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Lift 1 (Piston): Reactive strength/speed; Loading: <55% (rpe-4/10); Exercise Bias: MAX VELOCITY

Prep Work (See attached prep chart)

Speed (Max Velocity Focus): Perform 3 exercises as a complex*

BR Straight Leg Primetime March 4 3 3 ea. Dynamic
Straight Leg Prime Time Build-Up BWT 3 30-YD Dynamic Build up speed over 30-yds (max out at approx. 90%)
Flying 10-YD Sprint BWT 3 10-YD Max intent Build up speed over 20-YDs/max speed (100%) for last 10-YDs

Block A
Exercise rpe (load) sets reps tempo Notes-
Warmup set 1-Trap Bar Bulgarian Split Squat 5 1 5 ea. Regular No speed/No band*
Warmup set 2-Trap Bar Bulgarian Split Squat 6/7 1 3 ea. Regular No Speed/No band*

A1-Overcoming ISO Trap Bar Split Squat 10 3 5s ea. Max Intent Pull hard for 5s ea. leg one time (advantageous pos.-shallow knee flexion)
A2-BR Trap Bar Bulg. Split Squat (AFSM-Speed) 4 3 3 ea. Fast Pull-down fast w/hip flexor-push-back fast w/ quad (advantageous pos.)
A3-SL Hurdle Hop Continuous BWT 3 3 ea. Quick Be stiff (ankle-knee-hip). Quick ground contacts. Shallow knee flexion
A4-BR Trap Bar Ankle Hop 3 3 5s Quick Be like a spring!
A5-BA SL Jump (Accelerated) 1 3 3 ea. Quick Be stiff (ankle-knee-hip). Quick ground contacts. Shallow knee flexion
A6-BR Anterior Tib. (AFSM-Speed) 4 3 5s ea. Fast Push down fast w/ calf-pull back fast w/ the anterior tib.
A7-DB SA Row (AFSM-Speed) 4 3 5s ea. Fast Push fast w/ pec-pull back fast w/ upper back
A8-BR DB Bench Press (AFSM-Speed) 4 3 5s Fast Pull-down fast w/ back-push back fast w/ pecs. Can be done w/o bands
A9-DB Staggered RDL (AFSM-Speed) 4 3 5s ea. Fast Pull-down fast w/ hip flexor-pull back fast with hamstring/glute
A10-SS OH Ext. Rot. (AFSM/Co-Contract) 2 3 5s ea. Fast Push down fast with int. rotators/pull back fast w/ ext. rotators
Joint Positional ISO’s (‘Signal 6’) N/A 3 1x 1 round through circuit

Block B
B1-Knee OC ISO Catch (Fast) 10 3 4 ea. Dynamic Slight knee bend on the catch (switch legs every 2-3s). Push hard into bar
B2-BR/BA Adduction (AFSM/Co-Contract) 4 3 3s ea. Fast As fast as you can. Hold onto something for support.
B3-BR/BA Abduction (AFSM/Co-Contract) 4 3 3s ea. Fast As fast as you can. Hold onto something for support.
B4-BR/BA Hip Flexor (AFSM/Co-Contract) 4 3 3s ea. Fast As fast as you can. Hold onto rack for support.
B5-Suitcase Infinity (Figure 8) Speed Skip 4 3 1 ea. Dynamic Do not let KB/DB touch hip-keep eyes on central point

Block C
C1-BR/BA Wrist Pro./Sup. (AFSM/Co-Contract) 3 2-3 5s ea. Fast Use a light-medium band based on strength
C2-Watkins: Dead-Bug (L5) N/A 2-3 15 ea. Stable Controlled movements. Flat low back. (5-10lb DBs)
Lift 2 (Piston): Initial RFD/Reactive Str.; Loading: <55% (rpe-5/10); Exercise Bias: ACCELERATION
Prep Work (See attached prep chart)

Speed (Acceleration Focus): Perform 3 exercises as a complex*

Heavy Sled Push (10-YDs) 8-9 3 10-YD Controlled Feel the glute connection by pushing through big toe
10-YD Sprint (R&L) BWT 3 10-YD Max intent 1 x right side start/1 x left side start (use timers if available)

Block A
Exercise rpe (load) sets reps tempo Notes-
Warmup set 1-‘Concentric Only’ Trap Bar Deadlift 5 1 5 Regular No speed*
Warmup set 2-‘Concentric Only’ Trap Bar Deadlift 6-6.5 1 3 Regular No Speed*

A1-Overcoming ISO Trap Bar Deadlift 10 3 3s Max Intent Pull hard for 5s (disadvantageous pos.-deeper knee flexion)
A2-DL Trap Bar ‘Concentric Only’ Jump (Blocks) 5 3 3 Explosive (VBT-1.3+ m/s)
A3-Forward Infinity Walk N/A 3 1 Controlled Keep eyes focused on point. Can also be performed marching.
A4-BR SL Hip thrust (Speed) 4 3 3s ea. Quick 5s fast reps ea. side
A5-BR Acceleration Projections 4 3 3 ea. Quick Explode out trying to project your hips forward as much as you can
A6-BR SL Hip Thrust OC 5 3 3s ea. Fast Pull-down fast w/ hip flexor/push back fast w/ glutes
A7-LM SA Shoulder Press OC 5 3 3s ea. Fast Push fast w/ shoulder/pull fast w/ lat.
A8-BR SA Lat Pull OC 5 3 3s Fast Attach band to the weight stack. Push-pull fast.
A9-Double Band Straight Leg Hamstring Kicks 4 3 3s Fast Kick as fast as you can; keep hips up, toes straight up.
A10-BR Cuban Ext. Rotation OC 2 3 3s ea. Fast Pull-down fast w/ int. rotators/push back fast w/ ext. rotators.
Joint Positional ISO’s (‘Signal 6’) N/A 3 1x 1 round through circuit

