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J. Dela Cruz / Chemistry 26.

1 (2016) P a g e |1

Specified format for formal reports (Cambria 13.5)

J. Dela Cruz1, L. Kapnayan1, L. Haynayan2 (Cambria 10.5)
Institute of Chemistry, College of Science, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101
Institute of Biology, College of Science, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101

Performed 10 June 2016; Submitted 12 June 2016

(1 space, Cambria 10)

(1 space, Cambria 10)
A condensed version of the entire paper, summarizing the essential aspects of the paper, significance of the study, purpose
of the experiment, brief methodology, major results, and major conclusions. This should be written in past tense and third
person. It should give the reader an idea of the scope of the study. Do not include too much background information.
Typically 100-200 words, make the abstract brief and concise.
(1 space, Cambria 10)

“Table 1.”, “Table 2.”, etc. and should be referred to in the

Introduction (Cambria 10, Bold) text as “table 1,” “table 2,” etc.

This must give the background information of the study. Equations should be prepared using Equation Editor or
Give only relevant information. Show the importance of the MathType. Equations should be numbered sequentially,
study. A summary of the procedure, as well as objectives of i.e., (1), (2), etc., un-italicized and center-justified in the
the experiment must also be presented here. Include text. (Cambria 10, justified)
citation [1] for all borrowed information. References must
be arranged as they are used in the report. Example:
One factor affecting the rate is the temperature as shown
Introduction must be in third person (Cambria 10, by the Arrhenius equation (1) where k is the rate constant,
justified) A is the Arrhenius constant, Ea is the activation energy, R is
the gas constant and T is the temperature. Using this
Methodology (Cambria 10, Bold) equation, however, results to an exponential graph which
makes interpolation harder. Hence, the linearized form of
This summarized the procedure performed in the
the Arrhenius equation (2) was used to prepare figure 1.
experiment in paragraph form (do not include parts that
were not done). It is in past tense form and passie voice. Do − Ea
not include diagram or procedural steps in preparing (1)
k = Ae RT
setups (Cambria 10, justified)
ln k = + ln A (2)
Results and Discussion (Cambria 10, Bold) RT

Present the results as they are discussed. Figures or tables Figure 1 below shows that the plot of ln (1/T) and (1/T) is
which are not discussed must be omitted. Place raw data in inversely proportional. The equation of the line given by
the appendix part. Rationalize the methodology and the the figure is y = -4977x + 11.92 with linearity value R 2
significance of each technique and reagent added. Organize equal to 0.998.
data into properly labeled tables, figures, etc., whichever is
applicable. When requiring regression curve, use an XY
scatter plot and insert the regression curve. The equation ln
of the best fit curve must be presented in the discussion (1/T)
and not part of the figure.

Each figure should have a brief caption describing it, along 1/T
with symbols to aid interpretation. Figures should be Figure 1. Effect of temperature on reaction rate by the
numbered sequentially, i.e., “Figure 1.”, “Figure 2.”, etc. Arrhenius equation.
and must be cited in the text as “figure 1,” “figure 2,” etc.
Table 1. Calculated values for dissociation and stability
Tables and figures should be centered unless they occupy constants.
the full width of the page. Captions should be placed on top A1 A2 A3
of the table. Tables should be numbered sequentially, i.e., K1 4.64E-06 1.18E-05 2.4E-06
K2 2.00E-05 3.98E-06 2.81E-05
J. Dela Cruz / Chemistry 26.1 (2016) P a g e |2

Analyze and interpret results. Include answers to guide

questions for discussion. Give the % error and propagation
for uncertainty, as well as pooled standard deviation and
account for the deviations, include sources of error.

Conclusion and Recommendations (Cambria 10, Bold)

Summary of important results should be shown here.

Discuss degree of success or failure of the experiment.
Include recommendations for improvement. (Cambria 10,

References (Cambria 10, Bold)

[1] Caleja, H., 2010. How to Write a Formal Report.

Quezon City: UP Diliman. 21-30.
(Author/s. Title of the book or journal. Year. City: Publisher.
Page number.)
You may use other formats (MLA or APA citation).
Minimum of 3 print references and maximum of 2 online
J. Dela Cruz / Chemistry 26.1 (2016) P a g e |3

Appendix (Cambria 10, Bold)

A. Answers to Questions (not necessary)

-If possible, integrate the ATQ to the appropriate parts in the FR body

B. Figures (not necessary)

-If possible, integrate in the results and discussion of the FR

C. Raw Data Table (if necessary)

- Include only raw or “untreated” data (i.e., in your data sheets)

D. Working Equations

E. Sample Calculations

Other remarks:
 Maximum of four (4) pages (including references but excluding appendix)
 Appendix should still be paginated. A two column format should be followed in the body until references.
Appendix should follow single column format.
 Attach your data sheets when submitting your formal report

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