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Contents Mass Media........................................................1
Climate Change/Global Warming...................2
Overpackaged Products...............................3
Native Regions.................................................4
Employees Suggestions...............................5
Law Effect...........................................................6
Extreme Sports.................................................7
Formal Written Examination......................8
Shopping Malls................................................9
Personal Life...................................................10
Getting Married...............................................11
Imitating Celebrities......................................13
Beneficial Invention......................................14
New Languages..............................................15
Space Travel....................................................16
Legal Responsibility.....................................18
Global Language............................................19
Health Services.............................................20
Mass Media

Mass media has an influence on people, particularly on younger
generations. It plays a pivotal role on shaping the opinions of people,
especially teenagers and young people. What do you think about it?
Please give examples.

Main Idea 1
Mass media sets the news agenda, which shapes the public’s views on what is
newsworthy and important. It is a system used by advertisement agencies and
media outlets, such as television channels and radio stations to convince their
audiences to act or behave in a particular way.

Main Idea 2
Many people are gullible and society as whole is influenced by the media
representations. The media also responds to public demand and provides the
information that the public craves.

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+2 01555510847
Climate Change
Some people think that we should find a way to live with climate
change instead of solving it. What is your opinion?

Main Idea 1
The world is experiencing an environmental crisis. If nothing is done to tackle
climate change in the near future, our planet will face the devastating

consequences of global warming.

Main Idea
Politicians could certainly invest public finances in order to research the issues
connected with climate change and, furthermore, could pass laws in relation to
industrial pollution, which is making a major contribution to the greenhouse


Main Idea
Corporate businesses should be adopting more sustainable working practices,
for instance, by switching to more environmentally-friendly ways of
manufacturing using renewable energy such as solar panels. Likewise, the
individual as consumer can play a role here too, by refusing to purchase products
which have been manufactured in a way that damages the environment.

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Overpackaged Products
Do you think consumers should avoid overpackaged products or is it
the responsibility of producers?

Main Idea 1
Overpackaging is a waste of resources and leads to environmental damage.
Overpackaging not only affects the environment but also increases the cost of
the product. Trees are cut down to produce paper and cardboard. This leads to
deforestation. Plastic, another material used for packaging products, also causes
considerable environmental damage. Another downside of over packaging is the
increase in the price of the products. Manufacturers simply add the cost of
packaging to the product.

Main Idea 2
Consumers can also discourage manufacturers from overpackaging their goods
by simply refusing to buy them. Most of the time producers resort to
overpackaging to grab the attention of buyers. So, if buyers refuse to buy those
items, the producer will get the message and resist the temptation to sell their
products in decorative packaging.

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Native Regions
Many people think that regions affect a successful person. What is
your opinion about the native region and accomplished person’s
influence on the region he belongs to?

Main Idea 1
The region a person grows up in does not entirely affect the success of that
person. However, it does have an influence on how social skills develop during
childhood and adolescence. We all understand the importance of having
leadership and teamwork skills for a successful career. The native region plays an
integral part for a person to acquire these. It is the biggest factor that contributes

towards an accomplished person’s success.

Main Idea
The availability of modern educational tools and up-to-date resources for study
in the native region determines the quality of education a person receives, and
the career a person takes up.

Main Idea 3
Steve Jobs can be considered as the best example to explain the fact that
accomplished people popularize their native region as they become famous.
These are people who grew up in places that built their skills in technology and
hence they are an inspiration to the future generations of their hometown.

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Employees Suggestions
Company top level authorities should or should not take employees
suggestions or ideas to take any decisions. Discuss

Main Idea 1
An employee’s feedback is very important for a company because a person
working in a particular area or we can say a person who experiences something
can give better feedback regarding that. The employees of the company are
aware of every aspect of the company. They will always give the genuine review
regarding anything. So, their suggestion should be taken into consideration by
top-level management as they know the true picture of the company.

Main Idea 2
The involvement of employees will give positive vibes to the employees. Hence,
they will get motivated for work. If their suggestion will be taken into
consideration they will do their work with more dedication and concentration. On
the other side, if we treat them just an employee only, they will also do their work
for the sake of doing it.