Block B
B1-Loaded Hip ISO Catch (Fast) 5 3 3 ea. Dynamic Switch legs every 2-3 secs. Keep hips elevated, BWT only if necessary
B2-Short Lever Bench Adduction OC 5 3 5s ea. Fast Pull-down fast with hip abductor-push back fast w/ adductor
B3-Short Lever Bench Abduction OC 5 3 5s ea. Fast Pull-down fast w/ adductor-push back fast w/ abductor
B4-Short Lever Rack BR Hip Flexor OC 5 3 5s ea. Fast Push down fast with glute-pull back fast w/ hip flexor
B5-Spring Ankle-Top Position (Torque) 4 3 5s ea. Dynamic Floating heel position. Push big toe into plate. Partner push into hips

Block C
C1-GHR Oblique Hold with Plate Punch 5 2-3 4 ea. Fast If punching is too difficult, just press the plate or just do a static hold
C2-BR/BA Wrist Ulnar Flexion/Extension OC 2 2-3 3s ea. Fast
C2-Weighted Body Saw 5 2-3 6 Dynamic
Lift 3 (Piston): Reactive Strength/Speed; Loading: <55% (rpe: 3-4/10); Exercise Bias: LAT. SPD/COD
Prep Work (See attached prep chart)

Speed (Lateral Speed/Change of Direction Focus): Perform 3 exercises as a complex*

BR Push-Shuffle 4 3 4 ea. Explosive Partner resisted or attached a band to a rack etc. Be explosive!
GOAT Drill (Switch a ball behind back) BWT 3 30s Dynamic Eyes on central point. If you do not have hoops, use cones (figure 8)
Pro-Agility (Right & Left) BWT 3 3 ea. Max intent Touch lines with your foot/not hands. Focus on being quick off the lines.

Block A
Exercise rpe (load) sets reps tempo Notes-
Warmup set 1-DB Split Squat 5 1 5 ea. Regular No speed*
Warmup set 2-DB Split Squat 5-6 1 3 ea. Regular No Speed*

A1-Overcoming ISO Split Squat 10 3 7s ea. Max Intent Pull hard for 5s ea. leg one time (disadvantageous pos.-deep knee flexion)
A2-Reflexive Trimetric Split Squat (AFSM-Speed) 4 3 7s ea. Fast Pull-down fast w/hip flexor-push-back fast w/ quad (disadvantageous pos.)
A3-SL Depth Drop to Rotational Bound BWT 3 3 ea. Quick Be stiff (ankle-knee-hip). Quick ground contacts. Cover big distance.
A4-Bungee/BR Lateral Jab Bound 3 3 3 ea. Quick Attack the floor! Explode out!
A5-BR Anterior Tib. (AFSM-Speed) 3-4 3 7s ea. Fast Push down fast w/ calf-pull back fast w/ the anterior tib.
A6-DB Supported SL RDL (AFSM-Speed) 3-4 3 7s ea. Fast Pull-down fast w/ hip flexor-push back fast w/ the glute/hamstring
A7-BA/BR Push-Up (AFSM/Co-Contract) 3-4 3 7s Fast Push fast w/ pec-pull back fast w/ upper back
A8-Double Band BO Row (AFSM/Co-Contract) 3-4 3 7s Fast Push-down fast w/ pecs-pull-back fast w/ upper back
A9-Torso Parallel Shoulder IR (AFSM/Co-Contract) 2 3 7s ea. Fast Pull-down fast w/ int. rotators/push back fast with external rotators
A10-Double Leg Bosch Hold w/ Plate Punch 3-4 3 5s ea. Fast 20 deg knee flexion. Progress to single leg if this is easy. Punch hard!
Joint Positional ISO’s (‘Signal 6’) N/A 3 1x 1 round through circuit

Block B
B1-Knee OC ISO Catch (Fast) 10 3 4 ea. Dynamic Slight knee bend on the catch (switch legs every 2-3s). Push hard into bar
B2-Long Lever Bench Adduction (AFSM-Speed) 3-4 3 5s ea. Fast Pull-down fast with hip abductor-push back fast w/ add. No pause btw reps
B3-Long Lever Bench Abduction (AFSM-Speed) 3-4 3 5s ea. Fast Pull-down fast w/ adductor-push back fast w/ abductor. No pause btw reps
B4-Speed Seated Bench SL Hip Flexor 3-4 3 7s ea. Fast Push down fast with glute-pull back fast w/ hip flexor
B5-Split Lunge Plate Side Banded Ipsilateral 3-4 3 7s ea. Fast Rotate the plate to the forward leg. Be fast!

Block C
C1-Waterbag Split-Stance Hi-Low Chop 3-4 2-3 5 ea. Fast/Hold Hold at the bottom for 2-3 secs
C2-BR Bird-Dog 3 2-3 15 ea. Stable Controlled movements. Pause at end position for 1-2 secs.
This 3-day lift program is recommended to be performed on a MONDAY-WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY schedule.

Here is the entire suggested weekly schedule:

Monday: Pre-Lift Prep/LIFT 1 (Max Velocity Focus)

Tuesday: Agility (Choose 1 option from CATEGORY C in the attached conditioning document)

Wednesday: Pre-Lift Prep/LIFT 2 (Acceleration Focus)

Thursday: Recovery Day (Pool, Extra Mobility Work etc.)

Friday: Pre-Lift Prep/LIFT 3 (Lateral Speed/COD Focus)

Saturday: Curvilinear Speed (Choose 1 option from CATEGORY K in the attached conditioning document)

Sunday (Off-Rest Day)

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