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Gas Chromatography with However, since detection limits (DLs) in GC/AED range
from 1 – 100 pg s 1 , extensive analyte enrichment is often
Atomic Emission Detection required prior to environmental analysis. Because the sep-
arated compounds are atomized within the plasma, only
in Environmental Analysis minor structural variations are observed for the detector
responses. This, in combination with the multielemental
Stig Pedersen-Bjergaard capability, enables estimation of empirical formulas for
University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway each of the separated compounds, which may be utilized
to support identification of environmental micropollutants.
In addition, the structure-independent detector responses
enable simplified calibration for quantitative purposes
1 Introduction 1 because different compounds may be quantified based
2 Selectivity and Sensitivity Considerations 2 on a single elemental calibration curve.
3 Compound Independent Calibration for
Quantitative Analysis 4
4 Estimation of Molecular Formulas 5
5 Environmental Applications 7
When capillary GC is coupled with AED, high separation
5.1 Tin-containing Compounds 7
5.2 Lead-containing Compounds 9 power and simultaneous multielemental detectability
5.3 Mercury-containing Compounds 9 are combined into an attractive (hyphenated) analytical
5.4 Pesticides 10 technique GC/AED. Volatile and semivolatile organic
5.5 Chlorinated Biphenyls and Phenols 11 compounds present in complex mixtures are separated
5.6 Other Compounds Containing in the GC and subsequently introduced into a small
Nonmetallic Elements 12 helium (or argon) plasma placed in continuation of
the GC column (Figure 1). The high temperature of
6 Current Status and Future Directions 12 this discharge (3000 – 10 000 K) results in atomization of
Abbreviations and Acronyms 12 each of the separated compounds followed by excitation
Related Articles 13 of the constituent atoms to higher electronic states.
Light of wavelengths characteristic of the elements
References 13
introduced are emitted by the excited atoms as they
undergo transitions to lower energy levels. With an optical
spectrometer, emission light for the elements of interest is
When capillary gas chromatography (GC) is coupled with selected and measured continuously resulting in element-
atomic emission detection (AED), mixtures of volatile and selective chromatograms. Since atomic lines are narrow
semivolatile organic compounds are first separated based and often intense, GC/AED provides high elemental
on different retention in a capillary GC column, where- selectivity and acceptable sensitivity. Theoretically, every
after the separated compounds are introduced directly into element from the periodic table (except helium or argon)
a helium (or argon) plasma. The high temperature of may be detected by a simple change of wavelength.
this plasma results in atomization of the separated com- Since all emission lines are present in the plasma
pounds followed by excitation of the constituent atoms. simultaneously, either single- or multichannel detection is
From the excited states, the atoms emit light of char- possible. Compared with the array of selective detectors
acteristic wavelengths which are monitored continuously responding to one or two elements (e.g. flame photometric
during the chromatographic separation by an optical spec- detection (FPD), nitrogen – phosphorus detection (NPD),
trometer. This results in element-selective chromatograms, sulfur chemiluminescence detection (SCD), oxygen-
where all elements from the periodic table (except helium flame ionization detection (O-FID)), this multielemental
or argon) may be monitored selectively with a sim- capability represents a major improvement in terms of
ple change of wavelength on the spectrometer. With the versatility.
use of multichannel spectrometers, several elements may The attractive features of GC/AED were reported
be monitored simultaneously resulting in multielemen- for the first time in 1965 by McCormick et al. with an
tal detection. Both nonmetallic and metallic elements are atmospheric pressure argon microwave induced plasma
detected with a very high selectivity. This enables environ- (MIP) coupled to packed column GC..1/ Although the
mental contaminants containing heteroatoms to be deter- period 1965 – 1975 also saw research into direct current
mined in dirty extracts without extensive sample cleanup. discharges,.2/ most GC/AED research was carried out

Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Online © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry in 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470027318.a0824

Emission intensity

940.5 nm
column Spectrometer
* 837.6 nm
Gas chromatograph

Helium 921.3 nm

Retention time

Figure 1 Principle of AED in capillary GC.

