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The Spirometer is a portable device for tes ng pulmonary func on, it adopts
differen al pressure acquisi on principle to measure over 100 parameters
related to FVC, VC, MVV and MV func ons. It can be used in many scenarios,
such as hospital, clinic, family, MVV and provoca on test before / a er
medica on, etc. which can provide the test results of pulmonary func on
for the users and the basis for the medical staff to make diagnosis.
1. Differen al pressure detec on technology, with a professional lung
func on so ware, which can measure over 100 parameters related to
FVC, VC, MVV and MV func ons.
2. Measure inspiratory and expiratory parameters, real- me curve display.
3. BTPS correc on func on, measure temperature, humidity and barometric
pressure automa cally.
4. Quality control func on, automa c QC ra ng.
5. Calibra on control func on: volume calibra on, three flows verifica on.
6. Display the op mal value from many measurements.
7. The tester condi on can be reflected by the ra o of the measured value
and the predicted value.
8. Flow-volume and volume- me curve
9. Data memory, delete and informa on review func ons.
10. Trend chart display.
11. Prompt func ons for over-limit of volume and flow.
12. Rechargeable lithium ba ery, with charging prompt.
13. Ba ery power indica on.
14. Built-in mul ple predicted values.
15. Support bronchial dila on / provoca on test.
16. Pulmonary func on assessment.
17. Follow-up ques onnaires func on.
18. Pa ent informa on can be entered, managed and queried.
19. The test report can be printed and output by the built-in 210mm
thermal printer.
20. The external printer can be connected to print and output the test report.
21. 10.1" capaci ve touch screen.
22. Wi-Fi func on.
23. Built-in ID card reader (op onal).

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