EV Charging Methods & Substation Details

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Building Code G5 __ Electric vehicle (EV) charging points G5. Charging modes G511 General IEC 61851 specifies four different modes of conductive charging for electric vehicles. The four modes are summarized in G.5.1.2 to GS G5.12 Mode 1 charging G53 Mode 2 charging Mode 1 charging illustrated in Figure G.31. Alternating current (AC) is delivered Mode 2 charging is illustrated in Figure 6.3: ‘to the on-board charger of the EV, via a standard socket outlet and a charging incorporates an in-cable control box. The fi cable without communication function. An RCD for shock protection is provided on _facilty is similar to that of Mode 1 except th the supply side of the fixed electrical installation. Mode 1 is not suitable for longer socket shall be of a suitable rating for the c Periods of charging at home or the work place. in order to cater for the higher level of char Mode 1 is not permitted due to the lack of safety measures associated with this mode of charging. FgureG31_ Sleeve wehice Mode 1 charging Figue G32 Flocrc voile Mode? charging Key ox eatery 02: EVinet (03: Connector 03: Connactor (04: On-board charger (0%: On-board charger 05: Pug 0s: Pug 06; Socket outlet 06: Socket outlet 7: Imeable corr! box G69 Building Code G54 Mode 3 charging Mode 3 charging ilustrated in Figure G:33. I employs dedicated EV service equipment (EVSE) and a charging cable assembly. The control pilot cable of the charging cable assembly allows communication between the EVSE and the on-board charger. Communication functions include: 2) verification of connection with the EV; ») continuous checking of protective earth conductor integrity, ©) energization and de-energization of the supply, 4d) selection of the charging rate. FgureG33_Clectricwehice Mode 3 charging Key 1: Batery 02: EV int (0: Connsctor (04: Onboard charger 05: hug 06: Socket outlet (07: AC charger facty 670 G515 Mode 4 charging Mode 4 charging illustrated in Figure G3 deliver direct current to the battery, bypass can charge an EV ina relatively short time b (ranging from 20 KW to 120 kW). NOTE: Maximum charging capacity of a DE! below per charging outlet, subject to availa 01: Batery 02: EVinit 02: Connector (tc DC quick caring facty Building Code G52 EVSE design requirements For the permitted charging modes described in G.5.13 to G5.15, the following requirements shall be met. 8) The following general requirements shall be met. 1) Installation of a private charging outlet shall be subject to prior DEWA approval 2) The design of EVSE shall enable maintenance ‘and service work to be carried out safely. 3) EVSE shall be installed with sufficient space ‘around it, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, to allow for ventilation and cooling of the equipment, 4) EVSE shall be installed in such a way as to minimize the distance between the EV inlet and ‘the charging equipment. '5) EVSE shall not be installed in locations where ‘a potentially explosive atmosphere exists, such as petrol stations. Where such locations require EVSE, it shall be installed outside the hazardous zone. ) The following requirements shall be met for circuits. 1) EVSE shall be supplied by a separate and a dedicated radial circuit. The radial circuit shall supply no other loads, except for ventilation equipment required by the EVSE. NOTE: More than one EVSE can be fed from the same supply circuit, provided that the combined current demand of the equipment does not exceed the rating of the supply circuit. G71 o 2) Cables supplying EVSE shall be mechanically protected by means of metal sheath/armour, of installed inside a conduit made from either: 1) rigid stee'; ii) plastic; or ii) Pvc. Each final circuit shall be sized to carry the rated ‘current of the EVSE, with limited voltage drop as required. 3) 4) Where the final circuit supplies more than one EVSE, there shall be no diversity. A diversity factor (usually greater than one) may be used for a dedicated distribution circuit supplying multiple EVSE charging points, provided that load controls available. The following requirements shall be met for sockets and connectors. 2) One socket outlet and/or vehicle connector shall be used to charge one EV. 2) EVSE shall be installed such that the main ‘operating controls and any socket outlet are between 0.75 m and 1.2m above ground. 3) The EV manufacturer’ instructions shall be followed when determining the type of socket ‘outlet to be installed. d) The follow isolation 2 1) Amea circuit 64.3 D cap labs dis ©) The follow protection 1) EVSE be sele 2) Each fi agains G Building Code 3) Basic protection against electrical shock shell be provided by automatic disconnection of supply or electrical separation (see 4) Every charging point shall be individually protected by a 30 mA RCD. The RCD shall disconnect all ve conductors, including the neutral, '5) The requirements of 6.4.19 shall be met on final Greuits. 