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Dre} BS Minimum space requirements. B5.1 Occupant loads ‘Occupant load factors shall be determined in accordance with Table B2. mney Perey en eee reer aa ‘Assembly ‘Concentrated 065 Net area ballrooms, rmaltipurpese- assembly halls Mosques, prayer Falls | 08 fr prayerarea | Netarca and prayer roams Less concentrated ae Netarea ~outcoor buildings, restaurants dining areas, seated waiting Conference rooms, [4 Net area ecting rooms Exhibition hal, 1 Nevarea production studios Bench seating {455 mm near Net area Fined eating spaces | According to numberof | Netarea (cinemas, theatres and | fied seats provided simile) Waiting areas — 065, Nev area standing Kichens (eg in 93 a resturants not private tesidentil) brary — reading areas [45 Nevarea brary stackareas [93 A Table 82 Occupant lad factor pr person B35 ‘Swimming pools ~ ater surface ‘Swimming pools = deck ‘Exercise room —| without equipment Exercise room — with equipment Stages ‘Gaming, amusement arcades ‘Skating inks Food courts ~ seating ‘Airport waiting areas ‘Airport baggage claim Art galeries, museums Business| Office —endased offes, low Office — open offices, igh concentration Dre} Cay otherwise stated) roar caleulation guidlines [Ref 6.3 t0 Ref.8.18] etal etal shops. 55 cA. Department stares, | 37 es ultlevel eta Floors used for goods | 278 aw not accessed by public Wall Mal = less than 2 “Gross leaable area in 14,000 min area accordance with UAE FLSC [Ref 8.1) Mall=morethan | 38 ‘Gross leasable area in 14,000 min area accordance with UAE FLSC [Ref 8.1) Tusa Factories 33 a Storage Warehouse 279) cy Educational Cassoomrs | 19, Net area Laboratories, voational | 46 Net area Residential ‘Accommodation, 50 Net area shared sleping spaces Labour accommadstion | 37 Nevarea = sloening spaces Healtheare Refer to DHA regulations and Table 82 Occupant lad factor pr person (continued) B36 The occupant load factors in Table B.2 gene the exception of residential. However, ext w space, floor and building shall be calculated 3.13, Ch.3 of UAE FLSC [Ref. 8.1] Any space or building not listed in Table 8.2 factors noted in Table 3.13, Ch. 3 of UAE FL Dre} B52 1um room sizes ‘The net area and clear dimension of a room/space shall be not less than the minimum sizes given in Table B.3. Minimum sizes for some other occupancies are given in BS. Residential ving space 105 3 (See Figure B23) (Gecroom livingroom) Residential studio ncuding | 21 3 bathroom and kitchen space) Housekeape’s/guardroams | 4S 2 Gingle occupancy only excusive oftolet area) etal hop = 2a Reta showroom = 8 Enclosed offi = 2m Enclosed kitchen 3a 1B Bathroom and tle ‘Shall met Fixture clearances noved in BBS Tolt sas ‘Shall conform to B&LE Hotel establishment ‘Refer to applicable DTCM dassifiation criteria [Ref 8.19 to Ref. 8.36] Heaktheare fcitine ‘Refer to DHA regulations and guidelines [Rel B to Rel B18), Fre pump roams ‘Refer to Table 1.9, Ch. af UAE FLSC [Rel B.] fr minimum room sizes dependent upon equipment selected and other requirements such a proximity to ex stalways. Energeney command ceniwe | 29 3 Table 83 Minimum room sees 837 q E 3 Figure 223. Minimum reset i Key ‘A: Room rea Cer) “The manoeuvring space between kitchen counters or adjacent to a single-sided B53 Minimum clear heights kitchen counter shall be not less than 1.2 m,as shown in Figure B.24, Tee len height of space shallba not lesa Table BA. =r The clear heights shall be calculated from Fi = or ceiling soffits, as shown in Figure B25. 00 “Jamas mosque prayer hal Prayer rooms Ballrooms, multipurpose assembly Offices (L 212m Reta shops/stores, showrooms ‘Schools, nurseries ané Kindergarten ‘cassroome Reta mal s1.2m Fagure 824 Meroauvring sac within kitchen Living and bedroom spaces Table BA Minimum clear heights B38 Dre} es ay Industral [Industrial equipment areas Minimum headroom for industrial ‘equipment access shal conform to ‘Table 34, Ch. 3 of UAE FLSC [Ret BI ‘Common | Parking — for ight vehicles 23 reas ‘Corids, passageways and elevator lobbies | 23 ‘Occupiable spaces (other than sted above) | 23 € Weshrooms and tales 23 a ‘Storage and uit space 23 al Staeways "203 m above the star treads and 2:3 mabove the sta anaings (Geen5a25) Means of egress 23 In nat mare than 5096 ofthe caling area, protrding objects may extend below the minimum clear celing height, ‘where a minimum headroom of 203 m {rom FFL shall be provided Fre pup room 25 (see Table 19, Ch. 1 of UAE FLSC Tet Ba) Table BA Minimum cer heights (ortnued) Figue 825. Clea heights B39 Dre} B.6 Circulation requirements and openings 861 Walking surfoces All walking surfaces, including accessible routes, shall ‘Assembly other public use buildings | 1.5 for single loaded corridors conform to the requirements of C.5 & C.7.2. 