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Abwa Lawrence


Copyright © 2022 by Abwa Lawrence


All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or

transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording or any other form of electronic or mechanical methods
without the prior permission of the author except in the case of book
reviews & mentions which should always credit the author.

Phone: +234 810 913 0657


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Copyright © 2022 by Abwa Lawrence


I’ve made every possible effort to ensure that the information contained
in this book is accurate at the time of writing.
Note that this guide is totally a product of my research and marketing
experience as it has nothing to do with Meta or any of its product.
It’s to be used as a guide to keep you on your feet and help you grow and
boost your business online and via the chatting platform, WhatsApp.
However, there may be mistakes in typography or content.
The author does not warrant that the information contained in this
eBook is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or
The author shall also not be held responsible for any person or entity
with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused
directly or indirectly by this eBook.
If you are a perfectionist in grammar, chances are you won’t like this
book. I didn’t write this book for academic purposes so I cannot bother
my head about adhering to grammarian rules.
If you find any use of wrong grammar, pardon me. This book is strictly
about money lessons not English Language.

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Copyright © 2022 by Abwa Lawrence


This book is dedicated to all business owners, digital marketers, online

entrepreneurs, and to those who seek to go grow and build their
business in the digital circumference.

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Copyright © 2022 by Abwa Lawrence


COPYRIGHT INFORMATION.................................................................................................... 3
DISCLAIMER .......................................................................................................................... 4
DEDICATION .......................................................................................................................... 5
WHAT YOU’RE ABOUT TO LEARN ........................................................................................... 9
Section A: ............................................................................................................................ 11
What Do You Think About Money? ...................................................................................... 12
Is Money Evil? ..................................................................................................................... 15
What Actually Is Money? ..................................................................................................... 18
How Is Money Made? .......................................................................................................... 21
Section B: ............................................................................................................................ 29
Key To Become A Daily Income Earner ................................................................................. 30
Money Is Made By Selling Something .................................................................................. 31
The Mindset Of A Daily Income Earner ................................................................................. 36
Qualities Of The Problem You Can Solve .............................................................................. 37
1. The problem must be important.......................................................................................... 37
2. The problem must affect a large number of people ........................................................... 37
3. You must have the capacity to solve that problem ............................................................ 37
Section C: ............................................................................................................................ 40
How To Build An Audience (Leads) On WhatsApp ................................................................ 41
Why You Need To Generate Leads Consistently ................................................................... 43
Don’ts Of WhatsApp Lead Generation ................................................................................. 45
Building Your Audience The Right Way ................................................................................ 48
Step #1: Define Your Target Audience: .................................................................................... 48
Step #2: Uncover Their Biggest Pain: ....................................................................................... 50
Step #3: Create A Lead Magnet:............................................................................................... 50
Step #4: Create A Custom Message And Link: ......................................................................... 52
Step 5: Promote Lead Magnet: ................................................................................................ 53
Organic Promotion ................................................................................................................ 54

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Paid Advertising .................................................................................................................... 56
Converting Leads To Buying Customers ................................................................................ 60
The Money Is In The Follow-Up ............................................................................................ 63
Activating Your Consistent Bank Alert .................................................................................. 64
25 Lead Magnet Ideas You Can Use For WhatsApp Lead Generation ..................................... 65
Section D: ............................................................................................................................ 74
Creating A Digital Product .................................................................................................... 75
What Is A Digital Product? ................................................................................................... 76
How To Get Ideas For The Best Digital.................................................................................. 77
How To Set Up A Remote Selling System That Sells Your Digital Product On Autopilot .......... 79
Step #1: Write Your Sales Copy And Set Up A Sales Page: ...................................................... 79
Step #2: Set Up A Payment Gateway: ...................................................................................... 80
Step #3. Create A Lead magnet: ............................................................................................... 80
Step #4: Create A Capture Page: .............................................................................................. 81
Step #5: Get An Auto-responder:............................................................................................. 81
Step #6: Write Follow-up Emails: ............................................................................................. 81
Step #7: Send Traffic To Your Offer.......................................................................................... 82
Section E: ............................................................................................................................ 84
Selling Is A Skill You Should Know ........................................................................................ 85
7 Tips To Sell Your Products Effectively ................................................................................ 88
Additional Section: .............................................................................................................. 89
Where It All Begins .............................................................................................................. 90
Thinking Creatively .............................................................................................................. 91
Feeding On Good Information ............................................................................................. 93
Become A Voracious Reader ................................................................................................ 95
It All Starts Now .................................................................................................................. 98
Any questions you want to ask? .......................................................................................... 99
Don’t know where to go from here? ....................................................................................... 99

