week. I was
driving on Market Street in rush-hour traffic, and I could see that
the driver of the car in front of me was talking on his cell phone.
One of his hand was holding his phone, and the other was holding
the steering wheel. I could see that the traffic light in from him
was turning red, but he didn’t see. As he drove through the
intersection, a truck hit his car on the passenger side. Luckily, no
one was seriously injured in this accident, but both the car and the
truck were badly damaged. In short, even though I wasn’t directly
involved in the accident, it was still frightening.

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