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The Role of Hydrogen Ion Concentration in

the Regulation of Pulmonary

Arterial Pressure
Observations in a Patient with Hypoventilation
and Obesity
THE PULMONARY circulation has been sponse to altered hydrogen ion concentration
the subject of many studies since the would only be detectable in the presence of
original measurement of pulmonary arterial chronic pulmonary disease.
pressure by Beutner in 1852.1 Of particular We recently have had the opportunity to
importance were the observations by von study a woman with hypoventilation and
Euler and Liljestrand in 1946,2 that the admin- obesity in whom there was no evidence of
istration of 10 per cent oxygen with 90-per intrinsic lung disease.6'0 The following report
cent nitrogen resulted in a significant rise in demonstrates that her blood hydrogen ion con-
pulmonary arterial pressure in the cat. This centration played a dominant role in the regu-
observation was soon confirmed in man by lation of her pulmonary arterial pressure.
Motley and associates in 1947.3 In addition,
von Euler and Liljestrand demonstrated that Case Report
the administration of 6.5 per cent carbon This 43-year-old white woman was first admit-
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dioxide in oxygen increased pulmonary arterial ted to the University of Colorado Medical Center
on March 19, 1964, with cough and fever, which
pressure.2 Liljestrand, in 1958,4 reemphasized cleared in 3 days. Review of her history revealed
the importance of hydrogen ion concentration that for the past 2 years she had noted a tendency
as a chemical stimulus for pulmonary vaso- to fall asleep while sitting in a chair, either read-
constriction. ing or watching television. However, her exercise
Recently, Enson and associates5 have shown tolerance had been excellent with no signs or
symptoms of congestive heart failure. There had
the importance of hydrogen ion concentration been no change in her mental acuity. She had al-
in the regulation of pulmonary arterial pres- ways been overweight, weighing as much as 160
sure in patients with chronic lung disease. pounds in high school and over 250 pounds for the
past 5 years.
They showed that a decrease in blood hydro- The physical examination revealed a blood pres-
gen ion concentration, induced by the admin- sure of 140/80 mm. Hg, pulse of 60 beats per
istration of trihydroxy aminomethane (THAM), minute and regular, and a respiratory rate of 16.
caused pulmonary vasodilatation. Further, The patient was 5 feet 6 inches tall, pleasant and
Enson and associates5 suggested that a alert, with generalized obesity, weighing 279
pounds. There was some duskiness of her lips and
change in pulmonary arterial pressure in re- tongue but no definite cyanosis. Examination was
otherwise normal.
The electrocardiogram and vectorcardiogram
From the Cardiovascular Laboratory, University of revealed right axis deviation with right ventricular
Colorado Medical Center, Denver, Colorado. enlargement and ST-T-wave changes. The chest
Supported in part by U. S. Public Health Service x-ray revealed that the pulmonary vascularity was
(Grants HE 01208 and FR 51), the American Heart within normal limits, although the main pulmo-
Association (Grant 63 G 158), and the Idaho Heart nary artery was slightly prominent. The over-all
Association. heart size and aorta were within normal limits.
Dr. Vogel is an Advanced Research Fellow, Ameri- The hematocrit value was 46 per cent, white
can Heart Association. blood-cell count 8,200; the differential count was
788 CiCrcuation, Volume XXXII, November 1965
normal. The urinalysis was normal. Total pro- a further 30-minute rest period, observations were
tein was 7.8 Gm. per cent, with a normal al- made following the administration of 100 mg. of
bumin-globulin ratio, VDRL nonreactive, 2-hour ethamivan orally, which was repeated 1 hour later.
postprandial blood sugar 106 mg. per cent, pro- The venous catheter was then removed. The
tein-bound iodine 9.6 micrograms per cent, and tubing in the brachial artery was left in place
radioactive iodine uptake 14.7 per cent at 24 for the following 3 days. Its patency was main-
hours. Vital capacity was 2.92 L. observed, 3.67 tained by the use of heparin. This allowed serial
predicted; 1-second forced expiratory volume 2.39 determinations of blood gas tensions, awake and
L. (82 per cent) observed, over 75 per cent duiring sleep, both during control periods and
predicted; maximal midexpiratory flow rate L./ while under the influence of oral ethamivan. In
sec. 2.92 observed, 2.97 predicted; and maximal addition, during the night, sleep patterns were
breathing capacity L./min. 76 observed, 143 pre- recorded in conjunction with bloods for gas ten-
dicted. There was no bronchodilator effect. The sions by means of a small thermistor bead lightly
exercise carbon monoxide diffusion capacity was applied to the face below the nose. The output
40.4 (normal 25 to 50). of the thermistor bead, which formed part of a
The clinical impression was pulmonary hyper- bridge circuit, was amplified and by means of a
tension with question of atrial septal defect and differentiating circuit, the first derivative of the
alveolar hypoventilation with obesity. temperature was recorded on a Honeywell oscil-
lographic photographic recorder. The patient tol-
Physiologic Procedures erated the brachial arterial catheter without diffi-
Right heart catheterization was performed in culty. A good radial pulse was present at all times
the usual manner. A no.-6 electrode catheter was during the presence of the catheter as well as after
its removal.
positioned in the main pulmonary artery. With Blood samples were analyzed for oxygen con-
the Seldinger technic, a short length of PE-90 tent and capacity and carbon dioxide content by
tubing was introduced into the right brachial ar- the method of Van Slyke and Neill, and for
tery. Hydrogen and ascorbic acid curves ruled out lactic and pyruvic acid by the methods of Scholz
the presence of a left-to-right shunt" and an in- et al.'4 and Gloster and Harris,'5 respectively.
tracardiac right-to-left shunt.12' 13 Resting studies Hemoglobin was determined from the oxygen
confirmed the presence of pulmonary hypertension capacity. Carbon dioxide tension was calculated
and hypoventilation.
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from the whole-blood carbon dioxide content and

