Binary Brains HackMAIT 5.0

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HackMAIT 5.

Rebuilding Tomorrow:
Discover your technical prowess




Inefficiency and difficulty faced by educators and content creators in

developing high-quality educational materials encompassing
multimedia resources, interactive lessons and assessments.

Real-life example:
challenges faced by a university professor creating an online course on computer
programming fundamentals, aiming for engagement, comprehensiveness, and
Content Quality: Structuring curriculum, integrating interactive elements, and utilizing
Engagement: Implementing gamification, fostering collaboration, and showcasing real-
world applications.
Accessibility: Adhering to accessibility guidelines, adopting universal design, and
providing multiple content formats.
Technological Challenges: Choosing user-friendly platforms, conducting compatibility
testing, and offering technical support.

1. Login and Registration module

The login and registration module provides a secure and user-friendly interface for educators
and learners to access the platform. Users can create accounts, manage their profiles, and
securely log in to access content creation and assessment tools.

2. Content Creation Software

The content creation software automates the process of generating PowerPoint (PPT) or
Portable Document Format (PDF) files on desired topics. Users can input the topic, and select
the desired format, and the software generates visually appealing presentations or documents
with relevant content

3.Video tool with recording and interactive links:

The video tool allows educators to record video lessons, lectures, or tutorials directly within
the platform. They can add interactive elements such as clickable links, annotations, and
chapter modules to enhance engagement and interactivity for learners.

4.AI Based Assessment generation system:

The AI-based assessment generation system simplifies the process of creating quizzes,
assignments, and tests. Educators input the topic, specify the number of questions and
difficulty level, and the system automatically generates diverse and effective assessments
tailored to the learning objectives.
Unique Features
1. Notification system:
With our smart notification system, educators can easily send notifications to students regarding upcoming online
quizzes, assessments, or other important events through email.

2. AI-Based Content Creation:

Our platform leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically generate high-quality educational content. This feature
streamlines the content creation process for educators, ensuring that they have access to up-to-date and relevant
materials for their courses.

3. High-Quality Case Study-Based Content:

Our platform offers high-quality case study-based content to enrich the learning experience. These real-world scenarios
and examples provide students with practical insights and application of theoretical concepts.

4. Updated Syllabus-Based Content:

Our system automatically updates content based on changes or amendments in the syllabus. This ensures that educators
always have access to the most current and relevant educational materials and curriculum changes.

5. Video Creation with Recording and Active Links:

Our video creation tool enables educators to record engaging video lessons directly within the platform. They can
enhance these videos with active links to additional resources, creating a dynamic and interactive learning experience for

1. Collaborative Learning Spaces:
Develop collaborative learning spaces where students can work
together on projects, participate in group discussions, and share
resources. This fosters a sense of community and encourages peer-to-
peer learning.
2. AI-Powered Personalized Recommendations:
Utilize AI algorithms to deliver personalized recommendations for
additional learning resources, supplementary materials, and related
courses based on students' preferences and learning history. This
encourages continuous learning and exploration of diverse topics.
3. Gamification and Reward Systems: Further enhance engagement
by incorporating gamification elements such as badges, leaderboards,
and rewards for achieving learning milestones. This motivates
students to actively participate and progress through the course
4.Integration with Learning Management Systems (LMS): Integrate
the platform with popular Learning Management Systems (LMS) to
streamline course management, grading, and communication between
educators and students. This enhances the overall learning experience
and administrative efficiency.
Frontend : React JS, Redux
Backend: Node js , Express js
Authentication and Authorization:
JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
Version Control: Git
AI and Natural Language Processing:
(NLP): Gemini-Pro

Team Members Name:

Anshu(Team Lead)
Akshat Pratap Singh Team Details
Abhinav Sharma
Amit Kumar

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