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Japanese Architectural Standard Shecification JASS 6 (2007 Structural Steelwork Shecification for Building Construction Established 1963, Revised 2007 Architectural Institute of Japan ez by archiver ati of aan ‘Alright ters, No part ofthis beakemay be repoliced nay fem ory 09 ans, wut 5.262, Shibo, Mino, Tekyo, Spon Peps, 2012 PREFACE Seventh Edition , 2007 ‘The first English language version of the Japanese Architectural Standard Specification, JASS 6, was published in 1993, based upon the Fifth Edition of the specification. After the JASS 6, Sixth Edition was published, a booklet in English was published to sumauarize the revisions made in that edition, In 2007, the Seventh Edition was published and at that time it was also decided to publish the second English language version of JASS 6, ‘The structural see! materi grade SN defined by the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) first appeared in the Sixth Edition. Inthe Seventh Edition, new technical information, uch as the results of damage investigations and research following the Kobe Earthquake of January 17, 1995 was included in both JIS standards and JASS 6 In this Seventh Edition, the following major revisions are made: 1. Terms of quality management comply with TIS Q 9000:2000, which isthe equivalent ofthe 180 standard, 2. Fabrication methods for connections are now defined based upon investigation and research and control methods for tightening high strength bolts have been revised. 3. Robotic welding is now included. 4. For galvanizing, new investigations and research has resulted in the addition of new requirements related to cracking and welding. JASS 6 is a standard specification for contracts and no commentary is ‘Technicsl Guideline of Structural Steelwork includes a commentary and tecncal information {or JASS 6, however, an English version has not been published, ‘In Japan, most structural see] work complies with JASS 6, and when foreign contractors ‘work in. Japan we hope that this Specification will asist with their understanding and we trust that it willbe a positive reference for their work. “The Commitee of JASS6 English 2* version acknowledges the coneibutions mde to this ‘Specification by the following individuals; Ian D. Aiken, Cameron J. Black, June, 2012 Architestual Institute of Japan PREFACE Fifth Edition , 1993, JASS stands for the Japanese Architectural Standard Specification, established by the Architectural Institute of Japan, Currently itis published in 28 separate volumes, being divided according to type of work. Jass6, which means volume 6 of JASS, covers structural steelwork for building construction. Ever since the fist edition was issued in 1953, it has served as guideline toward assuring quality of buildings and workmanship by maintaining the standard of building construction methods. ‘The purpose of establishing a standard specification for construction work is to formulate an ppropriste constuction standard for improving the quality of buildings and rationalizing execution procedures. While compiling the specifieations into a system, the following points were taken into consideration ‘The specification is not intended to restrict nor regulate architectural design and cnginering work, but what can be standardized without any problem were as much as possible, so as to ensure 2 minimum standard of building construction workmanship. '. Recent trends in construction techniques have been to concentrate on narrower specializations. Therefore th Specification was formulated with the close co-operation of ‘ number of construction techniques and specialist, Attempt was made to maintain the organic connections among a variety of technical fields, as well as (o introduce various specialized techniques to construction practoes by means of Specification Tn order to keep up with the progres in technical research and in advances in materials, results obtained by studies were diretly linked to practical use, so that such results may be incorporated into the specification as soon as practical and thereby ensure up-to-date construction technology, Since the release ofthe first edition, 2 number of new materials and fabrication methods have been developed. Wit this as @ background, the Specification has been revised several ‘times, but the purpose has maintained unchanged, Ths issue isthe first