Performances at High Temperature of RC Bridge Decks Strengthened

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Composites: Part B 68 (2015) 27–37

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Performances at high temperature of RC bridge decks strengthened

with EBR-FRP
Iolanda Del Prete, Antonio Bilotta ⇑, Emidio Nigro
University of Naples Federico II, Department of Structures for Engineering and Architecture, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) can be successfully used to externally strengthen reinforced concrete (RC)
Received 11 February 2014 bridges where fire is not a primary concern. Nevertheless, common maintenance activity on a bridge
Received in revised form 17 July 2014 deck, such as the laying of bituminous paving, can easily lead the FRP to temperatures higher than the
Accepted 1 August 2014
glass transition temperature, Tg. Exceeding Tg does not necessarily imply a drastic reduction in strength
Available online 12 August 2014
and stiffness of the reinforcement. Nevertheless, the softening of the resin implies a drastic reduction in
its adhesion properties. Therefore, the efficiency of the strengthening system for existing structures,
which mainly depends on the effectiveness of the bond between FRP and concrete, is significantly
A. Carbon fiber
B. High-temperature properties
affected by temperature.
B. Thermomechanical The relationships suggested by Italian and American codes in order to evaluate the limit strain for FRP
C. Analytical modelling debonding at normal temperature are modified to take into account the effect of high temperature. Then,
D. Thermal analysis performances at high temperature of RC bridge decks strengthened with externally bonded FRP plates
(EBR) are investigated by considering thermal fields in the structural members which are different from
the normal ones. Both fire and the laying of bituminous paving on the decks are considered. In addition,
the thicknesses of the slabs and the protective layer are varied to assess their influence on the thermal
field in the slabs. The results are discussed with reference to both ultimate and serviceability limit states.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction less, safety checks as far as temperature is concerned are often car-
ried out conservatively and the value of Tg is considerably reduced
Fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) are composite materials suc- [1].
cessfully applied to repair and/or strengthen RC structures. For FRPs which polymerize in ordinary conditions, typical of in situ
external strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) structures, the applications, have a very low Tg (between 45 °C and 80 °C for nor-
FRP plates are easily bonded on concrete by using adhesive (e.g. mal and heat resistant resins, respectively). For pre-formed FRPs,
epoxy resins) which ensure the transfer of forces between concrete used as internal reinforcement, reinforcements with Tg above
and FRP. However, degradation of mechanical properties of com- 100 °C are easily obtained. Curing processes carried out at temper-
posites (strength, stiffness and bond) due to high temperature atures and pressures different from ordinary ones allow the Tg to
[13,29], moisture absorption [22] and cycling loads [28,12] is a be further increased.
key aspect as regards the durability of composite materials. Although overcoming the Tg implies a reduction in strength of the
As regards high temperatures, a critical condition occurs when reinforcement, a drastic decline in its strength is reached at temper-
the glass transition temperature, Tg, of the polymer matrix is atures close to the melting point of the resin (temperature of decom-
achieved due to the softening of the resin which results in a reduc- position, Td > Tg) or even higher. The reduction in stiffness, on the
tion of the stress transfer capacity between the fibers. The precise other hand, depends on the type of fiber reinforcement and it is gen-
definition of the value Tg is still under discussion in the scientific erally negligible compared to the reduction in strength. Therefore,
community since the progressive nature of the softening process the true capacity of concrete members reinforced with FRP rein-
makes it difficult to identify a precise temperature limit. Neverthe- forcement can be quite high at high temperatures, [26,27,30].
In contrast, the softening of the resin, which begins during the
⇑ Corresponding author. glass transition, involves a drastic reduction in its adhesive proper-
E-mail addresses: (I. Del Prete), ties. Hence, the efficiency of the strengthening system for existing
(A. Bilotta), (E. Nigro). structures, which mainly depends on the effectiveness of the bond
1359-8368/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
28 I. Del Prete et al. / Composites: Part B 68 (2015) 27–37