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Law Effect
Some people believe law changes human behaviour. Do you

Main Idea 1
It helps in the smooth functioning of the nation by governing the behaviour of


Main Idea
Imposing laws creates a sense of fear among people of getting punished. For
instance, damaging the historical monuments, books, paintings, sculptures or
other forms of art is considered a crime and is punishable under vandalism law.

Main Idea 3
In our day-to-day life, we follow the rules without even realizing them. Traffic law
is an example of this. Today, most of us follow the traffic signals out of habit. We
stop at a red light, start an indicator before a turn and wear a seat belt when we

are on the road.

Main Idea
laws are meant for restraining people’s illegal behaviour that might be harmful to

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Extreme Sports
In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of
extreme or adventure sports?

Main Idea 1
Adventurous sports are fun, they give you relief from stress and your daily
routine. It makes you feel excited, happy and satisfied or we can say it makes you
feel better. There are not unsafe, there are some rules and regulation to do this
kind of activities, also there are trainers who tell you how to do this particular

Main Idea 2
We all have heard that “Practice makes a man perfect”, so these people are
perfect in these activities. If we go to some tourists attractions and want to do
some adventurous sport, these trained people are there for you, they tell you
how to do and they do it along with you. Bungee jumping and paragliding are
very common nowadays.

Main Idea 3
If we are afraid of death, then our life will become hell. One has to master his
own fears and enjoy the gifted life. There are many sports like football and
cricket, which has seen the death of players on the field, but cricket and football
are not extreme activities. Hence, there are possibilities that you may survive
even by playing extreme sports. Some are fortunate enough to get popular by
creating world records or by becoming experts in extreme sports.

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+2 01555510847
Formal Written Examination

Is Assessment Through Formal Written Examination Still Valid?

Main Idea 1
Formal assessment is systematic, a pre-planned method that is being used in the
education system for many centuries. This method is helpful for teachers to see
how much students have learned throughout their coursework and provides an
insight into each student’s learning abilities.

Main Idea 2
The students often feel little nervousness and stressed when they take part in an
important exam so coping with stress and anxiety at this level help them to
overcome fear at the latter stage of life. For example, A friend of mine often get
anxious a day before the test, but he performs brilliantly in the test.

Main Idea 3
While others think that continual assessment, such as course work and projects
are better to assess a student’s performance. The people are of the opinion that
analyzing students at regular interval reduces the stress load on students that
arises with formal examinations.

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Shopping Malls
Large shopping malls are replacing small local shops. What is your
opinion on this? Do you think this is a positive development? Use
your own experiences.

Main Idea 1
Shopping malls popularity has grown rapidly and are transforming urban
lifestyle. They are everywhere and are replacing small shops.

Main Idea 2
The major reason that people are preferring malls is the convenience of getting
our daily needs including groceries, clothes, shoes, books etc under one roof
along with cinemas and entertainment arcades making it a one-stop solution.
The people backing the idea of promoting mall culture supports it with the fact
that it not only saves a lot of time of shopping in fact saves time from bargaining
also as things are available at fixed prices.

Main Idea 3
Regardless of their endless advantages, they do have some disadvantages. The
malls are taking away local and small shops thus the decision to promote large
shopping malls taking the bread out of the mouths of many people. The
shopkeepers are left with no means of earning a living. Only a few customers buy
products from small local shops and the practice is greatly affecting the local
economy. Moreover, in malls, people are tempted to buy unnecessary things
hence burning a hole in their pocket.

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Personal Life
Nowadays, people spend too much time at work to the extent that
they hardly have time for their personal life. Discuss.

Main Idea 1
In the contemporary society, more and more people are drowning in the office’s
hustle and bustle, pursuing their shimmering and sometimes illusion goals,
unable to withdraw themselves from the predicament.

Main Idea 2
Long working hours are the norm these days, and that is hardly surprising. In this
competitive job scenario, people are forced to work harder and harder. When
people spend more hours working, they get less time for themselves. This is not
necessarily a positive development because it can lead to health problems as
well as the disruption of families and personal relationships.

Main Idea 3
Human’s society is saturated with competition, as the total resource is limited
and the allocation of these resources to individuals largely depends on how hard
you try, and how many opportunities you can seize. Consequentially, more
people choose to give up their leisure time, striving in the illuminated office with
a cup of coffee.

