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Journal of Cleaner Production 168 (2017) 803e813

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Analysis of greenhouse gas emission reductions by collaboratively

updating equipment in sewage treatment and municipal solid waste
incineration plants
Toyohiko Nakakubo a, *, Noboru Yoshida b, Yuuka Hattori c
Faculty of Core Research, Natural Science Division, Ochanomizu University, 2-1-1 Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8610, Japan
Faculty of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University, 930 Sakaedani, Wakayama-city, Wakayama 640-8510, Japan
Bureau of Sewerage, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, 2-1-8 Kuramae, Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0051, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An analysis of energy balance and greenhouse gas emissions was conducted to compare alternative
Received 4 April 2017 systems for the disposal and recycling of sewage sludge and food waste. Although the conversion of
Received in revised form dewatered sludge to solid fuel has been a recent research focus, it is difficult to ensure that the solid fuel
11 August 2017
is needed and can be delivered to plants that can use it, such as coal-fired power plants. We therefore
Accepted 5 September 2017
Available online 8 September 2017
evaluated the effects of introducing various collaborative systems when updating existing sewage
treatment plants and municipal solid waste incineration plants in Japan. Several cases were proposed
Handling Editor: Yutao Wang and compared with a base case. In case Y, low-temperature carbonization equipment is introduced into a
sludge conversion plant and dewatered sludge is converted into solid fuel. In case Z, dewatered sludge is
Keywords: dried to a moisture content of 40% with useable steam heat in a municipal solid waste incineration plant;
Co-combustion the dried sludge is then combusted with municipal solid waste. Relative to the base case, greenhouse gas
Co-digestion emissions were reduced by 25% in case Y and 26% in case Z. Therefore, a similar level of greenhouse gas
Sewage sludge reduction can be achieved by introducing a co-combustion system in a municipal solid waste inciner-
Heat balance analysis
ation plant, even if there is no production of solid fuel to use in collaboration with coal-fired power
Greenhouse gases
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction aggregated, can be converted into energy production centers.

Fig. 1 shows technological options for sludge disposal and uti-
The use and application of renewable energy has become an lization in Japan. Sewage sludge has three components: water,
exceedingly important policy matter in Japan since the Great East organic matter, and ash. Organic matter and ash are considered to
Japan Earthquake of 11 March 2011, which destroyed the Fukush- be dry materials. The sludge recycling rate, defined by the Ministry
ima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, particularly because of the re- of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (MOLITT), is an in-
ductions in current and predicted future power production from dicator for assessing the recycling rate on a dry solid matter basis,
nuclear power facilities. The use and application of biomass formed especially ash. The recycling rate in Japan has increased over the
from municipal solid waste (MSW) and sewage sludge as a poten- past 20 years and was estimated to be 78% in FY2010 (MOLITT,
tial energy source are promising. A stable supply of waste biomass 2016). Although the recycling rate decreased in FY2011 because of
is produced from domestic activities, and it is a source of renewable low-level radioactive contamination of incinerated ash caused by
energy in areas where energy demands and supply resources are the Fukushima accident, the rates recovered to 68% in FY2015.
concentrated near each other. Ideally, the environmental infra- Under the Basic Plan for the Promotion of Biomass Utilization,
structure formed by sewage treatment plants (STPs) and MSW proposed by the cabinet in September 2016, the aim is to bring the
incinerating plants (MSW-IPs), where this waste biomass is recycling rate in Japan up to 85% by FY2025 by encouraging the use
of sewage sludge as a biomass resource. In terms of reduction of
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from sludge disposal, the recy-
cling rate of biomass contained in sewage sludge is viewed as an
* Corresponding author. 2-1-1, Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8610, Japan.
E-mail address: (T. Nakakubo).
important indicator. This recycling rate is calculated by dividing the
0959-6526/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
804 T. Nakakubo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 168 (2017) 803e813