English version based on the 1993 edition, Although JASS is not a building code as such, itis treted similarly to a building code, indicating how construction work should be carried out, I would not be an overstetement to say that most of the building construction in Japan today is earied out in accordance with JASS. Where special expression is necessary, requirement are expressed as in accordance with the Special Not” In order to make this Specification applicable to individual construction, the Special Notes have to be formulized, Section 13, which contains all of the Spectal Notes from Section 1 through Section 12, i provided fortis purpose. tis with greatest pleasure that this English version of JASS 6 is presented. It is hoped that this will assist foreigners inthe understinding of structuel steelwork fr building construction jn Japan. Wherever the meaning of this English translation is ambiguous or in contradiction with the original Jepanese text, readers are advised to rofer the original text of the Specification, {AJ expresses sincorest gratitude tothe Kozai Club, Japan Stee-tib Fabricators Assocation and Japan Stool Constructors Association for the financial assist for editing of the English December, 1993 Architectural Institute of Japan LIST OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Research Committee on Building Materials and Procedure Chaieman Kenji Motohashi Secretaries Naoyuki Kosbiishi _Puritoshi Sakuramoto Members (Omitted) Sub-committee of Steel Work | Chairman Tsuyoshi Tanaka Secretaries Shinichi Sakamoto Shinji Matsushita Members Yasuo Ichinohe Hisayuki Okada Tounaski Kamihira Hideo Kobayashi Yasuo Shoji Keiichiro Suita | Syoichi Takano Isao Nishiyama Yukihiro Harada ‘Yuka Matsumoto enzo Morioks ‘Touyoshi Yamada Kazunobu Yokote ‘Working Group for Editing English Version of JASS 6 Chairwan —_Hisayuki Okada Sceretary Masanori Mori Members _‘Kikuo Tkarashi Isao Kimura (Yuldhiro Harada) Shinji Matsushita Kou Matoba ‘Tomohise Yamada (indicates old members Mitsuaka Hayakawa, Yasuo Kagami ‘Toor Shima Reiichi Suzuki ‘Kiyoshi Hatanaka Masanori Meri ‘Temobisa Yamada Ryoichi Haneishi ‘Yuka Matsumoto LIST OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS Seventh Edition , 2007 Research Committee on Bullding Materials and Procedure Chairman Kyoji Tanaka Secretaties Minoru Nakeyera Kenji Motohashi Members Omitted) Sub-committee of Steel Work. CCheirman ——- Mototsugu Tabuchi Secretaries Hisayuki Okada Members (Keautomo Aoyagi) Tetsuro Ono Isa0 Kobza Toor Shima Osamu Kiyono Toshiyuki Tanaka ‘Tadao Nakagomi ‘Toshiyuki Hashida (Shinichi Hayama) ‘Masanori Moti (indicates old members Yoshihiro Masuda Kelichiro Suita Masaki Arashiyama Mitsogu Kursmochi ‘Tomonori Komaki Kazushi Shirakawa ‘Yasuhisa Tagawa Ichiro Chishiro Keiichi Nishio Alsuhide Hashimoto (Tadashi Hori) ‘Tomohise Yamada Tamu Matsui ao Tauyama Toshitsugn Inosako (Tsuyoshi Kurokawa) ‘Teruo Kondo Reiichi Suzuki ‘Tsuyoshi Tanaka Saburo Terskado Isto Nishiyama (Minoru Hirota) Shinji Matsushita Tetsuya Yoshimura LIST OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS Fifth Edition , 1993 Research Commitee on Building Materials and Procedure Chainnan ——_-Katsuro Kamimura Secretaries Akio Babs ‘Sunao Nakane Members (Omited) / ‘Sub-committee of Steel Work Chaicman Athi Heshimoto Seeetaries Kerk Moriya Tatsvo Yamashita Members _‘Hirofuni Aoki ‘Takeshi Amma Kimio Hamano Mibu zum Manors Kimura Teruo Kondo Kamina Kosida Takashi Makishi Shit Matsushita i ‘Tetsuro Matabare —‘Moriyuki Matsuoka Hiroko Matsuzaki | TTomeaki Miyano asinoti Msi Koji Morita | ‘Tadno Nakagomi Masayuki Okarmtsu —Masasi shims ‘Toyokaau Shimizu Masta Suko YYostisé Tagok Atsuo Taran Saburo Terakado Wires Truman i Iwao Tauyema Kiyoshi Uno ‘Yoshitaka Yabe ‘Working Group for Editing English Version of JASS 6 CChimman —Atsbide Hashimoto Secretaries KezunoriKashida uo Tanaka Members Tomom Goto Tense Kondo “Takashi Mash Wirohiko Matsuzaki Stochi Nishimura_Katsuo Ogun Hiroshi Onoe Masaki Takabashi Saburo Terakado Japanese Architectural Standard Specification JASS 6 (2007) CONTENTS Section 1 General Provisions 1.1 Scope of Application and Principle ~~ 1.2.Glossary 1.3 General: Section 2 Quality Management 211 Principle of Quality Management 2.2 Quality Management by General Contractor 2.3 Quality Management by Fabricator 24 Construction at site Section 3 Materials 3.1 Stool Products 3.2 High Strength