Term Paper On Reduction of Direct Sun Light Heat by Proper Selection of Clothing

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Term Paper On Reduction of direct sun light heat by proper selection of clothing


Fibre Science

Department of Textile Technology Indian Institute of Technology sep, 2011

Submitted To
Dr. Apurba Das

Submitted By
Abhishek Jain (2010TTF3687) Mukesh Tiwari (2010TTF3684)

Humans have forever lived their lives according to the sun. No matter how vital the sun is for existence on earth, it also has risks of toxicity. Even though the fact that the sun is injurious to the skin has been well-known for many years, raising awareness for the sun protection methods are long and difficult process. The prevention of actinic harm has become increasingly significant in recent years. The change in sun exposure behavior over past few decades has increased occurrence of a variety of photo dermatoses, skin cancer and skin aging. Not only the occurrence of skin cancer is increasing, although the age at which first symptoms appear is declining, which even more is terrifying. Because of the long period between the sun exposure and development of skin cancer, a higher augment may be estimated in the future. Hence adequate sun protection is becoming even more crucial. Now a days, different systems of sun protection can be used: typically applied protection by sunscreen products formulated with inorganic and/or organic filters, medicines and foods containing free radical fighting substances, oral sun protection based on food supplements, vitamins or even filters like PABA, furthermore finally sun protective clothing1. There is a worldwide marketing opening for lightweight summer clothing which is comfortable to wear and also provides high protection from solar UVR radiation. Use of broad-spectrum sunscreens through high sun protection factor (SPF) values habitually resulted in people exposing their skin much longer to harmful effects of sun exposure, specific opposite of the intended effect. So sun protection by textiles has become growingly imperative because it can afford better protection than

sunscreens. Clothing fabrics have been planned in treatment of photosensitive patients over and above for defense against xeroderma, pigmentosum and premalignant graze. Clothing is labeled with a protection factor in ultraviolet (UV) range (ultraviolet protection factor; UPF) in same way as SPF for sunscreens. Textiles recommend protection against visible light, spectrum for which sunscreens recommend less protection than for UV light.

Sun light components

Sunlight is prime energy source and important element for survival of human race. Sun energy has a continuous energy spectrum above wavelength range of about 0.7 nm to 3000 nm and effective spectrum of solar radiation reaching on surface of the earth range from 280 nm to 3000 nm, where wavelength of UV spectrum lies between 290 nm to 400 nm. UV radiation constitutes to 5% of the total sunlight incident on earth surface (visible light 50% and IR radiation 45%) 1, 2


UV radiation may be classified based on wave length is as follow: UV-A (315 - 400 nm): UV-B (280 -315 nm): surface UV-C (100 - 280 nm): oxygen completely absorbed by the ozone layer and not absorbed by the ozone layer mostly absorbed, but some does reach the Earth

Determination factor for sun light

Generally three types of factors are used:1. Ultraviolet Protective Factor (UPF) 2. Sun Protection Factor (SPF) 3. Protection Factor for Visible Light (VPF)

Ultraviolet Protective Factor (UPF)

UV protective factor measures the efficiency of fabrics in protecting the human skin from UV radiations. It can be expressed as the ratio of time required for skin to show redness (erythema) with or without protection, under constant exposure to solar radiation 3. The UPF is calculated by following equation :-

Where, MED is the minimal quantity of radiant energy required to produce the first noticeable reddening of skin after 22 2 hours of constant exposure. The various


ratings of UPF are given in Table 1. There are two basic methods, namely Vitro and vivo used for determination of UV protective factor.

UPF range


radiation Effective UV radiation transmission (%) 6.74.2 4.12.6 2.5

protection category Good protection Very good protection Excellent protection

UPF rating

1524 2539 4050+

15, 20 25, 30, 35 40, 45, 50, 50+

Table 1

Sun Protection Factor (SPF)

The SPF is amount of ultraviolet radiations required to cause sunburn on skin with sunscreen on, as a multiple of amount required with no sunscreen. There is a popular generalization of how SPF determines and how long one can keep on in the sun. For example, several users believe that, if they usually get sunburn in an hour, then SPF 15 sunscreen allows them to keep on in the sun fifteen hours (i.e. fifteen times longer) without sunburn4.