The effects of hyperventilation, 100 per cent blood pH with use of the charts of Van Slyke arid
oxygen, and the combination of hyperventilation Sendroy. Blood pH and oxygen tensions were
and 100 per cent oxygen were observed. Sub- analyzed with the Radiometer tension equipment.
sequently, four control observations were made, Expired gas samples were analyzed by the Scho-
following which a 12-per cent solution of THAM* lander technic. Blood pH and oxygen tension were
was infused at a rate of 15 ml. per minute into the run at 38 C immediately after being withdrawn.
main pulmonary artery. Serial observations were
made at 3-minute intervals during which a total
of 30 Gm. of THAM was administered. Immediate-
ly following completion of the infusion of THAM,
100-per cent oxygen was again administered for
5 minutes, and then combined with hyperventila-
tion for an additional 2 minutes. After a 45-min-
ute rest period, control observations were again
made, following which an intravenous infusion of
ethamivan (Emavin)t was started. The rate of
infusion was initially 5 mg. per minute, but was
raised over a 15-minute period to 25 mg. per
minute, given into the main pulmonary artery.
This infusion was continued for a total of 26 min-
utes. During both control observations and dur-
ing the infusion, the patient was sleeping. After

*Kindly supplied by S. J. Anderson, M.D., Abbott Figure 1

Laboratories, North Chicago, Illinois.
tKindly supplied by F. F. Teller, M.D., U. S. Effects of hyperventilation. Cont, control; Hyper,
Vitamin and Pharmaceutical Corp., New York, New hyperventilation; 100 02 100 per cent oxygen;
York. THAM, trihydroxy aminomethane.
Circulation, Volume XXXII, November 1965
Table I
Physiologic Data