between FRP and concrete, is strongly affected by temperature. kcr 2  Ef  CFk
Some experimental tests [14] showed a similar problem when con- ef ;dd ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi ð2Þ
cf ;d  cc tf
ventional steel strengthening is used without mechanical anchor-
ing. The comparison between steel and FRP strengthening with
systems showed that FRP, in particular sheets, without protection qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
behaves better than steel plates because of the lower heat conduc- CFk ¼ 0:03  kb  f ck  f ctm ð3Þ
tivity and their lesser weight. Clearly, FRP externally strengthened
RC beams or slabs need protection with additional insulation in vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
order to avoid debonding between FRP sheets or laminates and u 2  bf
kb ¼ t b
P1 ð4Þ
concrete supports. Consequently, some studies have investigated 1 þ 400
the performances of FRP strengthened elements protected by var-
ious insulation systems in order to define the minimum where bf, tf and Ef are the width, the thickness and the stiffness of
requirements necessary to obtain satisfactory performances in a the strengthening material; b is the width of the structural element;
fire [4,19,20]. Obviously, if the FRP strengthening is not directly fck and fctm are the compressive and tensile strength of concrete; CFk
heated by fire or other sources of heat, its performance may be bet- is the specific fracture energy; cf,d = 1.2 and cc = 1.5 are the partial
ter. Hence, FRPs can be successfully used to strengthen bridges safety factors for FRP and concrete; kcr is a coefficient evaluated
where fire is not a primary risk to be considered during design experimentally.
[4]. Nevertheless, it should be noted that bituminous paving cast- According to [11], the maximum strain for intermediate deb-
ing on a bridge deck can easily lead to high temperatures (e.g. onding is defined as:
200 °C). sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
For this reason, the thermo-mechanical behavior of RC bridge kq 2  Ef  kb  kG;2
ef ;dd ¼ f cm  f ctm ð5Þ
decks strengthened with externally bonded FRP plates is investi- cf ;d  Ef t f  FC
gated by considering two possible environmental conditions lead-
ing to thermal states different from the normal ones: (a) fire where
exposure over the bridge deck due to an accident involving trucks; vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
(b) the laying of bituminous paving on a bridge deck at high
u2  bf
kb ¼ t b
P1 ð6Þ
temperature. 1þ b
The safety checks are performed by considering the results of
the numerical simulation of the thermal field in these two condi- kG,2 is a coefficient experimentally calibrated, kq is a coefficient that
tions. For this purpose, the design relationships suggested by the take into account the load condition (1.0 for concentrated load and
Italian Code [10,11] and the American code [1] for ambient tem- 1.25 for distributed load), FC is a confident factor. Further details as
perature were refined to take into account the effect of the high regards the calibration of kG,2 are shown in Bilotta et al. [3].
temperature. Finally, according to ACI 440-2008:
f ck
ef ;dd ¼ 0:41 ð7Þ
2. ULS check at ambient temperature nf  t f  Ef

where nf is the number of strengthening layers.

The Ultimate Limit State (ULS) design requires that flexural
capacity of strengthened member is greater than the design bend-
ing moment. The flexural capacity is calculated by means of a sec- 3. Safety check at high temperature
tional analysis based on the following assumptions:
According to the European codes, the fire resistance assessment
– planarity of the cross-section after bending, also throughout of a structural member may be performed by means of experimen-
exposure to high temperature; tal tests in furnaces or by applying analytical approaches. In both
– the bond between steel bars and concrete is perfect; cases, conventional temperature–time laws of the environment
– the concrete is not resistant to tensile stress; may be assumed. For fires mainly of burning of oil or other sub-
– concrete and steel constitutive laws in accordance with current stances with an equivalent rate of heat release, the ‘‘hydrocarbon
standard; curve’’ shown in Fig. 1, is suggested by EN1991-1-2. For bitumi-
– elastic–brittle constitutive law for FRP. nous paving, the heating of the structural member starts when
the bitumen is laid at a pre-set temperature. Then, the temperature
For the un-strengthened member, the failure is assumed decreases according to the environmental conditions.
when the compressive limit strain, ecu = 0.0035 is attained [17,31]. According to the provisions of European and Italian codes
For the FRP-strengthened member, the FRP strain limit, efd, is [16,31], safety check on the strength of structural members sub-
also considered. The value of efd was calculated according to the jected to fire may be carried out by comparing design values of
Italian Code [10] and the updated version [11], and the American the relevant effects of fire at time t, Efi,d,t, with the corresponding
Code [1]. design values of the resistance of the member in a fire at the same
In particular, the [10] suggests the following relationship in time t, Rfi,d,t:
order to calculate efd: Efi;d;t 6 Rfi;d;t ð8Þ
( ) In Eq. (8), Rfi,d,t decreases due to material damage at high tem-
ga efu
efd ¼ min ; ef ;dd ð1Þ perature. Hence, it is evaluated by considering the temperature-
cf dependent reduction of the mechanical properties of the materials,
Xd,fi = kTXk/cM,fi, where kT is the reduction factor at high tempera-
where efu is the ultimate tensile strain of FRP, ga = 0.85 and cf = 1.1 ture and Xk is the material’s mechanical properties at ambient tem-
are environment and safety factors, respectively, ef,dd is the maxi- perature. Note that in fire safety checks, unit partial safety factors
mum strain for intermediate debonding, defined in: cM,fi are assumed.
I. Del Prete et al. / Composites: Part B 68 (2015) 27–37 29