Protection Factor for Visible Light (VPF)

VPF is a protection factor for the visible light. It is determined by following method :The light generated by xenon source is passed through a monochromator with a bandwidth of 1 nm along with imposes perpendicular to sample. The sample is kept in front of the integrating sphere for getting direct and diffuse transmitted radiation. The wavelength step is used of 1 nm. According to this transmission, protection factor for visible light (VPF) is determined as follows, where T(), is transmission coefficient at a particular wavelength:

UPF is composite, integrated metric, where VPF is defined as a function of wavelength.

Clothing attributes affecting sun light protection factor

When ultraviolet radiation hits any textile materials, various types of interactions arise depending upon the substrate and its condition. The UV protection provided by textile is a function of construction of fabric, porosity, extension of the fabric; thickness, physico-chemical nature of fibre, chemical characteristics, dyeing and finishing treatment applied on fabric, moisture content of fabrics and existence of ultraviolet absorbers. There are several factors which play a important role in the amount of protection given by fabrics4,10. In estimated order of importance, these factors are as follows:-


Structure of Fabric
Sun protective knitted or woven fabrics have more cover factor than traditional fabrics. As cover factor is estimated to have optimistic influence on the protection to UV radiation, researches carried out regression analysis and observed that there exists positive coefficient of correlation among cover factor of fabric and its UPF value10. Fabric construction parameter (picks/inch & ends/inch or wales/inch & courses/inch) is primary determinant element of cover factor. Woven fabrics generally have higher cover factor than knitted fabrics, due to frequent interlacement of yarns. Pores between yarns are normally larger in knitted fabric than woven fabric. Many summer fabrics have open structures with low cover factor. By increasing mass per unit area (with coarser count) whereas maintaining constant construction parameters and fibre composition will result in an increased cover factor and therefore, consequently increase in UPF. The pores between yarns are smaller, so more radiation is blocked. An ideal fabric is in which the yarns are completely opaque to UV radiation and pores between the yarns are small. With light penetrating merely through pores, UV transmission is associated to porosity of the ideal fabric as expressed in Equation

The highest possible UPF is 100, when the porosity is 1% (Table 2). In the case of a fabric having porosity of 25%, maximum UPF that may be expected is 4. For poplin with 1% porosity, highest UPF is 100. Dry finishes have potential to change the porosity of the ideal fabric, but yarns are not dense to ultraviolet radiation and so the UPF of a fabric is lesser than the ideal fabric.

Porosity and Maximum Theoretical UPF

Table 2

The value of UPF increases with increase in fabric thickness and density for similar construction and it is dependent on fabric porosity. A higher degree of correlation exists between UPF and fabric porosity, although it is also influenced by the nature of fibres. The order of importance for UV protection is given by; cover factor > nature of fibre > fabric thickness. UPF shows enhanced association with fabric weight and thickness than porosity. Consequently, fabrics with higher number of yarns in warp and weft give higher UPF. Woven fabrics generally exhibit high cloth cover than knitted fabrics because of the manner in which yarns are interlaced10. Knitted structure prepared from a blend of synthetic fibres with Lycra gives the best protection against sun radiation and warp-knitted structures are capable of broadcasting up to 80% of sun radiation & bright glares. Blend of Lycra with synthetic fibre shows the double advantage of protection against UV radiation because of the chemical nature of fibre and highly stretchable Lycra fiber offers higher cloth cover. Double knit structures give appreciably higher UV protection than single knit structures. In double knit structures;


interlock provides the highest level of UV protection. Stretching diminish the UPF rating of the fabric during wear, as the effective porosity increases. The fabric porosity is modified through many dry finishing processes; during overfeed on the stenter, sanforising, compressive shrinkage processes such as compacting, that are normally used to obtain dimensional stability, by the way diminishing the porosity which results in increased value of UPF. Smooth milling employed in the case of lightweight wool fabrics is reduced the porosity and consequently the UPF4.

Physio-chemical Nature of Fibre

Ultraviolet protective factor is dependent on physical and chemical structure of fibres. The chemical nature of fibres influences the UPF, because of variation in UV transparency. Natural fibres like cotton, wool and silk have lower degree of absorption of UV radiation than synthetic fibres. Cotton has a comparatively high ultraviolet transmission in the range of 280 nm400 nm. Bleached cotton shows high degree of permeability to UV radiation. Same fabric consisting of cotton in the grey state gives higher UPF, due to presence of natural pigments, and waxes, which act as ultraviolet absorbers. Raw natural fibres like hemp and linen have a UPF of 20 and 10-15 respectively and are not great UV protectors even with lignin content. The strong absorption of jute is due to the existence of lignin that acts as a natural absorber4, 10. Protein fibres have mixed property in allowing UV radiation. Silk fabrics are typically finer and have average ultraviolet transmission. In contrast to this, wool fabrics show higher absorption and lesser transmission of ultraviolet radiation. Wool absorbs more in the region of 280 nm-400 nm and even beyond 400 nm. Polyester fibres absorb strongly in the UV-B & UV-A regions than aliphatic polyamide fibres. On the other hand, Polyester fibres whose structure is based on