mm. Hg
Procedure RR PA BA PaO2 PaCO2 pHa SaO2 Cal.
Control (M) 74 94 47.3 60 74.0
Control 48 53.0 54 7.320 81.0
Hyperventilation 26 88 86.9 28 7.502 96.4
Control (M) 38 87 46.8 7.280
100% Oxygen 42 205.0 53 7.313 97.2
100% 02 + hyperventilation 23 100 408.0 29 7.510 100.0
Control (hyperventilating) 29 100 70.1 39 7.414 92.5
Hyperventilation 6 min. 30 25 101.5 19 7.578 97.2
Control #1 THAM 41 48.0 7.371 79.3
Control #2 THAM 19 40 104 42.6 7.351 72.9
Control #3 THAM 40 41.4 7.352 71.4
Control #4 THAM 16 38 51.1 7.372 81.8
After 50 ml. THAM (12%) 27 52.3 7.484 86.3
After 100 ml. THAM 14 30 104 35.8 7.470 71.4
After 150 ml. THAM 15 29 42.6 7.522 81.0
After 200 ml. THAM 30 95 51.0 7.499 86.2
After 250 ml. THAM 20 28 44.9 38 7.560 84.2
Control (imm. after THAM) 14 29 42.1 7.505 80.0
After 5 m n. 100% 02 16 29 240.0 7.481 100.0
100% 02 + hyperventilation (2 min.) 28 388.0 7.550 100.0
Control (45 min. after THAM) 12 35 107 36.8 7.396 67.2
Control #2 (Sleeping) 15 33 39.6 7.406 71.6
After 5 min. IV eth. 5 mg./min. 15 36 40.2 7.399 72.4
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After 10 min. IV eth. 12.5 mg./min. 15 33 52.0 7.372 82.4

After 15 min. IV eth. 25 mg./min. 20 24 62.6 7.433 89.8
After 20 min. IV eth. 25 mg./min. 30 23 65.1 7.500 92.8
After 26 min. IV eth. 25 mg./min. 30 21 92 60.7 33 7.505 91.7
Control (30 min. after eth.) 10 32 94 48.6 44 7.420 81.0
15 min. after 100 mg. eth. oral 10 29 94 58.0 7.443 85.7
30 min. after 100 mg. eth. oral 11 29 100 59.2 7.408 88.0
45 min. after 100 mg. eth. oral 10 29 49.1 7.423 82.7
60 min. after 100 mg. eth. oral 13 34 46.3 52 7.352 76.9
67 min. control 2nd 100 mg. eth. 12 27 104 59.2 7.431 88.1
97 min. (30 min. after 2nd 100 mg.) 17 24 62.3 7.460 90.5
102 min. (35 min. after 2nd 100 mg.) 15 23 98 76.2 42 7.430 94.2
107 min. (40 min. after 2nd 100 mg.) 12 24 95 60.6 7.453 89.5
Abbreviations: M, mask; eth., ethamivan; THAM; trihydroxy aminomethane; RR, respiratory rate; CO, cardiac out-
put; V02' oxygen consumption; MV, minute ventilation L./min.; PO.) and C02, oxygen and carbon dioxide tension in
mm. Hg; PA. mean pulmonary arterial pressure; BA, mean brachial arterial pressure; a, brachial artery blood; Cal.,
calculated saturation from Pa02 and pHa; V.S., Van Slyke saturation; v, mixed venous blood; A diff., arteriovenous oxygen

The intravenous infusions were given with a Har- ated with a rise in both arterial oxygen tension
vard dual-syringe variable-speed infusion pump. from 53 to 86.9 mm. Hg and in arterial pH
Results (Table 1) from 7.320 to 7.502.
Hyperventilation Study
With hyperventilation the mean pulmonary One Hundred Per Cent Oxygen
arterial pressure dropped from a control level The administration of 100 per cent oxygen
of 48 to 25 mm. Hg (fig. 1). This was associ- resulted in a slight increase in mean puhro-
Circulation, Volume XXXII, November 1965

Diff., CO t02 MV
SaO2 V.S. Pv02 PvC02 pHv SvO2 Cal. SvO2 V.S. Vol. % L./min. ml.lmin. STPD
65.0 34.9 43.0 4.34 5.78 250 3.7
89.4 43.2 41 7.409 76.3 75.2 2.89 10.72 310 8.0
97.1 36.1 22 7.510 73.4 73.9 5.00 7.14 357 32.2

34.0 7.360 59.8

86.8 33.7 42 7.512 70.0 70.3 3.10 7.26 225 5.6

31.2 7.392 56.9

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93.8 34.4 37 7.480 68.1 70.3 4.56 6.03 275 12.0

77.6 35.2 47 7.402 66.0 58.0 3.67 5.32 195 3.1

75.6 33.2 48 7.403 61.2 54.8 3.91 6.01 235 5.4

89.1 35.2 43 7.425 66.4 59.9 5.70 3.86 220 4.3

naryarterial pressure from 38 to 42 mm. Hg Effects of Trihydroxy Aminomethane (THAM)

