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In quantum mechanics, observables are physical quantities that can be measured or observed in an
experiment. These observables are represented by mathematical operators, and their corresponding
eigenvalues represent the possible outcomes of a measurement. One of the postulates of quantum
mechanics is that observables are represented by Hermitian operators, which have some important

(Hermiticity equation)

Firstly, Hermitian operators are self-adjoint, meaning that their adjoint is equal to themselves. This
property ensures that the eigenvalues of the operator are real numbers. Real eigenvalues are crucial
because they correspond to physically meaningful quantities that can be measured. For example, in the
case of position or momentum, the eigenvalues are real numbers that represent the position or
momentum of a particle.

Secondly, Hermitian operators have orthogonal eigenvectors. This means that the eigenvectors
corresponding to different eigenvalues are orthogonal to each other. Orthogonality is important because

it allows us to decompose any state vector into a linear combination of the eigenvectors. This
decomposition is known as the spectral decomposition, and it provides a way to express any state in
terms of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the observable.

Thirdly, the eigenvalues of a Hermitian operator are always discrete or continuous. Discrete eigenvalues
correspond to observables with quantized values, such as energy levels in an atom. Continuous
eigenvalues correspond to observables with a continuous range of values, such as position or
momentum. The Schrödinger equation plays a crucial role in determining the eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of a given observable.

Relation of Observables to Schrodinger Equation

The Schrödinger equation is a partial differential equation that describes the time evolution of a
quantum system. It relates the energy of the system to its wave function, which is a mathematical
representation of the state of the system. By solving the Schrödinger equation for a particular system, we
can determine the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the corresponding observables.

The Schrödinger equation is intimately connected to observables because it allows us to calculate the
expectation values of observables. The expectation value of an observable is the average value that we
would obtain if we were to measure the observable many times on identically prepared systems. The
Schrödinger equation provides a way to calculate these expectation values by using the wave function of
the system.
In summary, observables in quantum mechanics are represented by Hermitian operators, which have
real eigenvalues and orthogonal eigenvectors. The Schrödinger equation is used to determine the
eigenvalues and eigenvectors of observables, and it also allows us to calculate the expectation values of
observables. The study of observables and their connection to the Schrödinger equation is fundamental
to understanding the behavior of quantum systems.

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is one of the fundamental postulates of Quantum Mechanics. It
states that there is a fundamental limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties of
a particle, such as position and momentum, can be known simultaneously. In other words, the more
precisely we try to measure one of these properties, the less precisely we can know the other. This
principle was formulated by Werner Heisenberg in 1927 and has profound implications for our
understanding of the microscopic world. It challenges the classical notion of determinism, which
assumes that the properties of particles can be precisely determined at any given moment.

According to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, the uncertainty in the measurement of a particle’s
position (Δx) and momentum (Δp) is related by the inequality Δx * Δp ≥ h/2π, where h is the Planck
constant. This means that the product of the uncertainties in position and momentum must be greater
than or equal to a certain minimum value. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle has several important
consequences. Firstly, it implies that it is impossible to simultaneously measure the position and
momentum of a particle with arbitrary precision. This is because the act of measurement itself disturbs
the system, introducing uncertainty into the other property.

Secondly, the principle implies that particles do not have well-defined trajectories in the quantum realm.
Instead, they exist in a superposition of states, where their properties are described by a wavefunction.
The wavefunction gives the probability distribution of finding the particle in different states upon

Relation of Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle to the Schrödinger Equation.

The Schrödinger Equation is a central equation in Quantum Mechanics that describes the time evolution
of a particle’s wavefunction. It is given by the equation:

Iħ ∂ψ/∂t = -ħ^2/2m ∇^2ψ + Vψ

Where ħ is the reduced Planck constant, ψ is the wavefunction, t is time, m is the mass of the particle,
∇^2 is the Laplacian operator, and V is the potential energy.

The Schrödinger Equation allows us to calculate the wavefunction of a particle at any given time, given
its initial wavefunction and the potential energy it experiences. The wavefunction contains all the
information about the particle’s properties, including its position and momentum.
However, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle tells us that we cannot simultaneously know the precise
values of position and momentum. This implies that the wavefunction cannot be sharply peaked at a
single position, as this would imply a well-defined position but uncertain momentum. Instead, the
wavefunction must be spread out in space, representing the uncertainty in position.

In conclusion, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is a fundamental principle in Quantum Mechanics

that sets a limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties can be known
simultaneously. It challenges the classical notion of determinism and has profound implications for our
understanding of the microscopic world. The Schrödinger Equation, on the other hand, describes the
time evolution of a particle’s wavefunction and is related to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
through the uncertainty in position and momentum.


Admin. (2023). Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle – Detailed explanation, formula and derivation. BYJUS.

Hermitian operator – Knowino. (n.d.).

Wolfram Research, Inc. (n.d.). Hermitian Operator – from Wolfram MathWorld.

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