Bradley Foundation: Ideas and Institutions, 2014

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Minutes of the meeting of the ldeas & lnstitutions Committee,
January 29,2014

A meeting of the ldeas & lnstitutions Committee of The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, lnc. was
held on Wednesday, January 29,2074 by teleconference. The following Committee members
participated: Robert George, chairman; George Will, vice-chairman; Thomas Smallwood; and Brother
Bob Smith. Foundation Chairman Terry Considine and Foundation President and CEO Michael Grebe
participated ex officio. Staff members joining the meeting were Dianne Sehler, Da niel Schmidt, Robert
Norton, and Dionne King.

Mr. Grebe called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. The minutes of the Committee meeting held on July
23, 2OL3 were unanimously approved.

Mrs. Sehler reported that the organizing theme of the 2015 Bradley Fellowship conference will be A
Century of Progressivism: An Evoluation. She then introduced the document setting forth contemplated
grant recommendations for 2OL4. Mr. Grebe noted that projections might be recalibrated, should
additional funds become available for program sectors during the course of the year.

The Committee discussed staff-recommended grant proposal requests appearing on the agenda and
organized by component: Higher Education; Basic and Applied Research; and Public Discourse.

ln response to questions by Directors, Mrs. Sehler commented on the National Association of Scholars,
the lntercollegiate Studies lnstitute, and the National Center for Policy Analysis.

The Committee approved a motion to recommend approval of staff-proposed declinations to the full
Board at its February 25,20'J,4 meeting.

Committee members unanimously approved that the following grant requests be recommended for
approval by the Board of Directors at its meeting on Februa ry 25,2OL4:

Higher Education s

Alexander Hamilton Society 50,000

Duke University 15,000
Fund for American Studies 80,000
lntercollegiate Studies lnstitute 200,000
Johns Hopkins University (SAIS) 20,000
Jack Miller Center 217,OOO
Massachusetts lnstitute of Technology 17,OOO
Middle East Forum 35,000
National Association of Scholars 25,000
Texas A&M University 60,000
University of Virginia 1.4,000

Basic and Applied Research

Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment 20,000

George C. Marshall lnstitute 65,000
IBAR-confdl s

Heritage Foundation 80,000

National Bureau of Asian Research 190,000
National Bureau of Economic Research t70,000
National Center for Policy Analysis 100,000
Natíona I Strategy lnformation Center 335,000
Tax Foundation 50,000
Witherspoon lnstitute 50,000

Public Discource

Discovery Institute 10,000

Student Free Press Association 10,000

Chairman George abstained from voting on the grant request from the Witherspoon lnstitute.

There being no further business to come before the ldeas and lnstitutions Committee, the meeting was
adjourned at 10:30 AM.

Respectfully subm itted,

ldeas and lnstitutions sector 2013 grant awards and February
Recom me ndations and contem plated 201 4 recom mendations

2014 budget

According to Bradley's current spending policy, there is $31 ,675,000 available for all grantmaking in 2014.
From this amount, $1,000,000 is deducted for the Bradley Prizes and $240,000 is deducted for Director-,
staff-, and Bradley Prize Selector-advised contributions. The remaining $30,43S,000 is then divided into
four equal parts, one for each of Bradley's four grantmaking sectors.

Therefore, úhe secúors' 2014 budgets total $7,608,750. lf rounding down to $7,605,000, this represents
a modest, $90,000, or 1 .2o/o, increase over 2013's $7,515,000 sector budgets, as shown in the chart
below. Since Bradley's grantmaking program was restructured into the four sectors in 2009, its sectors
budgetarily will have shrunk 25.8o/o.

Actual I and estimatedl program-sector budgets

since program restructuring in 2009, with trendline ($)






ldeas and lnstitutions sector 2013 grant awards and February
recommendations and contemplated 2014 recommendations

= February 2014 recommendations

2013 2014

Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellowship Program $1,500,000 $1,500,000

Encounter for Gulture and Education $1,000.000 $1,000,000

Higher Education

Alexander Hamilton Society 50,000 50,000

American Council of Trustees and Alumni 30,000 25,000
American lslamic Congress 25,000 20,000
Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa 30,000 30,000
Association of Graduates of the United States Military Academy 100,000 100,000

Boston University 10,000

Duke University 15,000 15,000
Foreign Policy Research lnstitute 85,000 85,000
Foundation for Constitutional Government 25,000 10,000
Foundation for lndividual Rights in Education 75,000 75,000

Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge 41,250 35,000

Fund for American Studies 40,000 80,000
Gettysburg National Battlefield Museum Foundation 10,000
lnstitute for Humane Studies 25,000 25,000
Jack Miller Center 217,000

lnstitute for Responsible Citizenship 25,000 25,000

lntercollegiate Studies lnstitute 200,000 200,000
Johns Hopkins SAIS (Strategic Studies) 20,000
Manhattan lnstitute for Policy Research 10,000
Marine Corps University Foundation 30,000 20,000

Massachusetts lnstitute of Technology 17,000

Middle East Forum 35,000 40,000
National Association of Scholars 30,000 25,000
Naval War College Foundation 35,000
Princeton University (James Madison Center) 140,000

Texas A&M 60,000 60,000

William F. Buckley Program (Yale University) 25,000 15,000
University of Arizona 25,000 15,000
University of California-Los Angeles 10,000 10,000
University of Chicago (Law School) 20,000
fldeas and lnstitutions sector 2013 grant awards and February
recommendations and contemplated 2014 recommendations-cont'dl

[ = February 2014 recommendations]

120131 ¡20141

University of Chicago (Stigler Center) 65,000 60,000

University of Kentucky 45,000 30,000
University of Virginia 14,000
University of Wisconsin-Madison (Center for the Study of Liberal Democracy) 58,000
University of Wisconsin-Madison (Ratification project) 75,000 65,000
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 40,000 40,000
Young America's Foundation 25,000 10,000

Su btotal H ig he r Ed u cation 1,711,250 1,236,000

Basic and Applied Research

American Enterprise lnstitute 300,000 250,000

American Foreign Policy Council 80,000 80,000
Center for lmmigration Studies 15,000 15,000
Center for Security Policy 50,000 25,000
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments 70,000 70,000

Center for the Study of Technology and Science 60,000 30,000

Claremont lnstitute 100,000 '100,000
Council on Foreign Relations 15,000 10,000
David Horowitz Freedom Center 225,000 225,000
Foreign Policy lnitiative 10,000

Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment 25,000 20,000

George C. Marshall lnstitute 65,000 65,000
Heritage Foundation 80,000
Hoover lnstitution (Working Group on lslamism) 40,000 40,000
Hoover lnstitution (Working Group on Military History) 150,000 75,000

Hudson lnstitute (Center on lslam) 150,000 165,000

Hudson lnstitute (Fairbanks) 65,000 60,000
Hudson lnstitute (Feith) 50,000 35,000
Hudson lnstitute (Libby) 35,000 35,000
Hudson lnstitute (Radosh) 15,000 15,000

Hudson lnstitute (Schoenfeld) 40,000 35,000

lnstitute for Foreign Policy Analysis (Latin America seminars) 65,000 65,000
lnstitute for Foreign Policy Analysis (DC office) 80,000 80,000
lnstitute for Religion and Democracy 40,000 40,000
lnstitute for the Study of War 20,000 15,000

Monterey lnstitute for lnternational Studies 20,000 20,000

National Bureau of Asian Research 190,000 190,000
National Bureau of Economic Research 170,000 170,000
National Center for Policy Analysis 1 10,000 100,000
fideas and lnstitutions sector 2013 grant awards and February
recommendations and contemplated 2014 recommendations-cont'dl

[ = February 2014 recommendations]

[20131 120141

National Strategy lnformation Center 335,000 335,000

Pacific Academy for Advanced Studies 30,000 30,000
The RAND Corporation 25,000 20,000
Spirit of America 10,000
The Tax Foundation 50,000 50,000
Witherspoon lnstitute 50,000 50,000

Subtotal Basic and Applied Research 2,755,000 2,595,000

Public Discourse

American Conservative Union Foundation 35,000 35,000

American Studies Center 40,000 60,000
Discovery lnstitute for Public Policy 10,000 10,000
Foundation for Cultural Review 200,000 200,000
Franklin Center for Government and Public lntegrity 50,000 50,000

Foundation for Defense of Democracies 75,000 75,000

lnstitute on Religion and Public Life 40,000 40,000
Manifold Productions 75,000
Middle East Media Research lnstitute 20,000 25,000
Moving Picture lnstitute 35,000 35,000

NationalAffairs 50,000 50,000

Philadelphia Society 10,000
Phillips Foundation 40,000
Prager University Foundation 75,000 50,000
Student Free Press Association 10,000 10,000

Su btotal Pu bl ic Drscourse 765,000 640,000

TOTAL 7,731,250 6,971,000

Unexpended 2012-14 Bradley Fellowship funds (225,000)

NET TOTAL 7,506,250

BUDGET 7,515,000 7,605,000

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Chairman's Report

Chairman Robert George will present a report.

A. Higher Education
Alexander Hamilton Society
1730 M Street NW, Suite 909
Washington, DC 20036

Mr. MitchellS. Muncy



PROJECT TITLE: To support general operations



STAFF: Dianne J. Sehler

MEETING DATE: 212512014

PROPOSAL lD#: 20131148

BACKGROUND: The Alexander Hamilton Society (AHS) requests an
operati-ng grant of $150, 000.
Conceived by Princeton professor Aaron Friedberg, AHS is a
network of schol-ars, students, and practitioners that seeks to
do for the foreíqn/defense policy community what the FederaÌist
Society has done for the Ìegal profession: attract members who
share certain attitudes; encourage constructive debate and
intellectuaÌ exchange; legitimize and disseminate ideas ignored
or misrepresented in the medla, o[ campus, and by qovernment
bureaucracies; guide young people in the development of their
careers; and assist senior professionals identify promising
candidates for hiring and promotion. fn fact, Federalist Society
founders initially advised AHS how to adapt the Society's model
to its particular circumstances. AHS al-so endeavors to foster
the development of a national strateglc studies movement, much
as Princeton's Madlson Program has inspired a movement to
reinvigorate the study of American ideas and institutions.
Since its launch in 20I0l AHS has formed fifty student and three
professional chapters. Last year, it sponsored 300 events, with
over 11,000 students, faculty, and professionals attending. A
number of faculty advisors to student chapters are Bradley
Fellowship professors in history and political science as well
as in securì-ty studles. Additionally, AHS has held five national
conferences and established partnerships with several university
academic centers, including the Bradley-funded Center for the
Study of Liberal Democracy at UVü-Madison. This year, AHS will
work to establish 10 additional chapters and sponsor f60
additional events. A grant of $150,000 is requested to support
AHS's $730,000 operating budget.
STAtr'F RECOMMENDATION: AHS embodies principles consonant with
Bradley's mission: belief in America's exceptionallsm;
appreciation of the economic underpinnings of American power and
prosperity; an understanding of the realities of po\^/er politics
and the necessity for military strength; and determinatlon to
make prudent use of America's national power. A grant of $50,000
is recommended.
Alexander Hamilton Society
Grant History
Project Title Grant Amount Fund
To support general operations and Wisconsin chapters $50,000 Regular

