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GDC-I Peer Review Process and Using the

Document Review Tracker (DRT)

Juniper Business Use Only


As you get assigned to projects, depending on the project scope, your deliverables may include documents like
the High Level Design (HLD), the Low Level Design (LLD), Network Audit, NATP, NIMP, and more.
Before sending these documents to the customer, its important that you have a peer in GDC-I review them for
accuracy, completeness, and to ensure a high level of overall quality in the deliverable.
This document will outline the Peer Review Process and also outline the steps you need to take to submit a
document for peer review in the Document Review Tracker (DRT
The Document Review Tracker is a web based tool which provides interface to create, view, update and track
progress of the document reviews.
The DRT enables:
Communication between submitter and reviewer in the form of comments/feedback and a change log
Reviewers can quickly find out the reviews pending for their approval and the reviews approved by them.
Submitters can quickly view all the documents they’ve submitted for review
Advanced search facility to search reviews effectively

Important Notes about the Peer Review Process

1. You should submit all customer deliverables/documents to the Peer Review Process
2. In case of any customer Escalations/Queries, both Requestor and Reviewer are accountable to address the
3. In case of stringent timelines, where there’s insufficient time for a peer review, have parallel review started
i.e during the time of writing of the document, have the sections reviewed as they get completed.
4. While reviewing the document, kindly ensure it is not being checked /locked out for edition by some other
person at the same time.

Peer Review Process

The Peer Review Process is as follows:
1. Upload your document (Draft ver0.1) to Sharepoint (customer folder)
2. Create a new Peer Review Request via the Design Review Tracker tool (see step-by-step instructions below
in this document)
3. Based on the technology set you specify when creating the new request, a reviewer will be assigned to
review your document. You can see the list of peer reviewers.
4. Once Reviewer is assigned, he/she will start the review and share the comments with you in DRT
5. Address the comments and re-submit the revised document into the Design Review Tracker tool
6. Once the reviewer has accepted all changes, s/he will update the status of the review as Approved
7. Upload the final version of the document to the customer Deliverables Forms folder in Sharepoint

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Detailed Step-by-step DRT Guide

1. Login to DRT: Click and provide your user name &
password(windows/unix) in order to login into the system. Document Review Tracker takes you to
home page shown below on successful login.

2. To start the submission process, click on Create Review button, and fill out the form details:

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3. The reviewer will assign the review to her/himself and enter a comment that they are reviewing the

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4. Once the review is in process, the reviewer will share her/his comments to the submitter. After sharing
his comments, the status for the document to be changed to Need Info like below.

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5. Once the submitter addresses the comments provided by reviewer, s/he needs to select, closed
implemented loops and submit the revised document.

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6. Reviewer to review the same and change the status as approved if all feedback has been incorporated
into the document

7. Document Review Tracker monitors all review records once in a day and sends remainders to
reviewers who have open reviews. DRT is configured to send remainders 5,3,1 and 0
days before Review Due Date.

Juniper Business Use Only

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