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Cast Verse Healing Modality Training

CAST all your anxiety on Him because
he cares for you 1 Peter 5:7

1 Greet and gather information for the trauma that they want to walk through. Assure them that this is a safe space
to heal, a house of freedom, not judgment. They are dearly loved and Jesus wants to heal them and set them free.

Explain the ministry process. You will walk through forgiving the person(s) by talking to them directly. Let the
emotions up and out to give to Jesus. Voice your hurt, pain, frustrations and anger, cry, weep, etc. These emotions
will bring healing when they are released from their soul.

They may need to forgive more than one person. They can forgive people together if it makes sense for a situation.

3 You can lead them to forgive one person at a time as well. Try to pray the RAM Prayers once at the end even if
multiple people are forgiven. For example: “I choose to forgive you Mom + Dad...”. Or “I choose to forgive my boss,
coworker, and the woman in HR in the name of Jesus Christ...”

Ask Holy Spirit to take them to the age and place of trauma in their soul so they can cast it on Jesus. “Holy Spirit
take her to little 5 yo who felt abandoned” Encourage them to close their eyes and begin to speak to the person
directly as if they came and sat right there next to them, but can only listen.

5 They may struggle to get started. You can give them prompts such as “Dad, I forgive you for” or “Dad, it really hurt me
when you...” or “Dad I never felt loved or protected” or “Dad, I felt rejected and unworthy”

6 Take notes and capture the top 5-10 emotions that the Holy Spirit highlights to you as they are forgiving.

When they pause or start to hit a wall on what to say, you can ask “Holy Spirit, is there anything else they need to

7 forgive them for? Place it in their minds. You are the lover of their soul and know all of their burdens.”Continue
asking the Lord to search their heart until you discern that they have released emotions and come to a place of

8 If there is interference with the enemy pushing up other hurt places or distractions you can say “All other hurt parts
go down and be at rest. Every devil bound. You can not interfere with Jesus’ healing.”

9 Begin the RAM Prayers when they have finished forgiving and releasing.

10 RAM Prayers:
I choose to forgive you ___ for abandoning me in the name of Jesus Christ.
I break the ungodly spirit, soul, and body ties with my ___ in the name of Jesus.
I break the curses of ___ off my life and these generational curses off of my bloodline in the name of Jesus.
I cast these emotions to You Jesus. Please take them and fill me with Your Holy Spirit in their place. Amen

Minister Command Spirits:

All spirits who have taken advantage of an ungodly soul tie (with dad in this case) or any of this hurt and trauma they
brought upon their life must leave now in the order that you entered and take all of your problems with you.

Minister Seal, Anoint, and Fill with Holy Spirit:

I anoint you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and seal this in Jesus’ blood. I bless your heart to receive the fullness of
His healing. Holy Spirit fill those places in their soul where there was pain and hurt with Your love and light. Heal and
restore their mind to complete wholeness. Heal their body of any infirmity that was caused from this trauma. Amen.
Continue to pray and declare as you are led by the Lord.

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