4) The following requirements shall be met for labeling. 1) The labelling and identification requirements listed in G.4.18.6 shall be met, together with the following. 2) All labels on EVSE shall be: D dear ii) easily visible; written in both Arabic and English; and iv) constructed and affixed to remain legible for as long as the enclosure isin use. G72 3) An operation instruction for the charging facility shall be displayed at a prominent location at all parking spaces with EVSE. The instruction shall include the following information: ’) rated voltage (V); ii) frequency (Hz); ii) current (A); and iv) number of phases. 4) Directional signage inside and outside car parks is recommended to direct EV drivers to parking spaces with EVSE. Building Code G6 Renewable energy G61 — General ‘Asa type of renewable energy, solar energy is clean and secure, DEWA encourages the use of solar energy to reduce reliance on traditional energy sources (such as gas, oil and coal), which are diminishing. ‘The onsite generation of electricity from a solar PV shall be by a solar grid-connected system. The grid- connected solar generator shall be connected to the DEWA network, and operated and maintained in accordance with applicable legislation [Ref. G.6] and DEWA Shams Dubai regulations [Ref. G.S]. System documentation requirements are described in 6.6.2. NOTE 1: The connection of a solar PV system or distributed renewable resource generation (DRRG) to the DEWA grid is subject to DEWA approval. NOTE 2: Detailed technical requirements are set out in DEWA Technical publications and resources [Ref. 6.6] The designer shall comply with DEWA specifications, acceptable standards, procedures and other requirements published on DEWA website (Shams Dubai section) The requirements are updated regularly and form an integral part of the DBC. Solar power generation systems shall conform to Section 2, Ch. 14 of the UAE FLSC [Ref. G.1] and this section 673 Building attached photovoltaics (BAPV) systems attached to roofs, excluding curved or special roofs, are permitted to achieve a minimum fire classification of Class C when tested as per the test standards in Section 2.2.4, Ch. 14 of the UAE FLSC [Ref. G1] The minimum fire classification permitted for building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) and BAPY systems other than the above shall be confirmed with DEWA, and DCD upon commencement of design. G6.2 System documentation requirements Consultants and Contractors registered with DEWA for activities related to grid-connected solar PV systems (ORRG Solar PV Consultants and DRRG Solar PV Contractors) shall follow the DEWA guidelines published on the DEWA website for these requirements. Applications for solar connections shall bbe submitted online and shall include the following documents: a) basic system information; ) details of the system designer; ©) details of the system installer, operation and ‘maintenance procedure. NOTE: Detailed requirements are set out in DEWA Connection guidelines for distributed renewable resources generators connected to the distribution network [Ref. 6.7] G63 \ An annotated that meets th regulations [i 2) PVarray 2) PV mo 2) totaln 3) numbe 4) PV mo b) PV string 2) string 2) string and vo ©) PVarray 1) PVare De-s 2) PVare applic 3) DCiso (oltag @) earthing 1) details and co array fitted) G Building Code 2) Design verification and details of any connections to an existing lightning protection system or supplementary lightning protection system that is to be provided; 3) details of any surge protection device installed (on both AC and DC lines), including location, type and rating: ©) AC electrical details, inbuilt and external protections: 1) AC isolator location, type and rating: 2) AC overcurrent protective device location, type and rating: 3) residual current device location, type and rating, G7 G64 —_ Labelling and identification A solar PV installation shall meet the requirements of DEWA Shams Dubai regulations [Ref. G.5], together with the following requirements. a) All circuits, protective devices, switches and terminals shal be labelled to identify all relevant parts of the installation. ») All OC junction boxes (PV generator and PV array boxes) shall be provided with caution labels, indicating the risk due to dual source. ©) The main AC isolating switch shall be clearly labelled. ¢) A single line wiring diagram shall be displayed within the respective electrical rooms/panels. ©) Inverter protection settings and installation details, as applicable, shall be displayed. 