1200 Thermal properties of bituminous paving depends on the mix-

T (°C)
ture of bitumen–aggregate. For the sake of simplicity, in this
1100 work bituminous thermal conductivity is assumed to be equal to
1000 0.5 W/m K, which represents the conductivity of lightweight
concrete at a temperature greater than 800 °C. The bituminous
900 specific heat is assumed to be equal to the concrete specific heat
without moisture content. The density is assumed to be equal to
23.50 kN/m3.
700 As concerns FRP, no complete information is provided by the
codes, even if several studies on thermal behavior of FRP materials
are available nowadays in the scientific literature. The main theo-
500 Hydrocarbon curve: retical and experimental contributions concerning the behavior of
T =20+1080·(1-0.325·e-0.167t-0.675·e-2.5t) FRP composite materials and adhesive resins at elevated tempera-
400 ture are summarized in [5,4,9].
300 The elastic–brittle constitutive law for FRP is still applicable,
with values of tensile strength and Young’s modulus reduced due
200 to elevated temperature. Based on experimental data assembled
by [5], Fig. 2 shows best-fit curves of the temperature-dependent
reduction coefficients for composites with carbon fibers and epoxy
t (min)
0 matrix.
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 For FRP conductivity through the thickness, the relationship
suggested in [32] was used (see Fig. 3). More particularly, the range
Fig. 1. Nominal temperature–time fire curves.
of temperature in which this relationship is defined is (20–180) °C,
therefore, for temperatures greater than 180 °C a constant value of
On the other hand, the effects Efi,d,t may vary due to thermal thermal conductivity, equal to k (180 °C) was assumed. For FRP
expansions and deformations. Nevertheless, Efi,d,t at high tempera- specific heat, the relationship suggested in [7] was used (see
ture can be evaluated (EN 1991-1-2, 2002) for time t = 0, through Fig. 4). FRP density is considered equal to an average value (refer-
the combination of mechanical actions for accidental design situa- ring to different kinds of laminates commercially available) equal
tions [15]. This means that the restraint conditions and internal to 15.00 kN/m3. This value was assumed constant with tempera-
forces in the structure are assumed to be not significantly influ- ture, since in the analyzed cases the temperatures are not very
enced by temperature variations. high, thus making it is possible to neglect the density variation.
Therefore the following load combination rule can be used, with This assumption can be justified also based on experimental
appropriate partial safety factors: results obtained by [20].
X As stated above, FRP-to-concrete bond ensures the transfer of
Efi;d;t ¼ 1:0  Gk þ w1;1  Q k;1 þ w2;i  Q k;i ð9Þ interaction forces between RC beam and external FRP plates or
i sheets, but loss of bond may occur if the glass transition tempera-
ture Tg is reached in the adhesive.
As a simplification of (9), the effects of actions Efi,d,t may be obtained
The maximum force transmitted by the FRP-to-concrete inter-
starting from a structural analysis at ultimate limit state (ULS) for
face in normal temperature conditions is related to the so-called
normal temperature by means of the following relationship:
‘‘specific fracture energy’’ Cf of the interface bond law which can
1 þ w1;1  n be expressed as [2]:
Efi;d;t ¼ gfi  Ed ¼  Ed ð10Þ
cG þ cQ ;1  n
where Ed is the design value of the corresponding force or moment 1.10
for normal temperature design for a fundamental combination of
actions, and gfi is the reduction factor of Ed. As shown in expression
(10), the factor gfi is dependent on the ratio n = Qk,1/Gk between the 0.90 ff,T/ff,20
characteristic values of the variable action, Qk,1, and permanent
action, Gk, and the corresponding partial safety factors cQ and cG. 0.80 Ef,T/Ef,20
For usual values of the n ratio and partial factors, gfi ranges between
0.50 and 0.70. Hence gfi = 0.70 is generally a safe assumption, as also
Eurocode suggests. 0.60
For high temperature not due to fire (e.g. maintenance activities
on the structure), there are no explicit suggestions for calculating 0.50
resistance Rd,t. Therefore, EN1992-1-1 was used to define the par- 0.40
tial safety factors for steel and concrete (cs = 1.15 and cc = 1.5).
For the FRP the Eqs. (1), (2) and (5) were used to define the strain 0.30
limit with the partial safety factor indicated in Section 2.

4. Material properties at high temperature 0.10

In order to investigate the behavior of RC slabs strengthened 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
with FRP at high temperatures, thermo-mechanical properties of
T (°C)
materials should be defined.
For concrete and steel bars, thermo-mechanical properties sug- Fig. 2. Temperature-dependent reduction factors for tensile strength and Young’s
gested in [18] were used. modulus of CFRP.
30 I. Del Prete et al. / Composites: Part B 68 (2015) 27–37

0.8 Moreover, from the Eq. (11) the fracture energy for each speci-
λ (W/mK) men was calculated by means of the following relationship:
0.75 P2max
Cf ¼ 2
2bf Ef t f
by substituting Fdeb with Pmax. For double shear tests, half of the
load at debonding was considered. C0 is the fracture energy at
ambient temperature calculated with P0, namely the maximum load
recorded during tests at ambient temperature for each set of tests. If
0.6 more than one test was performed at ambient temperature, the
results were averaged. The values of ambient temperature for each
0.55 set was indicated by a star in Table 1. Finally, the ratios between Cf
and C0 are listed in the last column.
The experimental data were used to calibrate a relationship in
order to predict the decrease of bond strength against the temper-
ature. In Fig. 5 the ratio Cf/C0 is plotted against the ratio T/Tg. Dots
0.45 represent the experimental data and the curve interpolates the
data. The temperature-dependent reduction curve has a general
T (°C) relationship (13), similar to the one used by [23] for the bond of
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 FRP bars:
Fig. 3. Temperature-dependent FRP thermal conductivity (Sweeting and Liu [32]). Cf ðTÞ T
¼ b1  tanh b2  þ b3 þ b4 ð13Þ
C0 Tg