Abbreviations On the other hand, sludge-specific incineration with power
generation can be introduced without a partner in the industrial
GHG greenhouse gas sector using coal. The sewage sludge treatment system in Japan is
MOE Ministry of Environment divided into two types: with and without digestion at the stage of
MOLITT Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and intermediate treatment of thickened sludge. In a system without
Tourism digestion, the organic matter content in solid material is about 80%
MSW municipal solid waste (MOLITT and JSW Association, 2004). To implement sludge-specific
MSW-IP municipal solid waste incinerating plant incineration with an energy recovery system (i.e., power genera-
SCP sludge conversion plant tion), a sludge treatment system without digestion is necessary.
STP sewage treatment plant When a digestion system is used, the organic content is relatively
low because of degradation in digestion tanks, and sludge-specific
incineration with power generation is not an option.
Because of the limitations of the two technical systems for en-
“utilization volume of sludge as biomass energy and fertilizer” by ergy recovery from sludge, in this research, we examined an
the “amount of generated thickened sludge” on the basis of organic alternative approach for energy recovery, namely the co-
matter content. In FY2015, the recycling rate was 26%: 13% as combustion of dewatered sludge with MSW in MSW-IPs. In Japan,
biogas, 3% as solid fuels, and 10% as fertilizer (MOLITT, 2016). The STPs fall under the jurisdiction of MOLITT and MSW-IPs under that
amount recovered as biogas indicates that energy recovery from of the Ministry of Environment (MOE). Due to the different juris-
organic matter contained in sewage sludge is mainly accomplished dictions, policies for updating technology collaboratively have not
by using digestion tanks with thickened sludge. Other energy re- yet been implemented on a broad scale. Several sewage works in
covery options, however, exist for dewatered sludge (shown in Japan have started to use co-digestion of kitchen waste with
Fig. 1). thickened sludge in STPs, however, and some collaborative mea-
The two main technological systems for energy recovery from sures between STPs and MSW-IPs have been implemented.
sludge in Japan are conversion to solid fuel and sludge-specific The incineration process is one of the best known waste treat-
incineration with power generation, although they have yet to be ment processes for reducing volume of disposed sewage sludge
introduced in Japan on a large scale. To introduce a solid fuel con- significantly, and it is an important technology for densely popu-
version technology, a sewage company has to establish a relation- lated regions where people have to deal with problem of high
ship with an industrial sector that consumes solid fuel on a massive quantities of sludge generation and little available land (Cieslik
scale, such as coal-fired power plants. Therefore, a constraint for et al., 2015). Improvement of the sludge-specific incineration
introducing a conversion technology to solid fuel is whether the without energy recovery is also a key issue for several other
sewage company can find a consumer for its solid fuel to at least countries that use combustion of dewatered sludge, including
partially replace its use of coal. To increase the acceptability of solid Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Slovenia, and Greece
fuel and promote its use, Japanese Industrial Standards of solid fuel (Alexandros and Athanasios, 2012). For these countries, updating
derived from sludge were established by MOLITT in September systems to introduce co-incineration in coal-fired plants, cement
2014. Through following the standards, the improved quality of kilns plants, or MSW incinerators is also an important issue.
solid fuel (e.g., lower heating value, water content) should be There have been several life cycle assessment case studies of
guaranteed, which in turn will improve the market value of solid collaborative plans between sewage works and other sectors.

Fig. 1. Technological options for sludge disposal and utilization. The organic matter content of solid material in thickened sludge is set at 80%, and the half of organic matter in the
thickened sludge is set to be degraded in a digestion tank.
T. Nakakubo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 168 (2017) 803e813 805