To support general operations $50,000 Regular

To support general operations $ 100,000 Regular

To support general operations $ 100,000 Regular

Grand Totals (4 items) $300,000

Page 1 of 1
Duke University
324 Blackwell St Ste 850
Durham, NC 27701

Dr. Peter Feaver



PROJECT TITLE: To support the rVew Faces conference



STAFF: Dianne J. Sehler

MEETING DATE: 212512014

PROPOSAL lD#: 20131160

BACKGROUND: Duke University requests a grant of $17,000 to
support an annual conference for junior security scholars at the
Triangle Institute for Security Studies (TISS) .
Establ-ished 1n 1958, TISS is a consortium of Duke, University of
NC-Chapel- Hil1, and North Carolina State University. It advances
research in national security and engages with the public and
military on defense-related .issues. TISS is directed by Dr.
Peter Feaver, a Bradley Fellowship professor, accomplished
schofar, and seasoned policy practitioner.
Now in its 1-5th year, the annual- conference Junior and
InterdiscipTlnary Faces of International Security, referred to
as New Facesl is a core TISS project and one of the key pillars
of Duke's Bradley Feflowship program. fts purpose is to
strengthen the rising generation of security studies scholars by
annually assisting approximately B0 of the finest among them,
both from TTSS member schoo-l-s and elsewhere, establ-ish
credentials at a critical point in their careers. New Faces does
so by offering graduate students opportunity to gain critical
exposure for their research, improve their teaching and
analytical skills, and publish in the TISS journal American
DipTomacy. New Faces also encourages participants to move beyond
the often parochial concerns of scholarship into involvement
with the broader policy community. A grant of $17,000 1s
requested to fund direct conference costs. Duke will cover all
indirect costs.
STÀFF RECOMMENDATION: The field of security studies faces a
number of serious problems. Most pronounced among these is that
security-oriented political scientists and historians are
margj-nalized in most academic communities simply because they
study war and consider the use of force. .l'/eu Faces addresses
this problem by helping to build a broader network among junior
security schofars so that they can continue to collaborate
beyond their years of formal education. A grant of $15,000 is
Duke University
Grant History
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support the New Faces conference at the Triangle $15,000 2/2612013 Regular
Institute for Security Studies

To support the New Faces conference and the course $20,000 212812012 Regular
on civil-military relations at the Trianglc Institute for
Security Studies

To support the Triangle Institute for Security Studies $10,000 5/1012011 Regular

To support the New Faces conference of the Triangle $21,000 5/ll/2010 Regular
Institute for Security Studies

To support a conference for junior securify scholars at $19,856 6/212009 Regular

the Triangle Institute for Securify Studies

To support the "New Faces" conference of the Triangle $16,000 61312008 Regular
Instifute for Security Studies

To support a conference on the history of American $13,500 10/2211996 Regular


To support "The Post-I945 Intemationalization of $14,000 616/1994 Regular

Economics" conference

To support a graduate research fellowship $12,500 812611991 Regular

To support a graduate fellow $l1,871 1012211990 Regular
To support its program development $523,000 ll/2711989 Regular

To support a graduate fellow $l1,900 1012311989 Regular

To suppoft a graduate fellow $11,400 8122/1988 Regular
To support its research by Marine Laboratory Graduate $10,000 812411987 Regular

Marine Lab Graduate Fellow $10,000 8125/1986 Regular

To support research of the Carson Estuarine Sanctuary. $25,000 9127/1984 Regular

Grand Totals (16 items) $74s,027

Page 1 of 1
The Fund for American Studies
1706 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20009

Mr. Roger Ream



PROJECT TITLE: To support academic programs and journalism fellowships



STAFF: Dianne J. Sehler

MEETING DATE: 212512014

PROPOSAL lD#: 20131130

BACKGROUND:The Fund for American Studies (FAS) requests a
$100,000 grant: $50,000 to support the Instit.ute on Polltical
Journalism (IPJ) and the Legal Studies Instj-tute (LSI), and
$50,000 the Robert Novak Journalism Fellowship Program (JFP) .
The two institutes presented here are accredited by Georqe Mason
University and collectively serve more than 200 students each
year. fPJ teaches future journalists about American poJ-itical
thought, democratic capitalism, and professional et.hics.
Conducted as both a surnmer and semester-J-ong institute, it
consists of cfassroom work, internships at major media
organizations, and lectures. IPJ al-so hoÌds conferences around
the country to reach as many aspirinq journalists as possible,
and it conducts a continuing education conference program for
its 7,'10 0 alumni .
LSI is a summer course on the Founding for first and second year
faw students. The Federalist Society provides course content and
arranges for guest lecturers and special panels. fts Board of
Visitors, including Ed Meese, âssists students secure positions
with law firms, courts, and public lnterest legal non-profits.
Created in 1994 by the Phillips Foundation, the JFP provides
grants for journalism projects supportive of free market and
constitutionaf principles. To date, more than LIl fellowshì-ps
have been awarded to promisinq young print j ournalists. Fellows
are guided in their work by experienced journalists. Most past
recipients have secured positions at national media outfets or
research institutes, for example Steve Hayes and Matthew
Continetti of The lrleekLy Standard, Naomi Schaefer Riley of The
lúafl- Street Journaf, and Encounter authors Erj-c Cohen and Mark
The Fund's budget is $9 million. Annual costs for the programs
presented here exceed $1.6 milflon. A $100,000 grant is
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: FAS academic enrichment programs impart
knowledge of Amerj-can ideas and institutions J-argely unavaifable
at universities and colleqes. Validating the merits of the
felfowship program, former Fell-ows who have achieved a measure
of public sLature credit JFP with helping to launch their
careers. An $80,000 grant is recommended: $40,000 for the
institutes described above and $40,000 for the fellowship
Fund for American Studies
Grant History
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support academic programs $40,000 2/2612013 Regular
To support general operations $10,000 l2lll/2012 Donor Intent

To support the Institute on Political Joumalism and the $40,000 2128/2012 Regular
Legal Studies Institute

To support general operations $10,000 1215/201I Donor Intent


To support the Institute on Political Journalism,the $40,000 2/22/201I Regular

Institute on Philanthropy and Voluntary Service, and
the Legal Studies Institute

To support general operations $10,000 12/212010 Donor Intent


To support academic programs $50,000 212312010 Regular

To support the Institute on Political Journalism,the $50,000 2124/2009 Regular

Institute on Philanthropy and Voluntary Service, and
the Legal Studies Institute

To supporl the Institute on Political Journalism,the $60,000 211912008 Regular

Institute on Philanthropy and Voluntary Service and the
Legal Studies lnstitute

To support general operations $10,000 12/712007 Donor Intent


To support the Institute on Political Joumalism and the $60,000 212012001 Regular
Institute on Philanthropy and Voluntary Service

To support general operations $10,000 ll/2912006 Donor Intent


To support the Institute on Political Journalism and the $60,000 212212006 Regular
Institute on Philanthropy and Voluntary Service

To supporl general operations $10,000 1211612005 Donor Intent


To support the Institute on Political Journalism and the $60,000 2/1512005 Regular
Institute on Philanthropy and Voluntary Service.

To support general operations $10,000 12/312004 Donor Intent


To support the Institute on Political Journalism and the $60,000 212612004 Regular
Institute on Philanthropy and Voluntary Service

Page 1 of 2
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support general operations $10,000 12/10/2003 Donor Intent

To support academic institutes in politicaljournalism $60,000 2/25/2003 Regular

and philanthropy

To support academic institutes in politicaljournalism $60,000 211912002 Regular

and philanthropy

To supporl academic institutes in journalism, political $100,000 2/2712001 Regular

economy, philanthropy

To support academic institutes in journalism, political $ 100,000 212212000 Regular

economy, and philanthropy

To suppof academic institutes in journalism and $75,000 2126/1999 Regular

political economy
To support academic institutes in journalism and $75,000 212411998 Regular
political economy
To support academic institutes in journalism and $50,000 212511997 Regular
political economy for college students
To support the American Institute on Political and $50,000 1/2211996 Regular
Economic Systems and the Institute on Political

To support two summer institutes: American Institute $50,000 112311995 Regular

on Political and Economic Systems; Institute on
Political Journalism

To support the American Institute on Political and $20,000 212811994 Regular

Economic Systems

To support student scholarships $25,000 412411989 Regular

To support scholarships for students attending the 1988 $25,000 4/2511988 Regular
Institute on Comparative Political and Economic

To support its students scholarship program for the $25,000 5128/1987 Regular
1987 Insti-tute on Corporate Political and Economic

Grand Totals (31 items) $1,315,000

Page 2 of 2
lntercollegiate Studies lnstitute, lnc.
3901 Centerville Road
Wilmington, DE 1 9807-'1 938

Mr. Christopher Long



PROJECT TITLE: To support general operations and the Student Societies




STAFF: Dianne J. Sehler

MEET¡NG DATE: 212512014

PROPOSAL lD#: 20131133

BACKGROUND:The Intercolleglate Studies Institute (ISI) requests
a $300,000 grant to support operations ($200,000) and the
Student Societies initiative ($100,000) .

ISI works with college students to improve their understanding

of constitutional democracy, market economics, and civif
society. Through a variety of programs - lectures, conferences,
graduate fellowships, summer institutes, debates, and online
studies courses - ISI has established representation at 1,500
schools in al-l 50 states and has developed a membership network
of 22,000 students and faculty. Its publications recommend
courses on lrlestern thought/US history at schools nationwide and
carry commentary on academic affairs. The ISI book program
reprints classic texts and publishes original titles, for
example Robert P. George's Conscience and fts Enemies (2013).
ISI's student journalism program, the Collegiate Network 1s a
consortium of 62 campus newspapers (including Marquette's The
Warrior) with an aggregate circulation of 1.3 million. In
effect, it is the only resource to which student writers and
editors of alternative publications can look for guidance,
technical advice, and financial support.
In addition to generaÌ support, ISI seeks a one-time qrant to
seed Student Societies. Through this initiative, ISI proposes to
estabfish seff-directed student chapters at 20 key campuses.
Chapters will compete for ISI grants by submitting proposafs and
implementing programs lectures, debates, and book cfubs. They
will receive ISI staff support and, in time, become self-
sustaining by receiving funding from their schools' student
activities offices. ISI requests a $300,000 grant to support its
$6.35 million budget, $900,000 of whlch supports the CoJ-legiate
Network and $250,000 the Student Societies initiative.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ISI is guided by its mission to inspire
"college students to discover, embrace, and advance the
principles and virtues that make America free and prosperous. "
The Bradley brothers were among its founding contributors, and
the Foundation's ongoing support reflects our respect for donor
intent. Staff recommends a grant of $200,000, a portion of which
may be allocated to the Student Societies program at the
discretion of IST management.
lntercollegiate Studies lnstitute
Grant History
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To supporl general operations $200,000 2126120t3 I Regular

To support general operations $10,000 t2llt/2012 I Donor Intent


To support general operations $200,000 2/2812012 I Regular

To support general operations $10,000 12/5l20tt I Donor Intent


To support general operations and the American $140,000 212212011 I Regular

Studies Fellowship Program

To support general operations $10,000 12/212010 I Donor Intent


To support the American Studies Fellowship Program $ 150,000 811712010 I Regular

for New College Faculty

To supporl general operations $80,000 2123120t0 t Regular

To support general operations $10,000 t1t2412009 t Donor Intent


To support general operations $80,000 212412009 | Regular

To suppoft general operations $80,000 2lt9/2008 | Regular

To support the Civic Literacy Project $250,000 2lt9/2008 | Regular
To support general operations $10,000 t2l7/2001 | Donor Intent

To support general operations $80,000 212012007 t Regular

To support the Civic Literacy Project and University $300,000 2/2012007 I Regular
Reform Program