1700 where the coefficients b1 = 0.45, b2 = 3.31, b3 = 1.31 and b4 = 0.55

c (J/kgK) were obtained through least square method. The constraints
b1 + b4 = 1 and b1  b4 = 0.1 were assumed in order to have a curve
of FRP bond strength with no reduction in ambient temperature and
a minimum residual strength of 10% for 2 < T/Tg < 4. The coefficient
1500 of the determination of the best fitting was R2 = 0.52.
Despite the fact that different tests and methods result in differ-
1400 ent values of Tg, the authors do not explain how these Tg values (see
Table 1) were determined. They could, therefore, be associated
1300 with different stages of the adhesive softening process which
occurs within a significantly wide temperature range. Such uncer-
1200 tainty justifies the significant scatter in Fig. 5.
Note that the fracture energy Cf, calculated by means of the Eq.
1100 (12), depends on Young’s modulus which strongly decreases at
high temperature. Nevertheless, the decrease is negligible (less
than 5%) in the temperature range in which the debonding takes
In this work, the reduction of the maximum strain for interme-
diate debonding due to high temperature is correlated to the spe-
T (°C) cific fracture energy Cf at high temperature through Eq. (14):
800 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 CðTÞ
efd ðTÞ ¼ ef ;dd ð14Þ
Fig. 4. Temperature-dependent FRP specific heat [7]. C0

where ef,dd is defined in Section 2, according to CNR-DT200, 2004

(Eq. (2)), CNR-DT200R1, 2012 (Eq. (5)) and ACI 440-2008 (Eq. (7)),
F deb ¼ bf 2Ef t f Cf ð11Þ

where Fdeb is the maximum load before the debonding, and bf, tf, Ef 5. Numerical model
are the width, the thickness and the Young’s Modulus of the FRP
plate. The numerical analyses were performed on 15 cm or 20 cm
In order to define the reduction of the fracture energy at high thick RC bridge slabs symmetrically reinforced with steel bars
temperature, the results of 77 bond tests performed on Carbon (the reinforcement percentages at top or bottom side are equal
FRP (CFRP) plates and sheets were collected [6,33]; Klamer, to 1% of the concrete area). The slabs are externally strengthened
2009; [8,24,25]. The examined experimental programs include with C-FRP plates for both sagging and hogging bending moment
tests at ambient temperature (i.e. 20–30 °C) and tests at high tem- (Fig. 6). Both normal resin (NR) with Tg = 45 °C and high resistant
peratures, ranging between 50 °C and 160 °C. resin (HR) with Tg = 80 °C are considered. A typical 8 cm thick bitu-
Table 1 shows the type of bond test (single shear test, SST, or minous paving is considered over the RC slab (see Fig. 6c). For the
double shear test, DST) the main geometrical and mechanical prop- slabs strengthened for hogging moment, a protection layer, with a
erties, the Tg of the adhesive, the temperature T at which each test thickness ranging between 0 and 4 cm, was considered. The pro-
was performed and the maximum load, Pmax, recorded during each tection layer is made of concrete, hence its thermal properties
test for each specimen. are defined in accordance with EN1992-1-2. The mechanical con-
I. Del Prete et al. / Composites: Part B 68 (2015) 27–37 31

Table 1
Results of bond tests at high temperature.