Nakakubo et al. (2012) evaluated the measures of co-digestion of MSW-IPs, it is important to ascertain whether dewatered sludge
kitchen waste with thickened sludge in STPs in Japan. That study has been used as bioenergy or not in each city. Some cities have not
focused on kitchen waste and sewage sludge, and MSW was not introduced technology to recover energy from dewatered sludge,
included in the system boundary related to co-combustion in a meaning co-combustion in MSW-IPs is suitable as a candidate for a
MSW-IP. Joel et al. (2017) also applied a life cycle assessment to a renewal energy plan. Finally, the percent volume of dewatered
co-digestion system in Australia. In the case study area, kitchen sludge being used as energy sources is calculated.
waste among MSW is disposed in landfills at present, such that The percent volume of thickened sludge being input into
direct landfilling of kitchen waste was set as a business-as-usual digestion tanks reflects the suitability for co-combustion in MSW-
case for comparing with an anaerobic co-digestion case. IPs. With a high digestion input level, the content of organic mat-
Regarding the energy use of dewatered sludge, Hong et al. (2013) ter in dewatered sludge becomes low, so it is impossible for a city to
identified the contributions of co-incineration to coal-based en- introduce sludge-specific incineration with power generation.
ergy production. The study focused on a fluidized bed incinerator
for coal, and under a coal plus sludge scenario dewatered sludge is 2.1. Classifying sewage sludge flows
combusted with coal directly without drying. Abuşog lu et al. (2017)
compared two systems: solo incineration of sludge at temperatures The material flow of sewage sludge was analyzed based on
of 830e900  C that had been dried to a 60% water content, and sewage system statistics (JSW-Association, 2015) for FY2013. STPs
combustion of sludge in a cement kiln at 1400  C after it had been in Japan are operated by cities or are river-basin types operated by
dried to a water content of 10%. They estimated the energy balances prefectures. If more than half of the planned population for disposal
between heat demand for drying dewatered sludge and recovering in a river-basin type was the population of the targeted city, we
energy from dried sludge in two cases, and the result showed that included the STP in our classification. These included STPs in Sen-
the former case is superior in terms of GHG emissions. However, dai, Saitama, and Chiba.
environmental assessment of the co-combustion of sludge with Data on incineration or use of dewatered sludge were supple-
MSW in MSW-IPs has yet to be evaluated. mented with data from Kokyo Toshi Journal Inc. (2011). Operations
Lin and Ma (2012) simulated of co-incineration of sewage sludge aimed at energy recovery from dewatered sludge that were already
with MSW and particularly analyzed furnace temperatures in an in progress by FY2015 were included for Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka,
incinerator with different co-incineration ratios of sludge. The and Kitakyushu.
sludge was either wet sludge (83% water content) or semi-dried The volume of thickened sludge was first evaluated on a dry
sludge (55% water content). Based on the result, the furnace tem- matter basis for each STP in the material flow analysis. If the
perature declines to less than 850  C when the co-incineration ratio thickened sludge is degraded in digestion tanks, 50% of the organic
of wet sludge is 15%, whereas, it remains above 850  C in the same matter in the sludge was assumed to be degraded and recovered as
condition of semi-dried sludge. Maintaining the furnace tempera- biogas (MOLITT and JSW Association, 2004). The routes of dewa-
ture at more than 850  C in a MSW incinerator is an important tered sludge recycling were roughly divided into three systems
factor for preventing dioxin emissions (Tanaka et al., 2003). In this according to organic matter utilization, as shown in Fig. 1: (1)
study, therefore, a drying process for sludge that can be applied to a incineration, where dewatered sludge is incinerated in a sludge-
MSW-IP was targeted. specific incinerator without power generation and ash is recycled
In this study, we evaluated potential collaborative measures as construction and other materials; (2) recycling through conver-
between STPs and MSW-IPs. The aim was to assess (1) introduction sion to solid fuel, conversion to dried sludge for use as fertilizer, and
of a co-digestion system of food waste with thickened sludge in STP, sludge-specific incineration with power generation (although uti-
and (2) utilization of steam to dry sludge in MSW-IPs and co- lization as fertilizer is counted as organic matter recycling, it is not
combustion of the dried sludge along with MSW. The purpose included as an energy use option); and (3) ash recycling, where ash
was to clarify the effectiveness of these collaborative measures in is melted and the slag is used as a construction material, and direct
terms of GHG emission reductions. The first part of this study utilization of dewatered sludge as cement feedstock.
classified the treatment and recycling systems of sewage sludge in Fig. 2 shows the utilization rate of sewage sludge on an organic
large cities in Japan in terms of their adaptability to the proposed matter basis in each city. The utilization rate as energy can be
collaborative measures. In the second part, we developed a model calculated by dividing the volume of sludge used as biomass energy
for evaluating the effects of introducing collaborative measures (ton of volatile solid, t-VS) by the amount of thickened sludge (t-
through a material flow analysis and a heat balance analysis. VS). For example, in Kobe, all of the thickened sludge is input into a
digestion tank, and 50% of the input organic matter is used as
2. Classification of the sewage sludge flows of large cities in biogas. The remaining digested and dewatered sludge, including
Japan the remaining 50% of the organic matter, is incinerated without
energy recovery. All of the thickened sludge generated in STPs in
We classified the sewage sludge flows in terms of energy use for Yokohama, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, and Fukuoka is digested, whereas
14 large cities in Japan, Sapporo, Sendai, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo's digestion tanks are not used in Sapporo, Kawasaki, and Nagoya.
wards, Yokohama, Kawasaki, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Hir- Dewatered sludge is incinerated without energy recovery in most
oshima, Kitakyushu, and Fukuoka, each of which has a population cities, but technologies used to convert dewatered sludge to solid
of more than 1 million people. Based on the classification, we fuels have been installed in Sendai, Tokyo's wards, Yokohama,
selected our case study area, which we considered suitable for the Osaka, Hiroshima, and Kitakyusyu. In addition, sludge-specific
collaborative measures between the STP and MSW-IP. incineration of dewatered sludge with power generation has been
In this study, we cover two types of collaborative measures introduced in Tokyo's wards and Nagoya.
between STPs and MSW-IPs. First, it is important to discuss the Fig. 3 shows the utilization rate of ash contained in sewage
suitability of a co-digestion system of food waste in STPs, and sludge, defined as the volume of recycled sludge (t-ash [dry basis])
whether each city's STPs need to have digestion tanks. Then, the per total amount of dewatered sludge (t-ash [dry basis]). The main
percent volume of thickened sludge being input into digestion recycling route of incinerated ash derived from sludge is as cement
tanks is summarized through a material flow analysis of sewage feedstock, and more than 80% of ash is utilized as cement feedstock
sludge in each city. Next, in terms of co-combustion of sludge in in Saitama, Yokohama, Kawasaki, and Nagoya. In Japan, the cement
806 T. Nakakubo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 168 (2017) 803e813