118 for double loaded corridors Residential (common corridor) 15 for single sided residential units ‘Changes in level in means of egress of more than 13 ‘mm, but not more than 535 mm, shall be achieved either by a ramp conforming to C.5.9.1 or bya stair 1.8 for double sided residential units (See Figure B.26 2s example for corridor ar inesidentil building) ‘conforming to an > Mall and retail areas > 3,600 7° GA por | 6 for double sided units B62 Corridors flor (pedestrian way) 3 fr singe side its B62 Minimum clear widths Healthcare Refer to Dubai Heath Authory’s (OHA re The clear width of corridors shall be not less than sectieresurerenss ape URE RISE hei the values given in Table B.5. Where a corridor forms Educational 2 for singe sided assroom part of an accessible route, it shall also meet the [3 for doi sie classroom requirements specified in C5. Bosiess — Ofces “LS for single loaded eoridors 118 for double loaded codons otal establishment “LS for single loaded eoridors (common corridor) 118 for double loaded cordors Refer to DTCM classification criteria [Ref B for specifi requirements. Internal coridors inside reaidentialand | 10 hotel apartment units (See Figure B26 as examale for corridor at Service corridors 42 Ccrrdors inal balings ‘Section 5, Ch 3 of UAE FLSC [Ref 8.1] man occupancy type Bait passoxenays ‘applicable, Table 38, Ch. 3 of UAE FLSC viens. [NOTE Retall units under slgle rf or nt fie separated and hang aground lar GA of mon re vested as 2 malin accordance with Ch ofthe UAE FLSC [Ref 8.1, B40 210m ® 21.8 m @ Figure 026 Condor arangemant in residential uli example Key 0: Apart (02: Public carrier Bar Cer) B622 — Fireresistance rating Exit access corridors shall be 1h fire resistance rated when required by Table 1.112, Ch. of UAE FLSC [Ref 8.2]. Exit passageways shall achieve the fire resistance rating and construction requirements of Table 3.8, Ch. 3 of UAE FLSC [Ref. B.1] B.62.3 Kiosks in mall pedestrian ways Kiosks are allowed along a mall pedestrian way under the following conditions prescribed by Table 1.9, Ch. 1 of UAE FLSC [Ref. B.2]. 4) The minimum corridor width between the kiosks and the adjacent shop or construction shall be 3 m as shown in Figure B.27. ) The minimum horizontal separation distance between 2 adjacent kiosks shall be not less than 6 m. ©) The maximum area of a single kiosks or group of kiosks shall be 18 m’ collectively, or 28 m* in an open mall. 4) Kiosks shall conform to the fire safety system provisions and construction ‘materials required of Table 1.9 and Section 7.1.40, Ch. 1 of UAE FLSC [Ref. 8.1. B63 Elevator lobbies Elevator lobby design shall conform to Part D. B42 Figure 27 Kiosk provision within mall Key OL Kos (02: Adjacent constuction (02: Corder width Cer) B.6.4 Vertical circulation in buildings B641 — Stairways B641.1 General ‘The minimum number of exit stairways, stairway width, stairway separation, ‘exit discharge arrangements and fire resistance rating of the staircase shall bbe determined in accordance with Ch. 3 of UAE FLSC [Ref. B.1]. ‘The architectural requirements of a stairway design in this subsection align with or exceed UAE FLSC [Ref. B.1] At least one protected exit stairway shall extend to al roofs. B.644.1.2 Exit staircase construction Exit stairways shall be enclosed in fire resistance rated reinforced concrete (RCC) staircase construction when required by Table 3.4, Ch. 3 of UAE FLSC [Ref. 8.1], ‘except staircases serving low-rise buildings or low-depth underground buildings where 2 h fire resistance rated blockwork construction is permitted, RCC staircases with separate cores but a common RCC divider are acceptable only in low-rise and mid-rise buildings, provided that the whole staircase conforms to building construction type and separation distance between esits. B.6.41.3 Stairway width All stairways shall have a clear width of not less than 1,200 mm, The minimum width of an exit stair shall be determined in accordance with Section 4, Ch. 3 of UAE FLSC. [Ref. 8.1] depending upon the number of occupants it serves. The required width of a stairway shall be measured from wall to the clear available idth of the step (see Figure B.28). The maximum projections of handrails allowed required width is 100 mm on each side, at a height of 865 mm to 965 mm (see Figure 