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Getting Married
It is usually foolish to get married before completing your studies
and getting established in a good job. Do you agree or disagree?

Main Idea 1
The people favoring the idea of getting married before completing the studies
supports it with the fact that getting married at the age of 20’s provides the
opportunity to study and grow together. Twenties is an appropriate age to get
settled and work together for a brighter future, towards development and
success. You will get the support of your life partner in the studies and eventually
help in building a good career.

Main Idea 2
A partner can lend a helping hand in meeting your responsibilities and duties.
This way you can focus more on your studies and professional life. For example,
you and your partner can help each other in the studies and early age provides
you more time to know each other and build a better future.

Main Idea 3
The main disadvantage is they miss out on the fun of teenage life. It will deprive
them of their youth. So, they cannot live their life as a normal child as others who
are at the same age. One other disadvantage is that bringing up children may be
difficult for their young parents, because their knowledge of childcare and
attention to children may not be enough. So, they will not be able to provide the
appropriate care for their child.

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+2 01555510847
Talk about the pros and cons of this era as it is full of daily

Main Idea 1
‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ is an ancient adage. Whether it is an
aeroplane to travel distant places or taking a holiday to the moon or sending a
message with a click of a button – anything is possible. Machines are invented to
perform various tasks that make our lives easier; some inventions make it better
and let us live healthier. Life-threatening diseases have now found cures due to
advancements in technology, and the longevity of humans has increased.

Main Idea 2
Despite all the benefits of inventions, it has made people overly dependent. For
instance, people cannot stay without their mobile phones for even a day. There
has been a change in behaviour when they do not have their phones with them –
some say they feel ‘incomplete’ without them. Such dependence often leads to
new types of psychological diseases. Further, there has been a steep rise in the
technological waste that is having detrimental effects on the environment. If this
is not curbed or treated carefully, future generations will have to suffer.

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Imitating Celebrities
What is your opinion about Imitating celebrities in sports and

Main Idea 1
Nowadays celebrities such as actors, sports personalities are extremely influential
for youngsters. If you ask a youngster who is his or her role model they might name
a celebrity or a sports star.

Main Idea 2
With the advancement of Media, actors and sports personalities are presented
through media in such a way which fascinate our teenagers easily. Involvement of
celebrities in smoking advertisements, charged with drugs and other criminal
activities can result in the destruction of ethical values of a society. Youngsters do
not hesitate to commit any crime for grabbing the same kind of lifestyle. In media
news, many of us heard about the involvement of teenagers in bad habits to fulfill

their unnecessary needs.

Main Idea
Many celebrities and sports personalities have had it with a lot of difficulties. They
faced struggles and hurdles to get through. However, hard work definitely pays off.
Youngsters follow their journey, learn from them and follow the same route.

Main Idea 4
Seeing celebrities doing good deeds make them positive role models for many of us.
Let’s just say Angelina Jolie here. She does so much for society and has adopted kids.
One of my fellow colleagues is a fan of her. She joined an NGO and work voluntarily
on weekends. It is great to see that people follow celebrities who are actually
helping society to grow and develop.

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Beneficial Invention
Talk about any recent invention that you think proved beneficial or
detrimental to society.

Main Idea 1
Smartphones are mobile phones that are not only used for calls and text
messages but many other features. They are like mini-computers with the
internet that allows users to download various applications that can help them at
work, home and to stay connected with their friends and families. There are
endless applications for entertainment such as games and music; utilities such as
compass and flashlight; and productivity such as health and fitness apps to track
the number of miles you have run or the number of calories consumed. It is,
altogether, a new world.

Main Idea 2
Many people shy away from communicating with people when they meet or over
the telephone as they find it easy to talk via texts or online messages or tweets.
During social events, many are glued to their phones to stay updated, missing all
the fun they can have when they are with people.

Main Idea 3
Too much of anything is wrong. Undoubtedly smartphones have changed the
lives of people in the right way but have increased several psychological diseases.

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New Languages
Learning a new language at an early age is helpful for children. Is it
more positive for their future aspect or have some adverse effects?
Do you agree or disagree?