aromatic components show a strong absorption effect in the shorter wavelength of UV region. This is armored by the absorptivity of delustering agent; e.g. TiO2, which heavily diminish the fibres permeability over the range of ultraviolet region. The polyamide fibre is comparatively permeable to ultraviolet radiation. The UV transmissions of different materials are as follows:

Cotton bleached > Cotton grey > Polyamide > Silk > Wool > Polyester

Dyeing and Finishing

The dyes used to color textiles can have a great influence on their permeability to ultraviolet radiation. Depending on chemical structure of dyes, the absorption band of many dyes enlarges in to ultraviolet spectral region. As a result, such dyes acts as UV absorbers and enhances the UPF of the fabric. As a general rule, it is said that for the same fabric structure and dye, the darker shade will give the higher the UPF value. Studies at the University of Alberta also propose that darker colored fabrics can recommend more protection than lighter colored fabrics. In theory, fabrics dyed with black and dark blue show evidence of maximum ultraviolet radiation protection. If the UPF of a dark dyed fabric should be found to be insufficient, in most cases the fabric structure is inappropriate, because its porosity is too high. Since fluorescent brighteners absorb in ultraviolet region, especially longest wavelength UV rays, they also lessen the ultraviolet permeability of textile materials. Clothing engineered for ultraviolet protection possibly will use high concentrations of premium dyes that interrupt ultraviolet light. Such dyes contain conjugated molecules that disturb ultraviolet radiation. The higher concentration of such dyes, darker the garment becomes however ultimately the color has no persuade on ultraviolet radiations1.
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Influence of color

Pigment dyed fabrics that consist of a resin that generates a powdery feel and look; get high marks for UV protection. The ultraviolet protection abilities of the textiles are very much influenced by the type of dye or pigment, absorptive groups present in dyestuff, deepness after dyeing, the regularity and additives1, 4. In a given fabric, elevated transmission of ultraviolet radiation is observed in case of bright fibres than dull fibres. A defensive effect can be obtained by printing or dyeing, which is superior than using heavyweight fabrics which are not appropriate for summer conditions. Darker colors of the same fabric type (black, dark red, navy) absorb ultraviolet radiation much more strongly than the light neutral colors for indistinguishable weave with UPF in the series of 18-37 and 19-34 for cotton
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and polyester respectively. Some direct, reactive and vat dyes are skilled for giving a UPF rating of higher than 50. Some of the direct dyes significantly enlarge UPF of bleached cloth that depends on relative transmittance of dyes in the UV-B region. Dyes extracted from a variety of natural resources also demonstrate the UPF within the range of 15-45 depending on mordant used. Cellulosic fabrics transmit UV-A and UV-B uniformly with the transmittance ratio (TA/TB) of 0.9. When dyed with reactive dyes, the UPF raises from 4.7 to 5.014.0, depending upon concentration, which is not enough to satisfy the lowest requirements. Some of the vinyl sulphone dyes and monochlorotriazine dyes have ultraviolet radiation absorption character, which also increase with concentration. Cellulosic fabrics dyed with these dyes illustrate reduced UV radiation transmission from 24.6% to 10-20% and 27.8% to 8-22% for UV-A and UV-B correspondingly. When combinations of these dyes are used, the UPF increases. Some combinations of disperse reactive mix can give extended ultraviolet protection with a UPF of 50+ for polyester/cotton blends. Colours of fabric also manipulate the UPF. Dark colours of the same fabric type will absorb UVR more sturdily than light pastel shades and will have higher UPF6.