828), B43 21,200 865-965 Figure 328 Handa encroachment Cer) B.64.1.4 Stair risers and treads Stair riser height as measured in Figure B.29 shall be in the range 100 mm to 180 mm. Riser heights shall be as uniform as possible throughout each stair flight between, landings. Where riser heights are adjusted to meet acceptable stair treads, flights and arrangements, there shall be no more than 10 mm difference in riser height within a single flight. Stair treads shall have a depth of not less than 280 mm. ‘The tread slope shall not exceed 21 mm/m (2% slope). ‘Tread depth shall be as uniform as possible throughout the stair. There shall be 'no more than 10 mm difference in tread depth within a single flight. Further recommendations on riser height and tread depth provided for regular use stairs and external steps are given in B., Bau COD EPPTTTT LITT Figue 29 Stairisers Cer) B6415 Landings ‘The height between landings shall be not more than 3,660 mm. Every stair shall have a landing at the door opening. ‘The landing width shall be not less than the required stairway width. A staircase door shall not encroach in its swing into ‘more than one half of the landing width (see Figure B30) The landing width shall not decrease in width along the direction of egress travel. ‘The landing width is not required to exceed 1,200 mm in the direction of travel, provided that the stairway has a straight run. ‘The landing slope shall not exceed 21 mm/m 2% slope. Bas 05 100 Figure B30. Door opening and landing measurements Key (OX: Greater than or equals tend depth 02:Fhris wall 02: Intermediate landing (4: Dual guards 05: Continuous handrail 06: Top landing (7: Return of hands to wal eguied Ae Minium tray with Cer) B. Regular use and external stairs The following requirements and recommendations apply to stars used for daily circulation and external stepping. 2) Building entrance steps, landscaping steps and external circulation shall meet the requirements given in Table B6. ) For regular use stars in buildings, where the stairs serve as a primary means of vertical circulation, conformity to Table B.6 is recommended Tread det 2300 mm Riser height 150 mm to 165 my (See Figure B31) Number of sep 2 steps min 4 steps max. Table BS Stair fg ora stops ‘The step edge shall present a slip-resistant surface with a minimum reflectance contrast of 30 LRV points against the step surface (see Figure 8.32). recommended that a warning surface is provided at the descending edge of each stair flight, in accordance with B.6.4.114 and as shown in Figure B.32. The warning surface shall conform to the requirements in Part C. Ilumination along the whole flight of stairs should be not less than 200 lux. B46 2300 l25-51 150-165 { \ Figue 31 Step dimensions or regular use stirs 4 Figue 832. Waring surfaces at irs Cer) B641.7 Handrails Stairs shall have handrails on both sides in accordance with the arrangement and dimensions shown in Figure B.33. 2305 257. | i Whandaitenerson GI 25) gas SR 38 (@handral separation from wall (andra aerative profes Figure 833 Handel specications Key (0: One tread depth handel extension (02: Retan of hana to wal equi (03 Handral um recured BAT Handrails on stairs shall be located betweer of the tread, measured vertically to the top the tread. Regular use stairs and external steps shall h at a height between 650 mm and 750 mm, of short stature, Handrails forming part of a guardrail can ex mm (see B., measured vertically tot of the tread. Handrails shall be installed to provide a clea the handrail and the wall to which its faste Handrails shall be provided within 760 mm of egress width in stairs. Where intermedia between handrails shall be a minimum of 7¢ Handrails shall continue for the ful length « Inside handrails shall be continuous and gra Handrails shall have circular cross-section v 32. mm and not more than 51 mm. Cer) Handrail shape that is other than circular (see Figure B.34) shall be with a perimeter dimension of not less than 100 mm, but not more than 160 mm, and with the largest cross-sectional dimension not more than 57 mm, provided that graspable edges are rounded so as to provide a radius of not less than 3.2 mm. od @ @oreuar (square oat Figure 036 Crose-sections ofhandris Key (01/100 mm to 160 mm perimeter Handrail brackets shall not project horizontally beyond the sides of the handrail within 38 mm of the bottom of the handrail and provided that, for each additional 13 mm of handrail perimeter dimension greater than 100 mm, the vertical clearance dimension of 38 mm is