Reference Specimen Test setup bf tf Ef T Tg T/Tg Pmax C CC0

(mm) (mm) (GPa) (°C) (°C) (N) (N/mm)
Blontrock [6] Zijde-20 DST 100 1.2 165 20* 62 0.32 43,000 0.47 1.00
Zijde-40 40 0.65 60,800 0.93 2.00
Zijde-55 55 0.89 53,500 0.72 1.55
Zijde-70 70 1.13 35,000 0.31 0.66
Wu et al. [33] O-26 DST 50 0.111 235 26* 34 0.76 13,300 1.36 1.08
O-26 26* 0.76 12,775 1.25 1.00
O-26 26* 0.76 12,250 1.15 0.92
O-30 30 0.88 12,150 1.13 0.90
O-30 30 0.88 10,625 0.87 0.69
O-30 30 0.88 10,375 0.83 0.66
O-40 40 1.18 7300 0.41 0.33
O-40 40 1.18 7075 0.38 0.31
O-40 40 1.18 5575 0.24 0.19
O-50 50 1.47 5425 0.23 0.18
O-50 50 1.47 4825 0.18 0.14
O-50 50 1.47 4675 0.17 0.13
T-26 DST 50 0.111 235 26* 40 0.65 16,100 1.99 1.25
T-26 26* 0.65 14,775 1.67 1.05
T-26 26* 0.65 12,025 1.11 0.70
T-40 40 1.00 11,775 1.06 0.67
T-40 40 1.00 11,770 1.06 0.67
T-40 40 1.00 9675 0.72 0.45
T-50 50 1.25 9975 0.76 0.48
T-50 50 1.25 8125 0.51 0.32
T-50 50 1.25 7675 0.45 0.28
T-60 60 1.50 7125 0.39 0.24
T-60 60 1.50 6425 0.32 0.20
T-60 60 1.50 6050 0.28 0.18
Klamer (2009) [24] B1-20 DST 50 1.2 165 20* 62 0.32 22,355 0.50 0.96
B1-20 20* 0.32 23,345 0.55 1.04
B1-40 40 0.65 22,445 0.51 0.96
B1-50 50 0.81 21,755 0.48 0.91
B1-50 50 0.81 26,345 0.70 1.33
B1-50 50 0.81 29,055 0.85 1.62
B1-70 70 1.13 27,910 0.79 1.49
B1-70 70 1.13 26,680 0.72 1.36
B1-80 80 1.29 25,930 0.68 1.29
B1-100 100 1.61 22,270 0.50 0.95
B2-20 DST 50 1.2 165 20* 62 0.32 24,580 0.61 1.05
B2-20 20* 0.32 23,295 0.55 0.95
B2-40 40 0.65 24,260 0.59 1.03
B2-40 40 0.65 23,665 0.57 0.98
B2-50 50 0.81 27,310 0.75 1.30
B2-50 50 0.81 26,190 0.69 1.20
B2-70 70 1.13 20,780 0.44 0.75
B2-70 70 1.13 21,155 0.45 0.78
B2-90 90 1.45 16,730 0.28 0.49
Cai [8] CS-4 SST 80 0.165 260 4* 50 0.08 26,700 1.30 1.15
CS-4 4* 0.08 23,200 0.98 0.87
CS-4 4* 0.08 24,600 1.10 0.98
CS-40 40 0.80 34,200 2.13 1.89
CS-40 40 0.80 34,000 2.11 1.87
CS-40 40 0.80 32,000 1.86 1.65
CS-60 60 1.20 15,900 0.46 0.41
CS-60 60 1.20 15,800 0.45 0.40
CS-60 60 1.20 12,800 0.30 0.26
CS-80 80 1.60 8000 0.12 0.10
CS-80 80 1.60 9100 0.15 0.13
CS-80 80 1.60 8800 0.14 0.13
CS-100 100 2.00 8700 0.14 0.12
CS-100 100 2.00 8100 0.12 0.11
CS-100 100 2.00 8500 0.13 0.12
CS-120 120 2.40 8300 0.13 0.11
CS-120 120 2.40 8600 0.13 0.12
CS-120 120 2.40 8700 0.14 0.12
CS-140 140 2.80 9200 0.15 0.14
CS-140 140 2.80 8300 0.13 0.11
CS-140 140 2.80 9300 0.16 0.14
CS-160 160 3.20 8200 0.12 0.11
CS-160 160 3.20 8400 0.13 0.11

(continued on next page)

32 I. Del Prete et al. / Composites: Part B 68 (2015) 27–37

Table 1 (continued)

Reference Specimen Test setup bf tf Ef T Tg T/Tg Pmax C CC0

(mm) (mm) (GPa) (°C) (°C) (N) (N/mm)

Leone et al. [25] C_S-20 DST 100 0.117 226 20* 55 0.36 11,900 0.27 1.00
C_S-50 50 0.91 14,850 0.42 1.56
C_S-65 65 1.18 12,820 0.31 1.16
C_S-80 80 1.45 10,740 0.22 0.81
C_L_20 DST 100 1 176 20* 55 0.36 40,470 0.47 1.00
C_L_50 50 0.91 34,330 0.33 0.72
C_L_80 80 1.45 44,020 0.55 1.18
Ambient temperature for each set.

2.0 Γ/ Γ0
fracture energy law
1.8 experimental data









0 1 2 3 4

Fig. 5. Temperature-dependent specific fracture energy.

tribution of the protection layer to the flexural resistance is not

The hypothesis of decoupling the thermal behavior of the mate-
rials from their mechanical behavior is the basis of the Fourier
equation for the study of heat propagation within solid bodies
and may usually be accepted. Due to the variability of the mate-
rial’s thermal properties with temperature (thermal conductivity,
specific heat, density), a numerical solution of the heat transfer
problem has to be performed. In most practical cases, the thermal
field may be considered uniform along the member axis so the 3D
thermal problem can be reduced to a more manageable 1D prob-
lem. Therefore, for thermal analyses, the slab is modelled with
1 cm thick layers for concrete. The strengthening system, made
by CFRP plate bonded to RC slab through an adhesive layer, is mod-
elled as a single 1.2 mm layer. The presence of steel bars is
neglected due to their negligible influence on heat transfer. Note
that the one-dimensional analysis, carried out using the finite ele-
Fig. 6. FRP strengthened RC slab (a) sagging moment, (b) hogging moment and (c)
ment method (FEM) approach, is exact if a continuous FRP protective layer and finishes.
strengthening is used. Nevertheless, the influence of the FRP plate
on the heat transfer is negligible.
The FEM analyses are carried out using the FIRES-T3 software the time-dependent temperature is assumed uniform and equal
[21] which can assume the heat transfer on the boundary through to that of its centroid.
a combination of radiation and convection, linearly or non-linearly The fire over the bridge deck (case a) is simulated through the
modeled. For this study, in ‘‘case a’’ convection factors equal to thermal model, shown in Fig. 7a, where the slab is subjected to
50 W/m2 K and 4 W/m2 K are assumed on hot and cold surfaces, the hydrocarbon fire curve (Fig. 1).
respectively. Moreover, a radiation factor equal to 0.7 is assumed The maintenance of bituminous paving is simulated through
(EN1991-1-2). In ‘‘case b’’, convection factors equal to 25 W/m2 K the thermal model, shown in Fig. 7b, by imposing a temperature
and 4 W/m2 K on hot and cold surfaces are assumed, respectively, of 180 °C in the bituminous layer at t = 0 min. In addition, the cool-
and no radiation is considered. The slab cross-section is divided ing phase is simulated through the thermal model considering two
into a sufficient number of layers or elements and in each one environmental conditions (Te = 25 °C and Te = 35 °C).
I. Del Prete et al. / Composites: Part B 68 (2015) 27–37 33

