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| Reyised | “i Sixth Edition | My Emporio HOMOEOPATHIC Combinations ir =aNe “3 = ~ Dr. > S. Khokhar ( — Homoeopathic Combinations Revised Sixth Edition DR. P.S. KHOKHAR B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd, Ne i w Delhi thie one UNIAN FEHB-GBA-W9PD BH 1. A) Add to my library > Page2= € > HOMOEOPATHIC COMBINATIONS Abortion habitual Arnica - 200. One dose once a week. No other medi- cine on the day this remedy is given to the patient. It helps in contracting womb. Vitamin E - 400 mg. Once daily after breakfast. {a) Alet. +30 (b) Caul. - 30 (c) Cimic -30 (d) Sabin. - 30 (c) Vib-op. —-- 30 Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: 5 drops in some water T.1D, 6 hourly. Abscesses, boils in the second stage with swelling and exudation Kali-m, - 6x or 12r. Acne (pimple) The transition period from childhood to adolescence can be a very tiring period, a period when an indi- vidual requires every bit of confidence he or she has, Homoeopathic Combinations 3 often indigestion associated with constipation is a cause of acne. Acne, in a certain sense, is a self-limited infection. But this limitation is not a matter of week or a month, but of years and the patient who leaves the infection entirely alone can usually count on six to eight years of annoyance. The majority prefers quick cure and to that end consult the physician. The cure for acne involves two factors. The first con- cerns the speedy removal of the existing eruption, and the second to the prevention of the recurring tendency to re- lapse. Here careful hygienic living and proper diet along with homoeopathic remedies steps in to help the acne victim. According to homoeopathy not only acne but any . Skin ailment is merely a local infection and local manifes- tation of some constitutional disturbances. It is therefore essential to correct the constitution which throws up the internal disease in the form of the skin disease, Merely suppressing it by the local application of ointment without internal correction does not help to solve the problem. Constitutional homoeopathic remedies usually help acne patients. (a) Pulsatilla is an important remedy during puberty. This helps to regulate the periods of girls, increas- ing the flow and correcting the hormonal imbal- ance and thereby clearing the skin. (b) Calcarea carbonicum. This helps fat, flabby girls who catch cold easily. Perspire profusely. Men- struation is profuse and long lasting, resulting in anemia. 16:18 igs all 46 al (91% My Experiments with... ) [ss 4 Homoeopathic Comt ions Graphites. Harmonal fluctuations of the menstrual cycle have a large part to play in acne during ado- Tescence. Therefore Graphites is indicated for girls whose acne is worse during and after the periods and whose skin is very dry and inclined to crack. (@) Magnesium muriaticum. This remedy cures acne that is aggravated before menstruation and also when the patientis constipated. Gastric problems, food habits and tendency to constipation have to be corrected before effecting a complete cure. Nuzx vomnica. For the patients who are constipated and have a tendency for piles, suffering from indi- gestion especially after highly seasoned food which results in a pimply face. Antimonium crudum, The patients who are in- clined to be obese (fatty) and those suffering from the ill-effects of exposure to the sun or to fire, starchy food, over eating, and excessive intake of alcohol, especially wine. The skin is dry with sen- sitive corns and callouses and deformed nails with indigestion causing a thickly coated tongue and small red pimples on the face and shoulders. (g) Nitric acid and Calcarea sulphurica helps in the case of pimples which are found underneath the () Arnica, For crops of pustules which are itchy and painful occur symmetrically and bilaterally. (i) Arsenic bromide, For acne found around the nose. @ © (O Nabalus is helpful when pimples are around the face, nose, upper lip and chin. Faia (&) Natrium muriaticum. For’ excessively: acne. . () Thuja and Antimonium with dry skin. prone to skin infections wher« (m) Sulphur. Patient the acne burns or itches on washing. (n) Bacillinum is useful where the patient has eithe: suffered from T.B. or has a family history of sam¢ disease. (0) Sabina-¢. For local application on acne/pimples and warts. It is very important that besides the treatment the first object should be to get at the cause of the disease if possible, and remove that. Dyspeptics should avoid highly seasoned food, sweets, fatty and fried foods. It is also utmost important not to pinch, rub, scratch or handle these eruptions. Associated infections and dan- druff should be got rid of before attempting a complete cure. oily skin witt crudum. Acne associatec 4, Acne, Rosacea (Trio) (a) Kali-bi. | -30 (b) Rad-b. -30 (©) Aster. 30 One dose of each in.turns 6 hourly. 5. Adhesions after operation (surgery). Thiosinaminum - 3x. Dose: Should not be more than ¥ (half) grain. Only one dose in a day should be given. If possible in a capsule. Homoeopathic Combinations Afebrile (feeling feverish but without any temperature). Graph. - 30 to 200. Albuminuria, acute and chronic glomerulo- nephritis, and nephrotic disease. (=) Apis, = 6 S ml. (b) Phos. = -6 5 ml. (©) Ign. -6 5mi. (@) Verat. §=-6 Sml. (e) Mere-c. -30 5ml. @ Ter. -30 15 ml. (©) Nuxv. -6 10m. Mix all as per the quantities given. Dose: 5 to 10 drops in one teaspoonful of water TLD. 6 hourly. Child: Half of adult dose. Albuminuria, proteinuria, nephrosis, neph- rosclerosis. (a) Helon. - 8x (b) Kalium —- 3x Mix both in equal quantities. Dose: One drop in 4 teaspoonful of water for a dose, 4 times a day 4 hourly. Allergy to eggs. Ferr-m. - 30 to 200 10. Allergy to hair dyes. (a) Sulph. - 30 to 200 (b) Tub, - 200 11. Allergy to milk, milk products. (a) Sulph. - 30 to 200 (b) Tub. - 200 (©) Urt-u. -9 12. Allergy to onions Thuja - 30 to 200 13, Allergy to wheat. (a) Puls. - 30 to 200 (b) Psor. - 200 to 1M. 14. Amenorrhea (stoppage of menses or retarded) (a) Macro. - 30 to 200. (b) Puls. - to 200. 