To support general operations $ 10,000 1U2912006 t Donor Intent


To support general operations $80,000 2/2212006 t Regular

To support the Civic Literacy Project $200,000 212212006 t Regular

To support general operations $ 10,000 1211612005 I Donor Intent


To support general operations $80,000 2lt5/2005 I Regular

To support the Civic Liberty Program $300,000 2lt5/2005 I Regular
To support general operations $80,000 212612004 r Regular

Page 1 of 2
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support a biography of V/illiam F. Buckley $20,000 61312003 I Regular
To suppoft general operations $80,000 212s12003 I Regular
To support general operations $90,000 2t2712001 I Regular
To support general operations $90,000 212212000 I Regular
To support general operations $90,000 212611999 I Regular

To support purchase and distribution of "The March of $3,ooo 613011998 I GCC

Freedom" by Ed Feulner

To support general operations and the Higher $100,000 212411998 I Regular

Education Golden Fleece Awards

To support general operations $90,000 21251t997 I Regular

To support educational program activities $e0,000 212311996 I Regular
To support general operations in 1995 $40,000 4l2t/199s I Regular
To support ISI's new College Guide Project and general $60,000 61611994 I Regular

To support educational operations $40,000 41271t993 I Regular

To support general program activities $40,000 812411992 I Regular
To supporl a lecture series on the collapse of $24,100 v2711992 I Regular

To support a book project on Ronald Reagan by Ed s25,000 4125/1991 I Regular


To support general program activities $40,000 4125lt99t I Regular

To support general program activities $40,000 614/1990 I Regular

To suppof general program activities $35,000 11/2711989 I Regular

To support general program activities $50,000 912011988 I Regular
To support its general activities $50,000 nl18lt987 I Regular
To support general program activities s25,000 9122/1986 I Regular

To supporl general operations $25,000 9t231198s I Small

Grand Totals (44 items) $3,s17,r00

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Johns Hopkins University - SAIS
1740 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20036

Dr. Eliot A. Cohen



PROJECT TITLE: To supporl the Strategic Studies program



STAFF: Dianne J. Sehler I

MEET|NG DATE: 212512014

PROPOSAL lD#: 20131188

BACKGROUND:Johns Hopkins University, SAIS, requests a grant of
$50,000 to support the Strategic Studies program (SS) .

A graduate program for study of the refationship between

politics and military po\¡/er, SS examines: the actual use of
force as well as the threat or presence of force in
international politics; civil-military relations,. and regi-onal
security issues. Rigorous academic work is enriched by
simulatj-on exercises,' visits to battl-efiel-ds and military
installations; seminars with government officlals and military
officers,' and defense/intelligence-related internships. SS
organizes seminars on military affairs for civilian
practitioners and sponsors workshops for strategic studies
faculty from other universities. SS also hosts visiting fellows
with extensive experience and conducts the Defense Department's
education program for young military officers. Many of its
graduates nor,v teach at the military academies; serve in various
milltary/intelligence capacities; and are advisors to American
and allied forces.
Toward satisfying its $470,000 budget, a grant of $50,000 is
requested. Specifically, Bradley funding would fund student
fellowships, a visiting scholar/practitioner with extensive
experience, and student actlvities.
STAtr'F RECOMMENDATION: Created in 1990 by Dr. Eliot Cohen, SS
produces intelligent graduates capable of negotiating the
deÌicate balance between democratic polltlcs and national
security requirements. It has established itself as a preeminent
center for teaching, scholarship, and public commentary on
strategic matters. Staff recommends a $20,000 grant to support
the Strategic Studies program.
Johns Hopkins University - SAIS
Grant History
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support a senior fellowship at the Foreign Policy $3 5,000 1111312012 J Regular
Institute of SAIS

To support general operations and a conference $20,000 616/2012 J Regular

To support a seminar and lecture series on US foreign $30,000 212812012 J Regular

To support a senior fellowship in Strategic Studies $50,000 5l10l20l l J Regular

To support the Strategic Studies program $25,000 1l/912010 J Regular

To support the work of Joshua Muravchik at the $75,000 8/17/2010 J Regular

Foreign Policy Institute of the Johns Hopkins
University -- SAIS
To support a seminar series on U.S. foreign policy $20,000 212312010 J Regular

To support the Strategic Studies program $25,000 8/1812009 J Regular

To support a research project on the Vietnam War $25,000 612/2009 J Regular

To support the research, writing and speaking activities $75,000 612/2009 J Regular
of Joshua Muravchik

To support a seminar series on US foreign policy $20,000 I 1/18/2008 J Regular

To support the Strategic Studies program $25,000 l1/18/2008 J Regular

To support the Strategic Studies Program $25,000 llll3l2007 J Regular

To support a research project on the Vietnam War $48,000 lll13/2007 J Regular

To support the Strategic Studjes program $80,000 812212006 J Regular

To support the work of Dr. Charles Fairbanks $90,000 812312005 J Regular

To support the Strategic Studies Program $99,444 8123/2005 J Regular

To supportthe opening ofa liberal arts program in $30,000 5124/2005 J Regular


To support the work of Dr. Charles Fairbanks at the $100,000 811712004 J Regular
Central Asia-Caucasus Institute

To support the Strategic Studies Program $I 50,000 61812004 J Regular

To support the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute $100,000 8/2612003 J Regular

To support the Strategic Studies program $ 150,000 8126/2003 J Regular

To support "Regulating Future Human $70,000 61312003 J Regular


To support the Central Asia-Caucasus lnstitute $ 100,000 812212002 J Regular

Page 1 of 3
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support the Strategic Studies program at SAIS $175,000 61412002 J Regular

To support the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute under $100,000 812812001 J Regular

the direction of Dr. Charles Fairbanks

To support Strategic Studies at SAIS $175,000 6/512001 J Regular

To support the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute $105,124 812912000 J Regular
To support the Strategic Studies Program $175,000 212212000 J Regular
To support a research project entitled "Armed Forces of $50,000 ll/16/1999 J Regular
the Middle East"

To support the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and $145,000 812411999 J Regular

Civil Society Project
To support strategic studies at SAIS $175,000 212611999 J Regular

To support activities at the Central Asia-Caspian $100,000 812511998 J Regular


To supporl "America's Allies in a Changing World" $65,000 l1ll8/1997 J Regular

To support a book on the economic culture of East Asia $92,000 613/1997 J Regular
To support the visiting professorship program $100,000 2/2511997 J Regular
To support "The Role of Technology in Modem $68,550 11125/1996 J Regular

To support Strategic Studies at SAIS $330,000 912311996 J Regular

To support the Program on Russian and American $ I 65,000 613/1996 J Regular

Policymaking at the Foreign Policy Institute

To support a Grace Goodell's book project "East Asia's $61,812 912511995 J Regular
Little Dragons: A New Culture of Capitalism"
To suppoft the Foreign Policy Institute $ 165,000 11/28/1994 J Regular
To support the Strategic Studies program at $330,000 912611994 J Regular
To support the Program on Russian and American $ 763 ,054 6/7 11993 J Regular
Policymaking '93-'94

To support Peter Rodman at the Foreign Policy $90,000 2122/1993 J Regular


To supporl SAIS's strategic studiesprogram $300,000 912811992 J Regular

To support the research and teaching of Peter Rodman $80,000 61811992 J Regular
for 1992-93
To support a program in Soviet and American National $155,594 1112511991 J Regular
Security Policymaking

To supporl a fellowship for Peter Rodman $80,000 6/171199l J Regular

Page 2 of 3
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support a study by Jeffrey Herf of political and 962,540 2125/1991 J Regular
intellectual trends in Germany during the postwar era

To support the Program in Soviet and American 577,797 212511991 J Regular

National Security Policym aking
To support the Strategic Studies Program $300,000 1112611990 J Regular

To support a study of political and cultural $9,850 912411990 J Regular

preconditions of Asian economic development

To supporl the program on Soviet and American 573,399 61411990 J Regular

national security policymaking

To support a study of U.S. foriegn policy by Peter $80,000 614/1990 J Regular


To support the program on Soviet and American $68,835 212711989 J Regular

national security pol icymaking

To support a study of political components of Far $25,000 412511988 J Regular

Eastern development

to support its program on Soviet and American 966,633 212211988 J Regular

Security policy making

To support its program in international $96,000 912811981 J Regular

To support its Soviet-American Program $64,970 5128/1987 J Regular

To suppoft research on Soviet and American National $61,030 6/211986 J Regular

Security Policy-making headed by Charles Fairbanks

Grand Totals (60 items) $5,899,632

Page 3 of 3
Massachusetts lnstitute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Bldg #817 -21 4
Cambridge, MA 021 39-4307

Dr. James Poterba



PROJECT TITLE: To support the Public Economics Seminar



STAFF: Dianne J. Sehler

MEETING DATE: 2t25t2014

PROPOSAL ID#: 20131159

BAGKGROUND: Mrr, Department of Economics, requests a grant of
ç79,250 to support the 2014 Public Economics seminar program.
A graduate trainíng center, the Pubfic Economics Semj-nar program
specializes in research on the impact of fiscal and regulatory
policy on private economlc activity and economic growth. rts
program encompasses the range of government expenditure and
taxation topics as well as broad themes such as the appropriate
role of g'overnment in modern economies. This year, areas of
particular research focus lnclude health economj-cs and insurance
markets, energy economics, entitl-ement reform, management of
firms with partial government ownership, the distribution of tax
burdens, and the rofe of the publ1c sector in financj-al markets.
The Seminar program provides doctoraf candidates opportunity to
closely lnteract on a regular weekly basis with MrT, s first-rate
public economics faculty as well as with visiting scholars it
brings to campus. The program also arranges for students to have
access to high-leve1 policy discussions, this made possible by
its influence in both government and academic circles. A grant
of çL9,250 is requested.
STAFF RECOMMEIIDATION: MIT' s economics department is, arguably,
the nation's leadlng Ph.D. program 1n public finance. Graduates
teach at efite schools and conduct research at think tanks.
Others serve at the Federal Reserve, Treasury and Labor
Departments, and CBO.
Program director Dr. James Poterba is adept at recruiting
outstanding students and shaping their interests in empirical
policy research. A tax economist, he has been able to further
enhance the prestige of the program by drawing on his presidency
of the National Bureau of Economic Research. A grant of $17,000
to fund the program's direct costs is recommended.
Massachusetts lnstitute of Technology
Grant History
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support the Public Economics Seminar program $17,000 2/2812012 Regular
To support the Public Economics Workshop $12,650 l1/1012009 Regular
To supporl the MIT Public Economics Workshop $16,500 I 1/18/2008 Regular
To support the Public Economics rùy'orkshop and $16,500 8l2l/2007 Regular

To support the Public Economics Workshop and $ 16,500 8/2212006 Regular


To support the Public Economics Workshop and $ 16,500 812312005 Regular


To support the 2004-2005 Public Economics Workshop $16,500 8/1712004 Regular

and Seminar program under the direction of Dr. James

To support the 2003-2004 Public Economics V/orkshop $r 3,750 61312003 Regular

and Seminar program under the direction of Dr, James

To support the Public Economics Workshop and $13,531 8122/2002 Regular

Seminar 2002-2003 under the direction of Dr. James

To support the Public Economics Workshop $12,650 l0/2512001 Regular

To support the Public Economics V/orkshop $ 13,750 61512001 Regular
To support the Public Economics Workshop $ 12,659 615/2000 Regular
To support the Public Economics Workshop and $13,200 618/1999 Regular

