Comprehension Paragraph Group 1 BSCS B 2023 E

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FEBRUARY 13, 2024



Hamid Ali (2023-CS-130)

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Professor Functional English MNSUET MULTAN
Comprehension Paragraph

Liaquat Ali Khan was the first prime minister of Pakistan (1947-51). Born the son of a landowner,
he was educated at Aligarh, Allahabad and Ex- eter College, Oxford. A barrister by profession,
like his leader, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah, he entered politics in 1923, being elected
first to the provincial legislature of the United Provinces and then to the central legis- lative
assembly. He joined the Muslim League and soon became closely associated with Jinnah. By
degrees he won first the respect and then the admiration of the Muslim community for his share in
the struggle for Paki- stan; when independence was won in 1947 and Jinnah became the first
governor-general, Liaquat Ali Khan was the obvious choice as prime minister. In this post his
achievements were outstanding. If Jinnah founded Pakistan, Liaquat established it, laying down
the main lines of policy, domestic and foreign, that afterward guided the country. After Jinnah's
death, Liaquat was acclaimed as Quaid-e-Millat ("leader of the country"). Liaquat Ali Khan was
assassinated in Rawalpindi in 1951 by a fanatic who resented his steady refusal to contemplate
war with India.

Q: What is the moral of this comprehension?
The moral of the comprehension is that Liaquat Ali Khan played a crucial role in the establishment
and early development of Pakistan, contributing significantly to the country's domestic and foreign
policies. His assassination reflects the challenges and opposition faced by leaders committed to
peaceful relations.

Q: What is the context of the paragraph?

The context of the comprehension is the life and political career of Liaquat Ali Khan, particularly
highlighting his role as the first Prime Minister of Pakistan from 1947 to 1951. It discusses his
education, entry into politics, association with Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah, and his
achievements in shaping Pakistan's policies.

Q: About whom was this paragraph written about? Who was he?
The passage is written about Liaquat Ali Khan, who was the first Prime Minister of Pakistan from
1947 to 1951. He played a crucial role in the establishment of the country and was associated with
Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah.

Q: What was he acclaimed as?

Liaquat Ali Khan was acclaimed as "Quaid-e-Millat" ("leader of the country") after the death of
Q: What did he established and how?
Liaquat Ali Khan is credited with establishing Pakistan by laying down the main lines of policy,
both domestic and foreign, that guided the country. The passage suggests that if Jinnah founded
Pakistan, Liaquat Ali Khan played a significant role in its establishment and development.

Q: When and how Liaquat Ali Khan died?

Liaquat Ali Khan was assassinated in Rawalpindi in 1951 by a fanatic who resented his steady
refusal to contemplate war with India.

. ______________________________ .

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