15. Anemia - Rickets. Cale-p. - 6x or 12x. 16. Angina pectoris. Spig. - 30 to 200. 17. Ankles turning easily. Weakness of joints. Pain in joints at night. Pain in wrist. Carb-an. - 30 to 200. 18. 19. 20. 21. Hamoennsthic Camhinatians SD CO My Experiments Homocopathic Combinations Aphthous mouth (blisters in mouth or on tongue). (a) Cale-f. 3x (f) Kali-s, - 3x 3x (g) Mag:p.- 3x 12x (h) Nat-m.- 3x (d) Kali-m.- 3x (i) Sil. - 12x (©) Kali-p. - 3x Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: 5 grains every four hours 4 times a day. Aphthous mouth - An Ayurvedic Remedy (a) Kapoor -3masha (b) Kathaa -1tola (©) Roots ofpaan -5tola Make a very fine powder and strain through muslin cloth. Apply this fine powder 3 or 4 times day on blisters in mouth. Appetite - Loss of appetite. Heartburn, Nau- sea, Vomiting. Ant-c., - 30. Appetite - Loss of, and weakness. G) (a) Chel. -30 (b) Chin. - 30 (©) Carb-v. Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: One drop 3 times a day. Gi) (@) Carduus marianus -$ (b) Kalmegh (©) (Adrograpis paniculata) Q = a . ately with the be are © 1, 2and 3 or (i) mint sth the above 4 and 5 can also 3 times ata the mixture of (i) 1, 2 and 3, and given Hq yPertension, circulation ders incident to ol id age, (An absolutely non cumulative remedy), (@) Vis, . $, 100 drops (b) Crat, $, 100 drops (©) Barc, .3 or 6, 40 drops @) Aur-m. - 3 or 6, 40 drops Mix all well and Preserve in a well-corked bottle. Dose: 5 drops in % an ounce of water and sip the mixture slowly. Give three times in a day six hourly, The human joints allow the bones to move smoothly against each other. Such as when a person. walks his knee and hip joints let him move freely. In arthritis, joints may wear down, deform or become unstable, causing pain and stopping them from moving freely. Symptoms (a) Swelling in one or more joints. FS 16:18 kas all 46 wall fH] 91% Q | @ My Experiments with... C 10 Homoeopathic Combinations moat Combinations (b) Stiff joints when getting out of bed or after sitting for a long time. (c) Recurring pain or tenderness in any joint. (a) Limited joint movement. () Redness and warmth in a joint. () Unexplained weight loss, fever or weakness with joint pain. Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It usually occurs later in life and in per- sons who have put extra strain or load on the joints, like sportsmen. Wear and tear causes the cartilage to break down (see diagram 1 and 2). This makes the joints stiff and painful, although generally there is no or very little inflam- mation. Osteoarthritis is more likely to affect the weight, bearing joints, hips, knees, spine and hands, Diagram 1 Diagram 2 Normal joint Joint with osteoarthritis Bone Bone Synovial fuid Synovial fluid Cartilage padding ‘Worn cartilage Synovial mem- i Synov Syrovial mem- Rheumatoid arthritis: The synovial linin; _. Rh h 3 ig of the jointis inflamed, (See diagram 3), Other body tissues may also become: inflamed. This can cause tiredness and aching muscles. Joints usually affected are those in the fingers, Q. & My eExXpelinlerlts Wie LY Homoeopathic Combinations ci Diagram 3 Joint with rheumatoid arthritis Bone Cartilage Inflamed synovial lining and swollen joint ‘Synovial fluid wrists, shoulders, knees or feet. Proper homoeopathic treat- ment helps reduce the joint damage -heumatoid arthritis can cause, For different forms of arthritis, there are different homoeopathic remedies. (a) The patient may to advised to consult some phys- jotherapist for an exercise plan to improve joint flexibility and muscle strength. This will be in addition to the homoeopathic treatment. (b) Hot bath: A hot bath will give the patient some relief by relaxing muscles. Application of heat with an electric heating pad or hot water bottle will also do him/her good. (c) During the flare up, it is essential for the patient to have more rest and less exercise, and vice-versa when improved. (@ The patient should use large joints where possible when doing some job. That is to push open a door use the whole arm instead of hand. Also when 12 Homoeopathic Combinations lifting or carrying something the patient should use two joints instead of one, that is both the arms. (€) Well cushioned and supportive shoes may be worn hy the patient. ® Slide heavy objects instead of lifting them. (@) The patient may be advised to keep the ideal weight with a balanced diet and try to be always cheerful. Gout: Gout is a type of arthritis. The people who will usually have a high percentage of uric acid in their blood, suffer from gout. Uric acid forms crystals in joints such as fingers, knees and toes, causing pain and swelling. Middle aged men are most likely to get gout, and women after change of life (menopause). Gout comes very quickly, often at night. Symptoms (a) A joint suddenly becomes hot, red and swollen. (b) Joints are extremely painful and sensitive to touch. Sometimes even the slightest weight or pressure can be too much. (c) The patient also feels sick and lose appetite, and may have temperature, Causes (High level of uric acid in blood. (i) Family history of gout. Gii) Consumption of too much alcohol. iv) Over weight. (v) Eating of foods which increase the level of uric acid in blood. Q) @ MyExperiments with... C [ss Homoeopathic Combinations 13 ‘The people who often get gout attacks, and if not controlled well, may develop kidney problems later in life. Gout stages: An attack of gout usually starts in a single joint, often the big toe, ankle, foot, knee or hand may be affected, ‘An untreated gout attack may last for about