reduced by 3.2 mm. Handrail brackets shall have edges with radius not less than 0.25 mm. Handrails shall have a reflectance contrast of not less than 30 points LRV against its background. Handrail materials exposed to the sun shall not reach temperatures that can harm the users. B641.8 Guardrails Guardrails as shown in Figure B.35 shall be provided for every stairway where the elevated surface is more than 760 mm from finished ground level. Bas <100 865 - 965 <150 Figue 35. Guardral 0 samy Such guardrails shall not encroach on the re Guardrails shall be not less than 1,200 mm guardrail from the leading edge of the tread In case of stairway or ramp handrails that f guardrail can be reduced to 1,065 mm. (Open guardrails shall have intermediate rai of 865 mm, such that a sphere 100 mm in ¢ opening. Cer) ‘The triangular openings formed by the riser, tread, and bottom element of a guardrail at the open side of a stair shall be of such size that a sphere 150 mm in diameter is not able to pass through the triangular opening. Guardrails at landings or balconies over stairways shall also conform to B42.5.2. All staircases shall include signage indicating the floor level, wing of the building (if applicable), and direction of egress (see Figure B.36).. ‘Signage shall be in English and Arabic and shall conform to B1145. ‘Signage shall be provided inside the staircase at floor landings. It is not required on ‘mid-landings and shall not be located on door leaves. It shall be clearly visible for stair users, located at a height of net less than 1,220 mm from the floor landing to the bottom of the sign, The top of the signage shall be located not more than 2,135 mm above the floor landing, Lettering shall be not less than 25 mm high. WING A 4 FLOOR Gs) 7 NO ACCESS TO ROOF Chall ge Ge tay Y DOWN To GROUND FLOOR { ron ex biscianee PAS dal A HP UH Figure 836 Example star signage B49 B.641.10 Exterior stairways ‘An open outside exit stair shall not be provi from finished ground level. (Outside stairs more than 11 m above the fi with an opaque visual obstruction not less t Outside stairs shall be separated from the i with the required fire resistance rating in ac UAE FLSC [Ref. 8.2). B6A2.11 Scissor or interlocking stairs In accordance with Ch. 3 of the UAE FLSC [ (see Figure B.37) shall be counted as a sing! sections of a scissor staircase (see Figure B. fire resisting construction. @ Figue 37 Scissor ssrwaysin lan Key Or: Seton t 02: Seaton 2 Cer) B.6.41.12 Winders, spiral or curved stairs Winders, spiral or curved stairs (see Figure B.38) are not permitted in means of egress, with the following excepto 2) industrial occupancies where the winders provide access/egress from equipment. areas; ») storage occupancies where the winders provide access egress from mezzanines Which are only used for storage and not office space; and ©) retail areas where the winders provide access /egress from mezzanines where goods are stored, Winders may be used in stairs which are not exit stairs. Winders shall have a minimum tread depth of 150 mm at their narrowest, and a ‘minimum tread depth of 280 mm when measured 305 mm from the narrowest edge. ge Fgure 838 Examples of curved stars, spiral stars and winders Spiral stairs shall meet the following requirements. 1) Spiral stairs shall have: |) minimum clear width of 660 mm; i)_@ minimum headroom of 2,030 mm; i) a maximum riser height of 240 mm. 2) Treads shall have a depth not less than 190 mm ata point 305 mm from the narrower edge (see Figure B.39). 3) All treads shall be identical. 4) Handrails shall be provided in accordan 5) The tur of the stairway shall be such t of descending users Curved stairs shall have tread depth of not from narrowest edge (see Figure B40). Figure 339 Spi Cer) B.6.41.13 Equipment access Industrial equipment access shall meet the following requirements. 18 or platform shall be not less than ) Horizontal dimension of walkway, lan 560 mm. ») Stair or ramp width shall be not less than S60 mm. ©) Tread width shall be not less than 560 mm. ©) Tread depth shall be not less than 255 mm. ©) Riser height shall be not more than 230 mm ). Height between landings shall be not more than 3,660 mm. ) Head room shall be not less than 2,030 mm. |) Width of door opening shall be not less than 560 mm. |). Railings shall be 865 mm to 965 mm in height and may terminate directly above top and bottom risers. B.64.1.14 Surfaces and floor markings Stair treads and landings shall be free of projections or lips that could trip stair users. Stair treads and