with systems utilizing argon MIPs or reduced-pressure version based on an atmospheric-pressure helium MIP
helium MIPs. Unfortunately, the excitation potential sustained in a TM010 cavity was implemented only in
of the argon plasmas was insufficient for the detection a limited number of research laboratories. In 1989,
of several nonmetallic elements, and the evacuation a second attempt was made by Hewlett-Packard to
equipment required to produce low-pressure helium commercialize an atomic emission detector for GC. A
plasmas was complex. Therefore, the introduction of totally automated benchtop system was introduced, which
the TM010 cavity by Beenakker in 1976 represented a utilized an atmospheric-pressure helium MIP for analyte
distinct technical improvement in the field of GC/AED excitation and a photodiode array for the monitoring
because this permitted helium MIPs to be sustained at of atomic emission..13,14/ The photodiode array, which
atmospheric pressure..3/ Implementation of the TM010 covered the wavelength range from 160 – 800 nm in
cavity by other workers was reported from 1978 – 1980, 25 nm portions, provided simultaneous multielement
which almost terminated the interest for reduced-pressure detection, multipoint spectral background correction,
MIP systems. and elemental confirmation by atomic emission spectra.
Although most effort has been focused on MIP From the same company, an improved version of
systems, after 1980, successful GC detection was accom- this atomic emission detector was recently introduced
plished with several alternative discharges, including as a less expensive second-generation instrument with
a 25 kHz helium after-glow device,.4/ a 350 kHz radio enhanced sensitivity. The two commercially available
frequency helium plasma,.5,6/ a 60 Hz alternating cur- GC/AED systems from Hewlett-Packard have increased
rent helium plasma,.7/ a 27.18 MHz capacitively coupled the interest for the technique substantially, and several
helium plasma,.8/ and a 27.12 MHz stabilized capacitively environmental applications of GC/AED have emerged
coupled helium plasma..9/ In addition, with argon at in recent years. Below, advantages and limitations of
atmospheric pressure, direct current plasmas (DCPs).10/ GC/AED for environmental analysis are discussed and
and inductively coupled plasmas (ICPs).11/ have been some of the most interesting environmental applications
evaluated, but both plasma systems suffered from poor are reviewed. Principal attention is focused on results
excitation characteristics for several important nonmetal- obtained with the commercial system, while only a
lic elements and from a large consumption of high-purity few data from home-built systems are included owing
argon. to the difficulties of reproducing this type of complex
GC/AED was carried out solely with laboratory- instrumentation.
built instrumentation until the late 1970s, when the
first commercial atomic emission detector for GC was
introduced by Applied Chromatography Systems. This 2 SELECTIVITY AND SENSITIVITY
equipment was based on a reduced-pressure helium CONSIDERATIONS
MIP and a Rowland circle spectrometer with 12 fixed
channels for simultaneous multielement detection..12/ Environmental samples are typically very complex with
However, the popularity was low, and even a modified a large number of matrix components, among which

Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Online © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry in 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470027318.a0824