a week. In some patients, the second attack may be soon after; for some it may be months or years before an other attack oc- curs, If a patient has had gout for many years, uric acid crystals may form small lumps or tophi on ears, toes, hands and elbows. Usually the tophi are painless, but over the time can grow and may deform joints. If gout is not treated early and correctly, the time be- tween attacks can be affected. Precautions: Anyone having gout symptoms, may be advised by his homeopath that he/she should get him- selffherself treated as soon as possible. ‘The patient may be told that any alcohol drink, may bejust a glass of beer or wine a day will increase the risk of having another attack. As far as possible he or she should try to discontinue taking even light beer and low alcohol drinks. Should take plenty of water, about six to eight glasses in a day. Get himselffherself examined for any heart and kidney problems. Should take a healthy diet including bread, rice, veg- etables, cereals and low fat items. Should avoid foods that are liable to increase uric acid percentage in blood, such as all forms of meat, fish, yeast, My Experiments with Cr) Usp 14 Homoeopathic Combinations 1 amount of lentils, peas, beans etc. Should try to keep jdeal weight. Exercise helps keep the joints mobile. Homoeopathic remedies: There are different types ic remedies for the treatment of gout. Some stop the attack and stop tophi formation. heading in the book. The patient may be treated taking into consideration the totality of symptoms to relieve pain and swelling, and be advised for the appreciated time for which the treatment is required for the cure. 24. Arthritis of small joints. Caul. - 3 to 30. 25. Arthritis, rheumatism, gout Gnflammation and pain in joints) @ (@) Rhust. - 3 () Ap-e- - 3 () Colch. - 3 Gi) @ Gaul. - ¢ (@ Urtu - ¢ () Act-sp. - ¢ @ Mix 1,2 and 3 in equal quantities and Gi) 4,5 and 6 in equal quantities. Then take one part of mixture (@) and in it mix 5 parts of mixture (ii). This remedy is ready. Dose: One drop in some water 4 times a day 4 hourly. 26. Arthrosis particularly large joints, arthro- sis of knee and hip joints. Spondylarthrosis. Homoeopathic Combinations 15 e S Q = a 16:18 REL wall 46 wl 91% Q | @ My Experiments with... C Homoeopathic Combinations : 15 (a) Phac. -6 (b) Arg-m. - 6 or 12 (Am -6 @Bry. -6 (e) Caust. - Gor 12 () Led, -3 Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: One drop in 4 teaspoonful of water for a dose. 4 doses per day 4 hourly. 27, Asthma Asthma is a common disease that affects people of all ages. It cause the bronchial tubes or airways of the lungs to become inflamed, making it harder to breath. Asthma can be controlled. The bronchial tubes of a person with asthma becomes more sensi- tive than the normal and over-react, especially when exposed to a “trigger factor”. ‘The over-reaction causes inflammation, swelling and irritation of the bronchial tube lining and increased mucus, ‘There is squeezing or spasm of muscles in bronchial tabe walls (bronchoconstriction). Inflammation and bronchoconstriction decrease or narrow the size of the bronchial tubes causing asthma symptoms. ‘Most asthma patients will sometimes have the symp- toms present and sometimes they are not. They always have asthma though,’ because their bron- chial tubes remain sensitive. 16 Homoeopathic Combinations Pp) Q = a NS MESEEGRIONS Be Symptoms (a) Cough especially at night, (b) Wheezing and noisy breathing, (c) Heaviness or tightness in the chest, (d) Shortness of breath, One may have one or more of these symptoms. Symptoms are often worse in the early hours of the morning and on waking up. Trigger factors: Trigger factors are the things which are liable to make asthma worse. The common trig- gers are allergy to housedust mite, pollens, moulds, smoke from candle, kerosene vapours, cigarette smoke, fumes, animal skin, fur, saliva, viral chest infections, exercise in cold air or sudden temperature change. Certain allopathic medicines, Emotional stress, ex- citement, some foods and food additives, Asthma management: The homoeopath treating an asthma patient should inform the patient, how severe his or her asthma is. (a) The doctor should make sure that the bronchial tubes of the patient are at their best. The patient may be advised that he or she should buy a Breath Flow Meter to measure the volume of air coming out from the lungs, keep a record of the results, if possible make a chart. (b) Have his or her allergic tests done to find out what triggers the asthma and remove or try to keep away from it. (c) The homoeopath should work out an Action Plan for the patient, and advise him or her that when 16:19 ea ull 46 tl 9] 91% My Experiments with... C Ad Homoeopathic Combinations 7 asthma is getting worse should take the neces- sary remedies supplied to take in an emergency. The patient may be advised to get himself or her- self regularly checked up and inform him about any problems about his or her asthma in order to give the proper treatment:— (Asthma can cause days off from school or work. Difficulty in playing sports or going out. Breathing system getting worse. Short of breath when speaking or walking around the room and taking rest. (¥) Peak flow of air from lungs becomes low. (vi) The patient should be directed to follow the “Action Plan” at once, and should not get panicky. In case when there is no relief he/ she should send for the doctor or report to him soon. In allopathy there are two types of inhalers to control the asthma attacks, preventers and reliev- ers. The preventers stop getting asthma symptoms as often by decreasing inflammation and making the bronchial tubes less sensitive to triggers. ‘The preventers need to be used daily even when the patients do not have the symptoms, but it will not stop an attack once it has started. Reliovers work by relaxing the muscles in the bron- chial tubes helping to breath more easily when having shortness of breath. It will help an asthma attack once it is started. As these inhalers cause lot @) 28. 