(a) T (°C)
Hydrocarbon curve
1 slab thickness 20cm
3 180 slab thickness 15cm
6 bituminous paving
10 Te (25°C)
12 140
16 120
20 RC slab 100
25 80
60 NR
CFRP laminate
Te 40
(b) 20
Te 0
1 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
4 t (min)
T=180°C 5
6 bituminous paving
8 Fig. 8. Temperature in FRP on the bottom side.
15 - (case a): accidental situation, namely fire exposure over the
bridge deck;
20 RC slab - (case b): maintenance of bituminous paving, laid in situ on a
bridge deck at temperature T = 180 °C.
6.1. Fire exposure over the bridge deck (case a)
CFRP laminate
A fire event over the bridge deck may occur because of a vehic-
ular accident. In order to simulate this event, the ‘‘hydrocarbon
Fig. 7. Numerical model scheme for cases (a) and (b).
curve’’ shown in Fig. 1 is used.
For the mechanical analyses, a specific stress–strain law (r–e; Two schemes of FRP external strengthening are considered:
Ti), which takes into account the variation of the material’s
mechanical properties with temperature (see Section 4), can be – Bottom side strengthened slab in the ‘‘sagging moment zones’’
correlated to each element of the mesh into which the section is of continuous or simply supported schemes (Fig. 6a).
divided. Therefore, the assessment of the structural member flex- – Top side strengthened slab in the ‘‘hogging moment zones’’ of
ural resistance at elevated temperature is performed through a continuous schemes (Fig. 6b).
numerical procedure, as for normal temperature, determining the
bending moment–curvature law (M–v; N) of the critical cross-sec-
tion for the imposed value of the axial force N and the current tem- 220 T (°C)
perature field within the section. If the temperature Ti, in the FRP
200 FRP - protective thickness 1cm
adhesive layer exceeds the Tg of the epoxy resin, the FRP strength-
FRP - protective thickness 2cm
ening bond suffers significant damage. Nevertheless, the structural 180 FRP - protective thickness 3cm
member maintains the residual strength of a simple RC member. FRP - protective thickness 4cm

Note that no strain level in concrete substrate at time of FRP 160

installation is considered. Moreover, the planarity of the cross-sec- tslab 15cm
tion, and in particular the strain compatibility between the con- 140
crete and the CFRP (perfect bond), are assumed not to change
until the strain in the CFRP reaches the corresponding limit for
each temperature – namely the maximum strain for intermediate 100
debonding (Eq. (14)). Therefore, the debonding instant corresponds
80 HR
to the time of exposure (to fire or paving casting) when the flexural
resistance (reduced by temperature) is equal to the applied
moment. NR

6. Results 20
t (min)
The thermo-mechanical behavior of RC bridge decks (15 cm and 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
20 cm thick) strengthened with EBR-FRP plates is investigated by
considering the following high-temperature situations: Fig. 9. Temperature in FRP on the top side.
34 I. Del Prete et al. / Composites: Part B 68 (2015) 27–37

100 protective thickness 1cm

MRd,fi,FRP (kNm) MRd,fi,FRP (kNm)
protective thickness 2cm NR
90 90
protective thickness 3cm HR

80 protective thickness 4cm 80

MRd,fi,RC 70

60 60

MEd,fi,t 0.7 MRd,SLU

50 50

40 40 0.5 MRd,SLU

30 30
0.3 MRd,SLU
20 20

10 10
T (°C)
t (min) 0
0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Fig. 11. Slab safety check in hogging moment region (fire on the bridge) with
Fig. 10. Slab safety check in hogging moment region (fire on the bridge) – Te = 25 °C
reference to different load levels.
– slab thickness = 15 cm – (NR).