(fig. 1). This was associated with a rise in Following four control observations during
arterial oxygen tension from 46.8 to 205 mm. which the mean pulmonary arterial pressure
Hg, whereas the arterial pH remained low; varied from 38 to 41 mm. Hg, THAM was
changing from 7.280 to 7.313. The addition administered. There was a prompt fall in
of hyperventilation during the administration mean pulmonary arterial pressure to 27 mm.
of 100 per cent oxygen resulted in a prompt Hg within 3 minutes after the beginning of
fall in mean pulmonary arterial pressure from the infusion (fig. 1), this value remaining
42 to 23 mm. Hg (fig. 1). This was associ- throughout the administration of THAM. Con-
ated with a further rise in arterial oxygen trol arterial oxygen tensions ranged from 41.4
tension from 205 to 408 mm. Hg, and a rise to 51.1 mm. Hg with no change during the
in arterial pH from 7.313 to 7.510. administration of THAM, ranging from 35.8
Circalation, Volame XXXII, November, 1965
to 52.3. However, the arterial pH increased (lactate) and .052 to .068 ,um./ml. (pyruvate).
from control values of 7.351 to 7.372 to values
ranging from 7.484 to 7.560 during THAM Sleep Studies
infusion. The fall in mean pulmonary arterial As shown in table 2, the administration of
pressure occurred in association with a 25-per 150 mg. of ethamivan orally every 6 hours
cent increase in cardiac output. appeared to effect higher arterial oxygen ten-
sions during sleep. Sleep patterns clearly in-
Effect of Intravenous Ethamivan dicated a more effective ventilation. During
With the administration of ethamivan the control periods a persistent periodic type of
mean pulmonary arterial pressure fell from breathing was present with apneic periods as
control levels of 33 to 35 mm. Hg to as low long as 1 minute (fig. 3). These apneic
as 21 to 23 (fig. 2). This was associated with periods would be interrupted by the occur-
an increase in both arterial oxygen tension rence of sudden, rapid, deep breaths, which
from 39.6 to as high as 65.1 mm. Hg and after three to four breaths would gradually de-
arterial pH from 7.396 to as high as 7.505. cline in depth over another three to four
These results were similar to those obtained breaths resulting then in apnea. On some occa-
during voluntary hyperventilation. The pro- sions the initial breath following an apneic in-
gressive increase in ventilation and respiratory terval would begin slowly. It was noted that
rate during the infusion of ethamivan, which during the apneic periods the patient would
occurred while the patient was sleeping, was make attempts at breathing but with no effec-
readily apparent and not associated with any tive ventilation ensuing. Under the influence
obvious muscle twitching. of ethamivan occasional periodic breathing
Effects of Oral Ethamivan still occurred but the apneic intervals never
Following the administration of 200 mg. of exceeded 15 seconds. In addition, it was pos-
ethamivan over a 1-hour period, there was sible to record periods as long as 2 hours with-
out any periodic breathing while under the
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a slight increase in arterial oxygen tension

and arterial pH and a decrease in mean pul- influence of ethamivan, a finding which was
monary arterial blood pressure (fig. 2). not apparent during control studies.
Lactic and Pyruvic Acid Results Course
The values for lactate and pyruvate were The patient weighed 279 pounds when she
not elevated at rest or following the above was first examined and since has decreased
procedures, ranging from .49 to .77 ym./ml. to a value of 248 pounds. In addition, she
has noted that by taking her ethamivan at
six o'clock in the morning and at noontime,
she has eliminated the somnolence and sleep-
ing which originally occurred at those times.
Thus she remains awake throughout the entire
day and has had no difficulty sleeping at
night, even though taking 180 mg. of ethami-
van four times a day.

