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LECTURER: Puan Sanizah Ahmad
MAY 2024

____________________________________________________ ___________________
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STUDENT ID: _____________________________

Please read the instructions below carefully before you start answering the questions.
1. This is an INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT consisting of FIVE (5) questions. Answer all
the questions and show your workings for full credit.
2. The total marks allocated for ASSESSMENT 2 is 40 marks.
3. Please submit your answer scripts together with this cover to my office B3-08 CS1.
Due date is 7 June 2024.

Question Marks

STA416 Assessment 2

QUESTION 1 (12 marks)

a) To buy a computer system, a customer can choose one of 4 monitors, one of 2

keyboards, one of 4 computers and one of 3 printers. Determine the number of
possible systems that a customer can choose.

b) How many different arrangements can be formed by using all the letters of the word

c) Assume that the identification number for all employees in an organization is formed
by using two letters from the selected alphabets A, B, C, D, E followed by five digits
from the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.How many employees identification numbers can
be designed

i) if no repetitions of alphabets and digits are allowed?

ii) if no repetitions of alphabets and digits are allowed, in addition the first alphabet
must be an A and the last digit must be a 9?

QUESTION 2 (10 marks)

A batch of 200 boxes of orange juice contains 5 boxes that are defective. Two boxes are
selected at random without replacement.
a) Draw a tree diagram for the above experiment.
b) Find the probability that the second box is defective given that the first box is defective.
c) Find the probability that both boxes are defective.
d) Find the probability that both boxes are non-defective.

QUESTION 3 (7 marks)
At a large factory, the employees were surveyed and classified according to their level of
education and their smoking habits. The data are shown in the table below.

Smoking Habit Education Level

Not high school High school College
graduate graduate graduate
Smoke 6 14 19
Do not smoke 18 7 25

If an employeeis selected at random, find the probability

a) the employee is a smoker.
b) the employee is not a smoker and he graduated from college.
c) The employee is a smoker given that he did not graduate from high school.

STA416 Assessment 2

QUESTION 4 (12 marks)

a) Suppose P(A) = 1/7, P(A’|B) = 4/7 and P(A’  B) = 4/9, find

i) P(B)
ii) P(A  B)
iii) P(A|B)

b) Given that R and S are independent events, P(R)=1/3 and P(R  S’)=7/24. Calculate

i) P(R  S)
ii) P(S)
iii) P(R ∪ S)

QUESTION 5 (9 marks)

In a factory, three machines, J, K and L are used to make donuts. Machine J makes 25% of
the donuts, Machine K makes 45% of the donuts. The rest of the donuts are made by
Machine L. It is known that 2% of the donuts made by Machine J are broken, 3% of the
donuts made by Machine K are broken and 5% of the donuts made by Machine L are broken.

(a) Draw the probability tree-diagram to illustrate all the possible outcomes and
associated probabilities.
(b) Calculate the probability that the donut is made by Machine J and is not broken.
(c) Calculate the probability that the donut is broken.


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