ened slab is not affected by this exposure to fire. More precisely, it

Table 2 is equal to the resistance at ambient temperature, MRd,fi = 69.2 kN m
Influence of the protective layer on debonding of top FRP for fire on the slab (calculated without material safety factor), which is higher than
(tslab = 15 cm – NR). the bending moment in a fire situation MEd,fi = 49.7 kN m (see
tprot tslab Plate no. (m) bf gfi MEd MEd,fi Tdeb tdeb Fig. 10). Nevertheless, the information regarding the reaching of
cm cm – mm – kN m kN m °C min Tg is useful for a performance-based design approach which could
1 15 2 100 0.7 71 49.7 80 82 take into account a limit state which is different from the ULS,
2 105 namely a ‘‘Damage Limit State’’.
3 112 In order to show that reaching the Tg may be not a critical con-
4 120
dition for the strengthening system, in Fig. 10 the bending moment
of the FRP strengthened slab, MRd,fi,FRP, reduced due to exposure to
fire, is plotted against the time for the 15 cm thick slab with its
For slabs strengthened on the bottom side, the numerical anal- normal resin and four thicknesses of protective layer, tprot. Note
yses show that temperature at FRP-to-concrete interface (Fig. 8) that MRd,fi,FRP is calculated by using the relationships suggested
exceeds the Tg of normal resin (NR) after 160 min and 220 min in by CNR DT200/2004 to evaluate the debonding strain at ambient
the case of slabs with a thickness of 15 cm and 20 cm, respectively. temperature. As stated above, the relationships are modified to
On the other hand, the Tg of heat-resistant resin (HR) is never take into account the effect of high temperature.
attained during 4 h of exposure to fire for a 20 cm thick slab, while Fig. 10 shows that the time of exposure to fire before the deb-
it is exceeded in the case of a 15 cm thick slab after 230 min. onding of the FRP ranges between 82 min and 120 min (see
For slabs strengthened on the top side, the maximum tempera- Table 2), and the temperature at the CFRP-concrete interface is
ture at FRP-to-concrete interface exceeds the Tg (see Fig. 9a and b about 80 °C. These values are higher than those related to the
for NR and HR, respectively). Nevertheless, the thickness of the reaching of the Tg of NR at the FRP-to-concrete interface (i.e.
protection layer and the type of resin (namely NR or HR resins) 50 min and 80 min).
can significantly affect the maximum fire exposure time before Tg Table 3 shows the debonding time for fire on 15 cm and 20 cm
is reached. More precisely, for NR this time ranges between slabs without a protective layer. For both the sagging and hogging
50 min if no protection is used, and 80 min if 4 cm thick protection moment, the time of debonding is confirmed as greater than the
is used. For HR resin, the limits are 80 min and 130 min (about 1.6 time necessary to reach the Tg. In addition, as regards the sagging
times greater than NR). bending moment, FRP debonding is reached after 3 h of exposure
Note that the ULS checks in a fire situation (EN1991-1-2) are to fire, while as regards the hogging moment, it is reached after
always satisfied. Indeed, the bending resistance of the un-strength- about 82 min if NR is used (with a temperature of about 80 °C),

Table 3
Debonding time for fire on the slab – no protective layer.

tslab Plate no. (m) bf gfi MEd MEd,fi NR HR

Tdeb tdeb Tdeb tdeb
cm – mm – kN m kN m °C min °C min
Sagging moment 15 2 100 0.7 71 49.7 75 220 115 300
20 117.5 82.3 75 300 – >300
Hogging moment 15 2 100 0.7 71 49.7 80 82 130 120
20 117.5 82.3 80 82 130 120
I. Del Prete et al. / Composites: Part B 68 (2015) 27–37 35

100 Table 4
MRd, fi, FRP (kNm) Load level limit gmbp for maintenance of the bituminous paving, sagging moment.

90 ACI440r2-08 Te tslab Plate no. (m) bf MRd,ULS NR HR

CNR DT200/2004 °C cm – mm kN m gmbp gmbp
80 25 15 2 100 71 1 1
20 117.5 1 1
70 protection layer 1cm 35 15 2 100 71 1 1
20 117.5 1 1
60 protection layer 4cm
T (°C)
30 HR
t (min)
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 50 NR

Fig. 12. Comparison between codes. 40

FRP - protective thickness 1cm
60 tslab15cm
T (°C) 20 FRP - protective thickness 2cm
55 Te (25°C) FRP - protective thickness 3cm

50 10 FRP - protective thickness 4cm

NR t (min)
45 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
40 Te (35°C)
Fig. 14. Time-dependent temperature in resin and FRP strengthening on the top
35 side.
30 Te (25°C)
Table 5
20 Influence of the protective layer on load level limit for maintenance of the bituminous
paving, hogging moment.
tslab 15cm
tslab 20cm tprot tslab Plate no. (m) bf MRd,ULS (MRd,fi,0) NR HR
10 cm cm – mm kN m gmbp gmbp
1 15 2 100 71 (90.3) 0.38 0.97
5 2 0.49 0.97
t (h) 3 0.57 0.98
4 0.63 0.98
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Fig. 13. Time-dependent temperature in resin and FRP strengthening on the

bottom side.
6.2. Maintenance of bituminous paving (case b)