the analytes of interest are present at low concen- obviously a major advantage. Organic micropollutants
tration levels. Therefore, both selectivity and DLs containing heteroatoms (such as Cl, Br, S, Sn, and Hg)
are important parameters for the successful determi- may be selectively detected even in very complicated
nation of most environmental micropollutants. In this extracts where the resolving power of GC is insufficient.
section, attention will be focused on both of these This is illustrated in Figure 2, where GC/AED was utilized
parameters in order to understand the advantages for the detection of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in
and the limitations of GC/AED for environmental a highly contaminated marine sediment..17/ In spite of
analysis. the high background from a crude oil matrix, the PCBs
As atomic emission lines are very narrow, overlap from emerged as distinct peaks in the highly selective chlorine
different elements is normally not a problem in GC/AED. trace. Thus, the PCBs were easily located in the chlorine
However, emission spectra from helium plasmas utilized trace and quantitative analysis was rapidly performed
for GC/AED normally also contain molecular bands because no interferences distorted the peak areas. The
(originating from incomplete atomization or from atomic highly contaminated sediment sample was also exposed
recombinations) which are generally relatively broad. to analysis by GC/MS,.17/ but this technique suffered from
Unfortunately, these may interfere with the atomic lines serious interference when operated both in the low- and
of interest causing false positive signals (interferences) high-resolution modes (Figure 2). Thus, although selected
or negative baseline excursions. Therefore, in order ion monitoring was utilized, localization and quantitation
to realize the full potential of the narrow atomic of the PCBs were almost impossible based on the GC/MS
emission lines and to ensure high elemental selectivity, results.
spectral background correction is of great importance In addition to selectivity considerations, DLs of
in GC/AED..15/ With commercial instrumentation, this GC/AED are of great importance in evaluating the poten-
is accomplished utilizing a photodiode array for the tial for environmental analysis. As illustrated in Table 1
optical measurements, where continuous multipoint data for the commercial system, DLs of GC/AED are gener-
correction results in very high selectivity for the most ally at the low picograms per second level. Unfortunately,
important elements found in GC amenable compounds. values for the different elements vary by a factor of 200
This is illustrated in Table 1, where the selectivity for depending on several factors such as atomic line inten-
several metallic and nonmetallic elements has been sity, excitation potential, and natural background in the
determined relative to carbon. With chlorine as an plasma. For oxygen, an important element in environmen-
example (selectivity value of 27 000), 27 000 ng carbon tal micropollutants, the DL is relatively high and therefore
(from a hydrocarbon) is required to produce the same the practical utility of O-selective detection by GC/AED
signal on the chlorine channel as obtained from 1 ng of is strongly limited for environmental applications. DLs
chlorine. For practical work with environmental samples, for chlorine and bromine, which are important elements
the high elemental selectivities obtained by GC/AED is within environmental monitoring, were relatively high for
the first generation of the Hewlett-Packard GC/AED, but
significantly lower values have been reported especially
Table 1 Selectivities and DLs for the second generation of the
commercial GC/AED system from Hewlett-Packard.16/ for chlorine with the new version..17/ Thus, especially
with the second generation of GC/AED, the technique
Element Wavelength (nm) Selectivitya DL may be an alternative for the determination of pesti-
(pg s 1 )b cides and polyhalogenated compounds such as PCBs
C 193 – 0.6 (discussed in detail in sections 5.4 and 5.5). For sulfur,
H 656 – 0.2 phosphorus, and most of the metallic elements, DLs
F 690 166 000 10.7 are at the low picograms per second level supporting
Cl 837 27 000 13.0 the idea that compounds containing these elements may
Br 827 15 000 15.3
be monitored at relatively low concentration levels by
N 174 7 000 4.6
O 171 18 000 43.4 GC/AED.
S 181 37 000 0.6 From the discussion above, high elemental selectivity
P 186 14 000 0.5 is the major advantage of GC/AED for environmental
Sn 326 3 300 000 0.4 analysis. Thus, organic micropollutants containing het-
Hg 254 258 000 0.6
eroatoms may be selectively detected in complicated sam-
Pb 406 286 000 0.2
ples without serious interference, and time-consuming
a Selectivities were defined as the ratio of the response per nanogram sample cleanup may be reduced. However, for some
of element to the response per nanogram of carbon. elements DLs are relatively high, which may limit the
b DLs were defined as the amount of element required to produce a
peak twice the noise level, divided by the full width at half-height of applicability of the technique or which may call for
the peak in seconds. extensive analyte preconcentration in order to match

Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Online © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry in 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470027318.a0824









(a) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130

Figure 2 GC analysis of an extract of a highly contaminated marine sediment by (a) GC/AED in the Cl-selective mode and by
GC/MS in the (b) low- and (c) high-resolution modes (summarized ion selective chromatograms for molecular ions of PCBs)..16/
(Reproduced from Chromatographia, 43, 44 – 52, 1996, with permission from Vieweg.)