Bolts, Bolts, Headed Studs end Turnbucktes 3.3 Welding Materials: 3.4 Maal Test nd Welty Test = 3.5 Purehase, Receiving and Storage of Materials Seetion 4 Fabrication 4.1 Shop Drawings and Full-size Drawings 42 Steel Measuring Tape 43 Calibration of Length of Measuring Tapes 44 Sena of Se Product afer Cating 4.5 Macking 46 Cutting and Machining 4.7 Bevellng 4.8 Scallops 49 Drilling Poge 12 3 15 aac} LIST OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS Japanese Architectural Standard Specification Fifth Edition , 1993 JASS 6 (2007) Rescarch Commitee on Building Materials and Procedure CONTE! Chairman Katsu Kamimura Secretaries Akio Baba Sunzo Nakane Members (Omited) Section 1 General Provisions Page 1.1 Scope of Applietion and Principle : 1 1.2 Glossary : 1 ‘Sub-committee of Steel Work 13 Genera . 7 Chairman Atshide Hashimoto Secretaries Kazuhiko Moriya Tatsuo Yamashita Section 2 Quality Management Members Hirofumi Aoki ‘Takeshi Azuma, Kimio Hamano 2.1 Principe of Quality Management 9 | Mitsu ium ‘Mamoru Kimura Tervo Kondo 2.2 Quality Management by General Contractor 9 Kazunori Koshide Takashi Makshi Shinji Matsushita 2.3 Quality Management by Fabricetor: 5 Tetsuro Matsubara Moriyuki Matsuoka ‘Hirohiko Matsuzaki 2.4 Construction at site if ‘Tomoaki Miyano Masenori Mori Koji Morita ‘Tadao Nakagomi Masayuki Okamatsu-Masuaki Oshima Section 3 Materials ‘Toyokszu Shimiay Masaaki Suko Yoshiaki Tagolet 3. Stel Produess ‘Atsuo Tanaka SeburoTerokado ——HinoshiTerumuma 5.2 High Strength Bolts, Bolts, Headed Sts and Turbuckles weo Tsuyoma Kiyoshi Uruno ‘Yoshitaka Yabe 53.3 Welding Materias----= 3:4 Mater Test nd Welty Tes = 3.5 Purchase, Receiving and Storage of Materia~ 16 ‘Working Group for Editing English Version of JASS 6 | CChaimman —_Atsuhide Hashimoto Section 4 Fabrication Seoroares Kazunori Koshida_Atuo Tanaka | 4.1 Shop Drawings and Fullsize Drawings ” Members Tomom Goto Teruo Kondo “Takashi Makishi 4.2Stel Measuring Tape irobiko Matsuzaki Shoichi Nishimura Katsuo Oguni 43 Calibration of Length of Measuring Tapes sn Hiroe Onoe Masaaki Toksheshi Saburo Terakado | 44 Kdenitcation of Stel Produts after Catng 18 145 Metking =~ sn 18 4.6. Cuting end Machining ss 18 4.7 Bevellng = nn 19 48 Scallops 19 4.9 Drilling au 4.10 Friction Surfaces vs 4.11 Stnightening of Distortion 4.12 Bending 4.13 Assembly 4.14 Temporary Assembly 4.15 Attachment Parts 4.16 Ping and Rollers 4.17 Maintenance and inspection of Equipment: 4.18 Safety and Hygiene Section 5 Welding 5.1 Scope of Application 5.2 Appraval of Welding Procedures 5.3 Welding Engin 5:4 Welder nd Welding Operate 53.5 Welding Consumables ‘5.6 Confirmation of Joint Preperation end Cleaning of Base Metal 5.7 General Conditions for Welding Work 5.8 Complete Joint Penetration Welds 5.9 Fillet Welds~ . 5.10 Partial Joint Penetration Welds» 5.1] Blectroslag Welds 5.12 Stud Welding 5.13 Acceptance Inspection of Welds 5.14 Repair of Welds =» Section 6 High Strength Bolt Fastening 6.1 High Strength Bolts 6.2 Handling of High Strength Bots 63 Assembly of Connection 6.4 Tightening of High Stength Bolts 6.5 Coniiemation of Tightening Method 6.6 Inspection after Tightening: ‘Seetion 7 Hexagon Bolt Fastening 711 Hexagon Bolts 1.2 Assembling of Connection and Bolt Tightening 2 2 23 23 25 25 25 26 26 a 2 a7 28 29 23 29 22 33 34 34 35 “35 “39 4) 43 43 44 48 49 82 53 173 Inspection after Tightening ‘Soetion 8 Anticorrosive Paint 8.1 Scope of Application == 8.2 Paint and Painting Method 83 Inspection and Repei Section 9 Inspection and Delivery of Produets 9.1 Inspection of Products 9.2 Somting of Products 9.3 Transportation Plan and Delivery =~ Section 10 Construction-ste Work. 10.1 Scope of Application 102 Plan and Management of Structural Stcelwork: 1033 Anchorage 10.4 Erection 10.5 Accuracy of Erection: 106 Site Joints 10,7 Steel Decks and Headed Sheu Studs 10.8 Welding Related to Other Work: Section 11 Fireproofing 1111 Scope and Performance of Fireproofing: 11.2 Maes and Matra of Freprooing 11. Inspection and Correction Section 12 Hot-dip Galvanizing 12.1 Type and Quality of Hot-dip Galvanizing 12.2 Members to be Galvanized 12.3 Galvanizing» 124 Comection, inspection and Repair of 126 Welding of Galvanized Members 12.7 Execution of Galvanized Structures ‘Seetion 13 Items of Special Notes: alvanized Members 125 Hotdip Galvanized High Strength Bot Fasting 53 85 55 38 7 % m Appendices 1 Procedure Qualification