Fig. 2. Utilization of sewage sludge on an organic matter basis.

industry accepts sludge not only in the form of incinerated ash but sludge generation (t-VS).
also as dewatered sludge. Direct use of dewatered sludge as cement The cities with high values on the horizontal axis of Fig. 4 are
feedstock is adopted in Saitama, Hiroshima, Kitakyusyu, and Yokohama, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, and Fukuoka. In these cities, all of
Fukuoka. If technologies have been introduced for converting the thickened sludge is input into a digestion tank, and all of the
dewatered sludge into solid fuels, the solid fuels are burnt with coal dewatered sludge is generated as digested and dewatered sludge.
and the sludge-derived ash generated after co-combustion is Thus, these cities share two areas of suitability for collaborative
recycled with the coal ash. One recycling route of coal ash in Japan measures between STPs and MSW-IPs. Based on the vertical axis in
is as cement feedstock, as a substitute for clay. Fig. 4, Sapporo, Kawasaki, Saitama, Chiba, Kyoto, Kobe, and Fukuoka
have not yet introduced any energy recovery technologies from
dewatered sludge, primarily because the equipment lifespans of
2.2. Classification results their sludge-specific incinerators have not yet expired.
Two aspects were particularly desirable in our case study area:
We classified the cities by energy use as shown in Fig. 4. The the value of the horizontal axis in Fig. 4 should be high and the
horizontal axis is the ratio of the volume of thickened sludge being value of the vertical axis should be low. The most appropriate cities
input into digestion tanks (t-VS) to total thickened sludge genera- therefore were Kyoto, Kobe, and Fukuoka. Of these, we selected
tion (t-VS). The vertical axis is the ratio of the volume of dewatered Kobe as the case study area.
sludge being used as energy sources (t-VS) to total dewatered

Fig. 3. Utilization rate of ash contained in sewage sludge.