To support the Public Economics Workshop '98-'99 $ 13,200 61211998 Regular

To support the Public Economics Workshop $9,500 812611996 Small
To support the Public Economics Workshop during the $9,500 4/2111995 Regular
1995-96 academic year

To support the Public Economics Workshop $9,000 616/1994 Regular

To support Dr. Poterba's "The Bradley Public $ 12,550 61711993 Regular
Economics 'Workshop"

To support the Public Economics seminar series $243,300 61411990 Regular

To suppofl its general economics program $225,000 912811981 Regular

Page 1 of 2
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund

Grand Totals (21 items)

National Association of Scholars, lnc.
I West 38th Street, Suite 503
New York, NY '10018-6368

Dr. Peter W. Wood



PROJECT TITLE: To support general operations and a report on K-12 education



STAFF: Dianne J. Sehler

MEETING DATE: 212512014

PROPOSAL lD#: 20'1 31 136

BACKGROUND: The National Association of Scholars (NAS) requests a
grant of $170,000 to support qeneral operations ($70,000) and a
special project on K-I2 education ($100,000).
NAS works to reverse the dominant campus culture that diminishes
the intellectual heritage of the ilúest by underminíng academlc
freedom, reason, and individual excellence. Vlith over 3r000
members, NAS supports serious professors in their efforts to
return the academy to its traditional purpose. For example, 60
programs on the study of free institutions have emerged in the
two decades since NAS members began to systematically encourage
schoofs to restore the teachlnq of Western civilization and
America's founding.
NAS conducts studies of curriculum at various schools; presses
for an end to race-conscious admissions policies by producing
careful research; and publlshes the journal Academic Questions.
Its president (and author of Lwo Encounter books) Dr. Peter Vlood
contributes to the Chronicfe of Hiqher Education. Last year, NAS
published studies on the teaching of history, what schools want
students to read, and campus life at liberal arts colleges.
These reports \^/ere covered by the WaLl- Street Journal-, LA Times,
San Francisco Chronicle, lilashington Post, and NPR.

Projects currently underway examine the academy's compromising

standards of scientific inquiry, "socj-a1 justice" and "new
civics" cÌassroom trends, and Common Core state standards.
Recently, FOXNews broadcast an NAS-inspired special on the
campus "sustainability" movement, which was re-aired five times,
leading the ratings every time. Last March, NAS hosted a 25th
anniversary conference, with 250 guests, including a large
number of young scholars.

The special proj ect proposed here is a report which will

document the nation's best K-I2 schools and draw from them
recommendations that can be widely applied. A grant of $170,000
is requesLed to support NAS' çI.2 million budget, $200,000 of
which will fund the K-I2 proj ect.
STAI'F RECOMMENDATION: Combining serious critique with efforts to
institutionally penetrate university life, NAS is committed to
building the infrastructure through which academic renewal might
be advanced. A $25,000 grant is recommended.
National Association of Scholars
Grant History
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support general operations $30,000 6llll20l3 Regular

To support general operations $30,000 6/612012 Regular

To support general operations $40,000 5/1012011 Regular
To support general operations s60,000 511112010 Regular
To support general operations $60,000 61212009 Regular
To support general operations $7s,000 8/'1912008 Regular
To support general operations $75,000 512/2007 Regular
To support a research and conference project on $35,000 2/2012001 Regular
political violence
To support general operations $75,000 512412006 Regular
To support general operations $75,000 512412005 Regular

To support general operations $75,000 6/812004 Regular

To support a research project on anti-Americanism $30,000 61312003 Regular

To support general operations $75,000 61312003 Regular

To support the Committee for Academic Freedom and $10,000 812212002 Small

To support general operations $75,000 61412002 Regular

To support general operations $ 150,000 61512001 Regular

To support general operations $150,000 61512000 Regular

To support general operations $r 50,000 61811999 Regular

To support general operations $150,000 61211998 Regular

To support general operations $ 150,000 6/311997 Regular

To support salary and benefits for Dr, Bradford Wilson $25,000 1012211996 Regular
To support the Faculty Harassment Defense Fund at the $ 100,000 9/2311996 Regular
University of \ùy'isconsin-Madison
To support general operations $ 150,000 61311996 Regular
To support general operations $150,000 61611995 Regular

To support general operations $ 150,000 61611994 Regular

To support general operations $I 50,000 61711993 Regular

Page I of 2
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support general operations and the creation ofan $145,000 61811992 Regular
accreditation agency

To support a book project by Carol Iannone $18,000 1012811991 Regular

To support general program activities $125,000 611711991 Regular

To support general program activities $90,400 61411990 Regular

To support general program activities $86,778 511511989 Regular

To support general activities and membership $83,000 512311988 Regular


To support its general activities $25,000 812411987 Regular

Grand Totals (33 items) $2,868, I 78

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Texas A&M University
3578 TAMU
College Station, TX 77 843-357 8

D-r. Thomas R. Saving



PROJEGT TITLE: To support economic research



STAFF: Dianne J. Sehler

MEETING DATE; 212512014

PROPOSAL lD#: 20131226

BACKGROUND:Texas A&M Unlversity, Private Enterprise Research
Center (PERC), requests a grant of $89,211 to support economic
policy research on labor force participation.
Entitled Where Have ALL the Workers Gone? this proposal wil-l
provide economic analysis supportive of reforms in those
programs most responsible for the dec-Iine in the numbers of
working age Americans who choose employment over government
benefits and entitlements. Principal investigator and PERC
Director Dr. Thomas Savlng takes his starting point from the 103
reduction since 2003 in labor force participation among high
school graduates, age 25 and above. His proposed research will
test the hypothesis that the ma¡or contributors to employment
decline are programs that enhance the returns on non-working:
unemployment benefits; disabiJ-ity and Medicare; SNAP (food
stamps); and Medicaid and the Affordabfe Care Act. Dr. Saving
will then formulate reforms that preserve the basic purposes for
the programs while eliminating their negative effect on economic
growth and economic freedom.
As has been his practice over many years of researching
entitlements, Dr. Saving has identified discrete opportunities
to i-nfluence public and policy debates. The National Center for
Policy Analysis will continue to aggressively market Dr.
Saving's findings. A grant of $89,211 is requested. Total budget
costs are $94, 000 .
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Vüidely regarded for his seminal work on
Social Security/Medicare reform, University of Chicago-trained
economist Dr. Saving 1s an original architect of the investment-
based approach to retirement policy. Through hiqh-quality
economic research, he continues to develop sound intellectual
argumentation against the politically-motivated promise that
income inequality can be overcome by income transfers. Policy
makers committed to reform will find Dr. Saving's work product
vital to their efforts. A grant of $60,000 is recommended.
Texas A&M University
Grant History
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support research on entitlement reform $60,000 2/2612013 Regular
To suppof research on the economics of retirement $60,000 212812012 Regular

To suppoft research and education on health-care $69,878 212212011 Regular

To suppof research on health care reform $80,000 2/2312010 Regular
To support research on health care reform $90,000 2/2412009 Regular
To support policy research on health care reform $90,000 2/1912008 Regular
To suppoft the "Changing Incentives and Elderly $79,991 212012007 Regular
Entitlements" project

To support research on Social Security and Medicare s99,964 2122/2006 Regular


To support the "Implementing Social Security and $ 100,000 2/1512005 Regular

Medicare Reform" project

To support research on medicare and social securify 999,625 212612004 Regular


To supporl the Private Enterprise Research Center $100,000 212512003 Regular

To support a research project on Social Security at the $50,000 211912002 Regular

Private Enterprise Research Center

To support the Private Enterprise Research Center's $100,000 2/2712001 Regular

research on financial markets

To support research on medicare reform by the Private s124,966 2/2212000 Regular

Enterprise Research Center

To support the Medicare Reform Project $154,1 l5 212611999 Regular

To suppoft "Toward a Theory How Customs, $18,931 61211998 Regular

Tradition, and Moral Values Affect Social Stability and
Economic Performance"

To support the Medicare Reform Project $r42,1 1s 212411998 Regular

To suppoft the Medicare Reform Project $I 35,000 212511997 Regular

To support research by Dr. Steve Pejovich on the $9,400 212211993 Regular

transition from centrally planned to market economies
in Eastem Europe

Page 1 of 2
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support Eastern European dissemination of $10,000 2125/1991 Regular
economic and political consequences of various
property rights

To support a research project by Professor Pejovich on $23,800 212211988 Regular

property rights and imovations

To support a study on property rights and innovation in $36,530 61211986 Regular

Eastern Europe

To support the I. Andrew Rader Professorship in $225,000 512211984 Regular

Industrial Distribution

Grand Totals (23 items) $I ,959,3 l5

Page 2 of 2
University of Virginia
P.O. Box 400206
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4206

Dr. James Ceaser



PROJECT TITLE: To support a conference



STAFF: Dianne J. Sehler

MEETING DATE: 212512014

PROPOSAL lD#: 20131267

BAGKGROUND: The University of Virginia requests a grant of
$14,000 to sponsor the spring conference Steven Rhoads: On
Pofiticaf Economy and on the Biofoqical Foundations of Sexual-
Retiring this springi, Professor Steven Rhoads has taught in the
Pol-itics Department at the University of Virginia for more than
four decades. Over his long career, he has instructed countless
undergraduates in the areas of political theory, political
economy, American politics, and public administration. He has
also been the mentor of many graduate students, including more
than 20 Bradley Fellows. His scholarship has been both extensive
and lnfluentiaf. The two works for which he is best known are
The Economist's View of the Worl-d (1985, Cambridge University
Press), one of the very few modern books 1n the field of
political economy, and Takinq Sex Differences Seriously (2004,
Encounter Books ) , which the \tleekJy Standard selected as one of
the best books of that year. He is also the author of
Incomparabl-e Worth: Pay Equity Meets the Market (1993, Cambridge
University Press, 1993) , a Bradley-funded book.
To honor Professor Rhoads' significant intellectual- and academic
achievements, the Program on Constitutionalism and Democracy at
UVA proposes a two-day conference in March that will stlmul-ate
further thought about developments in the fietd of political
economy and the biology of sex differences, using his origlnal
work as a point of departure.
Under the direct supervision of long-standing Bradley associate
Professor James Ceaser, the conference will be organized by four
previous Bradley Fellows whose doctoral studies \ivere supervised
by Professor Rhoads. Conference expenses total $16,500. The
Pol-itics Department has committed to contribute $2,500. The
remainding $14,000 is requested of Bradley.
at Bradley know Professor Rhoads to be
an honorable scholar and dedicated teacher, altogether worthy of
the tribute here proposed. He has been a faculty nominator and
coordinator for the Bradley Fellowship program since it was
created in 1986, and he has maintained close connections with
his former graduate students, as intended by our program. Staff
recommends a special one-time only grant of $14,000 to fund the
conference commemorating his work.
University of Virginia
Grant History
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To supporl research and writing on American public $59,220 61811999 Regular

To support a study of the reform process of the $39,991 61211998 Regular

Milwaukee Public Schools

To support a visiting speaker program and a workshop $ 18,525 ll/22/1993 Regular

on state politics

To support a conference, "Athens and Jerusalem $13,300 11123/1992 Regular


To support participation in a Shakespearean conference $3,500 2l25ll99l Regular

To support a conference honoring the works of Max $13,000 212611990 Regular

To support a study of U.S. savings $87,868 lll27ll989 Regular

To suppoÍ research on comparable worth $25,000 8/2211988 Regular

To support a book project on the communist revolution $56,800 912811987 Regular

in Grenada

To support a research project on comparable worth by $155,718 2123/1981 Regular

Dr. Steven E. Rhoads

Grand Totals (10 items) s472,922

Page 1 of 1
B. Basic & Applied Research
Foundation for Research on Economics & the Environment
662 Ferguson Road, Suite 2
Bozeman, MT 59718-6492