4) The procedures for emergency shutdown shall be displayed. @) All signs and labels shal be suitably affixed. fh) Durable copies of al test and commissioning data shall be provided to the consumer. installation o meters and t meter cabine accordance w Building Code G7 G71 MV network design requirements and guidelines (11 kV) G71 — General G7 outlines the design requirements where: 2) a DEWA substation is required within the building or plot boundary; and b) an 11kV medium voltage (MV) network provides the primary power to the building or plot. 6712 Reliability of supply A ring supply consisting of two feeders (a two-feed ring) is the normal feeding arrangement for power supply. A three-feed ring arrangement may be adopted for cases where all MV switchgears/RMUs are installed in one location to ensure specifie supply reliability For reliable power supply, N-1 line criterion may be used in some installations. In case of power failure in one feeder, the other feeder should be capable of meeting the entire demand for a maximum of 6 h G7.13 Standard cable sizes ‘The DEWA standard 11 KV cable sizes are: ) 3/€ 300 mm? copper XLPE; b) 3/C 240 mm? copper XLPE; ©) 3/240 mm aluminium XLPE. G75 Substation and MV installations G714 — Cableloads ‘The maximum sustained loads of 11 KV feeder are: a) for 300 mm? copper XLPE cables (summer rating): 1754/3 MW; ) for 240 mm? copper XLPE cables (summer rating): 160 A/2.7 MW. The single unit load demand shall not exceed the maximum sustained current of 175 A/3 MW for an 11K feeder cable. All 12 kV private switchgear shall have arated symmetrical short-circuit current not less than 31.5KA, with a short time curent rating of 3 For private equipment with bulk loads (eg. furnaces or district cooling) requiring direct MV supply, space for metering units at the customer's premises/substation shall be provided, Necessary documents, drawings and SLDs shall be submitted for comments approval at design stage. 6715 Parallel operation Parallel operation of DEWA's MV feeders are not allowed in any circumstances. Electrical and mechanical interlocking shall be provided where required. Standby generators are not allowed to operate in parallel with DEWA’s network. Interlocking shall be provided where required. The custome (lagging) and DEWA's MV The custome maximum al correspondin Table 622. Motor el Less than ore ‘Above 600 kW kw ‘Above 1200 8 14800 kW ‘Above 1800 8 00 kW ‘Above 2400 3000 kW Motor electri Maximum eu her runing TibleG22_ DEV Building Code ‘The following information shall be submitted for approval at design stage: a) motor specification; b) starting method characteristics and specifications; ©)_number of motor starts per day and operation sequence; 4d) SLDs and equipment layouts, 6716 For loads that inject harmonics currents into DEWA'S, network, harmonic (voltage and current) study at the point of connection is required. The study shall be submitted for DEWA approval at the design stage. Harmonics ‘The customer shall comply with DEWA's limits of harmonic emissions for voltage and current, based on IEC 61000-3-6:2.0-2008, Detailed specifications and size of equipment, including harmonics spectrum, shall be provided for DEWA approval. After commissioning of the project, harmonics and flicker site measurements shall be conducted. A report of the measurements shall be submitted to DEWA. Where the measured values exceed DEWA'S limits, the ‘customer shall arrange for a solution to reduce the harmonic emissions to the permissible limits. G76 G717 — Cabletrenches ‘The maximum allowable number of cables per trench for 11 kV cables is 20. These cables shall be arranged ina maximum of two layers within a trench with maximum width of not more than 3 m on both sides of the road, close to 132/11 kV substation AA minimum of 2m clearance shall be maintained between any MV cable trench and the surrounding heat sources such as 132 kV cable trench ‘The permitted horizontal spacing between MV cables is 150 rm (edge to edge for MV cables) and permitted vertical spacing between layers is 100 mm (edge to edge for 11 kV cables). Refer to Figure 6.35 ot 2150, Crossing bets shall not be u corridor shall cable laying a In soil with a around MV content of 29 An SLD illust submitted wi stage. * Figure G35. Typical minimum clearance between cables stale within tench Building Code G72 Substation construc 6724 Building-type substations shall be constructed for projects such as labour accommodation, schools, nurseries and hospitals. Pocket (self-contained) substations shell not be installed at petrol stations and inside buildings. General Expansion joints shall not be used in RMU rooms or transformer rooms, or on ceilings. 