landings within the same stairway shall have consistent surface traction. Where contrasting marking is appli requirements. shall meet the following 2) Exit stair treads shall incorporate @ marking strip that is applied as a paint/ coating or be made from a material that i integral with the nosing of each step. ») Surface-applied marking strips using adhesive-backed tapes shall not be used. ©) The marking strip shal be installed along the horizontal leading edge ofthe step and shall extend the full width of the step. 4) The marking strip shall have a horizontal width between 25 mm and 51mm. ©) The marking strip shall be not more that step and shall not overlap the leading ed ‘the vertical face of the step. See Figure k 8.64.115 Minimum headroom Head room in stairways shall be not less the plane, parallel to the most forward projectio not less than 2.3 m above landings. Key (01:1 wead depth etesion for hana 02: Handel 2280 Figue a6 Staircase arrangement Cer) B. Examples of compliant stair arrangements ‘The stairway designs in Figure B.42 are deemed to be compliant with for the following reasons. a) They have regular flights and consistent dimensions of steps. b) Thereis a direct exit at discharge level from under the stair flight. ©) Where two doors on opposite sides are provided, each door swing does not obstruct more than half of the required landing width. Straight run stairs are acceptable, provided that the height between landings is not more than 3,660 mm. B642 Ramps Pedestrian ramps in buildings shall conform to C.5.9. Guardrails shall conform to B.64.1.8, Handrails shall conform to C.5 or B64.1.7. a8 applicable. Materials of construction and fire resistance of ramps shall conform to Section 3.7, Ch. 3 of UAE FLSC [Ref. B.1] B643 Elevators Elevators and vertical transportation systems shall conform to Part D. Figue 842. Examples of compliant sai es: Cer) B65 Building openings The clear distance between two doors open B651 Doors shown in Figure B.44, ‘The door clear width shall be not less than the minimum values given in Table B.7 and Accessible door requirements are given in Figure 8.43. “The design of doors as exits shall conform t 3.2, Ch. 3 of UAE FLSC [Ref. B.1] depending prorianeia Eo oor genera os a) direction of door swing; fxrmdeeceiat [as | tate cn wn parr dor Morne Dasecatakocsuoe | Ye Ceding poveesaing FLSC [Ref 8.1] revolving, turnstile) can be used; Table B7 Minimum door cleer width ©) door hardware; 8) evecare of hd eign @ corridors/stairs; ©) fire resistance rating; and - f) security arrangement. Key 0% Door cer width 02:00" Figure 843 Minimum door dear with ’ Cer) B.65.2 Windows and daylighting 8652.1 Minimum area of windows Daylighting provisions for habitable and occupiable spaces shall conform to Table 88 and Figure B.45. Housekeeper's rooms shall be provided with adequate daylighting similar to living spaces as shown in Table B.8 and Figure B.45. ‘The following requirements and recommendations apply to windows. 2) When windows are equipped with mechanical opening means, this shal be positioned at @ height between 900 mm to 2,200 mm from the room FFL. Window latches for non-accessible spaces can be positioned higher than 1,200 b) Operable portion of the window shall be positioned at a safe height and equipped by means of fall protection, according to E.9.4. ©) The required amount of daylighting can be provided through skylights or windows cr combination of both for all building spaces. The skylight glazing should be positioned ata slope of 15° or more from vertical and directly connected to the space it serves. 4) Windows may only face neighbouring plots when the required setback is achieved and when the requirements for external fire spread are achieved as per Sections 2.7 and 28, Ch. 1 of UAE FLSC [Ref. 8.1]. Daylighting modelling to justify lightling levels can be used to reduce minimum ‘opening percentage requirements, provided that minimum lux levels are achieved. Luxx levels from daylight shall achieve a minimum of 150 luxin bedrooms and living rooms. ay Business Residential and hotel Offices ~ workstation are ving, bedroom spaces (© kitchen ates) cational ‘Assembly Schools, nurseries and “classroom Mosques Table BB Minimum percentage of window to flor aea W 210% ofA Figure 345. Window gang area to room aes rato Key 1: Room 1 Room ares We Window net axing area Cer) B6522 Daylighting For habitable spaces to receive adequate natural light through windows, the room depth should not exceed three times the width of the wall in which the window