Dr. John Baden



PROJECT TITLE: To support general operations



STAFF: Dianne J. Sehler

MEETING DATE: 212512014

PROPOSAL ID#: 20131139

The Foundation for Research on Economics and the
Environment (FREE) requests an operational grant of $40,000.
FREE specializes in the appllcation of science, free market
economic theory, and founding princlples to policy debates.
Through educational programming, it explains to influential
audiences how market processes, secure property rights, and
llmited government can foster not only a healthy environment but
prosperity and a robust civil society as well.
For the past many years, FREE's core program has been its
seminar series for federal judges. Classes on law and economics,
national security 1aw, and publlc policy have been conducted by
distinguished scholars, Nobel Laureate economists, and jurists
among them Ed Meese, Charles Murray, the fate James O. Wilson,
and John Goodman. Another conference program has been the series
Environmentaf Stewardship for ReTiqious Leaders for seminary
professors, the clergy, and others who hold environmental
stewardship as a religious obligation yet are often manipulated
by activist groups into lending their moral authority to
"social/environmental justice" causes that stand to have
profoundly negative impacts, especially on the poor.
This year, FREE is initiating the Yelfowstone Economlcs Seminars
for new Article III federaf judge clerks. The program is
designed to illustrate how free market principles can best
address controversial, emotionally-laden issues on the
environment. A smafler number of seminars, entitled the
Yellowstone Entrepreneurial Safons, will aÌso be organized to
illustrate the connections between federal management of the
environment and politics.
FREE operations also support research, publications, and
V,larriors and Quiet Waters (a civic initiative that brings
severely wounded veterans from military hospitals to Bozeman for
a week of physicaf and emotional therapy provided by fly-
fishing. ) Toward its $360,000 budget, FREE requests a $40,000
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Established with assistance from former
Bradtey Director Clay La Force, EREE has been offering
educational seminars for more than two decades on perspectives
consistent with Bradley's mission. A grant of $20,000 is
Foundation for Research on Economics & the
Grant History
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support general operations $25,000 212612013 Regular

To support general operations $5,000 l2lll/2012 Donor Intent


To support general operations $25,000 2/2812012 Regular

To support general operations $5,000 l2l5l201l Donor Intent

To support general operations $30,000 212212011 Regular

To support general operations $5,000 12/212010 Donor Intent

To support general operations $40,000 212312010 Regular

To support general operations $5,000 1112412009 Donor Intent


To support training seminars for judges and religious $40,000 212412009 Regular

To support educational programs and Warriors and $50,000 211912008 Regular

Quiet Waters
To support general operations $5,000 1217/2007 Donor Intent

To support general operations $5,000 1112912006 Donor Intent


To support general operations $5,000 1211612005 Donor Intent


To support general operations $5,000 121312004 Donor Intent


To support general operations $5,000 1211012003 Donor Intent


To support general operations $5,000 1214/2002 Donor Intent


To support a society on íÌeedom politics $3,000 vt0l]l993 GCC

To support the l99l meeting of the Mont Pelerin $ 12,500 6ll7 /1991 Regular

Grand Totals (18 items) $27s,500

Page 1 of 1
George C. Marshall lnstitute
1601 North Kent Street, Suite 802
Arlington, VA22209

Mr. Jeffrey Kueter



PROJECT TITLE: To support general operations



STAFF: Dianne J. Sehler

MEETING DATE: 212512014

PROPOSAL lD#: 20131256

BACKGROUND:The George C. Marshall Institute (GMI) requests a
grant of $65,000 to support general operations.
GMI conducts obj ective analyses of scientific and technical
issues underlying contentious policy debates on the environment,
energy, technology, and national security. Research findings are
disseminated through congressionaf testimony, workshops,
publications, popular commentary, speaking engagements, and
collaboratlons with like-minded institutions. GMI a.l-so hosts
public education events and sponsors a respected roundtable on
science and public policy for j ournalists and government
officials. Its work is overseen by an active board of
distinguished scientists, including Princeton physicist Vüllliam
Happer and NASA scientist Roy Spenser, author of Encounter's The
Great Gl-obal, Warminq Blunder as well as a Broadside on "bad
science and bad po1icy. "
At the heart of GMI's purpose is concern with the growing misuse
of science by special interest groups and the pressure they
exert on scientific institutions competing for government and/or
philanthropic resources. That trend is most evident in research
related to climate change/ energy/ space-based military
technology, and defense. GMI scientists provide hard scientific
data necessary to resist the impositlon of regulations and
policies in these areas based on conclusions that deviate from
scientifically accurate assessments. They afso monitor,
document, and expose specific cases of manípulated scientific
evidence. Last year, GMT launched a new project examining the
threats posed by cyber warfare to US national and economj-c
security as well as the merits and limitations of proposed
responses. A $65,000 grant to support GMI's $515,000 budget is
STAFF RECOMMENDÀTION: GMI stands as the front-l-ine defense
against attempts to replace fact with unproven hypotheses and
oplnion as the basis for decision making. Staff recommends a
grant of $65,000.
George G. Marshall lnstitute
Grant History
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To suppof general operations $65,000 212612013 Regular

To support general operations $65,000 212812012 Regular

To support general operations $70,000 212212011 Regular

To support general operations $90,000 212312010 Regular

To support general operations $90,000 212412009 Regular

To support general operations $ I 10,000 211912008 Regular

To support general operations $l10,000 212012007 Regular

To support general operations $105,000 212212006 Regular

To support general operations $105,000 211512005 Regular

To support general operations $ l r 5,000 212612004 Regular

To support general operations $115,000 212512003 Regular

To support the Civic Environmentalism project $50,000 llll2l2002 Regular

To support general operations $130,000 2l19/2002 Regular

To support the Civic Environmentalism Working $75,000 61512001 Regular

To support general operations s 160,000 212712001 Regular

To support a conference on civic environmentalism $50,000 61512000 Regular

To suppoft general operations $ 160,000 212212000 Regular

To support the Civic Environmental Working Group $3,448 101411999 GCC

To support general program activities $ 160,000 212611999 Regular

To support general program activities $160,000 212411998 Regular

To suppoft general program activities $160,000 2125/1997 Regular

To support the Independent Commission on $250,000 6/311996 Regular
Environmental Education

To support general program activities $ 160,000 1112111995 Regular

To support the Independent Commission on $40,000 4l2l/1995 Regular

Environmental Education

To support general program activities $r 85,000 Ill28l1994 Regular

Page 1 of 2
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support the general program activities ofthe $185,000 lll22/1993 Regular

To support Peter Samuel's book project on the EPA & $55,300 912711993 Regular

To support general program activities $185,000 1112311992 Regular

To support general program activities $185,000 lll25l'1991 Regular

To support general program activities $175,000 ll/2611990 Regular

To support general program activities $175,000 ll/27/1989 Regular

To support general program activities $200,000 1112811988 Regular

To support its general program activities $200,000 1111811987 Regular
To support general operations $100,000 11/2511986 Regular

Grand Totals (34 items) s4,243,748

Page 2 of 2
The Heritage Foundation
214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20002

Dr. James Carafano



PROJECT TITLE: To support the George C. Marshall Fellows Program



STAFF: Dianne J. Sehler

MEETING DATE: 212512014

PROPOSAL lD#: 20130747

BAGKGROUND: The Heritage Foundation requests a grant of çI25,000
to support the Marshall Fellows program.
Created three years â9o, the Marshall Fel-l-ows program each year
prepares a carefully selected group of I4-IB young leglslative
aides and other professionafs for careers in leadership
positions within the security and foreign policy establishments.
The program includes: an active schedule of lectures by
distinguished experts on international relati-ons, military
history, and military affairsi interactions between Fel-l-ows and
those who serve in the mil-itary; and visits to the Gettysburg
battlefield, the Army Vüar College, the Marine Corps University,
and West Point. Next year, the Virginia Military fnstitute wj-ll
join with Heritage to conduct a simulation of the WIIIII Yalta
Conference on the VMI campus. Marshall Fellows will lead VMI
students in negotiating the issues faced by the great powers,
serving as leaders of US, British, and Soviet dlplomatic teams.
In this wây, Fellows will have opportunity to exercise their
strategic diplomacy skifls while at the same time educating
Dr. James Carafano (US Army, ret.), director of Heritage's
Institute for Internatlonal Studies and its Center for Foreign
Policy Studies, oversees the program and serves as mentor to the
Fellows. A grant of çI25,000 is requested, $100,000 of which
supports di-rect program costs. Heritage's annual budget is $79
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The idea for the Marshall Fellows program
\^/as inspired by a series of Philanthropy Roundtable meetings on
national security that Dr. Carafano organized over the course of
several years. Participants, including Bradley staff, expressed
concern with the absence or inadequacy of graduate programs in
security studies and international relations that impart
knowledge of defense issues to future experts and equip them
with skills necessary to take public stands for policies that
protect the nation. This program assists in filling that niche.
Staff, therefore, recommends awarding a grant of $80,000 to
Heritage in support for the direct costs of the Marshall Fellows

Note: This request \^/as deferred by the Board at its November

The Heritage Foundation
Grant History
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support the American Perceptions Initiative $50,000 8/20/2013 Regular

To support Heritage's anti-poverty research and $50,000 2/26/2013 Regular


To support general operations $125,000 t2l1v20t2 Donor Intent


To support the First Principles Initiative $25,000 1t/13120t2 Regular

To support the fellows program in national defense and $80,000 1t/t3120t2 Regular
foreign policy

To support general operations $125,000 12t512011 Donor Intent


To support the First Principles Initiative $25,000 111812011 Regular

To support general operations $70,000 tv8120tl Regular

To support general operations $ 100,000 12/212010 Donor Intent


To supporl the First Principles Initiative $50,000 t|912010 Regular

To support general operations $75,000 t119/2010 Regular

To support general operations $50,000 11124/2009 Donor Intent


To supporl the First Principles video project $50,000 tU10/2009 Regular

To supporl general operations $75,000 1t/1012009 Regular

To support a conference on free-market solutions to the $53,500 2124/2009 Regular

economic challenges facing America

To support general operations $25,000 121t8/2008 Donor Intent


To suppoft a fellow in labor policy $20,000 1t/t8/2008 Regular

To suppoft the First Principles Initiative $50,000 I l/l 8/2008 Regular

To support general operations $ 150,000 I 1/l 8/2008 Regular

To support general operations s r 00,000 1217 /2007 Donor Intent


To support the Bradley Fellow in Labor Policy $40,000 nlt3/2007 Regular

To support The First Principles Project $50,000 1111312007 Regular

To support general operations $ 150,000 tvt31200'7 Regular

Page 1 of 4
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support general operations $r 00,000 n12912006 Donor Intent

To support the Bradley Fellow in Labor Policy $40,000 n1112006 Regular

To support general operations $ 150,000 tU712006 Regular

To support general operations $ 100,000 1211612005 Donor Intent


To support the Bradley Fellow in Labor Policy sr 00,000 8t2312005 Regular

To support general operations and a Bradley Visiting $235,000 8t2312005 Regular


To support general operations $75,000 121312004 Donor Intent


To suppoft a Visiting Fellow in Labor Policy $ 100,000 81t712004 Regular

To support general operations $200,000 811712004 Regular

To support general operations $50,000 12/1012003 Donor Intent


To support a Fellow in Labor Policy $72,500 8/2612003 Regular

To support general operations $200,000 812612003 Regular

To support general operations $50,000 t21412002 Donor lntent


To support general operations $200,000 1t/1212002 Regular

To support general operations $400,000 tU13l200t Regular

To support the "No Excuses" project on education s625,000 rt/1412000 Regular

reform ($462K) and general operations

To support the Domestic Policy Studies Program, the $825,000 tUl6lt999 Regular
State Relations Department, and the Bradley Resident
Fellows Program