29. Homoeopathic Combinations of other problems, side effects, mouth and throat problems such as thrush, therefore homoeopaths condemn them, as in homoeopathy there are rem- edies which act very fast as preventers and relievers. Self care (a) The doctor may advise his asthmatic patients about self care, that the asthma symptoms can be well controlled with homoeopathic remedies with no side effects. (b) Always rinse mouth before taking a homoeopathic remedy. Keep the remedy in mouth for some time and then swallow, or dissolve globules in mouth. (c) Should keep fit. Exercise increases lung capac- ity. If necessary use the remedy as advised be- fore starting an exercise. (d) The patient should be told not to ignore the signs or symptoms of an asthma attack, and avoid the known triggers. (e) Stop smoking. Asthma. During spasm Blatta orientalist - $ or lower potency. Then Blatia orientalis higher potency. Stop with improvement. Asthma. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Q. @ MyExperiments with... C Homoeopathic Combinations 19 ‘Take 5 drops each of remedy 1, 2 and 3 and one drop each of remedy 4 and 5, and mix them. This will make one dose. Mix it in one ounce of water and take asip every 5 or 10 minutes. Take likewise 3 times a day. or Take 5 drops of each of remedy 1, 2 and (¢) Mix in'% an ounce of water separately, and take each medicine at 15 minutes interval. Also in same way one drop of each of 4 and 5 in two teaspoonfuls of water for a dose. 30. Asthma, Tylophora indica (creeper) Hindi name: Damma ki baell. Take one fresh leaf per day for 7 days; will save the attack for 8 to 10 weeks. Local names of Tylophora indica are Antamul, Jangali pikvan. English name: Country Ipecac. Vomiting swallow wart. ‘Take 10 grams of fresh leave in one ounce of water with minute quantity of opium. 31, Asthma - Bronchial. (a) Blatta-o. -¢ 5.5 ml (b) Just, = - 9 5.5 ml (0) Seneg. - 9 0.69ml (@) Lob. - 9 0.69 ml © bp. = § 0.69 ml @® Grin. — -¢ 0.69 ml @ Mag-p. - 3x 3.45 gms. 20 Homoeopathic Combinations Q. @ My Experiments with... C Take 5 drops each of remedy 1, 2 and 3 and one drop each of remedy 4 and 5, and mix them. This will make one dose. Mix it in one ounce of water and take asip every’5 or 10 minutes. Take likewise 3 times a day. or Take 5 drops of each of remedy 1, 2 and (c) Mixin % an ounce of water separately, and take each medicine at 15 minutes interval. Also in same way one drop of each of 4 and 5 in two teaspoonfuls of water for a dose. 30. Asthma. Tylophora indica (creeper) Hindi name: Damma ki baell. Take one fresh leaf per day for 7 days; will save the attack for 8 to 10 weeks. Local names of Tylophora indica are Antaraul, Jangali pikvan. English name: Country Ipecac. Vomiting swallow wart. Take 10 grams of fresh leave in one ounce of water with minute quantity of opium. 31, Asthma - Bronchial. (a) Blatta-o. -¢ 5.5ml (b) Just. = - 95.5 ml (©) Seneg. - 4 0.69 ml @ Lob. = 9 0.69 ml © bp. = ¢ 0.69 ml Grin. - ¢ 0.69 ml @ Mag-p. - 3x 3.45 gms. 20 Homocopathic Combinations 16:19 vie all 46 tal 91% My Experiments with... C Ad 20 Homoeopathic Combinations. Add distilled water to make it 115 ml. Dose: 10 ml thrice daily. Child: 5 ml thrice daily. 32. Asthma - Bronchial asthma and asthmatic 6 30 6 6 (©) Pituin- 6 () Nats. - 30 (g) Verat. - 30 (h) Eri, - 6 Mix all the above in equal quantities. Dose: One drop in 4 teaspoonful of water, 4 times a day 4 hourly. 33, Asthma chronic. (a) Bry. -6 (b) Bell. = -6 © Grin -6 (a) Lob. -6 ©) Ip -6 () Dros. -6 @ Spong. -6 (h) Olean. -6 @ Blatta-o. -6 @ Kali-m. -6 (k) Kalip. -6 ‘Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: 5 to 10 drops in one teaspoonful of water for a dose. 4 times a day 4 hourly. Child: Half of the adult dose. 34. Asthma, humid asthma, difficulty in breathing during damp weather and influenza. Nat-s. - 6x and 30 to 200. 16:19 fa wal 46 sul 91% Q | @ My Experiments with... CO [eg Homoeopathic Combinations 24 35. Asthma— nervous asthma, hay asthma, loss of voice from straining vocal cord. Kali-p. - 6x and 30 to 200. 36, Asthma, nervous. (a) Blatta-o. -6 (b) Grin. -6 © Ip. -6 (d) Seneg. -9 Dose: Take one drop of each remedy No. (a), (b), and (©), and five drops of remedy No, (d) for one dose in one teaspoonful of cold water. Four times a day 4 hourly. Child: Half of the adult dose. 37. Asthma with profuse tenacious expectora- tion, which relieves. Stops breathing when falling asleep. Wakes with a start and gasps for breath. Cannot breathe when lying down. Tough whitish foamy mucous expectoration. Grind.-¢ in 1 to 16 drops doses, also lower potencies. 88. Backache. (a) Rhus-t,-3 One drop (b) Berb. -$ Five drops (©) Led. -3 Onedrop. Mix all in one ounce of water for a dose. Give one dose very two hours. 89. Backache, acute Cale-f. - 200 B.D. (morning and evening) for 4 days. Keep the patient on placebo and watch the result. 22 Homoeopathic Combinations 0 E Q. @ MyExperiments with... C ) Homoeopathic Combinations When there is no further progress, repeat Calc-f.-200 or give two doses of Cale-f.-IM at 12 hours interval, and then give placebo till the patient is cured. Fail- ing which a dose of Calc-f. 10M will give complete cure. 40. Backache in women. (a) Sep. - 30 One drop. (b) Aesc. - 30 One drop. (c) Cimic. -¢ Five drops Mix all in one ounce of water for a dose every two hours. 41. Backache (low of back) due to vertebrae os- teoporotic, osteophytic spur formation at vertebral angles, protruding of posterior osteophytes into spinal canal, narrowing of Lumbo-sacral disc space. (Lumber spondy- losis). Also good for cervical spondylosis. (a) Kali-c. - 200 (b) Cale-f. - 200 (c) Bar-c. - 200 (a) Lye. - 200 (e) Rhus-t.