is located (see Figure B.46). When the room depth exceeds three times the width, additional daylighting should be provided through an additional window meeting the criteria set in B., and along any of the other sides of the room that have direct access to daylighting, Figure B48 Windows in oom ey (01: Adatons opening B6523 Access to views Business, residential, educational and hotel sight (views) to the outdoor environment in Figure 8.47. ooaaga oooada [hw ooo0q00 oooaag oo000 Figue 347 Lneaf sight tothe outdoor B6524 Safety of windows Safety requirements for windows are provid Cer) B66 Openings between floors B.6.6.1 Convenience openings and commu cating spaces ‘Convenience openings and communicating spaces are described in Table 1.9, Ch. 1 of UAE FLSC [Ref 8.1). Convenience openings for escalators and stairs shall conform to the fire safety requirements given in Table 1.9, Ch. 1 of UAE FLSC [Ref. 8.1] depending upon. whether or not the building is required to be sprinkler protected. Floor voids forming a communicating space of maximum 3 floors shall conform to the fire safety requirements of Table 1.9, Ch. 1 of UAE FLSC (Ref. B.1] depending ‘upon whether or not the building is required to be sprinkler protected. B662 Atria In most cases, an atrium shall be separated from the rest of the building by 1 h fire resisting construction, as required by Table 1.9, Ch. 1 of UAE FLSC [Ref. 8.1] This does not apply if an engineered smoke control system is provided, in accordance with Section 2.7, Ch. 10 of UAE FLSC [Ref. 8.1]. B66.3 Courtyards ‘Courtyards provided through buildings to give light to habitable or occupable spaces, ‘may be located anywhere within the height of a building. Courtyards shall be a maximum of 23 m high, measured from the base of the courtyard to the opening at the top of the courtyard, and achieve a minimum of {6 mx.6 min plan (see Figure B.48 where “h’ isthe height of the courtyard). Buildings with courtyards greater than 15 m high, measured from the base of the courtyard to the opening at the top of the courtyard, shall be fully sprinkler protected in accordance with Ch. 9 of UAE FLSC [Ref. 8.1. 26m 26m 26m Figure 848 Courtyard dimensions Cer) Courtyards with in plan dimensions less than 6 m x 6 m are not permitted unless the enclosing walls of the courtyard achieve the same fire resistance rating as the floor through which they pass, as required by Table 1.9, Ch. 1. and Table 10.2, Ch. 10 of UAE FLSC [Ref. 8.1]. Courtyards may be shaded or covered by a light weight or translucent roofing system, provided that it is 50% perforate. B664 — Shafts ‘Shafts passing through multiple floors for the passage of MEP services, elevator hoistways and stars shall achieve the same fire resistance rating as the floor through which they pass, as required by Table 1.9, Ch. 1 and Table 10.2, Ch. 10 of UAE FLSC [Ref 8.2] ‘Shafts provided through buildings to give light to habitable or occupiable spaces, remote from an external wall are not permitted unless the fire resistance rating of UAE FLSC [Ref. 8.1] is achieved. This means that the shaft construction shall be fire resistance rated, and any window assemblies in the shaft shall be permanently closed and fire resistance rated in accordance with the fire testing and certification ‘requirements given in Table 1.18, Ch 1 of UAE FLSC [Ref B.1] Glazed elevators contained entirely within an atrium or communicating space do not need to be fire resistance rated. Cer) B.7 Building access and vehicular requirements B71 Building access ‘The following provisions shal be included when setting the building access strategy during the design process. 2) Public and service entrances shal be clearly located and identified with signage as in accordance with 8.11. The location of car parking and the main entrance shall be clearly identified with signage in accordance with 8.11 ») Buildings shal allow for smooth pedestrian access with crossings and pathways. Pathways shall be provided for building entries from surrounding streets, parking bays and external sidewalk. ©) Accessible routes shall be provided in accordance with C5. 