To support the Domestic Policy Studies Program, $825,000 tvt7l1998 Regular

Bradley Resident Fellows, State Relations Deparlment

To suppoft the Heritage 25: Leadership for America $50,000 21241t998 Regular
lecture series

To support the Domestic Policy Studies Program, $825,000 tUt9l1997 Regular

Bradley Resident Fellows, and State Relations

To support the Domestic Policy Studies Program, $82s,000 1U2511996 Regular

Bradley Resident Fellows Program, Project on
Federalism and the States

Page 2 of 4
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support distribution of +The Thirly Years War+ $ 10,000 ll22l1996 Small

To support the Domestic Policy Program for 1996 & $675,000 1112711995 Regular
Bradley Resident Fellows Program for 96-97

To support the Domestic Policy Program and Bradley $750,000 11128/1994 Regular
Resident Scholars Program for 1995-96

To support the "Governors' Forum" $ 150,000 912611994 Regular

To support subscription for satellite news service $3,000 912211994 GCC

To support subscription for satellite news service $3,000 912211994 GCC

To support the domestic policy studies program and the $700,000 lll22l1993 Regular
1994-95 Bradley Scholars program

To support program activities concerning health care $350,000 61711993 Regular

reform, education reform and cultural issues

To support a series of grassroots meetings $24,850 412711993 Regular

To support research for a book project by Thomas $20,000 2/2211993 Regular

Pauken entitled "For the Good of the Country"

To support the Bradley Resident Scholars Program $340,000 212211993 Regular

To support the Bradley Intemational Fellowship for $75,000 9/2811992 Regular

George Urban

To support a book by David Brock on the role of Anita $l1,850 8/2411992 Regular
Hill in the Clarence Thomas conhrmation hearings
To support the Russian and East European Studies $350,000 61811992 Regular
Program for 1992-93

To support the Bradley Resident Scholars Program for $530,1 52 lll25/199'l Regular

To support a fellowship for George Urban $7s,000 6l17l1991 Regular

To support the Foreign Policy Studies Program $350,000 6l17ll99l Regular

To support the Bradley Resident Scholars for 1991-92 $580,050 ll126l1990 Regular

To support the Foreign Policy Studies Program $350,000 61411990 Regular

To support the Bradley Resident Scholars Program $417,000 1112711989 Regular

To support the activities of the Foriegn Policy Studies $300,000 912511989 Regular

To support the Bradley Visiting Scholars Program $5 83,800 2/2711989 Regular

To support the work of Elliot Abrams $ 19,000 1/2311989 Regular

To support the Foreign Policy Studies Program $300,000 512311988 Regular

Page 3 of 4
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support the Bradley Visiting Scholars Program 56,000

To support its Foreign Policy Studies Program

To support its Resident Scholars Program

To support the Foreign Policy Studies Program

Grand Totals (72 items) $16,169,702

Page 4 of 4
National Bureau of Asian Research
1414 NE 42nd Street, Suite 300
Seattle, WA 98'105

Dr. Richard Ellings



PROJECT TITLE: To support the Strategic Asia Program and PLA Conference



STAFF: Dianne J. Sehler

MEETING DATE: 212512014

PROPOSAL lD#: 20131150

BACKGROUND: The National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR) requests
a grant of $250,000 to support Strategic Asia (Se¡ and the
People's Liberation Army Conference.
Promoting US interests in Asia, NBR draws upon leading 1n-house
and outside specialists to conduct studies, develop policy,
organize conferences, interact with the media, and consult with
government official-s. Unparalleled in producing high-quality
advanced research on forces shaping Asian affairs, NBR also
works closely with Pacific Command, reinvigorates the role of
academic Asian studies, and serves as a clearinghouse for policy
research on Asia.
With major contributions from Princeton scholar Aaron Friedberg
and AEI scholar Nicholas Eberstadt, SA analyzes all aspects of
regional affairs affecting America's security: China's rise; US
alliances; Koreai Russia's engagement in Asia; inter-state
relations; the internaf politics of Asian states; and Asia-
Middle East links. Last year's organizinq theme for SA was the
role of nucfear \^/eapons in the grand strategies of key Asian
states. This year's is the future of US alliances in Asia. The
program also supports the unique onfine SA database and
accompanying geospatial maps, âû initiative begun in the early
1990s to al-low users to view real-time satellite imagery of
China's military assets, force locations, exercises, and
overseas operations. This resource has greatly enhanced the
ability of specialists to analyze developments in Asia.
Like SA, the PLA Conference addresses critical US foreign policy
and security interests in the Asia-Paclfic. It was established
by AEI in the 1980s and noh/, under NBR management, provides the
best possibl-e analysis of China's military, strategic
ob¡ectives, and capabilities. A $250,000 grant is requested.
NBR's budget is $4.4 million, $370,000 of which is allocated to
Strategì-c Asia and PLA programs.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: As US defense policymaking seems to be
increasingly driven fess by national security imperatives than
by budgetary faiÌure, preserving American interests in Asia and
supporting American allies have become ever more challenging. As
it has done for 25 years, NBR continues to exert influence in
discussion of this volatile region. A girant of $190'000 is
recommended for Strategic Asia and the PLA conference.
National Bureau of Asian Research
Grant History
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support the Strategic Asia Program and the PLA $190,000 212612013 Regular

To support the Strategic Asia Program and the PLA $ 175,000 212812012 Regular

To support the Strategic Asia Program and the Pyle $r 75,000 21221201I Regular

To support the PLA Resource project $50,000 5ll1l20l0 Regular

To support Strategic Asia and the Pyle Center for $190,000 212312010 Regular
Northeast Asian Studies

To support Strategic Asia; The þle Center; a $I 90,000 212412009 Regular

conference on China's military; the US-India Strategic
Dialogue; and the National Asia Research Program

To support Strategic Asia, the Pyle Center for $235,000 211912008 Regular
Northeast Asian Studies, and the People's Liberation
Army Conference
To support Strategic Asia, þle Center and PLA s225,000 212012007 Regular

To support the Strategic Asia Program $100,000 212212006 Regular

To support the Kenneth B. and Anne H.H. Pyle Center $ 100,000 111812005 Regular
for Northeast Asian Studies
To support the Strategic Asia Program $ 100,000 2115/2005 Regular
To support the Strategic Asia Program $80,000 212612004 Regular
To support the Strategic Asia Program $70,000 212512003 Regular
To support the Strategic Asia Program $60,000 211912002 Regular

To support the Center of Asian Security Studies $60,000 6/512000 Regular

To support "Korean Reunification and the American $65,000 ll/18/1997 Regular
National Interest: Contingencies and Implications for
To support production of "The Accidental s50,000 1012211996 Regular
Revolutionary" in association with Pacem Productions

To support production of a "Messengers from $ 15,000 I0/2411995 Regular

Mosco\.v" telecourse

To support a research project on U.S. and Japanese $67,300 6/811992 Regular

interests in the Asia/Pacific region

Page 1 of 2
Grant Amount Approved Fund
Grand Totals (19 items)
National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
'1050 Massachusetts Avenue, Floor 3
Cambridge, MA 02138

Dr. James M. Poterba



PROJECT TITLE: To support the Summer lnstitute and research on taxation



STAFF: Dianne J. Sehler

MEETING DATE: 212512014

PROPOSAL lD#: 20131149

BACKGROUND:The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
requests a $258,836 grant to support the 2014 Summer Institute
($152,120) and the Taxation and Economic Activity project
($106,7L6) .

NBER coordinates policy research from among its expansive

network of academic economists and then wldely disseminates
findings. One of its most effective distribution channels is the
annuaf 3-week Summer Institute which brings together almost
2,500 senior economists and promising, non-tenured academics
from 400 universities, agencies, centraf banks, and institutes
worldwide to critique ne\^/ research and lay groundwork for future
collaboration. The Institute includes more than 50 distinct
research meetings, hundreds of seminar presentations, one week
devoted to issues invol-ving global financial markets, and the
Marti-n Fel-dstein Lecture. Bradley funding is requested to
support attendance costs for 160 young schol-ars.
The second proposal component, for research on taxation, arose
from a 2008 Bradley working group on fiscal poJ-icy. It involves
upgrading NBER's TAXSIM model to better enable researchers
outside government to carry out detailed analyses of how the
current tax system and various alternatives affect economic
activity. Directed by NBER President James Poterba, this project
afso j-ncludes NBER's Tax Policy research seminar, which brings
research findings to the attention of policy-oriented economists
in Washington as well as the Trans-Atlantic Public Economics
Seminar, ât which NBER researchers share findings on tax policy
issues with their European peers. A $258,836 grant is requested.
NBER's budget is $36 million, of which the Summer Institute
accounts for $1.15 million.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: NBER is the nation's premier private
economic research organization. Its associates have included
many Nobel Laureate economists, some of whom, like Milton
Friedman, conducted their pioneering work under NBER auspices.
A $170,000 grant is recommended to support the two proposal
components presented above, to be all-ocated at the discretlon of
Professor Poterba.
National Bureau of Economic Research
Grant History
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support the Summer Institute and a research project $ 170,000 2126/2013 Regular
on taxation

To support the Summer Institute and a taxation project $ 170,000 2128/2012 Regular

To support general operations $20,000 sltl/201t BP Selector


To support the Summer Institute and the Economic $ 150,000 2122/2011 Regular
Stimulus and Regulatory Policy projects

To support general operations $20,000 4/2712010 BP Selector


To support the Summer Institute and the Economics of $I 50,000 t1110/2009 Regular
National Security program

To support public policy research $20,000 st7 /2009 BP Selector


To support research on federal income tax policy s95,628 r1/t8/2008 Regular

To support the Economics of National Security $110,000 613/2008 Regular
program and the Summer Institute

To support the Summer Institute $50,000 2t22t2006 Regular

To support the Economics of National Security $50,000 8/2312005 Regular


To support the 1999 Summer Institute $200,000 2/2212000 Regular

To support the 1998 Summer Institute $200,000 612/1998 Regular

To support the 1997 Summer Institute $200,000 61311997 Regular

To support the 1996 Summer Institute $200,000 61311996 Regular

To support the 1995 Summer Institute $200,000 616lt99s Regular

To support the 1994 Summer Institute $200,000 61611994 Regular

To support the "Managing Monetary Policy" research $200,000 2128/1994 Regular


To support the 1993 Summer Institute $200,000 212211993 Regular

To supporl the tax analysis project $300,000 2122/1993 Regular

To support the 1992 Summer Institute $200,000 2124/1992 Regular
To support a research project on monetary policy $ 150,000 6l17 /1991 Regular

To support the 1991 Summer Institute $225,000 2125/1991 Regular

Page I of 2
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support the 1990 Summer Institute $225,000 2126/1990 Regular
To suppoft the 1989 Summer Institute $200,000 212711989 Regular

To support the 1988 Summer Institute $250,000 l1ll8l1987 Regular

To support the 1987 Summer Institute $250,000 9/22/1986 Regular

To support the 1986 Summer Institute $250,000 61211986 Regular

To support its research of economic policies and $450,000 212311986 Regular

macro-economic performance

Grand Totals (29 items) $5,105,628

Page 2 of 2
National Center for Policy Analysis
12770 Coit Road
Dallas, TX 75251-1339