67.22 Substation location The substation shal be positioned in a dedicated room cor housing, Substations located in basement levels shall have transformer rooms in the first basement level only. LV electrical rooms shall be adjacent to the subst room if the main panel s private. Wet areas shall not be installed above substations (see 67.4). 67 67.23 Substation parameters A single room substation at ground floor (see G7.5.1) shall have a clear height of not ess than 3,700 mm. For splt/basement substation arrangements (see 675.2), the RMU room at ground floor shall have @ clear height of not ess than 3 m. ‘Abbasement transformer room shall have a clear height of not less than 3m. The substation finished floor level (FFL) shall be maintained between 150 mm and 300 mm above the adjacent ground level (towards the door side). ‘Additional room parameters are shown in Figure G.36 and Figure G.37. ‘The FFL of a transformer room at basement level shall ’be maintained between 75 mm and 150 mm higher than the adjacent outside ground level (towards door side). Dre} 5.00 5.00 275] @ 085 eo 0.60 A 3.0) & os g 10s g A’ a Freire G36 General dimensional det of sebstations within buings(m) G78 Key (01: 150 mi ePVC a ranch vel (02: Transformer base ox RMU fe RTU (05: All louver winds door dese above FFL of (06 mx3 mw) x215m 0) (05: 600 mi apelog at base evel Dre} 06s 0.30" os: ort 0.20: 0.40 o}| @4 @ 0.45 (4) Transformer and RMU det 1.03 (2 reaming trench construction deta Figure G37 Octal within Figure 6:36 (m) 679 peo 8 88 Key 02: Transformer base o2:RMU (0: 13m «6 mn at (05:6 mm tik hot di plate cover (5: 25m «25 ra x3 chequered plate cover 0 (07:60 mm x 60 mn x6 (08-720 anchor welded co: al 10: Opening 12:Slope 2: channe ls Chequers plate Building Code G724 — Earthing Substation earthing, which forms part of the ‘consumer's scope, shall meet DEWA requirements at design stage. The following requirements shall be met for substation neutral earthing schemes (see Figure G38) ) Two or more dedicated and interconnected earth pits shall be provided for transformer earthing and shall be connected to the substation earth strips in a loop. The effective earth resistance value measured from any neutral earthing strip shall be less than 2.09. b) Two or more dedicated and interconnected earth pits shall be provided for transformer equipment body earthing and shall be connected to the transformer equipment body earth strips in a loop. The effective earth resistance value measured from any of the equipment body earth strips shall be less than 200, ©) Interconnection of transformer neutral earthing and equipment body earthing is not permitted. 4) Earth strips shall be mounted on the cable trench wall at the nearest point to the respective equipment, with @ minimum clearance of 50 mm: from the wall. @) Earth strips shall be provided with a minimum of four 12 mm diameter holes for earth looping. 680 ) Earth conductors shall be copper material with 2 minimum of 95 mmm? diameter. f the length of conductors exceeds 50 m, 120 mm? diameter copper earth conductors shall be used. 8) In substations with multiple transformer and RMU arrangements, the neutral earthing scheme outlined shall be repeated for every two transformers and the same equipment body earthing scheme to be repeated for every three transformers and their corresponding RMUs. Figure G38. Substation sutra earthing Building Code G73 Substation location and access ‘The substation room/RMU room shal be directly located on the RTA/public road or sikka. Where the substation/RMU room is located on a sikke, the sikka should have a minimum clear width of 6. m. However, ifthe proposed RMU room location is less ‘than 12 m away from the main road then the sikka can be used with a minimum clear width of 3 m. ‘Access shall be provided for DEWA staff and vehicles from the plot limits to the substation and RMU rooms (if setback is allocated in the affection plan by the competent authority). The access shall be directly open to sky and available 24/7. Ina split room/basement room arrangement, the transformer room may be located on an internal driveway having a clear (3 m wide x 3 m high) and direct access from the RTA road G74 Requirements for provision of attic slabs above substations and LV electrical rooms Wet facilities shall not normally be located above tthe substation/RMU room/LV electrical room. Occasionally, in exceptional unavoidable cases, this is permitted at the discretion of DEWA, and in these ‘cases the following requirements shall be met. Gai a) o) Qo ¢ ° A reinforced concrete attic slab shall be provided above the entire substation/RMU room/LV. electrical room. The entire attic slab and floor slab above, including the vertical sides above the attic slab, shall be waterproofed using an approved system. ‘The Consultant shall take full responsibility for supervision