4) Buildings providing pick-up and drop-off areas shall conform to Chapter 7.2, of Dubai access management manual requirements [Ref 8.371. ©) For mixed-use buildings containing residential occupancy and other public ‘or business occupancies, the residential pedestrian access point and lobbies shal bee separated from those serving public/business occupancies. For other mixed- use buildings, the segregation of pedestrian access points for different building ‘occupancies is recommended for privacy and security. The number and location of exits discharging directly from the building to outside shall be in accordance with 8.43.1 ) Access routes and accessways for fire trucks shall be provided in accordance with Ch. 2 of UAE FLSC [Ref. 8.1]. Fire trucks shall be able to reach, within the required distances and as applicable, the building entry points, breechi and the perimeter facade of the building. fh) Public roadways carrying heavy volumes of traffic shall not be used for access Unless an alternative access point cannot be provided, and itis agreed with RTA and the Authority. B72 B721 Vehicle access shall be located away from ar type, vehicle type and other factors as appr Vehicle access and moves General requirements Vehicle access shall conform to RTA require designed in accordance with the RTA Dubai and RTA Geometric design manual for Dubz Building developments which are deemed b traffic generation for the surrounding roads impact assessment (TIA) or traffic impacts Vehicle access shall be separated from local rot less than 15 m from the chamfered edg Figure 8.50). For other road intersections; requirements [Ref. B.37] shall be followed. If the building is facing more than one road, the secondary road, or as specified on the a ‘Segregation between light and heavy vehicl be provided in accordance with B7.3. Vehicle access shall not be located opposite Pre cery 215m Fgure 849. Bulldng vehice acess Figure B50. Tjuncton vehicle access Key Pl it += Plotlimit B59 Cer) Internal roads within plot limits shall be not less than: a) 3 m clear width road or pavement for one-way traffic; b) 6m clear width road or pavement for two-way traffic. All vehicular roadways and parking areas shall be provided with exterior lighting to illuminate the surface area in accordance with H.7. Allnternal roads or access to plots shall be lt to CIE 115 (lighting class MS, L, = 0.5 cd/m? with uniformity Us 2 0.35) [Ref. 8.39]. Lighting shall be designed, arranged and installed to confine direct rays onto the plots and to direct light away from adjacent structures or streets. Al parts of the site to which vehicles might have access shall be hard surfaced and drained. All vehicular manoeuvring to take place within plot limits without impacting ROW B7.2.2 Vehicular ramps Ramps allocated for vehicular access shall conform to Table B.9 and the following. ) Curved and helical vehicular ramps are not preferred. 'b) Any curved portion of vehicular ramps shall conform to the requirements for curved ramps. ©) Lane separation for ramps shall be provided through curbs, walls or other structural segregation. <) Where a curb is used between lanes to separate traffic flows, each lane shall meet ‘the minimum width requirement. Curbs shall be not less than 300 mm in width, and not less than 150 mm in height. B60 ood rr Minimum por Straight 1256 3 ‘See Figure 851 Curved 1% 35 See Figure 852 Hilal a 5 See Figure 853 Table BS Ramp sope and width Figueast Stalght rm Key OL Carborsrctore 02: Lane separation Cer) Figure 852 Curved amp Vehic ay 2) 3) 4) Ber icular ramps shall meet the following requirements. Floor surfaces shall be of broom finish texture or provided with anti treatment. Ramps shall be free from any projections or obstacles that could obstruct safe ‘movement or use. Corners of structural elements adjacent to ramps shall be covered with protective materials. Ramps shall be provided with reflective mirrors that are appropriately sized to enhance visibility at directional changes, turns and in areas where visibility is difficult. '5) Ramps shall be equipped with all neces 6) Floor surfaces shall be non-combustibl In accordance with Table 3.37, Ch. 3 of Vehicular ramps shall not be used for mean Ch. 3 of UAE FLSC [Ref. B.1], with the fol cr one level above discharge level of parking the means of egress, provided that no shut Figure 353. Heleal ramp Cer) Ramp design should provide blended transitions to horizontal parking levels. “Mechanical parking can substitute for vehi The transition should be equal to half the percentage of ramp's slope, according requirements are met. to the dimensions given in Table B.10 and Figure B.54. ATIAchall be submitted, ‘The system used shall be provided with and safety in accordance with BS EN 1 os Gey) Building occupants shall not be able to Em 5% 38 airconditioned wating area shall be pr 10% 3% 3 i = = ~ 'v) An emergency auto response system sl of use and avoid impact on ROW and t “Tobe