Test for Submerged Are Welding, 98 2 sn “ Deleted 3 Procedure Qualification Test for Electroslag Welding ~~ 9 4 Operator Qualification Test for Stud Welding vn 103 5 Preparation Stsndard for Complete and Partial Joint Penetration Welds-==-106 6 Inspection Standard for Accuracy of Structural Steel 14 Japanese Architectural Standard Specification JASS 6 (2007) Structural Steelwork Specification for Building Construction Section 1 General Provisions L1_Seope of Application and Prineiple 2. The Japanese Architectural Standard Specification JASS 6, hereinafter referred to as the Specification shall be applied, unless otherwise specified, to construction work in Japan in hic structural steel is used for the mai structural members of buildings or lber steuetures. However, pert of this Specification need not apply to structures deemed tobe insignificant as Cutline inthe special nates. General items common to constrction work shall comply with the provisions of YASS (General Common Items).Jn the ease where any provision of JASS 1 contradicts that of JASS 6, JASS 6 shall gover for structural steetwork, €. The provisions ofthis Specification shall gover, except for acts and standards that ate the basis of the Building Standard Law, which shall take precedence. The provisions of ether standards and acts referenced in this Specification shall have the same weight as this Specification, In application of this Specification, necessary items shall be determined in “Items of Special Notes” of Section 13. When necessary items are not specified, or doubts aise, a discussion shall be made with the Engineer in compliance with Section 14 “Doubt” of ASS 1 ‘The approval of the Engineer shall be requied for cases where design is based on special investigation and research and deviates fiom part or all of the requirements of the Specification 1.2 Glossary ‘Terms used throughout this Specification are defined inthis Glossary. Structural steel: 2 suse 2007 ‘Main structaral members of buildings and other structures using structural steel material, and may refer to steel during eecton/constuction or after completion of constriction. ‘Structural steelworks: All works related to fabrication and construction of structural tel ‘Structural stel product: Structural szel members whose fabrication has been completed at fabrication shop. Owner: ‘The party who awards the contrect fora projector the building construction. Designer: The Architect and/or Engineer responsible forthe preparation ofthe design documents Design document Design drawings and specifications including on-site explanatory notes of the work end the Question and Answer (Q & A) report for contracting ‘The Engineer: ‘The owner's designated representative or agent a¢ defined inthe “General Conditions of Construction Contract” by the General Conditions of Constrution Contract Commits, or the representative who has responsibilities as shown in Fig 1. General contractor: ‘Contractor mentioned ina constuction contract, or the nominated agent or representative ‘who has responsibilities, es shown in Fig. Ll Subcontractor: Specialist who performs a part ofthe structural steelworks, under contract with a general contractor. Fabricator: ‘A subcontractor to the general contactor, responsible for fabrication ofthe structural steel, ‘or part ofthe structural steelworks, as shown in Fig. 11 Contractors: Parties who undertake construction work, including the general contractor and the ‘abricaor. Fabrication sho Plant or location where stractral steel products ae fabricated ‘Quality managemet ‘Systems implemented for controling and managing each activity of the general contractor 1nd the fabricator with regard to the quality requirements ofthe structural steel in the design documents. Quality management includes: quality poliey, establishing the quality objectives), quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement. Section 1: Generel Provisions oo ue General ‘contractor Inspecoon este Fig. 1.1 Relationships and Responsibilities of Parties for Structural Steelworks 4 14836 207) Quatity control: Systems implemented to full the structural stcel quality requirements outlined in the design documents Qualty assurance: ‘Systems implemented to provide confidence to the Owner and the Engineer thatthe quality requirements for the structural steel in the design documents will be, and are, futile, Design quali Performance