T. Nakakubo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 168 (2017) 803e813 807

increases. Commercial kitchen waste is separately collected by the

commercial sectors, so separating and collecting commercial
kitchen waste would not affect the cost of MSW collection. The food
waste input in the digestion tanks in collaborative cases therefore
was set as commercial kitchen waste.
We set three cases for handling dewatered sludge. In case X,
dewatered sludge is combusted in a sludge-specific incinerator
without power generation as is also done in the base case. Under
existing conditions, dewatered sludge is incinerated at 850  C, and
the sludge conversion technology remains unchanged in the base
case and case X. The difference between the base case and case X is
that commercial kitchen waste is incinerated in a MSW-IP or
digested in STPs. In case Y, equipment for low-temperature
carbonization is introduced and sludge is converted into a solid
fuel (carbide fuel), which is then combusted along with coal in coal-
fired power plants. Case Z has the strongest relationship between
the STP and MSW-IP. Dewatered sludge is received by the MSW-IP
and dried by using extraction steam heat, and then dried sludge is
Fig. 4. Classification of large cities in terms of estimated sludge use as energy. combusted with MSW.
In the base case and case X, dewatered sludge is transported to
the existing SCP (East Sludge Center). The transport distances of
3. Methods for the material flow analysis and heat balance dewatered sludge are 23.8 km for STP I and 37.3 km for STP II. In
analysis case Y, a new SCP, where carbonization equipment is installed, is
located next to STP I. The transport distance of dewatered sludge
3.1. Setting conditions for comparing recycling systems from STP II to STP I (the new SCP) is 10.8 km. The transport distance
of solid fuel to the coal-fired power plant is 40.6 km. In case Z, the
3.1.1. Organic waste recycling cases existing MSW-IP (West Clean Center) is updated with new equip-
Kobe has four STPs with digestion tanks, and dewatered sludge ment for receiving the dewatered sludge. The transport distances of
is consolidated and combusted singularly in one sludge conversion dewatered sludge from STP I and STP II to MSW-IP are 11.2 and
plant (SCP). Based on the scheduled renewal time and the locations 8.0 km, respectively.
of these plants, we selected two STPs (Tarumi and Tamazu, here-
after STP I and II, respectively), the SCP (East Sludge Center), and 3.1.2. Functional unit of waste management
one MSW-IP (West Clean Center) for our analysis of the effective- Table 2 presents the waste disposal amounts for the two STPs
ness of collaborative renewal measures. The target year is FY2030, and the SCP. The organic matter content of solid material in crude
which is after the scheduled update of the plants’ equipment. Three and excess sludge is set at 80% (MOLITT and JSW Association, 2004),
collaborative cases are evaluated, as is a base case. The organic and 50% of organic matter included in the thickened sludge is set to
waste recycling cases are summarized in Table 1, and Fig. 5 illus- be degraded in the digestion tanks (MOLITT and JSW Association,
trates the system boundaries of each recycling case. 2004). The water content of sludge is 99% for crude and excess
Commercial kitchen waste is digested with thickened sludge in sludge, 96% for thickened sludge, and 81% for dewatered sludge
STPs in the collaborative cases (X, Y, and Z). In Japan, food waste is (JSW Association, 2009). An anaerobic-aerobic (AO) method is
divided into two types: waste generated by food-related industries applied in the activated sludge tanks installed in STP I, and an
as defined in Japan's Food Waste Recycling Act (food manufac- anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic (A2O) method is used in STP II. The ma-
turers, food wholesalers, food retailers, and the restaurant in- terial balance of wastewater and sludge is calculated based on JSW
dustry) and kitchen waste generated by households, which is Association (2009). The components of commercial kitchen waste
collected as a part of MSW. Food waste from food manufacturers is are 85.0% water, 12.8% organic matter, and 2.2% ash (Matsuto,
mainly recycled and used as animal feed, compost, and oil products, 2005), and the degradation rate of organic matter in digestion
but about half of the food waste from food wholesalers, food re- tanks is set at 80% (MOLITT and JSW Association, 2004).
tailers, and the restaurant industry is not recycled (MAFF, 2013). We estimated generation rates of commercial kitchen waste in
Unrecycled food waste from industrial sectors is counted as com- each type of food-related sector (kg/employer) by using food waste
mercial kitchen waste. Commercial kitchen waste is treated as a statistics (MAFF, 2013). By multiplying the number of establish-
part of MSW and incinerated in MSW-IPs. Separate collection of ments in each sector in Kobe by the appropriate generation rate, the
household kitchen waste causes an increase in collection costs amount of commercial kitchen waste generated in Kobe can be
because the number of MSW collections by local governments calculated; the volume allocated to the MSW-IP (West Clean

Table 1
Summary of organic waste recycling cases.

Base case Collaborative cases


Use of anaerobic digestion Thickened sludge ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Commercial kitchen waste ✓ ✓ ✓
Method for handling dewatered sludge Sludge-specific incineration without power generation ✓ ✓
Carbonization ✓
Co-combustion with MSW ✓

MSW, Municipal solid waste.

808 T. Nakakubo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 168 (2017) 803e813

Fig. 5. System boundaries of each recycling case: (a) base, X, and Y; (b) Z.
T. Nakakubo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 168 (2017) 803e813 809

Table 2
Waste disposal amounts for the two STPs and one SCP.

Waste Case Volume

t-wet/day t-dry/day t-VS/day

Wastewater All cases Input to activated sludge tank in STP I 87,986 e e

Same as in STP II 68,620 e e
Crude sludge, excess sludge All cases Input to thickening process in STP I 1632.7 16.3 13.1
Same as in STP II 1000.1 10.0 8.0
Thickened sludge All cases Input to digestion tank in STP I 408.2 16.3 13.1
Same as in STP II 250.0 10.0 8.0
Commercial kitchen waste X, Y, Z cases Input to digestion tank in STP I 15.8 2.4 2.0
Same as in STP II 15.8 2.4 2.0
Digested sludge Base case Input to dewatering process in STP I 401.6 9.8 6.5
Same as in STP II 246.0 6.0 4.0
X, Y, Z cases Input to dewatering process in STP I 415.0 10.5 6.9
Same as in STP II 259.4 6.8 4.4
Dewatered sludge Base case Input to sludge-specific incineration in an old SCP 83.1 15.8 10.5
X case Input to sludge-specific incineration in an old SCP 91.0 17.3 11.3
Y case Input to carbonization in a new SCP
Z case Input to dryer in a new MSW-IP

STP, sewage treatment plant; SCP, sludge conversion plant; MSW-IP, municipal solid waste incineration plant; VS, volatile solid.