- 200 () Nux-v. - 200 Give one remedy only once a day in the cycle given. Dose: One or two drops for a dose in % an ounce of water, once a day. Remedy No. 6, Nux vom. is to be taken at bed time only. Stop the treatment as soon as the patient starts feeling better. The treatment may be restarted when pain in the back is again felt by the patient. TE (25 adatom tty» rageteo | <> 160 Homoeopathic Combinations 584. Wrinkles of face. (@) Cale-c. - 30 (b) Hell. -30 © Bry. -30 (@) Caust. - 30 () Lye. -30 ( Tod. - 30. 585. Wrinkles on forehead. (a) Hell.-30 (b) Rheum-30. Micmeous 8 5 Addtomybeary + Paper y | <> Miscellaneous 161 MISCELLANEOUS Some useful non-homoeopathic prescriptions and hints, (Do not take allopathic or any other preparations of your own, consult your doctor). 1. Acne Rosacea and Blotches. (a) Sandal Red-powder 100 gms. (b) Sandal White-powder 100 gms. (©) Amba Haldi 100 gms. (@) Boric Acid 100 gms. ‘Mix all the above and grind into very fine powder. ‘Take four teaspoonful of this powder and make its paste by mixing fresh lime juice. Apply this paste on face when going to sleep and let it remain on the face for the whole night. In the morning wash the face with warm water. 2, Alzheimer’s Disease (Loss of Memory in old age) (a) Loss of memory due to mental weakness. Baryta carbonica, Kali-br., Kali-p., Plb., Syph. (b) Impaired memory, cannot collect thoughts. ‘Acthusa cynapium, Arg-n., Con., Nux-m., Ph-ac. Selection of Remedies 162 Homoeopathic Combinations jez Hemoropathic Combinations Baryta carbonica, Kali-br, Kali-p., Nux-m., Ph-ac., Plb., Syph. Either give single remedy according to the totality of eumnteme ar give in eamhinatian Q = 0 m 162 Homoeopathic Combi Baryta carbonica, Kali-br., Kali-p., Nux-m., Ph-ac., Plb,, Syph. Either give single remedy according to the totality of symptoms or give in combination. Combination (A) Baryta carbonica-30, + Kali-br. - 30 + Kali-p. - 30 + Nux-m. - 30 + Ph-ac. - 30. In this combination do not mix Plb., because it anti- dotes Kali-br. and Nux-m. Dose: 10 to 15 drops in some water, T.LD., or QLD. Combination (B). Baryta carbonica - 30 + Kali-p. - 30+ Ph-ae. 30+ Plb. -30 In this combination do not mix Kali-br., and Nux-m, as these antidote Plb. Dose: 10 to 15 drops in some water TID. or QLD. Note: Give Syph. in high potencies, and in infrequent doses. Say Syph. 2 one dose once a week followed by either combination (A) or (B). This is a long term treat- ment. 3. Amenorrhea (Stoppage of Menses). Oral - Ferigen tablets. Injections - (1) Oestradiol, (2) Duogynon Forte and (3) Progesterone. 4, Antiflatulent. Paracetamol Tablets. Miscellaneous 163 Ul D Q Tm Miscellaneous 163 Dose: Adult one tablet 3 to 4 times daily to be chewed before meals. 5. Arthritis Cartisafe forte. (An allopathic remedy) For an arthritis patient or likely to develop arthritis in future. This medicine contains glucocamine sulphate 500 mg, a cartilage rejuvenator, and calcium 250 mg helps in strengthening the bones. This medicine repairs the damaged cartilage, reduce pain, inflammation and arrests further progression of the disease. 6. Cleansing milk. (a) Petroleum Jelly 6 tablespoonful. (b) Grape Fruit Juice (Fresh) 1 tablespoonful. (©) Orange Juice (Fresh) 1 tablespoonful. (a) Lemon Juice (Fresh) 1 tablespoonfal. (©) Borax Powder ¥ tablespoonful. Melt petroieum jelly over low fire and set aside. Mix all the fruit juices and heat. Dissolve Borax powder init, and then mixit with the melted petroleum jelly, and heat it till it becomes creamy. Keep it in fridge, and use it whenever required. 7. Cure of variety of diseases with wheat-grass and raw diet therapy. Wheat grass is a vital part of the cure, is grown in almost all Hindu homes and is called "Jawara” in Hindi. Wheat grass which is 6" to 7" long in height 164 Homoeopathic Combinations can be chewed directly or its juice can be extracted e Q = a 22 Aédtomyorry + [ Poot | <)> 164 Homoeopathic Combinations can be chewed directly or its juice can be extracted and taken thrice or four times a day. This juice is rich inessential vitamins and important minerals. Wheat. grass can be grown in one's own kitchen and is ready to eat on the seventh day. Sprouts of all seeds like Moong, Urad, Chawali, Sesam, Groundnut, Methi, Massor, etc., gives us proteins and enzymes, and fresh fruits give us sugar. Coconut water (Daab) cleanses the digestive system and "Rejuvelac” a drink made from wheat, rejuvenates the body. Seed milk can be made from fresh coconut, groundnuts, sesam and dates. This is a good substitute for milk. Those patients who are to be put on this therapy of treatment, must stop smoking, drinking tea, coffea and alcohol. In case the patient is already on some other therapy of treatment, that medicine should not be stopped totally. Day by day as the patient recov- ers, the doses of the medicine are to be reduced. (From Dr. Anne Wigmore's article published in Bues' weekly of February 19th, 1983). By this treatment Dr. Anne Wigmores claims of curing patients euffer- ing from cancer, asthma, diabetes, ete. 8. Dandruff and falling of hair. Coconut oil, pure 250 gms. in a well cleaned bottle. Put a small piece of copper and brass (16 or 20 grams ofeach) in the oil. Keepit for 2 or 3 weeks. The colour of the oil will become slightly greenish. Apply this oil well in the scalp and wash the head after about an hour. No cil is to be used after washing the head. Miscellaneous 165 9. Deep pore cleansing mask for normal skin. (a) Lanolin 1 tablespoonful. (b) Rose water, pure 6 tablespoonful. Q =" Oo m Miscellancous 165 Miscellaneous 0 9. Deep pore cleansing mask for normal skin. (a) Lanolin 1 tablespoonful. (b) Rose water, pure 6 tablespoonful. (©) Orange juice 2 tablespoonful. (d) Multani matti powdered 3 