of the waterproofing works, during execution and testing of waterproofing. Al pipes, joints, trap, etc. running in wet areas, shall be enclosed in an approved waterproofing membrane. The void between the floor and attic slab shall have a clear height of not less than 600 mm. The void above the attic slab shall be accessed via an. opening of 1,200 mm x 600 mm, fitted with an aluminium louvered door. The void shall not be used for any other purpose and shall have a permanent lighting arrangement. A drain pipe shall be provided for the attic slab to drain out any water leakage through the floor slab. Tiles are not compulsory above the attic slab. The Consultant shall forward complete floor plans to DEWA. The plans shall show the location of the wet area and the substation/RMU room/ LV electrical room. The extent of the attic slab shall be clearly marked in the plans. Typical cross sections through the wet area, substation/RMU room/LV electrical room and attic slab shall be shown in the drawings, including the waterproofing arrangement/systems/materials. The following construction: 2) reinforce substat 2) dlear dey and floo 3) aluminiu 1,200 m from out 4) waterpr slab and 5). drain pip the att 6) waterpr in wet a 7) lighting 8) drawing 9) guarant 10) no high void area 12) PVC tray drain pip Dre} G75 Substation types and areas 675.1 Single room substation (RMU and transformer in same room on ground floor) ‘The dimensions for a single room substation where the RMU and transformer are in, the seme room on the ground floor shall conform to Table G.23 and Figure G.39 to Figure 6.41. ns requed Minimum width 1 ,000/1,500 kVA 2 ,000/3,500 kVA 55 aa ‘Adsitonal transformer ‘Aadiional2s | — Four or more transformers (neluding necessary equipment) | 10 = Table G23 Dimensions of sige room substation G82 6 1.68 3.0 constuction) Key 1: 150mm aPVC a Tench Level (02: Transformer Base ox RMU om RTU 05: Lowered windows 30 m w) «215 m (Winsted 0 tobe constructed to same deta a louvered doors (06: 0.60 m opening channel base level Dre} 0.75 AY a 500 6.00 238 305 Figure GAO Typical 2 2,000/1,500 KVA substation arrangement (mn) (fr reference on G83 238 (1: 150 mm ePVE at trench level (02: Transformer base ox RTU ie 0.2 0.201 EL [| sao] ete 0.85] 0.85} 0.45] 0.45] i os2 060 052 & 6.00 () ) 2.10 A\\ 90 ais Key (01: 150mm ePVC at Ti (02: Transformer base on.RMU om RTU (05:25 for entra tra (06:10 for entra tra oes @ Dre} G7.52 Split room substation (RMU and transformer in separate rooms on 30 ground floor) ‘The dimensions for a spit room substation where the RMU and transformer are in separate rooms on the ground floor shall conform to Table 6.24, Figure 6.42, D- ol) Figure 6.63, Table G25 and Figure Gd, a }o.60,| | [— TT ery elo ny =| si 9 ls 3 3 Ie) |= For ane RMU se controling two transformers 2 3 ‘Additonal RMU set 7 3 2.00 8 s Four or moe wanforners Gncing neousary quent) [20 3 Figire G42. Typcal ground Foor Rh RMU (m) (For eference ony nat vey >.) or Sw 0.6 TSS (06:7 for exta RMU 30 @ 06: 101 eran stove vasoers 3 1.36 0:40 ©) Tos 060 30 2.33 3.38 Freire G43 Tpiea! round floor RMU room spatial arrangements formule RMU (i) (for reference only ot for constrcton) Gas Dre} = nae 3] 5) || st @} | 170 oxo ——__ A] G86 Key 01: 150 mn ePv (02: Transformer 03: Trench 04:21 for exe Dre} G7.53 Basement substation (RMU room in ground floor and transformer room at basement level) ‘The dimensions for a basement substation where the RMU room is on the ground floor shall conform to Table 6.26, Table G.27, Figure G.43 and Figure G44. Potent ning ‘Area required Minimum width Cy tc) ed (One RMU set contzaling two transformers 9 3 ‘additonal RMU set 7 = Four or mre transformers (neuéing necessary equipment) | 10 5 Table G26 Dimension of RMU room, graund Noor and basement substto Transformer topologies (basement lve) ed oy epeerey 1«4,000/1,500 WA 2 437 Extra area required for an adtional ransformer a = For 2 = 1/000/3,500 WA vansformers 2 64 former room, basement substation TebleG27 Dimensions oft G87 Dre} G754 Open to sky dedicated substation with private panel 0.60 ‘The dimensions of an open to sky dedicated substation with private panel shall ee conform to Table G.28 and Figure 6.45, ass 0.77, Joao — = t 720 coin 1100/5008 taser an RA ie i Dinensons éimaéim ; ‘Additonal requirements | Substation space hallbe located slang RTA/publirad or sda {Venn celbedee ote sbaton om os | GE Soakavayshallbe 366 m (ini) away rom the substation, o.as| “le G28. Open to sy dedcated substation parameters ° 3 082 060 01 250 mm ePVC a enc T 2 Tansformer ase 610 one Os tty cee B.. 06 Compoind wil shallot be ‘more tsan 21 m Figure G45 Typical pen ts dedicated subtation sp OT: RTA ronan tet or contracon) G88

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