The preceding results have clearly shown
56 116 146 the importance of hydrogen ion concentration
in the regulation of pulmonary arterial pres-
I Ethamivon sure in this patient. With hyperventilation,
00 mg-
during which time both hydrogen ion con-
Figure 2 centration and arterial oxygen tension were
Effects of ethamivan. changed simultaneously, there was a fall in
Circulation, Volume XXXII, November 1965


E I1 PA 0

mm Hg
30 0 0

Ifs1\ aS
* 0

20 -
7.3 7.4 7.5
, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

5 sec.
Figure 5
Figure 3 Mean pulmonary artery pressure is plotted against
brachial arterial pH.
Comparison of sleep patterns with and without oral
ethamivan. In the top tracing a 30-second apneic
period is shown. sion and altered ventilation-perfusion rela-
tionships due to hyperventilation, THAM was
pulmonary arterial pressure. However, when administered. This permitted the dissociation
100 per cent oxygen was administered, there of the effects of changing oxygen tension from
was no significant change in mean pulmonary those due to changing hydrogen ion concen-
arterial pressure, in spite of a significant rise tration. With the administration of THAM,16
in arterial oxygen tension. To eliminate the there was a decrease in both hydrogen ion
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influence of a further increase in oxygen ten- concentration and pulmonary arterial pressure,
although the oxygen tension remained essen-
tially unchanged. Thus, these studies have
shown that hydrogen ion concentration may
play a significant role in the regulation of
Ao X pulmonary arterial pressure in the patient with


mm Hq

* resting
ob so reation
after various mm Hg
procedures 30 * *
50. .
20 40 60
mm Hg 5.

Figure 4 1
30 50 *70 90g 00 00 500
Measured mean pulmonary artery pressure is plotted
against predicted mean pulmonary artery pressure Pa2
mm Hg
with Gomez' formulation. For the purposes of cal-
culation normal oxygen saturation was considered to Figure 6
be 94 per cent. The open circles represent values
after hyperventilation, 100 per cent oxygen, THAM, Mean pulmonary artery pressure is plotted against
ethamivan, and combinations thereof. brachial arterial oxygen tension.
Circulation, Volume XXXII, November 1965
Table 2
Sleep Studies
PaO2 PaC02 pHa Sa 02

10:00 PM Night of cath. (sleeping) 74.0 33.3 7.480 93.5
10:00 AM Lying awake 64.0 42.1 7.381 89.2
6:00 PM Lying awake 54.0 7.395 84.6
11:30 PM Sleeping lightly 55.5 42.2 7.395 85.6
2:50 PM 12:30 AM Sleeping 56.0 41.0 7.385 85.6
2:00 AM Sleeping 52.3 43.0 7.390 83.2
10:00 AM Lying awake 63.3 46.0 7.410 89.7
11:00 AM Mask on-sleeping 46.7 45.0 7.410 79.5
2:50 PM Sleeping 47.4 45.3 7.395 80.0
2:55 PM Waking-hypervent. 78.9 38.4 7.415 94.6
2:56 PM Waking-hypervent. 61.3 39.9 7.409 88.8
3:49 PM (150 mg. ethamivan po)
9:00 PM (150 mg. ethamivan po)
10:45 PM Lying awake 68.0 39.9
11:45 PM Sleeping 59.8 44.5
12:50 AM Sleeping 62.8 43.6
1:50 AM Sleeping 53.5 44.2
2:20 AM Sleeping lightly 69.8 41.2
2:45 AM (150 mg. ethamivan po)
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3:30 AM Sound asleep 73.6 40.4

3:50 AM Shallow breaths-sleeping 60.2 39.0
9:00 AM (150 mg. ethamivan po)
10:00 AM Lying awake 62.5 40.7
10:05 AM Mask on-sleeping 54.5 41.9

alveolar hypoventilation, chronic hypoxia, and tained in our patient (table 1) pulmonary ar-
normal lungs. terial pressures were calculated according to
Gomez has analyzed the data of Enson Gomez' formula. There was a fair correlation
and associates showing the interplay that between predicted and measured pressures
may occur between oxygen tension and (fig 4).
hydrogen ion concentration.5 Pulmonary ar- Further, Enson and associates showed that
terial mean pressure correlated with both ar- at low concentrations of hydrogen ion, pul-
terial oxygen saturation and hydrogen ion con- monary arterial mean pressure was relatively
centration to a significantly higher degree than insensitive to hypoxia, whereas at high hy-
either of the two latter variables considered drogen ion concentrations pulmonary arterial
alone. Gomez developed a formula for pre- pressure was extremely sensitive to hypoxia.
dicting pulmonary arterial pressure on the In figures 5 and 6, all the pH and arterial
basis of hydrogen ion concentration and oxy- oxygen tensions obtained in our patient are
gen saturation.* With use of the values ob- plotted against the mean pulmonary arterial