Center) was proportionate to the disposal capacity of each MSW-IP. digestion is input into a gas engine (a cogeneration system) for
The waste disposal amounts for the MSW-IP are summarized in power production. Electricity produced from the gas engine is
Table 3, and more detailed information is given in Table S1-1. The consumed in each STP, and exhaust heat (hot water) is used for
input amount of MSW is from MOE (2011), and the composition of warming and heat retention of the digestion tank.
MSW is from Matsuto (2005). The lower heating value (LHV) of The heat balance is estimated for the process of low-
each type of waste was calculated by applying the Steuer equation, temperature carbonization of dewatered sludge: 9% of the organic
Eq. (1): matter contained in dewatered sludge is decomposed in the heat
decomposition and carbonization process, and the other 91% of the
LHV ¼ B  f339:4  ðCe3=8  OÞ þ 238:8  3=8  O þ 1445:6 organic matter remains in the solid fuel as a bioenergy source (JSW
 ðHe1=16  OÞge25  ð9  B  H þ WÞ Agency, 2008). The water content of solid fuel is set at 0% (JSW
Agency, 2008) because all the moisture contained in dewatered
sludge is removed in the drying process of carbonization. Applying
Eq. (1), the energy value of solid fuel was estimated as 14,206 kJ-
LHV (kJ/kg-wet): lower heating value of each type of waste.-
LHV/kg, as described in Table S1-3. The amount of city gas
Components (%): B, burnable (organic) matter; W, water con-
consumed for drying (ECgas ) can be calculated with Eq. (2) based on
tent.Elemental composition in burnable matter (%): C, carbon; O,
energy demand (ED) and drying efficiency (DEcarbonize ). ED can be
oxygen; H, hydrogen.
estimated with Eq. (3).
The three components and elemental composition of each type
of waste are described in Tables S1-2 and S1-3.

ECgas ¼ ED=DEcarbonize (2)

3.2. Technological system description

3.2.1. Characteristics of energy recovery technologies and their

ED ¼ Latent Heat þ Sensible heatwater þ Sensible heatsolid fuel
Conversion rates and specific energy consumption for each  Decomposition
process are shown in Table 4. The amount of energy consumption (3)
(demand) can be calculated by multiplying the input of wastewater
or waste by each consumption rate. Biogas energy recovered from where,

Table 3
Waste disposal amounts in the MSW-IP.

Input of waste (t-wet/day) Amount on a LHV basis (GJ-LHV/day)

Base X and Y Z Base X and Y Z

Total 348.3 316.7 345.5 3382 3367 3592

MSW Household kitchen waste 87.6 87.6 87.6 42 42 42
Commercial kitchen waste 31.6 15
Paper waste 147.2 147.2 147.2 1281 1281 1281
Plastic waste 48.1 48.1 48.1 1632 1632 1632
Textile waste (natural one) 4.6 4.6 4.6 85 85 85
Textile waste (synthetic one) 5.2 5.2 5.2 96 96 96
Wood waste 18.5 18.5 18.5 231 231 231
Non-burnable waste 5.5 5.5 5.5 0 0 0
Sludge Dried sludge (40% water content) 28.8 225

MSW-IP, municipal solid waste incineration plant; LHV, lower heating value.
810 T. Nakakubo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 168 (2017) 803e813

Table 4
Conversion rates and specific energy consumption for each process.

Process Technological parameter Reference

Specific energy consumption

STP Activated sludge tank (STP I: AO method) Electricity 316 Wh/m3 Suda et al. (2008)
Activated sludge tank (STP II: A2O method) Electricity 457 Wh/m3
Thickening process Electricity 289  x 0.623 kWh/t-wet Soda et al. (2009)
x: Input of sludge (t-wet)
Digestion tank Electricity 2128  x 0.944 kWh/t-wet
x: Input of sludge (t-wet)
Dewatering process Electricity 418e1.77  xdry kWh/t-dry
xdry: Input of sludge (t-dry)
Adjusting process for food waste Electricity 420.8  x0.475
dry kWh/day NILIM (2013)
xdry: Input of food waste (t-dry)
SCP Sludge-specific incineration Electricity 98 kWh/t-wet JIWET and Osaka Gas (2009)
A-type heavy oil 2259 MJ/t-wet
Low-temperature carbonization Electricity 85 kWh/t-wet JSW Agency (2008)
Drying efficiency 60 %
MSW-IP Incineration system Electricity 182 kWh/t-wet Matsuto (2012)
Transport Truck transport Diesel oil 0.35 L/km Matsuto (2005)
Conversion rate
STP Digestion of thickened sludge Degradation rate 50 % MOLITT and JSW Association (2004)
Biogas recovery 1000 Nm3/t-VS
Heat value 21.44 MJ-LHV/Nm3
Digestion of food waste Degradation rate 80 %
Biogas recovery 850 Nm3/t-VS
Heat value 21.44 MJ-LHV/Nm3
Gas engine Generating efficiency 35 % MOLITT (2015a)
Waste heat efficiency 40 %
CFPP Gross thermal efficiency of power generation 41.5 % J-POWER (2016)

