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Ecosystem Services

MSD 012: Ecosystem and Natural Resources

• Ecosystem Services and Human Wellbeing
Description of the relationships among ecosystem elements and processes (Ken J. Wallace, 2007)
What are Ecosystem
▪ Ecosystem services are the conditions and processes through
which natural ecosystems, and the species that make them up,
sustain and fulfill human life. (Daily 1997).
▪ Ecosystem goods (such as food) and services (such as waste
assimilation) represent the benefits human populations derive,
directly or indirectly, from ecosystem functions (Costanza et al.
▪ Ecosystem Services are of four types:
➢ Provisioning Services
➢ Regulating Services
➢ Supporting Services
➢ Cultural Services
The development of the concept over time (Chaudhary et al,
Categories of ecosystem service and examples
of related services, (Wallace, 2007)
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Ecosystem processes and ecosystem services
(Mace et al, 2012)
Source: (Vihervaara, P. et al.,2010)
Ecosystem Services and Their Links to Human Well-being
Source:(Costanza et al, 2014)
Sustainability and Ecosystem Services
• Khuman, YSC
• Prasad, Jagdamba (2016). Concept of Ecosystem. In Rana, R. S. (editor) Ecosystem and Natural Resources. MSD 012: Ecosystem and
Natural Resources. Self Learning Materials for Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainability Science (PGDSS). Published by IGNOU.
• Mace, Georgina M., Norris, Ken and Fitter, Alastair H. (2012). Biodiversity and ecosystem services: a multilayered relationship.
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 27 (1): 19-26
• R. Costanza et al. (2014). Changes in the global value of ecosystem services. Global Environmental Change, 26: 152–158
• Wallace, Ken J. (2007). Classification of ecosystem services: Problems and solutions. Biological Conservation, 139: 235-246
• Vihervaara, P. et al. (2010). Ecosystem services–A tool for sustainable management of human–environment systems. Case study
Finnish Forest Lapland. Ecological Complexity 7: 410–420
• Ecosystems and human well-being : a framework for assessment / Millennium Ecosystem Assessment ; authors, Joseph Alcamo [et
al.] ; contributing authors, Elena M. Bennett [et al.]. Copyright © 2003 World Resources Institute
• Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA): (2005): Ecosystems and Human Well- Being: Synthesis. Island Press, Washington.
• Chaudhary, et al., (2015). The evolution of ecosystem services: A time series and discourse-centered analysis. Environmental
Science & Policy 54 (2015) 25–34

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