*P = K + aH + bS + wHS, where P = pulmonary ion concentration in millimicroequivalents per liter,

arterial mean pressure in mm. Hg, S = arterial oxy- K = 40.363, a = 0.713, b = 3.008 and w =
- -

hemoglobin unsaturation in percentage, H = hydrogen 0.1028.

Circulation, Volume XXXII, November 1965
pressure at the time the blood samples were response was abnormal as minute ventilation in-
obtained. There appears to be a better cor- creased but 5.39 L. with a rise in PaCo2 from 32.1
relation between pH and pressure than be- to 44.9 mm. Hg.
tween oxygen tension and pressure. References
Although it has been suggested that the
pulmonary pressure response to hypoxia is 1. BEUTNER, A.: Z. F. rat. Med. 1852 N. F. 2.97.
mediated by the intrapulmonary release of vations on the pulmonary arterial blood pres-
lactic acid,4 there was no evidence of increased sure in the cat. Acta physiol. scandinav. 12:
lactic acid release in our patient, as determined 301, 1946.
by measuring circulating levels in both pul- 3. MOTLEY, H. L., COURNAND, A., WERK6, L.,
monary and brachial arteries. These results in HIMMELSTEIN, A., AND DRESDALE, D.: The in-
association with previous reports5 17 suggest fluence of short periods of induced acute
anoxia upon pulmonary artery pressures in
that hydrogen ion is of prime importance in man. Am. J. Physiol. 150: 315, 1947.
regulating pulmonary arterial tone. 4. LILJESTRAND, G.: Chemical control of the dis-
Recent studies have shown that at 5,000 tribution of the pulmonary blood flow. Acta
feet, some subjects with cardiopulmonary dis- physiol. scandinav. 44: 216, 1958.
ease may have significantly more evidence of 5. ENSON, Y., GIUNTINI, C., LEWIS, M. L., MORRIS,
pulmonary arterial vasoconstriction than at sea T. Q., FERRER, M. I., AND HARVEY, R. M.:
The influence of hydrogen ion concentration
level,18 whereas in the normal subject, such and hypoxia on the pulmonary circulation. J.
findings are not apparent below 10,000 feet.'9 20 Clin. Invest. 43: 1146, 1964.
As this study was performed at 5,000 feet, 6. KERR, W. J., AND SAGER, J. B.: The postural syn-
it is possible that the degree of pulmonary drome related to obesity leading to postural
hypertension and the reactivity of the pul- emphysema and cardiorespiratory failure. Ann.
Int. Med. 10: 569, 1936.
monary vascular bed were more pronounced 7. AuCHINCLOSS, J. H., JR., CooK, E., AND REN-
than they would have been at sea level. ZETTI, A. D.: Clinical and physiological as-
Downloaded from by on July 10, 2022