STP, sewage treatment plant; AO, anaerobic-aerobic; A2O, anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic; SCP, sludge conversion plant; LHV, lower heating value; CFPP, coal-fired power plant.

180  C). This water content ratio is set in accord with not only the
Latent Heat ¼ Volumeevaporated water  Specific latent heatwater specific lower heat value of dried sludge, but also its fly charac-
teristic. If the water content of dried sludge is too low, it will be
Sensible heatwater ¼ Volumeevaporated water dispersed in an incinerator and will not burn well.
The methods for evaluating the heat balances in the MSW-IP
 Specific heatevaporated water  ðTC eTB Þ
were developed based on JIWET (2003), Tanaka et al. (2003),
Kubota (2004), Takuma Co. (2011), Sano et al. (2011), and
Sensible heatsolid fuel ¼ Volumesolid fuel  Specific heatsludge Tadokoro (2012). Method details are explained in Supporting
 ðTC eTB Þ Information S2. The energy balance estimation results for the
MSW-IP are shown in Supporting Information S3.

Decomposition ¼ Volumedecomposed sludge

3.3. Inventory data for CO2 and other GHG accounting
 Specific lower heating valuesludge
We considered three types of GHG emissions: (1) CO2 emissions
Volume (kg) is the volume of evaporated water or solid material,
derived from energy consumption; (2) CO2 emissions derived from
specific latent heat of water is 2454 (kJ/kg) (20  C basis), specific
burning of waste made from oil; and (3) CH4 and N2O emissions
heat of evaporated water is 2454 (kJ/kg/ C) (0e250  C basis), and
from wastewater treatment, sludge treatment and conversion, and
specific heat of sludge is 1.670 (kJ/kg/ C). TC is temperature of
MSW incineration. The emission rates for each process are listed in
carbonization (250  C), and TB is basic temperature (20  C).
Table 5. All GHG emissions were calculated in CO2 equivalents by
Solid fuel is combusted with coal in a coal-fired power plant
converting 1 t of emitted CH4 into 25 t of CO2 and 1 t of N2O into
with a gross thermal efficiency of power generation of 41.5%.
298 t of CO2 by considering global warming potential (MOE, 2013b).

3.2.2. Energy balance analysis of a MSW-IP 4. Results

In Japan, most MSW-IPs use a stoker-type MSW incinerator. In
this study, therefore, a stoker-type MSW incinerator was the target 4.1. Total energy consumption
for evaluating the effectiveness of co-combustion of sludge with
MSW. Fig. 6 shows the values used in the energy balance analysis. A Fig. 7 shows the energy consumption estimation results (in GJ/
typical energy recovery system from waste heat in Japan is a boiler day) by assuming 1 kWh of electricity is equivalent to 9.76 MJ of
and steam turbine system, and in accordance with the latest primary energy (with an average thermal efficiency of electricity
manual (MOE, 2010), superheated steam generated from the boiler systems of 36.9% in Japan). The energy balance value for the STP is
was set at a pressure of 4 MPa and a temperature of 400  C. the amount of on-site energy consumption, and the MSW-IP value
If dewatered sludge is input into a stoker-type incinerator is the amount of electricity supplied.
directly, consumption of heating oil is needed to keep the furnace As compared with the base case, energy consumption is reduced
temperature above 850  C. Therefore, dewatered sludge is first by 38 GJ in the STP in case X, and electricity supply is increased by
input into a dryer (indirect heat exchange) and dried to a 40% of 72 GJ by introducing co-combustion. On the other hand, an increase
water content by using part of the extraction steam (0.6 MPa, in dewatered sludge generation leads to an increase in energy
T. Nakakubo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 168 (2017) 803e813 811

Fig. 6. Set values for the energy balance analysis for the MSW Incineration Plant.

consumption of 25 GJ. for drying the dewatered sludge. This value is smaller than 158 GJ
In case Y, although the process increases energy consumption in (76 þ 342e260 GJ), the energy balance of the carbonization system
the SCP, the amount of electricity supplied from the coal-fired po- of dewatered sludge in case Y.
wer plant is greater than the energy consumed. A net 219 GJ
decrease is obtained as compared with the base case.
In case Z, the supplied amount of electricity is reduced by 85 GJ 4.2. Total GHG emissions
as compared with case Y by using part of the steam heat generated
The estimated amounts of GHG emissions (CO2 eq/day) for each

Table 5
Rates of greenhouse gases emission for each process.