B10. Tansion and ramp slope recommendations ¥) The system shall be capable of operatir a standby generator in case of electric vi) The net floor height ofthe parking lev requirements, and may be less than th vii) The mechanical parking shall meet the UAE FLSC [Ref. SaaTH Figure BSb Voice ram slope warsiion B62 Pre cery B7.2.3 Parking floors and structures B7.231 General shall be separated from other occupancies. Occupiable spaces adjacent to or within parking areas shall be provided with thermal and acoustic treatment. Ventilation separation conforming to Part H, and fire separation conforming to Table 1.9, Ch. 1 of UAE FLSC [Ref. 8.1], shall be provided Parking areas clear height shall conform to B.5.3. Floor surfaces shall be non-absorbent, non-combustible, graded and equipped with drainage in accordance with Table 3:37, Ch. 3 of UAE FLSC [Ret. 8.1]. ‘The area of floor used for parking of cars or other vehicles shall be sloped to facilitate the movement of liquids to a drain or toward the main vehicle entry doorway. ‘The slope in areas where vehicles are parked shall be not more than 4% (as shown in Figure B.55). Accessible parking slopes shall be limited to a maximum of 2%. Figure BSS Parking at slope B63 Vehicle guards not less than 1,200 mm in h distance from the floor ofa drive lane or pa below is greater than 300 mm, such as park ‘The guards shall conform to Clause 4.5.3 of facilities are exempt from this requirement. B7.23.2 Openversus enclosed parking Open parking has permanent wall openings level. The exterior sides of the structure sha ‘on two or more sides. The area of such oper be not less than 20% of the total perimeter length (ke. total of widths) of the openings ventilation shall be not less than 40% of th facilities shall conform to NFPA 88A for nat Parking facilities that do not meet the defin as enclosed parking with mechanical ventia Pre cery 87.233 Parking areas technical requirements For parking entry and exit, a straight, and p Parking areas (covered or uncovered) shall be provided for vehicles wit provided before vehicle access barriers as s the plot limits. be provided with directional arrows and traf Parking shall not impede fire exit doors, their access and exit discharge path. ‘A fixed mirror shall be provided for blind co ‘Wheel stoppers of a maximum height of 120 mm and a minimum width of 200 mm No parking area shal be allowed to be utiliz shall be installed as shown in Figure B.56 where parking bays are adjacent to fences, space. was, ulcngs or walnys Whee ops shoud be aoded where hey might Basement parking areas shal account fort ein the path of pedestrians moving to or from parked vehicles. walls which shall be covered with protective columns do not require protective angle gu @ < Figure 8S6 Vehicle whee stopper Figue 857 Vehicle acess bares Key Key 01: Wal/obstuction Entry or ent barrier (02: Whee! stopper 02: Entry or exit 02: Road B64 Cer) Dead-end driveways should be avoided. If they are to be included in design, they should serve a maximum of eight spaces with manoeuvring space provided (see Figure B.58). Tandem parking may be used in the following situations: 4) residential parking provision of the same residential unit, when the unit requires two parking bays according to B. Tandem parking shall be limited to two bays b) hotel facilites, for parking operated solely through a valet parking service, Tandem parking shall be limited to three bays. Bos 18m 255m 26.0 m Figue 858 Dead end parking Key 01 Terning bay (02: Maximum eight parking spaces to dead end 255 Dre} B7.2.4 Car parking bay dimensions ‘The dimension of car parking bays and driveways shall be not less than the minimum values given in Table B.11. Ty oy Parallel ‘One way 25 6 3 (See Figure 855) ase ‘One way 25 55 33 (See Figure 860) cor ‘One way 25 55 38 (See Figure 351) 75° ‘One way 25 55 35 (ee Figure 852) 20° One way 25 55 35 30° Two way 25 55° 6 (Soe Figure 863) * For perpendicular (90°) parking bays, the dimensions may be reduced tS mx 25m inthe following 2) all perpendicuarbaysin plots lass than 30 min lengths 1b) up to 1096 of perpendicular bays in plats of 30 m length or greater Tobie ‘Minimum eenstons Fr paring In designing parking spaces, bays bounded by building structural elements or walls shall have an additional space of 300 mm from the structural element if it interrupts ‘the opening of vehicle doors or manoeuvring or at the end of the driveway. B66 Figure B59 Paral parking Figue 60. 45* angle packing B67

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