Dr. John C. Goodman



PROJECT TITLE: To support general operations



STAFF: Dianne J. Sehler

MEETING DATE: 212512014

PROPOSAL lD#: 20131240

BACKGROUND:The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA)
requests a grant of ç725,000 to support general operations
NCPA proposes and markets economic pollcies that rely on the
strengths of the competitive private sector. It uses all
available discourse techniques to impact policy debates. NCPA
also provides policymakers with research rel-evant to their
legislative initiatives .
NCPA places priority on innovating market strategies to contain
medical costs, improve quality, and increase access. Tn his
recent book, Pricefess: Curinq the Heafth Care Crlsis, NCPA
president John Goodman offers a realistic alternative to the
Affordable Care Act. NCPA also disseminates research on the
economics of health care reform conducted by Bradley grant
recipient Dr. Thomas Saving, and it works closely with State
Policy Network members, conservative think tanks, and trade
NCPA has long been active in advancing Social Securlty and
Medicare reform. Additionally, it corrects media misinformati-on
on energy and environmental issues; supports the on-line
resource Debate Centraf for low-income high schoof students,'
conducts an advanced internship program for college students;
provides content for a number of conservative radio talk shows;
and maintalns an active social media program.
To advance arguments supportive of pro-growth tax reform, NCPA
proposes to develop and launch the Tax Analysis Center.
Utilizing a sophisticated dynamic tax mode1, the Center will
analyze the effects of proposed tax changes on individuals and
families at various income levels and ages. As is NCPA's
practice, results will be aggressively disseminated. NCPA
requests a $125,000 grant to support 1ts $5 million budget. The
new Tax Analysis Center is expensed at an additional $¿ million
over five years.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: For more than thirty years, NCPA has
ensured that market-based solutions to public problems are given
a national platform. Time and again, it has demonstrated
adeptness in moving conservative j-deas through the policy
process. Staff, therefore, recommends a $100,000 grant.
National Genter for Policy Analysis
Grant History
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support research on health-care reform in Wisconsin $25,000 rUt2l20t3 Regular

To support research on health-care reform in Wisconsin $25,000 rU1212013 Regular

To support general operations and a senior fellowship $85,000 611U2013 Regular

To support general operations $30,000 t2ll1l20t2 Donor Intent


To support general operations and a fellowship $85,000 61612012 Regular

To support general operations $30,000 t2l5l201t Donor lntent


To support research and education on health care $50,000 1U8l20',tl Regular

To support a Distinguished Fellowship $100,000 slt0l20tt Regular

To supporl general operations $30,000 t2l2l20t0 Donor Intent


To support general operations and a Distinguished $ 120,000 sltU20t0 Regular


To support general operations $30,000 1U2412009 Donor Intent


To supporl general operations and a Distinguished $120,000 6t212009 Regular


To support general operations $10,000 417/2009 BP Selector


To support general operations and a Distinguished $ 150,000 6/312008 Regular


To suppof general operations $20,000 41712008 BP Selector


To support general operations $ r0,000 t2/712007 Donor Intent


To support general operations $80,000 1t/t3/2001 Regular

To support the Distinguished Fellowship of Dr. Robert s50,000 212012007 Regular

McTeer, Jr.

To support general operations $10,000 tU2912006 Donor lntent


To support general operations $80,000 t117 /2006 Regular

Page 1 of 2
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support general operations $5,000 111612006 GCC

To support general operations $ 10,000 t2/t6/2005 Donor Intent


To support general operations $80,000 tU8/200s Regular

To support general operations $5,000 tU3/200s GCC

To support the state Social Security Initiative $100,000 211s/200s Regular

To support general operations $10,000 1213/2004 Donor Intent


To support general operations $5,000 n/2212004 GCC

To support general operations $80,000 111912004 Regular

To support the Social Security Reform in the Minority $50,000 212612004 Regular
Community project

To support general operations $2,500 t2/10/2003 Donor Intent


To support general operations $80,000 tt/412003 Regular

To support a public education program on Social $75,000 2/25/2003 Regular

Security and Medicare reform

To support general operations $80,000 nil212002 Regular

To support general operations s 100,000 t111312001 Regular

To support general operations $100,000 nlt412000 Regular

To support general operations $ 100,000 nlt6/1999 Regular

To support general operations $ 100,000 tUtT/1998 Regular

To support research on welfare reform s 100,000 tlltS/1997 Regular

To support work on welfare reform $ 100,000 tU2s/1996 Regular

To support general program activities $75,000 lv27/1995 Regular

To support general operations $s0,000 U23/1995 Regular

To support the Center's work on the health care reform $100,000 tl12211993 Regular

To support a health care model project $100,000 9/23/1991 Regular

To suppof an anthology of writings by contemporary $35,000 5/2311988 Regular

Latin American intellectuals

Grand Totals (44 items) s2,682,500

Page 2 of 2
National Strategy lnformation Genter, lnc.
1730 Rhode lsland Avenue NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036

Dr. Roy Godson



PROJECT TITLE: To support general operations



STAFF: Dianne J. Sehler

MEET|NG DATE: 212512014

PROPOSAL lD#: 20131134

BACKGROUND:The National Strategy Information Center (NSIC)
requests a grant of $375,000 to support general operations.
Directed by intelligence scholar/educator Dr. Roy Godson, NSIC
diagnoses deficiencies in US response to security threats
emanating from extreme Islamists, criminal elites, and armed
groups which operate as shadow rulers often in coflusion with
revisionist states (Russia, China, Iran) . It then innovates and
pilots techniques to strengthen response capabilitles;
communicates findings to defense practitioners,' and heightens
publlc understanding of these issues through the popular media,
for example NationaL Review.
One NSIC priority is what it terms "competitive soft po\^/er
engagement" (CSP), a necessary component of the struggle against
transnational adversaries, now operating in 50-100 weak states
with afmost haff the world's population. Recognízing that this
struggle is a deep battle of ideas and culture, NSIC's CSP
concept involves deploying to areas of conflict US professionals
who have been carefully trained in non-military techniques to
influence developments to the strategic advantage of the US.
Irùorking closely with segments of the miliLary, policymakers, and
friendly democracies, NSfC emphasizes the critical role of local
communitj-es in providing j-nformation to US fiefd officers a
rofe that cannot be fulfilled absent confidence in the integrity
of indigenous public security officials. To bolster that
integrity, NSIC trains US troops, particularly Special Forces,
to reach into the education of forelgn officials to foster
support for rule of law.
NSIC continues to develop curriculum for milltary/intelligence
schools. With the Jack Miller Center, it develops curriculum for
college government teachers that connects first principles to
current confl-icts. NSIC also continues to bring together senior
US defense practitioners (current and retired) from various
agencies in regular off-the-record discussion. To support its $Z
million budget, NSIC requests a $375,000 grant.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Despite wide recognltion that America's
enemies effectively use narrative, myth, and ideology to extend
their influence, official Vüashington has not even begun to
develop capabilities adequate to the task at hand. NSfC is, in
fact, the only resource, in or out of government, undertaking to
make "competitive soft power" a regular tool of US statecraft. A
$335,000 grant is recommended.
National Strategy lnformation Genter
Grant History
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support general operations $335,000 2126/2013 Regular
To support general operations $335,000 212812012 Regular
To support general operations $3 50,000 212212011 Regular
To support general operations $375,000 212312010 Regular
To support the Middle East media professionals' site $50,000 lll10/2009 Regular

To support general operations $37s,000 212412009 Regular

To support general operations $400,000 211912008 Regular
To supporl the establishment of security training $68,500 1111312007 Regular
centers in Latin America

To support general operations $400,000 212012007 Regular

To support general operations $400,000 2122/2006 Regular
To supporf the Arab Media project $250,000 812312005 Regular
To support general operations and the Special Project $400,000 2115/2005 Regular
to Enhance U.S. Intelligence

To suppof general operations $300,000 212612004 Regular

To support general operations $275,000 212512003 Regular
To support general operations $825,000 211912002 Regular
To support general operations $275,000 2/2712001 Regular
To support general operations $250,000 2/22/2000 Regular
To supporl general operations $250,000 2/26/1999 Regular
To support general operations $235,000 212411998 Regular
To support general operations $235,000 212511997 Regular
To suppoft program activities s225,000 212311996 Regular
To support research and education activities $225,000 2/2711995 Regular
To support a research project on international urban $50,000 8122/1994 Regular

To support research and educational program activities $200,000 6/611994 Regular

To support research and educational activities relating $250,000 2122/1993 Regular
to intelligence

To support general program activities $3 7 r ,485 2/2411992 Regular

Page 1 of 2
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support general program activities $410,050 2/25/1991 Regular
To support general program activities 9439,433 2/2611990 Regular
To support 1989 and summer 1990 research and $417,351 2/27/1989 Regular
educational programs

To supporl its 1988 educational programs $300,872 2/2211988 Regular

To support educatjonal and research projects $I 86,000 2/2311987 Regular
To support projects on Soviet disinformation;2-day $ 152,000 612/1986 Regular
colloquium on intelligence; research of Dr. A. Shulsky.

Grand Totals (32 items) $9,610,69 r

Page 2 of 2
Tax Foundation
National Press Building
529 14lh Street, NW, Suite 420
Washington, DC 20045-1000

Mr. Scott Hodge



PROJECT TITLE: To support general operations



STAFF: Dianne J. Sehler

MEETING DATE: 212512014

PROPOSAL lD#: 20131132

BAGKGROUND: The Tax Foundation (TF) requests a grant of $60,000
to support general operations.
TF produces accurate overviews of the impact of federal income,
state, and business taxes on individuals, families, and the
economy. fts work is grounded in the view that dissemination of
basic information about government finance is vital to the
foundation of sound policy in a free society. Vùhile its primary
audiences are journalists, legislators, and economists, TF also
presents accessible data to the public for use in making
informed polltical judgments. It is widely known for Tax Freedom
Day, the annual calculation of the day Americans will finally
have earned enough to pay off their taxes for the year.
TF provides facts and figures to undermine the politics of
"class warfare." At the federal fevel, it uses its sophisticated
tax simulation model to bulld the case for tax reform and
American competiveness. TF also conducts a 10-week educational
program on economics and tax theory for congressional staff,
with each class taught by a leading professor or public policy
scholar. At the state level-, it produces the annual State
Business Tax Cfimate Index,' contributes to State Policy Network
activities; fosters tax competition between states; and helps
grass-roots organì-zations assess various tax proposals.
To encourage judicial decisions that protect taxpayers, TF
f ocuses on hidden taxes and mu-ltiple taxatíon. Its work in these
areas is compl-imented by efforts to heighten public awareness of
the increasingty activist role courts have been taking in
steeríng the direction of tax pollcy. A grant of $60,000 is
requested to support TF's $3.3 miflion operating budget.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Vlith 15 years of experience, TF brings
authority to debates on fundamental tax reform and the question
of what tax system will be most conducive to economj-c growth.
The Waff Street Journaf, Investors Business Dai7y, and other
publications repeatedly cite TF studies. This has been
particu-larly true of its distributional analyses over the recent
past, âs many of the major Vüashington-based think tanks claiming
expertise in economic policy matters misrepresent the full
extent of tax progressivity. An operational grant of $50' 000 is
Tax Foundation
Grant History
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To supporl general operations and educational $50,000 212612013 Regular