tablespoonful. ‘Mix lanolin, rose water, orange juice and multani matti into a paste and apply it on face, and massage it in circular movement for 10-15 minutes and leave it for 20 minutes. Then wash it off. 10. Digestive system and stomach upset. (a) Enzar tablets (aids digestion). (b) Metrogyl tablets - 400 mg. One of each T.LD. 11, Diet for Peptic ulcer patients. Vegetarian Calories Early morning ‘Weak tea or coffee with 5 ounces milk 200 Breakfast Bread toast - two slices with 15 gms. of butter or ‘Two idlis with a spoon of oil 220 Milk - drink 6 ounces 230 Lunch Chapatis - Two small. Rice - % cup. Dal- cup. Vegetable curry - % cup Curd - 2 ounce 400 166 Homoeopathic Combinations Evening Tea Weak tea consisting 5 ounces milk with one cracker/biscuit Q = a Evening Tea Weak tea consisting 5 ounces milk with one cracker/biscuit it - one orange or musambi Dinner Rice -1 cup Dal -% cup Mashed potato curry 1 cup Custard - % cup Bed time Milk - Drink 6 ounces Total Non-vegetarian Early Morning Weak tea or coffee with 5 ounces milk Breakfast Boiled egg - one, bread toast - two slices with 10 ems. of butter. Milk - Drink 6 ounces Lunch Chapatis - two small Rice - % cup Dal -% cup Vegetable curry - % cup Curd - 2 ounces 270 400 220 230 400 167 D m Evening tea Weak tea containing 5 ounces milk with one cracker/biscuit Fruit - One orange or Mausambi 270 Dinner » Rice -1 cup Grilled fish curry - 1 cup Mashed potato curry - 1 cup Custard - 4 cup 400 Bed time Milk - Drink 6 ounces 230 Total 1,950 Note (a) Vegetables such as potatoes, chow-chow, cauliflower, pump- kin, and brinjals (not for diabetic) are to be preferred to onions, beans, cabbage, lady’s finger. (b) Skimmed milk may be substituted partly whenever too much of whole milk may not be tolerated. (c) Calories indicated are approximate in some of the items. 12. Diet for very fat people (to reduce fat). 1200 calories non-vegetarian diet. Daily Ration Atta 120 gms. Milk (skimmed) 280 ml. Meat. 115 gms. Curd of skimmed milk 90 gms. Vegetable ghee/cooking fat 480 gms. Miscellaneous 169 ‘Cooking fat/vegetable ghee for the whole day is 7 ems. Food with little calories which can be eaten freely - tea or coffee without sugar, clear soups, thin butter milk, green leafy vegetables, cucumber, citrus fruits, lime, lemon, grape fruita. 13. Egg - White mask for pimply skin. (a) White of one egg. (b) Camphor powder one teaspoonful. Beat white of the egg and add camphor powder. Mix well and apply on face. Leave it on face for 15 min- utes and then wash off with luke warm water. 14. Fistula Give the patient a dose of Sil. 200 once a week. No other medicine to the patient on the day Sil. 200 is given. On other days give a dose of the following combination three times a day six hourly. (a) Aurmur. -6 (b) Calf -6 (©) Calend. -6 (@) Caust. -6 (©) Fla, -6 ® Hydrastis -6 Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: Five to ten drops in some water fo a dose, three times in a day six hourly. Apply hot fomentation to the affected part 2 or 3 times a day. This will help in giving quick relief. Also keep it clean with Calendula lotion. F-13 170 Homoeopathic Combinations 1h Hair nil. e Q = a ml 170 15. 16. 17. Homocopathic Combinations Hair oil. (a) Harrh 30 gms. (b) Baherra 30 gms. (©) Amla 30 gms. (a) Brahmi Booti 30 gms. (e) Powder of White Sandal Wood 30 gms. (f) Mushak Bala 30 gms. @ TIOil, pure 1kg. Mix items (a) to (f) end grind them to fine powder. Then mix this powder in one kg, of water, and keep it for 24 hours, After this cook this mixture on light fire, when half of the water is left, mix in it item (g) Til Oil, and keep it cooking, when the water is com- pletely dried up and the oil starts giving cracking sound, remove it from the fire. When the oil is cooled down, filter it through muslin cloth and fill it in bottles, The hair oil is ready to use. Heat stroke or heat exhaustion. Docabolin Intramuscular injection. One injection on every 7th or 10th day. 4 to 6 injec- tions. ‘Homoeopathic Remedy. Glon.-¢ 10 drops for a dose in some water 4 times a day. or 30 potency 4 times a day. Herbal Shampoo (a) Reetha Powder (Soap Nut) 200 gms. (b) Amla powder 200 gms. (c) Shikakai 200 gins. (d) Water 2 glasses. Miscellaneous 171 9 Ul D m Miscellaneous 174 18, Soak 200 grams of reetha powder, 200 grams of amla powder and 200 grams of shikakai in 2 glasses of water overnight. Then next day bring it to boiling point and allow to cool it on a moderate fire, till reduced to half of the quantity. Then strain the mix- ture and store it in a well corked bottle. Use it when ever required. This can be kept for a month. Hiccough. In case of continuous hiccough, and not stopping with any medicine, then do the following and the hiccough will soon stop. Make a cone of some thick paper as shown. Fill this cone with some Urad Dal whole. Light the upper edge of the cone with match and inhale smoke like a chillam. When warm air will pass through the Urad Dal whole, this will give immediate effect and stop the hiecough, 4° or 5" long very small opening to inhale Pages 1720 173 are not shown inthis preview. 