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The spectral transmission of a number of fabrics of different coloured fabrics of the same type. All the darker colours had a UPF rating of 50q

Fabric whitening agents and Optical brightening agents are used at the finishing operations and in wash cycles. Optical brightening agents are often applied to improve the whiteness of textile goods by UV excitation and visible blue emission. The incident of excitation and emission is caused by transition of electrons involving p-orbitals from either aromatic compounds or conjugated. Most optical brighteners encompass excitation maxima within the range of 340 nm-400 nm. Optical brightening agent can enhance the UPF of cotton and cotton blends, but not of fabrics of 100% polyester or nylon. The presence of optical brightening agent to the amount of 0.5% in the fabrics of polyester/cotton blended
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yarn of blend proportion 67:33 can enhance the UPF from 16.3 to 32.2, which is more or less closer to that acquired by using the UV absorbers with 0.2% (UPF 35.5). Washing of fabrics leads to loss of UPF in the case of OBA-treated fabrics and the UPF accomplishes the level of that in untreated fabric subsequent to 10 washes, which explains the semi-permanent nature of the finish and protection. An additional limitation of many optical brightening agents is that they generally absorb in UV-A part of day sunlight but have a weak absorption in UV absorption approximately 308 nm, which plays an imperative role in skin diseases.

Moisture and Swelling

The UV protection factor of wet garment is considerably lower than that of the same garment determine in the dry state. Water in the interstices of the fabric decreases the scattering effect and so, increases its ultraviolet radiation permeability. Wetness may source a 30%-50%deduction in a fabric's UPF rating. The ability of textile fibres to deliver ultraviolet protection varies depending on the structure and other additives existing in the fibres. In addition, the construction parameters and wear circumstances of the textile materials, moisture and additives combined in processing also influence the UPF of the textile materials. In case of moisture, the effect is mainly dependent on the type & hygroscopicity of fibers and conditioning time, which result in swelling phenomena. The relative humidity% or moisture content of fibres influence the UPF of the fabric in 2 ways; such as the swelling of fibres because of moisture absorption, that reduces the interstices and subsequently the UV transmittance and on the other hand, the existence of water decreases scattering effects, as the refractive index of water is nearer to that of the textile polymer and hence there is a greater UV transmission and a lower value of
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UPF. Depends upon the type of fabric such as cotton, polyester, etc. and amount of water is absorbed, but normally when wet, fabrics offer less UVR protection4, 6.

The effect of water on the UVR transmission of a cotton fabric, with the wet sample transmitting significantly more UVR.

A usual cotton fabric could transfer 15-20%UV radiation, increasing to more than 50%, if the garment is wet. The UV radiation transmission should be lower than 6% and 2.5% for suitable and exceptionally good protection respectively. Dependence of humidity is more distinct in silk and viscose fibres, of that viscose as higher water absorption and swelling ability, while silk has poor swelling capacity. Though silk has poor swelling properties, its very fine in nature and has a larger number of fibres in the cross-section of yarn, results in greater swelling due to capillary absorption and thus less UV transmittance. Finishing treatments
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given to the fabrics to decrease swelling, which decreases the transmittance of ultraviolet rays. There is occurrence of better degree of correlation between hydrophilic fibres and their UPF values.