the low concentration levels typical for environmental for chlorine) obtained for a randomly selected refer-
samples. ence compound. Unfortunately, for practical work, this
type of universal calibration is somewhat complicated
by discrimination during GC injection and by chemi-
3 COMPOUND INDEPENDENT cal reactions/spectral interferences occurring within the
CALIBRATION FOR QUANTITATIVE plasma. As illustrated in Table 2 for some PCBs, devi-
ANALYSIS ations up to 10% occurred when the chlorine signal
from a standard solution of PCB no. 128 was uti-
During detection, the compounds separated by GC are lized for the quantitation of the other PCBs included
atomized within the AED and emission is measured in Table 2..17/ Nevertheless, for the determination of
from excited atoms. Therefore, in theory, the detec- organic micropollutants, purchase of reference material
tor response per element (area counts per nanogram is expensive and in several cases, reference standards for
of element) should be independent of the molecular the compounds are not commercially available. Thus, for
structure from which it originated. For quantitative pur- applications where very high accuracy is not required,
poses, this should enable universal calibration where analysis by GC/AED and universal calibration may be
a large number of different compounds are quanti- a very fast and simple concept to obtain quantitative
fied based on a single elemental calibration curve (e.g. data.

Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Online © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry in 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470027318.a0824
m/z 188 + 222 + 256 + 290 + 324 + 358 + 392 + 426 + 460 + 494










(b) 4:17 8:34 12:50 17:07 21:23 25:40 29:56 34:13 38:29 42:46 47:03 51:19

Figure 2 (Continued)

4 ESTIMATION OF MOLECULAR the molecular formula for several halogenated alkylben-

FORMULAS zenes present in nickel refinery wastewater (Figure 3)
was calculated based on dichlorobenzene as reference..18/
Although deviations up to 30% from correct values
With GC/AED operated in the multielement selective were observed in some cases, the approximate empirical
mode, where several different elements are monitored formulas were utilized to support rapid analyte identi-
simultaneously, the resulting element-selective chro- fication. For target compound analysis, where analyte
matograms directly give qualitative information about identification principally is based on retention time data
the constituent elements for each of the separated com- obtained with standard solutions of the components of
pounds. With peak no. 5 in Figure 3 as an example, where interest, empirical formulas calculated by GC/AED may
halogenated alkylbenzenes were detected in nickel indus- significantly improve the reliability of analyte identifica-
try wastewater, the element-selective chromatograms tions. For nontarget purposes, however, where retention
proved that C, H, and Cl were all present in the compound, time information normally is not available, identification
while Br was not a constituent of this particular com- based solely on GC/AED is unreliable and should be
pound. In addition to this, since elemental responses based principally on GC with mass spectrometric or
are almost independent of molecular structures (as dis- infrared detection..19,20/ Although identification is based
cussed in section 3), the element-selective chromatograms on GC/MS, results from GC/AED may be of great interest
also contain quantitative information about the elemental to complement mass spectral data. This is illustrated in
composition for each of the separated compounds. Thus, Figure 4, where chromatograms from both GC/MS and
based on simple calibration and multielemental detec- GC/AED analysis of an extract of a pulp mill effluent are
tion, empirical/molecular formulas may be calculated shown..19/ The compound corresponding to peak no. 4
based on GC/AED. This is illustrated in Table 3, where was identified as tetrachlorothiophene (C4 Cl4 S) based on

Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Online © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry in 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470027318.a0824

m/z 188.0393 + 222.0003 +

255.9613 + 289.9224 + 323.8834


m/z 357.8444 + 391.8055 +

425.7665 + 459.7275 + 493.6885




(c) 4:41 9:22 14:03 18:43 23:24 28:05 32:46 37:27

Figure 2 (Continued)

library search on the GC/MS system. This conclusion was The mass spectrum (Figure 4) revealed the presence of
supported by the GC/AED results proving that C, Cl, three chlorine atoms and a molecular mass of 216. Unfor-
and S were present in the compound while H and O tunately, the mass spectrum also contained fragments
were absent. For peak no. 5, no library mass spectrum from co-eluting compounds, and further interpretation
was available and manual interpretation was necessary. was therefore difficult. However, the GC/AED results

Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Online © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry in 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470027318.a0824

Table 2 Normalized chlorine response factors (area

counts per nanogram) for selected PCB congeners 5

Congener No. of chlorine Normalized chlorine

number atoms response factora C 247.9 nm
(2nd order)
31 3 0.974
53 4 1.049
105 5 1.000
128 6 0.966 12
185 7 1.018 4 6
194 8 1.050
209 10 1.059
a Chlorine response factors normalized against congener no. 105.