174 Homoeopathic Combinations Q = a E | 25. Homocopathic Combinations Leucoderma. (a) Lal Chandan 10 gms. () Khun Kharaba 20 gms. (©) Hansraj 25 gms. (@) Babchi 20 gms. (©) Trifala 25 gms, ® Giloy 20 gms. Mix all the above and grind to fine powder. Divide the above powder into twenty (20) equal doses. One dose to be taken with water after lunch and dinner. This medicine will be for 10 days. Oil for applying on to the spots of Leucoderma on the skin, (a) Lal Chandan 10 gms. (b) Babchi 10 gms. (0) Ratan Joat 5 gms. (@) THO; 100 gms. Make powder of (a), (b), and (c) and mix this powder in the Til oil and cook it for some time on fire. Apply this oil four times in a day on the spots and massage well into the skin. Both the above remedies will have to be used for a year or so to get the complete cure. During the treat- ment do not take milk, curd, milk preparations, rice, raw onion, chat, pickles ete. . Low Blood pressure. (a) Docabolin - Intramuscular injection. One injection every 7th or 10th day. 4 to6 injections. (b) Durabolin - Intramuscular injection. Miscellaneous, 175 27. Moisturiser for stretch or pimple marks. Q = oa m1 lancous 175 27. Moisturiser for stretch or pimple marks. (a) Lanolin 1 tablespoonful. () Vitamin“E* 2 capsules, (400 mg. each capsule) (©) Glycerine 1 teaspoonful. Remove the vitamin “E’ oil from the capsules and mix it with lanolin and glycerine, and massage it well into the skin. Keep it on over night, This is good for stretch marks, pimple marks, and it even helps burn marks to fade. 28. Natural Cosmetics. Lotion for Freckles. (a) Fresh lemon juice strained 3 ounces. (b) Rum Lounce. (c) Glycerine 1 teaspoonful. (@ Rose water, pure (not synthetic) 1 teaspoonful. Mix all the ingredients, shake well and pat on freck- les, This can be bottled and preserved. 29, Oil for massage for weak and paralytic limbs. (a) Jaiphal One tola (b) Kaiphal One tola (©) Jalvatri One tola (@) Laong One tola (©) Babuna One tola ® Kuth Kaorri One tola (@) Kesar pure One tola (h) TH Oil % kg. Grind all the ingredients from (a) to (g) into very fine powder. Strain this powder through muslin cloth. Put this fine powder into % kg. Til Oil in some good 476 Homoeopathic Combinations we Homoeopathic oor and clean hattle. Keen this bottle in the aun. till such e Q = Oo m 176 30. Homoeopathic Combinations and clean bottle. Keep this bottle in the sun, till such, time the powder is well mixed in the oil. Massage the effected limbs with this prepared oil and prevent the massaged limbs from breeze or cool air by covering with some cloth. Best time for massage is either at bed time or in the sun in winter. Oil for massage into penis for impotency. (a) Nut Meg Oil 5% (b) Oil of Javitri 5% (©) Oil of croton seeds 5% (d) Cinnamon (Dalcheeni) 3% ° (e) Oil of pista 5% () Oil of Malkaganj 10 % ® Oilof Sahna 10 % (h) Fat of Tiger 10 % 9. Oil of Bir Bahuti 5% 10. Fat of Bear 10 % 11. Castoreum 10 % 12. Add Petroleum Jelly or Lanolin 22 % Total 100 % Massage the above on the penis once or twice in a day. Be careful not to apply on glans or testicles. In case this gives burning sensation or produces irrita- tion, then stop the massage and apply coconut oil or ghee. When burning sensation is stopped, massage can be done again. Massage should be continued at least for 4 or 5 months. After the massage neither the penis should be washed with water nor cohabitation should be done. Miscellaneous 17 HE [65 Addtomytbmmy = Pagei77 = | < Miscellaneous 17 81. Oral Re-hydration Solution. (ORS) (Dehydration due to diarrhoea) (a) Common salt 1 level teaspoonful. (b) Sodium Bicarbonate 1 level teaspoonful. (©) Glucose 4 heaped teaspoonful. (@) Sugar 8 heaped teaspoonful. ‘Take one litre ofdrinking water and boil it for at least 15 minutes and cool it. Mix all the four ingredients in this water. This solution will be about 1% squash bottles or about 8 tea cups. Give this solution (ORS) in small quantities to the patient, say after every 5 to 10 minutes. As the patient becomes better keep on increasing the quantity of ORS to one tea cup to one glass. Do not keep the solution for more than 12 hours, if required make fresh solution after every 12 hours. Whenever the patient passes his/her stools, give him/her immediately one tea cup or a glass of ORS. ORS should be given to the patient till such time he/she keep on passing stools. In case the condi- tion of the patient does not improve within 24 hours, the patient should be at once moved to a hospital. In addition to ORS, the patient may be given soup of Dal, green coconut water and other liquids. Diarrhoea is dangerous when: (a) The child is less than twelve months old. (b) The child is already very weak. (©) The child has too many watery stools and too much vomiting or fever. (@) The stools contain blood or mucus. (e) The child does not pass urine. 178 Homocopathic Combinations (®) The child is drowsy or unconscious and, (g) The child has a sunken spot in the front part of bead (Fontanelle). Q = o mi > Adstomy brary Peove~ | <> 178 Homoeopathic Combinations () The child is drowsy or unconscious and, (g) The child has a sunken spot in the front part of head (Fontanelle). 32. Pain in legs and calves. ‘Take sufficient hot water in a pan in which both the feet of the patient can be kept. In this hot water mix one teaspoonful of mustard oil and one teaspoonful of salt (common salt). Keep both the feet of the patient in this water, when the water is cooled down, dry the feet thoroughly by rubbing with a towel. Then mas- sage the legs/calves with the same water for some time. The direction of massage should be downward towards feet. Even by mistake never do the massage in upward direction: Do not sleep underneath a run- ning fan. Keep the legs well covered. 33. Parkinson's Disease ‘A huge number of Indians suffer from Parkinson's disease, So far the cause of this disease has not been found. The specialists feel that cause may range from faulty genes to environment toxins. It usually afflicts people of about 60 years of age and above, though young persons also get it. This disease gradually destroys brain, brain cells which produce Depamine, achemical that transmits the messages of the brain to nerves and muscles. ‘As the brain cells dies, the amount of Depamine is reduced, and the messages become garbled and normal body movements become slow and deliberate. The common symptoms of this disease includes total muscular rigidity, have a shuffling walk (to move or walk without lifting feet) age 1791s not part of this book preview. 180 Homoeopathic Combinations Q = 0 fm 180 37. 