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Nhóm 1
Câu hỏi: (Nguyễn Mai Ly)
Sometimes opposing views arise, leading to conflicts. How do you manage
these situations without compromising harmony or the meeting's objectives?
Trả lời: (Trần Long Vũ)
Resolving conflicts and managing opposing views in meetings without
compromising harmony or objectives involves a combination of effective
communication, active listening, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. Here
are some strategies to manage such situations:

● Create a Respectful Environment: Establish ground rules for respectful

communication at the beginning of the meeting. Encourage participants to
express their views openly while maintaining a respectful tone towards
● Active Listening: Encourage active listening among participants. Ensure
everyone has the opportunity to express their perspectives fully before
moving to discussion or decision-making.
● Clarify Misunderstandings: If opposing views arise due to
misunderstandings or misinterpretations, take the time to clarify them.
Paraphrase and summarize what each party has said to ensure mutual
● Focus on Interests, Not Positions: Encourage participants to focus on
underlying interests rather than fixed positions. Help them understand the
reasons behind each other's perspectives to find common ground.

By applying these strategies, you can effectively manage conflicts and opposing
views in meetings while preserving harmony and achieving the meeting's
Câu hỏi 2: ( Vũ Hà My)
Trả lời: (Đào Quỳnh Anh)
Technology offers several tools and strategies to enhance meetings in
remote or hybrid settings. Here are a few:

1. Video Conferencing Platforms: Utilize platforms like Zoom,

Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet for face-to-face interactions,
screen sharing, and collaboration in real-time.
2. Collaborative Document Editing: Platforms like Google Docs or
Microsoft Office Online allow participants to edit documents
simultaneously, fostering collaboration during meetings.
3. Project Management Tools: Tools like Trello, Asana, or can help track tasks, set deadlines, and manage
projects discussed during meetings.
4. Virtual Whiteboards: Platforms such as Miro or MURAL enable
participants to brainstorm, sketch ideas, and visualize concepts
collectively in real-time.
5. Polling and Feedback Tools: Use tools like Mentimeter or Poll
Everywhere to gather instant feedback, conduct polls, and engage
participants during meetings.

By integrating these technological solutions, meetings can become more

productive, engaging, and inclusive, regardless of participants' locations.
2. Nhóm 2
Câu hỏi: (Đặng Minh Đại)
So according to your presentation, what is the most significant risks associated
with M&A, why? and how can they be mitigated?
3. Nhóm 3
Câu hỏi: (Nguyễn Mai Ly)
As I know, Donald Trump is a tough negotiator. He has created several
successful deals and convinced resident to become the president of USA. But
sometimes, he seems to be over-confident of himself, he shows disregard for
basic principle, impose on others by his unpleasant tone. Can we still considered
him a flexible negotiator?
4. Nhóm 7
Câu hỏi 1: (Tú Linh)
How can you handle challenging situations like dominant personalities or
unproductive members?
Trả lời: (Nguyễn Trần Bảo Ngân)
For dominant personalities, we can try active listening techniques like
summarizing their points and asking clarifying questions. This shows respect
and can gently nudge the conversation back on track. For unproductive
members, politely acknowledge their contribution and then suggest refocusing
on the main topic. We can phrase it like, "That's an interesting point, but to get
back on track..." The key here is to stay calm and professional.
Câu hỏi 2: (Trần Long Vũ)
How to respond intelligently to intentionally difficult questions that can
make you lose your temper?
5. Nhóm 8
Câu hỏi 1: (Nguyễn Hồng Quân)
How should you manage a sudden problem such as lacking of communication
while you’re leading a meeting?
Trả lời: ( Nguyễn Văn Lộc)
To manage a meeting when communication is lacking:
1. Start by establishing clear guidelines and setting realistic expectations for the
meeting. This can include stating the purpose and agenda of the meeting, as
well as defining roles and responsibilities.
2. Encourage active participation from all meeting attendees. This can be done
by allowing enough time for open discussions and asking questions to facilitate
3. Monitor the meeting for any potential issues and try to resolve them quickly.
4. Provide regular feedback on the meeting experience and address any
concerns or conflicts promptly.
Câu hỏi 2: (Nguyễn Trần Bảo Ngân)
How do you deal with cultural differences in communication styles when doing
an international negotiation?
Trả lời: (Đỗ Đạt)
Cultural differences in communication can make international negotiations
tricky. As I mentioned, Misunderstandings may arise from direct and indirect
communication styles and misreading of body language. Negotiation pace also
differs, with some cultures valuing speed and others prioritizing relationship.
Câu hỏi 3: (Nguyễn Quyên)
How can misunderstandings due to cultural differences be minimized in
international negotiations? (For ex Western culture and Eastern culture)
Trả lời: (Trần Thành Đạt)
Misunderstandings due to cultural differences in international negotiations are
not rare. Burger King once made an advertisement of an Asian man eating a
burger with chopsticks and Asians considered that a taboo. Or the egg fried rice
case that Uncle Roger has reviewed. Although Uncle Roger didn't related to
negotiation, it's still a misunderstanding due to cultural differences. And all the
mentioned cases are all due to lacking of cultural knowledge. So to minimize
misunderstandings, first negotiators need to research their oversea client's
culture. Next, they need to follow 4 suggestions for effective emotionalism as I
said before, which are: Keep Your Emotions in Check, Maintain a Positive
Attitude, Be Respectful and Build Trust. Keep Your Emotions in Check and
Maintain a Positive Attitude can help you avoid upsetting your international
client and see them in a positively different ways. Be respectful to them,
because each person have their own way. Building trust is also important,
because it's a "key component of value creation".

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