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Database Migration

Database migration involves transferring data from one platform to

another. It can be a complex process, but it's necessary to ensure that
data can be accessed and used effectively and efficiently.

by rishabh srivastava
Understanding Database Migration

Outdated Technology The Move to Cloud

Older technology might be inefficient or hard to More and more companies are looking to
maintain. migrate their databases to the cloud.

Security Concerns Contractual Obligations

Migrating a database can create vulnerabilities Migration may be required as part of a contract
in data security. with a vendor, client, or regulator.
Planning for Success
Gather Information Determine Develop a Timeline
Understand the current Create a plan that outlines
database and its Establish benchmarks, the necessary steps and
architecture, including timelines, and expected deadlines, including
system limitations and outcomes for the new testing and maintenance.
dependencies. database. Identify risks
and potential issues.
Executing the Migration
Data Transformation Data Verification
Extract data from the source Verify that the data has been
database and convert it to successfully migrated and is
conform with the target consistent and correct. Resolve
environment. any issues that arise.

1 2 3 4

Data Generation Data Loading

Generate a new database schema Load transformed data into the
and build the target environment. new database.
Ensuring Data Consistency and

Ensure Proper Backup and Recovery Performance Monitoring

Ensure that the new database Monitor the database for
Make sure the database is is being properly backed up errors, performance issues, and
configured properly and and that recovery processes other potential problems and
efficiently after migration. are in place. address them before they
cause further issues.
Testing and Validation of
Migrated Data
1 Create Test Cases 2 Review Data
Design and run test cases Manually review data to
to verify that the new ensure completeness,
database is working as consistency, and accuracy.

3 Perform Benchmarking

Benchmark the new database against the old database to

validate improvements and ensure adequate performance.
Post-Migration Tasks and Maintenance
Maintenance User Training Error Handling
Maintain the new database Train users on any new Handle any errors or issues
by performing regular features or interfaces that arise after migration,
backups, updates, and associated with the new and ensure data consistency
patches. database. and integrity over time.
Database migration is a complex and often tedious process that is
vital to the success of modern businesses. By understanding the
process, planning carefully, and executing well, businesses can move
their databases to better platforms without losing valuable data along
the way.

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