Ultra Violet Absorbers

UV absorbers are organic/inorganic color less compounds with solid absorption in the UV wavelength range of 290 nm-360 nm. UV absorbers combined into the fibres change electronic excitation energy into thermal energy, work as radical scavengers and singlet oxygen quenchers. The high-energy, short-wavelength UV radiation stimulates the UV absorber to a higher energy state; the energy absorbed may then be degenerate as longer-wavelength radiation. Alternately, isomerisation can happen and the UV absorber may then break into non-absorbing isomers. Sunscreen lotions have UV absorbers that physically block UV radiation8. Chemically, some classes of ultraviolet absorbers are available. The important groups of UV absorbers are; 2-hydroxybenzophenones, 2-hydroxypheny benzotriazoles, 2-hydroxyphenyl-s-triazines. The most broadly used UV-B screens;2-ethyl hexyl-4-methoxy cinnamate having high refractive index, make a considerable contribution to the RI matching of skin, i.e. refractive index matching. An active UV absorber must be able to absorb all over the spectrum to remain stable against UV radiation and to dissipate the absorbed energy to evade degradation or loss in color4, 9. Organic ultraviolet absorbers are mostly derivatives of o-hydroxybenzophenones, o-hydroxy phenyl triazines, o-hydroxyphenyl hydrazines. The orthohydroxyl group is considered necessary for absorption and to make the compound soluble in alkaline solution. Some of the substituted benzophenones enter into synthetic fibres much like disperse dyes. Commonly-used ultraviolet absorbers are 2-hydroxy
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phenyl benzotriazoles, 2-hydroxy phenyl-striazines,2-hydroxy benzophenones and chemicals such as benzoicacid esters and hindered amines. The strong absorption in the near UV range of 2, 4 dihydroxybenzophenone is accredited to the conjugating chelation between theorthohydroxyl and carbonyl groups. Organic products like hydro Benzophenone, benzotriazole, and phenyl triazine are mostly used for coating and padding processes to achieve broad protection against UV radiations. Appropriate combinations of UV absorbers and antioxidants can produce synergistic effects. Benzophenone derivatives show low energy levels, easy diffusibility and a low sublimation fastness. diphenyltriazine and Orthohydroxy phenyl derivatives show an outstanding sublimation fastness and self-dispersing preparation can be used in high temperature dyeing in pad-baths and also in print pastes. UV absorbers combined into the spinning dope earlier to the fibre extrusion and dye bath in bath dyeing, increase the light fastness of definite pastel shades and the weather ability of spun-dyed fibres. Ultraviolet absorbers to the degree of0.6%-2.5% treated to the fabric are adequate enough to provide sufficient UV radiation protection. The existence of UV absorbers in polyester, nylon, silk and wool defends the fibres against sunlightinduced photo degradation. On wool, UV absorbers can delay the photo yellowing that happens upon contact to sunlight9. Triazine class-hindered amine light stabilizers are used in polypropylene fibre to increase the UV stability. The addition of HALS (0.15%) is adequate to improve the stability significantly. Even pigmented polypropylene needs ultraviolet stabilizers, if the fibres are exposed to UV radiation during their services11. High-energy UV absorbers appropriate for polyester include derivatives of hydroxyl phenyldiphenyltriazine, appropriate for dye baths, pad liquor or print paste. Ultraviolet absorbers have refractive indices of more than 2.55, by virtue of
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which maximum covering ability and opacity is achieved. The presence of inorganic pigments in the fibres gives more diffuse reflection of light from the substrate and offers improved protection. TiO2 added in the spinning dope for dull effects in the fibres also work as UV absorber. TiO2and ceramic materials have absorption ability in the UV region between 280 nm-400 nm and returns visible and IR rays and these absorbers are also added as dope additives. For supreme effect, the particles have to be mono molecularly distributed and are frequently applied in one bath. Nano scale titanium gel particles toughly bound to the cotton fabrics can give a UPF 50, without harming the tensile properties. Brighter viscose yarns offer the highest ultraviolet transmittance than the dull pigmented viscose yarns, modal yarns. Zno2 nano particles show a very slender size distribution (20 nm-40 nm) and minimal aggregation, which can give higher levels of UV radiation blocking. The mixture of (67/33) titanium dioxide and zinc oxide on cotton and nylon fabrics gives significantly higher absorption of UV radiation than the influence of individual components. Nylon fabrics treated with 1.5% TiO2 &having 0.1% porosity can give UPF greater than 50. Combining UV absorber in dyeing reduces the dye uptake to some extent, except in post-treatment application. Numerous commercial products and processes have been established to give fabrics with a high level of UPF, using numerous dope additions and topical applications for nearly all types of fabrics formed from cellulosic fibres, wool, silk and synthetic fibres. Maximum of the commercial products are well-suited with the dyes and other finishing agents applied on textile materials and these can be applied using simple padding/ exhaust method/pad-thermo fix and pad-dry-cure methods.

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Ultra violet radiations cause degradation of textile materials because of excitation in some parts of the polymer molecules. Sun protective woven or knitted fabrics show higher cover factor than traditional fabrics. The UV protective factor of fabric is mainly dependent on the physical and chemical structure of the fibres. Natural fibres like cotton, silk, and wool have lower degree of absorption of ultraviolet radiation than synthetic fibres. Darker colored fabrics can offer more protection than lighter colored fabrics for the same fabric structure and dye. Fabrics dyed with black and dark blue exhibit maximum ultraviolet radiation protection. Optical brightening agent can improve the UPF of cotton and cotton blends, but not of fabrics that are 100% polyester or nylon. The ultraviolet protection factor of wet garment is significantly lower than that of the same garment measured in the dry state. Ultraviolet absorbers are organic/inorganic colorless compounds with strong absorption in the ultraviolet wavelength range of 290 nm-360 nm and block the ultraviolet radiation reaching the human skin, when incorporated in the fabrics.

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