To support general operations $s0,000 61612012 Regular

To support general operations $60,000 5ll01201l Regular

To support the Federal Fiscal Incidence Project $80,000 2123/2010 Regular

To support the Federal Fiscal Incidence Project $80,000 212412009 Regular

To support general operations and the Center for Legal $40,000 613/2008 Regular

To supporl general operations ($25,000) and the $40,000 5/212007 Regular

Appropriation by Litigation education finance project

To support general operations $25,000 512412006 Regular

To support general operations $25,000 512412005 Regular

To support general operations $25,000 61812004 Regular

To support general operations $25,000 812612003 Regular

To support general operations in 1994 $25,000 4126/1994 Regular

To support general programs $ 15,000 412711993 Regular

Grand Totals (13 items) $540,000

Page 1 of 1
The Witherspoon lnstitute
16 Stockton Street
Princeton, NJ 08542

Mr. Luis Tellez



PROJECT TITLE: To support the Seymour lnstitute



STAFF: Dianne J. Sehler

MEETING DATE: 212512014

PROPOSAL lD#: 20131200

BACKGROUND: The Wltherspoon Institute (VfI) requests a grant of
$160,000 to support the Seymour Instltute for Black Church and
Policy Studies.
A research and education center, WI is committed to "enhancing
public understanding of the principles of free and democratic
societies." Vlitherspoon fellows, resident scholars, and others
contribute to its mission through conferences, publications,
educational seminars, and individual projects.
As presented in this proposal, Bradley funding would support the
creation and launch of the William J. Seymour Institute for
Black Church and Policy Studies as an independent entity by mid-
year. The Instltute's purpose is to educate and train black
church leaders, the rising qeneration of church leaders, and
other interested parties about a proper understanding of the
difficult questions now confronting the black church as well as
policy inltiatives for their resofution. These questions largely
bear on marriage, freedom of conscience, poverty, and other
issues where progressive orthodoxies (claiming the mantle of
civil rights) and the traditional principles of the black church
are at odds.
To assist the Seymour Institute estabfish seff-sufficiency, WI
wlff undertake the following tasks: the deveJ-opment of a Board
of Directors,' the formation of the Black Church Commission on
Bioethics, Human Life, Family and Marriage; the organization of
the first in a series of annual Seminars on Rellgious Liberty,
the Black Fam1ly, and Marriage; and the development of fundì-ng
sources. Director of Seymour Institute programminq, Reverend
Eugene Rivers is a leading authority on both faith-based
initiatives for serving disadvantaged communities and youth
violence prevention. He is famil-iar to wide audiences through
his frequent appearances on prime-time cable and network
programs as well as for coveraqe by major print media of his
writings and work.
A grant of $160,000 is requested to fund, in equal parts, the
Seymour Institute, the Seminar on Religious Liberty, the BIack
Family and Marriage, and Witherspoon operating costs. For 2014,
WI expenses total ç2.8 million
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Given the fdeas and Instltutions sector's
interest in elevating the public and policy discourse, staff
recommends a grant of $50,000 to support the Seymour Institute.
Witherspoon lnstitute
Grant History
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To suppoÍ general operations $50,000 8/20/2013 Regular

To support the New Family Structures Study $90,000 tU1312012 Regular

To support general operations $50,000 61612012 Regular

To suppoft the Islam and Religious Freedom Media $70,000 111812011 Regular

To support general operations $60,000 5ll0l20l1 Regular

To supporl the Marriage and Sexual Ethics project $50,000 811712010 Regular

To support a research project on national security $75,000 8l17l20l0 Regular

To support general operations $80,000 2123/2010 Regular

To support Gabriel Schoenfeld's research on national $75,000 8/1812009 Regular

security secrecy in a democratic society

To support the Latin America Study Group and a $100,000 11/18/2008 Regular
conference on natural law

To support a Guest Scholarship for Gabriel Schoenfeld $90,000 613/2008 Regular

To support student activity at Princeton $5,000 211812008 GCC

To support student activity at Princeton $s,000 311612007 GCC

To support the public conference "Globalization and $100,000 212012007 Regular

the Rise of the Left in Latin America"

To support student activity at Princeton $5,000 10t2412006 GCC

To support a research project on Teen Challenge $25,000 1119/2004 Regular

Grand Totals (16 items) $930,000

Page 1 of 1
C. Public Discourse
Discovery lnstitute for Public Policy
208 Columbia Street
Seattle, WA 98104

Mr. Steven J. Buri



PROJECT TITLE: To support the work of George Gilder



STAFF: Dianne J. Sehler

MEETING DATE: 212512014

PROPOSAL lD#: 20131201

BACKGROUND:The Discovery Institute for Public Pollcy (DI)
requests a grant of $30,000 to support the work of George
This proposal addresses the public debate on capitalism that has
been engaged and, to a large extent, framed by its ideological
opponents. In response, DI provides students, teachers, clergy,
policymakers, and the public with arguments and information that
will help them defend economic freedom and the morality of the
market system. Discovery Institute's Center on Wealth, Poverty,
and Morality houses these efforts, to which Center Chair and DI
Co-Founder George Gilder's writing and speaking engagements are

Championing the free market as the source of wealth creation and

prosperity, Mr. Gifder's New York Times best-seller lileal-th and
Poverty was published in 1981. President Reag'an's most
frequently quoted livlng author, Mr. Gilder produced a
thoroughly revised edition of the book with a foreword by Steve
Forbes, which was released in 2012 by Regnery Press. In 2013,
Regnery released Mr. Gilder's sequel to lñeaLth and Poverty.
Entitled KnowLedge and Power, the book argues that human
creativity - foundatlonal to prosperity - requires free
enterprise to flourish. It also disproves the accuracy of the
Keynesian demand model, which has dominated economic theory for
the past half-century. Knowfedge and Power was named "the book
of the year, maybe of the new milfennium" by Forbes Magazine.
To maximize the book's influence and apply its lessons in policy
and practice, Df's Center has undertaken a broad education
initiative, including outreach to opinion leaders; media spots;
speaking tours; the placement of articfes by Mr. Gilder 1n
Nationaf Review, Vlaff Street Journal-, and other print outlets;
online activities; and legislative testimony and briefings. Of
DI's ç4.2 million budget, the Center accounts for $500,000. A
$30,000 grant is requested.
STA-EF RECOMMENDATION: Glven Mr. Gilder's public prominence, the
Center's educational program stands to reach millions. A grant
of $10,000 to support Mr. Gifder's work is recommended.
Discovery World
Grant History
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support the work of George Gilder $ 10,000 6/lll20l3 Regular

To support the work of George Gilder $20,000 212812012 Regular

To support the fourth "Originals" policy conference $25,000 2125/199'7 Regular

To support general program activities $75,000 912811992 Regular

Grand Totals (4 items) $130,000

Page 1 of 1
Student Free Press Association
4771Mechanic Road
Hillsdale, M!49242

Mr. John J. Miller



PROJECT TITLE: To support general operations



STAFF: Dianne J. Sehler

MEETING DATE: 212512014

PROPOSAL lD#: 20131087

BACKGROUND:The Student Free Press Association (SFP) requests a
grant of $25,000 to support general operations.
The SFP is a membership organization of student journalists
directed by li/a tionaf Revielø and Waf f Street Journaf contributor
John Milfer. SFP recruits college-age writers, bloggers,
podcasters, and video makers to develop stories based on
original reporting. Now in its fourth year of operations, SFP
has more than 700 members, many attending top schools. Thelr
work ís posted on SFP/ s The CoTTege Fíx website, which is
promoted through social medj-a and popular websj-tes such as the
DaiTy Ca7Ler, Manhattan Institute's, and
ReaL Cl-ear Politics. Many SFP members afso receive exposure from
Fox Nation, which is an unofficial partner in its efforts, âs
well as lr/atjonal- Review OnLine, The Drudge Report, and the
online edition of the liall Street Journal, all of which provide
links to SfP.
Annually, SFP sponsors paid sunmer internships for its most
promising members. Each intern works directly with a veteran
journalist, for example Michael Barone, Larry Kudlow, William
McGurn, and Kimberly Strassel. Toward futfilling its 2014
budgetary requirement of $380,000, SFP requests a $25,000 grant.
STA.E'F RECOMMENDATION: Over the past two years,
has experienced growth of 700% to 1.4 million views per month.
This impressive statistic reflects both the high quality and
fresh content of its articles, particularly those exposing
scandals in higher education.
SFP's method of working with individual journalists rather than
college pubì-ications enables it to reach larger numbers of
student writers. To its credit, SFP has demonstrated skill in
identifying tal-ent and nurturing careers. One former intern,
Andrew Stiles, later became the first Bradley-funded Thomas
Rhodes Journal-ism Fellow, reporting for Nationaf Review OnLine.
Staff recommends a renewal grant of $10,000.
Student Free Press Association
Grant History
Project Title Grant Amount Approved Fund
To support general operations $10,000 212612013 Regular

To supporl general operations $10,000 2/2812012 Regular

Grand Totals (2 items) $20,000

Page 1 of 1
D. Recommended declinations
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FEBRUARY 25,2014



A. GRANT COMMITMENT ACTIVITY: Encounter for Culture and Education's $1,000,000

grant authorized at the August 20,2013 meeting of the directors to support Encounter Books for
201 4 was activated (awarded).


remaining from the $1,600,000 allocated for Gifted Education for 2013 was added to the
52,260,000 authorizationfor 2014, thereby awarding and paying a $2,400,000 grant to the
Institute for Educational Advancement in December 2013.

C. GRANT AWARDS: Two off-cycle grants were awarded l2l13lI3 as a result of a poll of the
Directors: $25,000 was awarded to The Foundation for Constitutional Government in support of
an online resource project, and $75,000 to support the James Madison
Program in American Ideals and Institutions was awarded to Princeton University.

One off-cycle grant was awarded ll3Ill4 as a result of a poll of the Directors: $650,000 was
awarded to the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra to support a special campaign with payment
contingent upon MSO raising $5 million of their capital campaign.


A grant of $32,833 was awarded to the True the Vote to support general operations, at the request
of Cleta Mitchell.

STAFF PROGRAM Year (8 erants totaline $L0.500)

Alliance for Children and Families 2013 Friauf 1,000
Foundation Financial Officers Group 2013 Friauf 500
Northtown Church 2014 Norton 2,000
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 2014 Lempke 1,000
Ronald McDonald House Charities of 2013 King 2,000
Eastern Wisconsin
Sisters of the Order of St. Benedict 2013 Manning 1,000
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2014 Arga 2,000
(Manfred Olson Planetarium)
Zion Ev. Lutheran Church 2014 Lempke 1,000

DIRECTOR PROGRAM Year (9 erants totaline $46.500)

Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute 2013 Mitchell 5,000
Collegiate Cultural Foundation 2013 George 5,000
Colorado Christian University 2013 Considine 5,000
Holton Youth and Family Center 2013 Grebe 1,500
Milwaukee College Preparatory School 2013 Orr 5,000
Milwaukee County Historical Society 2013 Uihlein 5,000
New Creatures in Christ 2013 Kuester 5,000
California Dance Institute 20t3 v/ill 5,000
California Dance Institute 2013 V/ill6r'r3 MC) 10,000
FEBRUARY 25,2014

Organization Amount
Project Director

Colorado Christian University $50,000

To support the Centennial Institute's 2014 Western Considine
Conservative Summit

New Threads of Hope $30,000

To support general operations Smith

University of WI Foundation $30,000

To support the Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic Orr

Witherspoon Institute $50,000

To support the Seymour Institute George

'Word $25,000
of Hope Ministries
To support general operations Kuester

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