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Management at Safaricom Limited Kenya is the same as management at America

online (USA). Since both companies operate in the same industry. Do you agree
with this statement ? Explain.

Yeah I agree with the statement. Since management consist of planning , which is
carried out in both companies and is the same since they produce similar product.
Though the planning flexible and differs according to size and environment of the
firm. Where America online online will have large visions and huge planning than

Also, management is similar at their organisation level. Both companies practice

similar arrangement of organisining structure. Where top managers act as the
overall leadership of the company, middle managers act as bridge between top and
bottom managers and the bottom managers are supervisors and conduct day to day

The industries also has similar staffing , where they both conduct official and
scientific recruitment of workers. They both conduct advertisement interviewing and
training of the employees.

In both companies, they are controlled by top managers who take charge of the
whole organisation and have bigger visions for the company.Middle managers act as
supervisors and control the bottom ones. Bottom managers have short visions for
the company which is daily performance of the firm

Lastly in both, they are directed from main offices which are the headquarters . Then
they have other brunches with assistant directors.

Hence in conclusion therefore, in both companies management is the same since

they operate in the same industry.

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