and specifications defined in the design documents identified by the Owner and the Designer asthe construction objective. Construction quali ‘Quality of constructed structural stzel focused on fulfilling the requirements ofthe design quality objective Instructo Written and/or verbal assignments tobe investigated, planned or executed and tems to be produced and constructed in necordance with the design documents, given by the Engineer to the general contractor and by the general contrator to the subeontactors).The person responsible for giving the instruction shall be responsible forthe content ofthe instruction The petson given the instrction is obligated to execute the content ofthe instruction or, if necessary, clearly report any deviation from the instruction to the appropriate person oF authority. Discussion: ‘Achievement ofa conclusion through talks between the Engineer, general contractor and subcontractors), with the general contracor providing to the Engineer, and the subcontractors) providing to the general contractor, contents of investigation and planning in accordance with design documents and instruction. Report: ‘The general contractor's information to the Engineer end the subcontractors" information to the general contractor, in the form of a report with contents in accordance with the requirements of the design documents and instructions, There are three (3) methods of report: (0 verbal, (i) submission of record cnificate, te, o (i) presentation. Approval ‘The provision ofthe Engineer's consent fr the contents ofa report and discussion by the Contractors(wiho have no contract with the Enginee). Acceptance: ‘The provision of the general contractor's consent for the contents of report and Aiseusion by the subcontractors (ho are under contract with the general contractor). Seton 1: General Provisions 5 Inspection: Investigation of compliance and the evaluation of sppropristeness of technique, skill, ‘material, equipment, means, conditions, quality of construction and volume of works ee. at cach step of construction, withthe contents of the design documeats, constuction drawings and construction plan developed by the general contactor and the subcontractors). Testing: Investigation of mechanical properties and weldability of material, soundness and ‘echnical properties ofthe weldment (using method of submerged arc welding and electro slag welding) and the skil of welders, ee, forthe purpose of inspection and confirmation. Joint survey: ‘Action of the Engineers following up in his presence, process and result of constuction work, testing, inspection and etc. to be executed by the genoral contractor and the subcontractor under their responsibilities. Receiving inspection: Inspection of fabricated structural steel product(s) performed by the general contactor in ‘order to accept reco of tho material Interim inspectio ‘On-going inspection of structural steel product(s) during the fabrication process performed by the general contractor. In-house inspection: Inspection independently executed by the Fabricator at each stage of fabrication. Purchased article: Industrial products such as stee! material, high-strength bolts, bolts, headed shear stds, turnbuckles, welding material, and paint matril ete. Te industrial product is manufactured ‘under standards and production management of each product and is one thatthe Fabricator, who fabricate, assembles and welds structural stel, cannot manufacture by his general capacity. Outsourced article: Fabricated product such as parts of structural steel which are fabricated by the middle fabricators under reasonable management of the fabricator. Parts of structural steel produced by other fabricator or the middle fabricator but nt by the Fabicatr in his general capacity Parehase inspectio Inchouse inspection by the Fabricator ofa purchased ancl, Inspeetion of outsourced arti Inchouse inspection by the Fabricator ofan outsourced atc Goods certified under TIS: ‘Anicle which the manufacturer guarantees under applicable JIS. Article which sign for 6 448s 6 (2007) 'ype (example: SN4ODB) is indicated on itself or its tag and which the certificate of standardized goods is ataches. Article approved by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism: ‘Article approved by the Minister of Land, Infastructore, Transporation and Tourism a8 8

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