Emission rate Reference

CO2 emission
Consumption of energy Grid electricity 0.550 kg-CO2/kWh MOE (2013a)
A-type heavy oil 0.0693 kg-CO2/MJ MOE (2013b)
Diesel oil 0.0686 kg-CO2/MJ
City gas 0.0499 kg-CO2/MJ
Burning of waste made from oil Plastic waste 2.77 t-CO2/t-dry MOE (2013b)
Synthetic textile 2.29 t-CO2/t-dry
CH4 and N2O emissions
Activated sludge tank (AO method) in STP CH4 0.5287 g-CH4/m3 GIO (2015)
N2O 0.0292 g-N2O/m3
Activated sludge tank (A2O method) in STP CH4 0.5287 g-CH4/m3
N2O 0.0117 g-N2O/m3
Sludge treatment processes (thickening, dewatering) in STP CH4 0.3480 g-CH4/m3
N2O 0.0006 g-N2O/m3
Specific incineration process in SCP (Temperature: 850  C) CH4 0.0097 kg-CH4/t-wet
N2O 0.6450 kg-N2O/t-wet
Low-temperature carbonization in SCP CH4 0 kg-CH4/t-wet MOLITT (2015b)
N2O 0.0312 kg-N2O/t-wet
Incinerator in MSW-IP: Burning of MSW CH4 0.00095 kg-CH4/t-wet
N2O 0.0567 kg-N2O/t-wet
Incinerator in MSW-IP: Burning of dried sludge CH4 0 kg-CH4/t-wet
N2O 0.0095 kg-N2O/t-wet

AO, anaerobic-aerobic; A2O, anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic; STP, sewage treatment plant; SCP, sludge conversion plant; MSW-IP, municipal solid waste incineration plant.
812 T. Nakakubo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 168 (2017) 803e813

Fig. 7. Estimated energy consumption on a primary energy basis.

case are shown in Fig. 8. The emissions in case X were close to those consumption and N2O emissions, whereas MSW-IPs are operated at
in the base case because CO2 and N2O emissions from specific more than 850  C (about 900  C), primarily to prevent of dioxin
incineration of dewatered sludge increases due to the increase of emissions.
dewatered sludge by the STP's acceptance of commercial kitchen
waste in this case. So the co-digestion measure under specific 5. Discussion
incineration of sludge does not reduce GHG emissions well.
The estimated amount of GHG emissions was reduced by 25% in The use of dewatered sludge as an energy resource is difficult
case Y and by 26% in case Z. This means that a similar level of GHG because the water content of dewatered sludge is still relatively
emission reduction can be achieved by introducing a collaborative high even though the sludge has been mechanically dewatered. The
measure between an STP and MSW-IP, even if the sewage works do advantage of case Z is that part of the steam (heat energy) gener-
not have a relationship with a coal-fired power plant. ated in the process can be utilized for drying the sludge, thereby
In case Y, CO2 emissions are reduced by utilizing solid fuel, but avoiding fuel consumption for removing water from dewatered
N2O emissions are also reduced because carbonization of dewa- sludge. The estimated energy balance of a MSW-IP under case Z is
tered sludge is conducted in a low-oxygen environment, so N2O shown in Fig. S3-3. In this case, the net allocation amount of
emissions are almost zero. N2O emission reductions are achieved in extraction steam was 12,307 MJ/h (14,734e2427 MJ/h), which is
case Z by incinerating dried sludge in an MSW-IP, because the about 8% of the total amount of superheated steam generated
furnace temperature in a stoker-type MSW incinerator is higher (161,186 MJ/h). This means that the decrease in thermal efficiency is
than that in a sludge-specific incinerator. Sludge-specific inciner- limited.
ation is operated at 850  C considering the balance between fuel The power generation efficiency was estimated as 19.1% in case

Fig. 8. Total estimated greenhouse gas emissions.

T. Nakakubo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 168 (2017) 803e813 813

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