and 120 min if HR is used (with a temperature of about 130 °C). The laying of bituminous paving on a bridge deck implies peri-
Therefore, if the strengthening is located on the top side of the slab, odic maintenance. The laying in situ is carried out at about 180 °C
the use of HR is recommended although the same increase in per- and so significant damage to the FRP strengthening can occur. Two
formance can be exploited if 4 cm of protective layer is used (see environmental conditions are considered, (Te = 25 °C and
Table 2). Te = 35 °C).
In Fig. 11, MRd,fi,FRP is plotted against the temperature at the con- The temperatures in the FRP strengthening at the bottom of the
crete–CFRP interface for both kinds of resin. Varying load levels are slab are plotted against the time in Fig. 13. After the laying of bitu-
also shown. With load levels less than 0.7 MRd,SLU, the debonding minous paving, the temperature increases to a peak but which is
temperature is significantly higher. More precisely, in case of a load always lower than the Tg of both NR and HR, except when a slab
level equal to 0.5 MRd,SLU, the debonding temperature is 150 °C for with a thickness of 15 cm, an environment temperature Te = 35 °C
NR and 180 °C for HR. In the case of a load level equal to 0.3 MRd,SLU, and NR are considered. Nevertheless, in all cases, the load level
the debonding temperature is higher than 240 °C. during and after the cast of the bituminous paving can be gmbp = 1
Finally, in Fig. 12, MRd,fi,FRP, is plotted against the time, for 15 cm without debonding of FRP strengthening (see Table 4)
thick slab strengthened by using normal resin, in case of tprot = 1 cm The temperatures in the FRP strengthening at the top of the
and tprot = 4 cm. Both the relationships suggested by CNR DT200/ 15 cm thick slab, in an environment at temperature T = 25 °C, are
2004 and by ACI 440.2R-08 are used, and differences between plotted against the time in Fig. 14 for four thicknesses of protective
the two codes are negligible for this application. layer, tprot, ranging between 1 cm and 4 cm. Clearly, the case of no
36 I. Del Prete et al. / Composites: Part B 68 (2015) 27–37

Table 6
Comparison between codes FRP in hogging moment region – NR – maintenance of the bituminous paving Te = 25 °C.

CNR-DT 200 2004 CNR-DT 200 R1 2012 CNR-DT 200 2004 CNR-DT 200 R1 2012
tprot tslab Plate no. (m) bf MRd,ULS (MRd,fi,0) MRd,ULS (MRd,fi,0) gmbp gmbp
cm cm – mm kN m kN m – –
1 15 2 100 71 (90.3) 72 (86.6) 0.38 0.40
2 0.49 0.51
3 0.57 0.60
4 0.63 0.66

protective layer is not considered because the temperature of that constructive details and type of resin play a key role, as sum-
180 °C is too high for the FRP system. The maximum temperature marized below.
in the FRP ranges between 80 °C and 65 °C for tprot = 1 cm and In the case of fire event over the bridge deck:
tprot = 4 cm, respectively. Therefore, the laying of bituminous pav-
ing only exceeds the Tg of NR. - if FRP is on the bottom side, for typical fire design load level
In Table 5, the load level gmbp during and after the laying of the gfi = 0.7, FRP debonding does not take place even after a consid-
bituminous paving are calculated for the different values of tprot. erable period of exposure to fire (220 min or more with a tem-
Note that gmbp is calculated with reference to values of MRd,ULS. In perature equal to about 75 °C), even if, in the worst case with
order to avoid FRP debonding, if HR are used, the load level can NR and 15 cm thick slab, the resin reaches the glass transition
be gmbp  1, while for NR the load level cannot exceed 0.38. Never- temperature, Tg = 45 °C after about 160 min;
theless, the load level can be as high as gmbp = 0.63 for NR, if 4 cm of - if FRP is located on the top side of the slab, the use of heat resis-
protective layer are used. tant (HR) resins is advised in order to avoid Tg = 80 °C being
Note that the protective layer is required in order to have a high reached. If normal resin (NR) is used, a protective layer on the
level of resistance to both abrasion and concentrated loads. Indeed, FRP strengthening is recommended in order to increase the
when a bridge slab is strengthened with FRP plate on the top side, maximum possible resistance to fire without FRP debonding.
it is necessary to avoid damage to the FRP during the demolition of Indeed, with a 1 to 4 cm thick layer, the Tg = 45 °C of NR is
the old road surface, regardless of the high temperature of the bitu- attained, but the temperatures are lower than the ‘‘debonding
men. In this way, the thermal insulation provided by the protective temperature’’ equal to about 80 °C and the debonding time
layer is generally guaranteed although the use of HR remains more ranges between 82 and 120 min.
Table 6 shows the load level gmbp calculated for 15 cm thick In the case of the laying of bituminous paving:
slabs and normal resin by using the relationships suggested by
CNR DT200/2004 and by CNR DT200R1/2012. The values of MRd,ULS - if FRP is on the bottom side, the results are quite similar to those
calculated according to the two relationships are very similar obtained in case of fire.
(71 kN m vs 72 kN m). At ambient temperature the CNR - if FRP is located on the top side of the slab, the use of HR resins
DT200R1/2012 is slightly less conservative for this strengthening is necessary in order to avoid debonding of the FRP strengthen-
configuration, probably due to different partial safety factors. ing, otherwise, a thick protective layer of concrete is required
Indeed, the CNR DT200R1/2012 is more conservative than CNR for low fire load levels too.
DT200/2004 at high temperature, namely when the partial safety
factors are not considered (MRd,fi,0 = 86.6 kN m vs MRd,fi,0 = 90.3 kN m,

The authors would like to acknowledge Eng. Sandro Mautone

7. Conclusions
for his helpful contribution in the interpretation of experimental
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