38. Homoeopathic Combinations Sufficient tea water to make a paste, Mix all the ingredients and set aside for one hour, then apply this paste on hair. After applying all over the hair, cover the head with some cloth or shower cap for one hour, then wash off. Skin Fungus and itching. “Keralin" skin ointment. (Fungicidal and Keratolytic skin ointment). Sterility in men Azoo spermism: Absence or diseased condition of spermatoza in the semen. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) ® ® Damiana 30-200: Absence of spermatoza with impo- tency due to sexual (Turnera) neurasthenia, chronic prostatic discharge. Chininum sulphuricum 30-200. Absence of spermatoza with suppression of diminution of sexual desire. Strychninum. 30-200. When azoo spermism is accom- panied with great sexual desire, and or swelling of testicles. Conium maculatum 30-200. Absence of spermatoza accompanied with impotency, insufficient erections or absence of erections. Want of energy in coition. Emis- sions provoked by presence of women. Todium. 30-200. Indicated in persons who have ab- sence of spermatoza, violent or constant erections with increased sexual desire, testicles become small, hard and painful. Folliculinum. 30-200. When only sperm count is low. Pituitary - 200. > 182 42. Homocopathic Combinations ‘Method of waxing: Take about one tablespoonful of wax and apply it on legs or arms. Spread it with a blunt knife or a stick in the direction in which the hair grows. Put a piece of cotton cloth over it, and press it with palms. Then holding the edge of the cloth, pull it against the direction the hair grows. Try and do the full legs or arms with the same cloth. Cold wax is the most effective beauty treatment for the hair on the legs and arms. It lifts up the entire hair from below the skin leaving it silky smooth. (Only if the wax is made of sugar) with cold wax there is no danger of in-growing hair. It will not strengthen the hair. Cold wax is simple, safe and sure. When will the baby come. ‘The doctor may ask the pregnant women when was her last period. The reply is March 25, Then the doctor should count seven (7) days from the date of her last period, and thus, the doctor will arrive at April, the first. From this count back three (3) months, March first, February first, and January first. The result is that the baby is due on first January. Example Last period - 25th March. ‘7 days from the date of the last period - March 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 1st April. Count back 3 months from Ist April. 1st Month + 1st March. 2nd Month —- Ist February rd Month _—_- Ist January is the expected date of the baby. Miscellaneous 183 48. Diet for patients having Nephritis Q = a m 32) [eo | Addtomytimy © Poveisa > | < Miscellaneous 183 43. Diet for patients having Nephritis In general the diet of the patient should consist of slops, barely water, fruit juices, whey water (ghole), absolutely skimmed milk, sharbat, aerated water, little quantity of rice or bread/chapati or little protein food stuff or steamed potato or corn. Avoid much protein food, salt, condiments (spices), meat, fish, eggs, tea, coffee, full cream milk and its products, much bread or chapati or dall (pulses), chilled articles, spinach, tomato, and all such things which cause throat problems and cold. Always keep the patient in adry place and uniformily warm. Diet programme guide. Early morning: . Fruit juice or whey water. One cup (200 ml) or Coconut water of ripe coconut (not Daab) one cup (200 ml). Can also be given alternately. Breakfast: Juicy fruits. Apple, pears, pomegranate, orange, bagugosha, papaya, limesweet, a small piece of bread if desired. or Skimmed milk. One cup (200 ml), a small piece of bread. Lunch: Vegetable soup without or with very little salt. One cup (200 ml). 184 Homoeopathic Combinations Salad: Salad leaves, cauliflower, cucumber, radish, carrot. Green cooked vegetables (no spinach and tomato) Q = a E 62 Addtomylibray Pogetase <> Miscellaneous 183 43, Diet for patients having Nephritis In general the diet of the patient should consist of slops, barely water, fruit juices, whey water (ghole), absolutely skimmed milk, sharbat, aerated water, little quantity of rice or bread/chapatior little protein food stuff or steamed potato or com. Avoid much protein food, salt, condiments (spices), meat, fish, eggs, tea, coffee, full cream milk and its products, much bread or chapati or dall (pulses), chilled articles, spinach, tomato, and all such things which cause throat problems and cold. Always keep the patientin a dry place and uniformily warm. Diet programme guide. Early morning: Fruit juice or whey water. One cup (200 ml) or Coconut water of ripe coconut (not Daab) one cup (200 ml). Can also be given alternately. Breakfast: Juicy fruits. Apple, pears, pomegranate, orange, bagugosha, papaya, limesweet, a small piece of bread if desired. or Skimmed milk. One cup (200 ml), a small piece of bread. Lunch: Vegetable soup without or with very little salt. One cup (200 ml). 184 Homoeopathic Combinations Salad: Salad leaves, cauliflower, cucumber, radish, carrot. Green cooked vegetables (no spinach and tomato) Q = a co ‘Add to my library * Pagetesy << > 184 Homoeopathic Combinations Salad: Salad leaves, cauliflower, cucumber, radish, carrot. Green cooked vegetables (no spinach and tomato) with very little ghee (cooking fat) and very very little salt, Some bread or chapati, or steamed potato, or corn or rice, Evening at about 5 p.m.: Juice of mixed vegetables (no spinach or tomato). Green leaf vegetables. 18 Ghiya or cucumber v3 Carrot v3 One cup (200 ml). Dinner: Same as lunch. No salt for the patients with High Blood Pressure. No spinach and tomato for the patients with known kidney stone trouble. +++

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