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Practical No - 06

Using word processors create any document using header and footer.
(1- Insert Date/Time in Header) = (2- Page number in footer) = (3- Using Two Columns.) = (4-
Using the drop caps) = (5- Insert Clipart)

 It will open a MICROSOFT WORD file with a blank document by default.
 Save your Document by going to FILE > SAVE AS > WORD DOCUMENT save the document by
your name and Practical Number (this file is to be done once only).
 Type this, the Font size is 12, font style is Cambria and it should be Justify also.

Technology is very important in our daily lives because it makes work and our daily
activities easier. Through technology, people can travel to distance places,
communicate from overseas, explore space and get all the information they require. A
good example of technology is the computer that can be applied in teaching, research
and almost all fields you can think of.

 Select full Paragraph text by CTRL+A an copy it with CTRL+C and press enter 2 times and
CTRL+V do this process 8 times.
 Go to the PAGE LAYOUT on the MENU BAR and click COLUMNS and select TWO COLUMNS show
in figure – A – 1.
 Now select the first paragraph which you typed not which you copied and paste. Select the
Paragraph with the help of SHIFT and ARROW KEYS from (Technology – to – think of.).
 When the paragraph is selected go to the INSERT on the MENU BAR and click DROP COP shown
in figure No B- 3, and click DROPPED.
 Go to the INSERT MENU Bar and click HEADER (shown in figure No B-1) and select BLANK for
your Date /Time.
 You will get the date & time on the top of the Insert Menu bar when you click Header it will open.
 Go to the INSERT MENU Bar and click FOOTER (shown in figure No B-2) and select Annual for
your Pager Number.
 Press CTRL+S to save your work.
Figure No – A - 1


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