pects of a case of obesity, polycythemia and

Summary alveolar hypoventilation. J. Clin. Invest. 32:
The relative importance of arterial oxygen 1537, 1955.
tension and hydrogen ion concentration in 8. SIEKER, H. O., EsTEs, E. H., JR., KELSER, G. A.,
regulating pulmonary arterial pressure was AND MCINTOSH, H. D.: A cardiopulmonary
syndrome associated with extreme obesity. J.
evaluated in a 43-year-old woman with hypo- Clin. Invest. 34: 916, 1955.
ventilation and obesity. It was shown that 9. BURWELL, C. S., ROBIN, E. D., WHALEY, R. D.,
hydrogen ion concentration played a domi- AND BICKELMANN, A. G.: Extreme obesity asso-
nant role in the regulation of her pulmonary ciated with alveolar hypoventilation. A pick-
circulation. wickian syndrome. Am. J. Med. 21: 811,
Acknowledgment 10. CARROLL, D.: A peculiar type of cardiopul-
The authors wish to thank Miss Gail Jamieson for monary failure associated with obesity. Am. J.
her valuable technical assistance. Med. 21: 819, 1956.
Addendum S. G., JR.: Detection of the small intracardiac
After 1 year of treatment with ethamivan (720 shunt with the hydrogen electrode. A highly
mg./day), the patient was recatheterized. At the sensitive and simple technique. Am. Heart J.
time her weight was 260 lb. and the study revealed 64: 13, 1962.
a resting mean pulmonary arterial pressure of 27 12. FROMMER, P. L., PFAFF, W. W., AND BRAUN-
mm. Hg, brachial arterial saturation of 92 per cent, WALD, E.: The use of ascorbate dilution curves
pH of 7.499, and a cardiac index of 2.88 L./min. in cardiovascular diagnosis. Applications of a
Persistent sensitivity to pH change was demonstrated technique for direct intravascular detection of
by the administration of 5 per cent carbon dioxide, indicator. Circulation 24: 1227, 1961.
which resulted in an increase of mean pulmonary 13. VOGEL, J. H. K., GROVER, R. F., AND BLOUNT,
arterial pressure to 46 and a decrease of pH to S. G., JR.: The platinum electrode. Am.
7.400 and cardiac index to 2.64. The ventilatory Heart J. 65: 841, 1963.

Circulation, Volume XXXII, November 1965

LAMPEN, J. O.: Uber die Wirkung von D., GROVER, R. F., AND BLOUNT, S. G., JR.:
Nystatin auf backerhefe. Biochem. 331: 71, Influence of altitude on the pulmonary circu-
1959. lation in experimental animals and patients
15. GLOSTER, J. A., AND HARRIS, P.: Observations on with ventricular septal defects. Clin. Res. 13:
enzymatic method for the estimation of pyru- 113, 1965.
vate in blood. Clin. chimica acta 7: 226, 1962. 19. VOGEL, J. H. K., GROVER, R. F., AND BLOUNT,
16. NAHAS, G. G.: The clinical pharmacology of S. G., JR.: The cardiovascular system in nor-
THAM (Tris, hydroxymethyl, aminomethane). mal man living at 5,000 feet. In preparation.
Glin. Pharmacol. & Therap. 4: 784, 1963.
17. BI1RGOFSKY, E. H., LEHR, D. E., AND FISHMAN, 20. VOGEL, J. H. K., WEAVER, W. F., RosE, R. L.,
A. P.: The effect of changes in hydrogen ion BLOUNT, S. G., JR., AND GROVER, R. F.: Pul-
concentration on the pulmonary circulation. J. monary hypertension on exertion in normal
Clin. Invest. 41: 1492, 1962. man living at 10,150 feet (Leadville, Colora-
18. VOGEL, J. H. K., MCNAMARA, D. G., ROSEN- do). Med. Thorac. 19: 461, 1962.
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Quantitative Experiment
Stephen Hales-1677-1761
The Royal Society was also the intellectual environment that stimulated, guided,
and encouraged the next contributor of primary importance to the knowledge of the
output of the heart, Stephen Hales (1677-1761).
Hales entered Benet (now Corpus Christi) College, Cambridge, at nineteen, took
his master's degree seven years later, and in 1711 became a bachelor of divinity.
During these years he formed a close friendship with another young man a few years
his junior, William Stukeley (the antiquarian who first explored the Druidical mysteries
of Stonehenge), and the two young enthusiasts worked together on experiments in
anatomy and "chemistry." Hales had the good fortune to receive, as early as 1708, the
perpetual curacy of the vicarage of Teddington, a few miles outside London, and he
continued his experiments there. For an ordained minister of the church to spend his
time in biological experiment was not as strange then as it would be now. This was
the eighteenth century, the "Age of Reason based on Faith," and for Stephen Hales
at the beginning of the century, just as for Joseph Priestley at its close, the study of
Nature was but another way of inquiring into and demonstrating the wisdom of the
Almighty; Hales in his writings constantly reminded his readers of this great truth.
the Blood. Edited by Alfred P. Fishman, M.D., and Dickinson W. Richards, M.D.
New York, Oxford University Press, 1964, p. 81.

Circulation, Volume XXXII, Novemnber 1965

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