SPM Lab Sample

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Case Tool: Project Libre

Project Libre is a project management software company with both a free

open-source desktop and an upcoming Cloud version.
Project Libre desktop is a free and open-source project management software
system intended ultimately as a standalone replacement for Microsoft Project.
Project Libre has been downloaded 5,500,000 times in 200 countries on all 7
continents and translated into 29 languages.

The current version includes:

1. Microsoft Project 2010 compatibility.
2. OpenOffice and LibreOffice compatibility.
3. Ribbon user interface.
4. Earned value costing.
5. Gantt chart.
6. PERT graph only (not PERT technique).
7. Resource breakdown structure (RBS) chart.
8. Task usage reports.
9. Work breakdown structure (WBS) chart.
2. Creating a Gantt chart:

It illustrates the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary
elements of a project.
Fig : Time Plan

Fig : Gantt chart

3. Network diagram

A network diagram is a graphical description of the project’s task list and their
relationships. The critical path method is used on the network diagram to
determine the longest path through the network. In the network diagram shown
below we have a critical path of all tasks.

Fig: Network diagram

4. Economic Feasibility

n = nth year

Discount rate = (1+𝑟)^𝑡

PV of benefits = Net economic benefit of year n * discount rate of year n

PV of recurring costs = Recurring cost of year n * discount rate of year n

NPV of all benefits = NPV of all benefits of year (n-1) + PV of benefits of

year n

NPV of all costs = NPV of all costs of year (n-1) + PV of recurring costs of
year n

Overall NPV = NPV of all benefits + NPV of all costs

Overall ROI = (Overall NPV / NPV of All COSTS)

5. Slip Chart

A slip chart is a type of visual progress chart used in software project

management to show the overall progress of a given project over time.
6. System testing and Test cases

System testing is the process of testing the entire software system as a

whole to verify that it meets the specified requirements and functions correctly
in the intended environment. It encompasses testing the integrated system,
including its components, interfaces, and interactions with external systems.

Table : Unit Testing

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