Main Idea 1
Many people think that learning a new language at the early stage of life is very
much helpful for the child to gain vast knowledge.

Main Idea 2
Bilingualism and multilingualism are coveted skills that people can acquire in this
globalized world and children have a greater ability to learn new languages than
adults. For example, a 3 year old can learn multiple languages by simply
interacting with people who speak those languages.

Main Idea 3
By contrast, an adult in a similar situation has to put in considerable effort to
gain even working knowledge of foreign languages. This is because children are
better equipped to learn new languages and to take advantage of this natural
ability they should be taught a second or third language at an early age.

Main Idea 4
A child who is a polyglot can survive in any foreign country. Needless to say,
when he grows up he can easily get prestigious jobs in the multinational
companies as he is able to interact with his colleagues using multiple languages.

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Space Travel
Space travel is fantastic these days, but there are many issues, such
as environmental problems, that we should be focusing on. What are
your views on the allocation of public funding?

Main Idea 1
Nowadays, there has been a tremendous increase in interest in space travel.
Countries are spending a lot on space research activities. Many people are in
favor of space travel fundings; however, few people have a different opinion and
they want these funds to be used on other issues.

Main Idea 2
Countries can send their satellites in space and provide information services to
other countries.

Main Idea 3
Countries can grow their economy by projecting themselves as space experts.
For example, India has spent a lot on their space travel programs, and now they
are helping other countries to launch satellites using their stations.

Main Idea 4
On the flip side, space travel requires a lot of funds. This money can be used on
other important issues such as environmental problems. For example, countries
can spend on bringing down their water and air pollution levels.

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+2 01555510847
Nowadays TV has become an essential part of life. Medium to spread
news & awareness and for some, it acts as a companion. What is your
opinion about this?

Main Idea 1
It has become a major source of entertainment, relaxation, and information for
all of us because of the wide range of programs being broadcasted such as news,
sports, movies, and documentaries.

Main Idea 2
With the advent of technology, a new age of televisions are launched in the
market and these are called the smart televisions. As these are preloaded with an
operating system such as Android, it gives an opportunity to do a host of
activities via television.

Main Idea 3
People should limit their time of watching television because its excessive use is
wrong socially, morally, and economically.

Main Idea 4
Children should watch television under parental guidance so that they are not
affected by the content.

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Legal Responsibility
Parents should be held legally responsible for their children’s acts.
What is your opinion? Support it with personal examples

Main Idea 1
Raising a child with good ethics and values is a tough task for every parent.

Main Idea 2
Some People argue that parents should not be held accountable for their child’s
act as every parent makes their best effort to teach their child how to live and

behave in society.

Main Idea
It is the duty of the parents to take care of the actions of the little ones.

Main Idea 4
There is a direct link between children’s behaviour and their parents’ teaching.

Main Idea 5
Teaching kids the difference between right and wrong is their responsibility and
should not be delegated to somebody else.

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+2 01555510847
Global Language
Do you think English will remain to be a global language despite

Main Idea 1
In today’s era, English is the most prevalent language around the world.
English will remain as the most dominant language as it is the second
language of most of the world’s population and it symbolizes advancement.
Now the English language is the main source of communication in the world.

Main Idea 2
Another factor that bolsters the popularity of English is the fact that much of
the scientific literature is written in English.
In other words, anyone who wants to stay abreast of the developments in
science and technology need to know English.
That means people who have a working knowledge of English have access to
an endless pool of information.
That explains why even countries like China and Japan have started teaching
English in school.

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Health Services
Some countries have free health services. However, some people
claim that those who live unhealthy lives should not receive free
health services. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Main Idea 1
The healthcare system is so important nowadays as it is controversial because a
great amount of money is spent each year by governments worldwide.

Main Idea 2
Some people believe that health services should be free for everyone, although
alternative views suggest that those who live unhealthy lifestyles should pay
entirely for them.

Main Idea 3
A rich person should not have access to better treatments just because they can
pay for them. Instead, I truly believe that every citizen should have equal access
to healthcare as well as equal opportunities to treatments.

Main Idea 4
A quality healthcare should be given to all citizens. For instance, even people who
have drug related problems, should try to recover, so they can work and be
valuable for society.

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