demonstrated that C, H, S, Cl, and O were all present in H 486.1 nm

the compound. Based on this additional information, and
assuming also that peak no. 5 was a thiophene, the com-
pound contained one S atom, three Cl atoms, and at least
four C atoms (C4 Cl3 S corresponds to 185 mass units). 2
The remaining mass difference up to 216 was 31, and for 1 4 6
this part of the molecule, the GC/AED results proved
the presence of a single O atom. The 31 mass units
probably corresponded to a methoxy group ( OCH3 ),
and the compound was suspected to be an isomer of 5


Based on the discussion in sections 2, 3, and 4, the

major limitation of GC/AED is related to relatively 6
high DLs for some of the nonmetallic elements, while
the major advantages are related to the high selectivity,
the multielemental capability, and the possibilities of
performing universal calibration (quantitative analysis) 2 4
as well as estimating empirical/molecular formulas.
Based on these characteristics, important environmental Br 478.6 nm
applications will be reviewed in this section (section 5).

5.1 Tin-containing Compounds
Substantial research has been reported on the GC/AED
determination of organotin compounds originally used
as antifouling paints on ships, slimicides, pesticides,
and as stabilizers in polyvinyl chloride. Thus, organotin 12 14 16 18 20
compounds have been determined in sediments,.21 – 27/
Time (min)
soil,.23/ water,.22,26 – 31/ and biological samples.21,24,25/
by GC/AED. An example is illustrated in Figure 5, Figure 3 GC/AED analysis of an extract of nickel industry
where tin-organic compounds were detected in mussel wastewater in the C-, H-, Cl-, and Br-selective modes..18/
tissue..24/ Excellent selectivity has been reported for (Reproduced by permission of ‘MicroSeparations. Molecular
GC/AED operated in the Sn-selective mode. For complex Formula Determination of Halogenated Compound in Environ-
mental Samples Using GC and AED’, S. Pedersen-Bjergaard,
environmental samples, the selectivity of GC/AED T.N. Asp, J. Vedde, T. Greibrokk, J. Microcolumn. Sep.
significantly exceeded both GC/MS.26/ and GC/FPD..21/ Copyright. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons,
In addition to the high selectivity, the presence of Inc.)

Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Online © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry in 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470027318.a0824

Table 3 Molecular formulas determined by GC/AED of the commercial GC/AED has been reported to
for six halogenated alkylbenzenes present in nickel be comparable with GC/FPD,.27/ which is the most
refinery waste water.18/
popular detector for Sn-selective detection. GC with
Peak no. Correct formula Formula determined atomic absorption spectrometry has also been utilized
by GC/AED for Sn-selective detection, but this technique was 1 – 2
orders of magnitude less sensitive than GC/AED..24,27/
1 C9 H9 Cl3 C8.8 H8.3 Cl3
2 C9 H10 Br2 C11.3 H13.2 Br2 When operated in the selected ion monitoring mode,
3 C9 H10 Br2 C8.1 H7.9 Br2 GC/MS was found to provide only slightly better DLs
4 C9 H10 Br2 C7.3 H7.2 Br2 than GC/AED.26/ supporting the idea that GC/AED
5 C9 H9 Cl3 C9.0 H8.6 Cl3 is highly attractive for Sn-selective detection. With
6 C9 H9 Cl3 C8.2 H7.9 Cl3
GC/AED, organotin compounds have been detected
down to the 0.1-ng L 1 level in water samples.28 – 31/
tin was confirmed in the case of GC/AED utilizing and to the 0.2-ng g 1 level in sediments..23,25/ While
atomic emission spectra obtained by the photodiode quantification by GC/MS required references for each of
array and stored during each GC analysis..21/ The DL the compounds of interest, several tin-organic compounds

Total ion current chromatogram

2 5 7
3 4 6

100 200 300 400 500 600

3:25 6:47 10:10 13:33 16:55 28:18

Mass spectrum of peak no. 5 201


80 79



87 103
52 68 95
56 110 124 147 153 150 178
73 130 162168 181 191
60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
(a) Time (min)

Figure 4 GC analysis of an extract of a pulp mill effluent by (a) GC/MS and by (b) GC/AED in the C-, H-, Cl-, S-, and O-selective
modes..19/ (Reproduced from Chromatographia, 35, 193 – 198, 1993, with permission from Vieweg.)

Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Online © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry in 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470027318.a0824

Cl 479.5 nm

2 7

1 3

C 247.9 nm
(2nd order) 4
5 8
S 180.7 nm
2 7

3 5
6 7

O 777.2 nm
H 486.1 nm

3 5
3 5
7 6 7
2 6 8

0 5 10 15 20
(b) Time (min)

Figure 4 (Continued)

have been quantified by GC/AED utilizing universal with atomic absorption spectrometry,.32/ the latter of
calibration..26,28/ In addition, tin-organic compounds have which has been the most popular technique for Pb-
been identified based on empirical formulas calculated selective detection in capillary GC. Thus, with GC/AED,
from GC/AED results..22/ organolead compounds were detected at the 0.1 – 2-ng L 1
level in water.32,33/ and down to the femtogram per gram
5.2 Lead-containing Compounds level in snow..35/ As for tin, GC/AED is very attractive
also for lead compounds because of excellent selectivity
In addition to tin-organic compounds, GC/AED has
and sensitivity.
been successfully applied for the determination of lead-
containing compounds in water,.32 – 34/ road dust,.34/ and
snow..35/ With emphasis on organolead compounds used 5.3 Mercury-containing Compounds
as antiknock additives in gasoline, GC/AED was found Organomercury compounds have been utilized in paints,
to be substantially more sensitive than GC coupled wood preservatives, paper, and pesticides, and this class of

Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Online © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry in 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470027318.a0824

32 58 HgII
Emission intensity

30 57
28 56
Bu2Sn2+ Ph2Sn+
54 Hg 254

6 8 10 12 32 Me3Sn+
Retention time (min)

Emission units

Figure 5 GC/AED analysis of an extract of mussel tissue in 28

the Sn-selective mode..24/ (Reproduced by permission LC – GC
International, Advanstar Communications Inc.) 26
24 MeSn3+
compounds is of great importance within environmental Sn 271
monitoring. GC/AED operated in the Hg-selective mode 22
has been used for the determination of organomercury 7
compounds present in biological samples.36,37/ and in
water..38/ Compared with gas chromatography/electron 6
capture detection (GC/ECD), which is in frequent use
for the detection of organomercurals, the selectivity 5
was superior utilizing GC/AED while DLs of the two
detectors were comparable..36/ Thus, with GC/AED, 4
organomercury compounds were detected down to the Pb 261
low nanogram per liter level in water..38/ 3
Owing to the simultaneous multielement capability
of GC/AED, several reports have emerged where tin,
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
lead, and mercury compounds have been determined
simultaneously in biological material,.39/ soil,.40/ and Retention time (min)
water..41/ An example of this is illustrated in Figure 6,
Figure 6 GC/AED analysis of an extract of river water in
where both organotin and organolead compounds were the Hg-, Sn-, and Pb-selective modes..41/ (Reproduced by
found in river water..41/ This, in addition to excellent permission of The Royal Society of Chemistry.)
selectivity and sensitivity, suggests that GC/AED is
a very attractive technique for the determination of
organometallic compounds in environmental samples. pesticides present in agricultural products, while the
established ECD (electron capture detection) and elec-
trolytic conductivity detection (ELCD) devices suffered
5.4 Pesticides
from matrix-related interferences..42,43/ Thus, a GC/AED
Several publications have focused on the GC/AED screening method has been tentatively approved by the
determination of pesticides in environmental and agri- US Environmental Protection Agency for inclusion in
cultural samples. This broad class of compounds, which the Update IV of the SW-846 methods..48/ In addition,
are produced industrially as agricultural chemicals, GC/AED was found to provide accurate quantitation
are particularly good candidates for GC/AED analy- based on a single chlorine calibration curve (univer-
sis since they are rich in heteroatoms such as chlo- sal calibration). Unfortunately, the pesticide DL in the
rine, bromine, fluorine, phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen, chlorine-selective mode of the first generation of the
and oxygen. Thus, pesticides have been detected in commercial GC/AED system was found to be a factor
different vegetables,.42 – 46/ soil,.47,48/ and water.48 – 53/ uti- of 102 – 104 higher than for GC/ECD..54/ Thus, exten-
lizing GC/AED. An example is illustrated in Figure 7, sive analyte preconcentration was required to detect
where several pesticides were detected in an onion organochlorine pesticides by GC/AED at the 0.01 ppm
sample by GC/AED..43/ Excellent selectivity has been level in agricultural matrices..43/ With the second gener-
reported in the chlorine-selective mode for different ation of the commercial GC/AED system, the sensitivity

Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Online © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry in 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470027318.a0824

C-496 nm

9 + 10 11 12
Cl-479 nm

Br-479 nm

"6" "9 + 10" "12"

S-181 nm

N-174 nm

P-178 nm

10 15 20 25 30 35
Figure 7 GC/AED analysis of an extract of onion in the C-, Cl-, Br-, S-, N-, and P-selective modes..43/ 4 D g-HCH, 6 D parathion,
9 D bromophos ethyl, 10 D a-endosulfan,11 = b-endosulfan, and 12 D endosulfan sulfate. (Reproduced from the Journal of High
Resolution Chromatography, 16, 539 – 548, 1993, with permission from Hüthig-GmbH.)

problem is expected to decrease, and GC/AED pesticide also found to enable accurate quantitation based on uni-
DLs (concentration units) have been improved by a fac- versal calibration in the phosphorus-selective mode..48/
tor of 100 compared with 1-ml injections by performing Some of the commercial pesticides also contain sulfur,
large volume injections (100 ml) with a solvent vapor exit and these may be selectively detected by GC/AED
in front of the analytical column..49,52/ operated in the sulfur-selective mode. With the com-
In addition to chlorine-selective detection, GC/AED mercial GC/AED system, which is relatively sensitive
in the bromine-, phosphorus-, sulfur-, and nitrogen- towards sulfur (Table 1), DLs for sulfur-containing pes-
selective modes has been reported for the determination ticides were lower than with FPD,.43/ and the linearity
of pesticides. While bromine-selective detection is used problems of the FPD were eliminated..55/ Some pesti-
only occasionally, several papers have emerged utilizing cides also contain nitrogen and oxygen, but GC/AED
phosphorus-selective detection. The selectivity has been is relatively insensitive towards these elements owing to
reported to be excellent in different agricultural matri- atmospheric contamination of the plasma. Nevertheless,
ces, and superior to results with both NPD and FPD pesticides have been detected by GC/AED in several
detection..42,43/ The phosphorus DL of GC/AED was environmental samples utilizing nitrogen-selective detec-
found to be comparable with FPD,.43/ but significantly tion. The method was limited to pesticides present above
higher than for NPD..54/ Nevertheless, organophospho- the 1.5 – 25-ng level in the final extracts, and the GC/AED
rus pesticides have been detected down to the 0.01-ppm DLs were found to be a factor of 103 – 104 higher than
level in plant foodstuffs by GC/AED utilizing 1 ml for NPD..54/
injections..42,43/ With 100 ml injections, even lower DLs
have been obtained in the phosphorus-selective mode 5.5 Chlorinated Biphenyls and Phenols
utilizing a solvent vapor exit in front of the analytical
column..51,52/ Quantitative results from GC/AED were in Among the large number of polyhalogenated organic
excellent accord with data from NPD, and GC/AED was micropollutants included in environmental monitoring

Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Online © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry in 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470027318.a0824

programs, most attention has been focused on the micropollutants have been detected by GC/AED, includ-
GC/AED determination of PCBs. These compounds, ing polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs), volatile
which were used as, for example, electrical insula- organochlorines, trichloroacetic acid, chlorinated by-
tors and flame retardants until the 1980s, have been products of humic and fulvic acids, chlorinated aromat-
detected by GC/AED in human blood,.56/ seal blubber,.56/ ics, polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), polybrominated
beef tallow,.57/ fish oil,.57/ fish liver,.58/ and marine diphenylethers (PBDEs), iodated herbicides, volatile sul-
sediments..16,58/ In addition to PCBs, their methylsul- fur compounds, nitrosubstituted aromatics, and nitro
fonyl metabolites have also been detected in seal blubber musks. More information on these applications as well as
by GC/AED..56/ With GC/AED, excellent selectivity others can be found in a review article concerned with
has been reported for PCBs in the chlorine-selective environmental applications of GC/AED..61/
mode (Figure 2)..16/ Thus, GC/AED has been successfully
applied for the determination of PCBs in highly contami-
nated marine sediments, while the established techniques 6 CURRENT STATUS AND FUTURE
of electron capture and mass spectrometric detection suf- DIRECTIONS
fered from matrix interferences..16/ Additionally, quan-
tification was significantly simplified by GC/AED because
The literature reviewed in the present paper has demon-
responses were dependent solely on the moles of chlo-
strated the great potential of GC/AED for analysis of
rine present.16,57,58/ (see also Table 2). Thus, individual
organic micropollutants. Owing to the elemental capa-
PCB congeners and total PCB were quantified with a
bility, GC/AED enables rapid screening by elemental
single chlorine calibration curve (universal calibration).
content of environmental samples, provides important
Unfortunately, with the first generation of the commercial
structural information complementary to mass spectral
GC/AED instrument, individual PCBs were not detected
data, and enables simplified quantitation based on univer-
below the 250 – 400-pg level..16,57,58/ This was a factor of
sal calibration with a single elemental calibration curve.
104 higher than reported with ECD, and a factor of 102
Particularly for environmental analysis, which frequently
higher than with electron ionization mass spectrometric
is complicated by matrix constituents, the very high
detection in the selected ion monitoring mode. There-
elemental selectivity of GC/AED may reduce both inter-
fore, extensive analyte preconcentration was required to
ference and the demands of sample cleanup. However,
obtain DLs at the 0.15-ppm level for individual PCB
as pointed out above, DLs of GC/AED are relatively
congeners in fat..57/ Minor technical modifications of the
high for some elements and extensive analyte precon-
commercial GC/AED instrument have been found to
centration may be crucial. This, in combination with
improve PCB DLs by a factor of approximately 5,.56/ but
the lack of low-price commercially available instrumen-
even these values are relatively high for PCB applications.
tation, currently limits the propagation of GC/AED in
Thus, while GC/AED may be utilized for contaminated
environmental laboratories.
samples, the technique is currently not an alternative for
For the future, therefore, it is hoped that the number of
the monitoring of PCB background levels.
companies committed to producing GC/AED instrumen-
In addition to PCBs, some GC/AED interest has been
tation will increase to reduce the price level of this highly
focused on the determination of chlorophenols (CPs)
versatile technology. With some further effort to improve
which originate as industrial byproducts. With principal
DLs and to include the concept in standard procedures for
attention on water, GC/AED was found to provide
the monitoring of organic micropollutants, GC/AED may
excellent selectivity for CPs in the chlorine-selective
rapidly become a ‘‘work horse’’ in laboratories concerned
mode, and CPs were determined in water below the
with environmental chemistry.
0.5-ppb level..59,60/

5.6 Other Compounds Containing Nonmetallic

Above, attention was focused on organic micropollu- AED Atomic Emission Detection
tants containing metallic elements (Sn, Pb, Hg), pesti- CP Chlorophenol
cides, PCBs, and CPs. For all of these contaminants, DCP Direct Current Plasma
substantial research has been documented within the DL Detection Limit
literature utilizing the commercial GC/AED system, ECD Electron Capture Detection
and GC/AED has been demonstrated to be an attrac- ELCD Electrolytic Conductivity Detection
tive alternative to existing methods. In addition to the FPD Flame Photometric Detection
above mentioned components, several other organic GC Gas Chromatography

Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Online © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry in 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470027318.a0824

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Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Online © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry in 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470027318.a0824

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