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Get more sales and profits on WhatsApp

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Every waking day of your life, there will always be a need for you to spend
money on some basic things like transportation, feeding, toiletries,
groceries, etc.
So long as you are breathing air, there will always be a need for you to
spend money on something that will help you to live better, healthier
and happier every day.
Whenever money leaves your pocket or bank account, it’s going into the
pocket or bank account of someone else either because that person has
sold you a product or rendered a service to you.
Sometimes, you might even have to borrow to spend because your
monthly expenses exceed your monthly income.
Borrowing to meet up with daily expenses can be a very big issue,
especially if you are an employee that only receives salary once every 30
What usually happens is that, you will have more month at the end of
the money.
Before your next salary comes, you must have finished spending it on
debts and daily expenses so you will have to go back and start same circle
The reason is that you can’t solve a recurrent problem with a one-time
If you have daily expenses, then there is a need to have a daily source of

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The questions are:
If you are spending money every day to get the things that you want in
order to live healthy and happy, is there a way for you to start making
money every day?

Is there a way for you to make consistent money every day that covers
both your daily expenses and also helps you to live life in your own terms?

Is there a way for you to make lots of money every day so you no longer
have to worry about money again?

Sure, there is. In the pages ahead, you will be finding the answers to all
the questions above.
I will advise you to read this book with an open mind, take notes and
apply what you learn because the information contained in this book has
the ability to change your life financially.
The information you get from this book is important, but it is the action
that you take by reading this book that will make the difference in your
life and finances.

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Section A:
1. What Do You Think About Money?
2. Is Money Evil?
3. What Actually Is Money?
4. How Is Money Made?

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What Do You Think About Money?

Before you start reading this body, you have to know that your mindset
is the foundation of making money and creating wealth.
Everything that exists in the physical first of all existed in the mind. That
is to say that whatever you have today first started as a thought before
it was manifested in the physical.
So, no matter what I share with you in this book, if your mindset is not
configured for wealth creation, there is no way you can actually make
money with the information am about to share with you.
What I will be sharing with you in this book is information that has the
potential of changing your life financially. But, if your mindset is not
primed for success, there is nothing I will share with you in this book that
will work for you.
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Let me ask you a question. What do you think about money?
Some people believe that money is scarce and it is meant for only a
selected few. They often make statements like ‘’we the poor people’’
because they believe they have been destined to be poor and money can
never come their way.
As a matter of fact, they think that it is not even right for them to have
lots of money.
On the other hand, some other people think that there is an abundance
of money even enough to go round for everybody so long as you know
how to go all out and get it.
These set of people don’t just believe that there is an abundance of
money, they also believe that they have the power and ability to make
lots of money because it is their right and responsibility.
So which of these categories do you belong to?
Do you belong to the category of people who thinks having a lot of
money is greedy and evil or you believe living the wealthy lifestyle is a
good thing?
Your answer to that question will determine how you consume the rest
of the information in this book.
Those who believe that having plenty of money is not good always have
this saying that ‘’money is the root of all evil’’.
It’s a saying that have been developed and spread by people who try to
justify what they don’t have.
In my opinion, ‘’the lack of money is the root of all evil’’.

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The reason why people engage in doing evil things like kidnapping,
armed robbery and killing is because they don’t have money so they are
willing to do anything evil to get it.
If you believe that money is evil and having a lot of it is bad, then you
need to purge yourself of that mindset, otherwise what am about to
share with you in this book might not work for you.

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Is Money Evil?

Money itself is neutral. Money is neither good nor bad.

Money is just a tool that can be used as a leverage to getting things done;
whether it’s a good thing or an evil thing.
In the hands of a good man, money is a good thing. But, in the hands of
a bad man, money is an evil thing.
For instance, when a good man has money, he can decide to use his
money to help the poor, build schools, hospitals and churches.
Also, when a bad man has money, he can decide to use his money to hire
assassins to kill someone.
The truth is that money doesn’t make you rich. You are first of all rich
before money even meets you. What money does is to expose your true
So if you have a good heart, when you have money you will do more
good things.
Also, if you have an evil mind, when you have money in your hands you
will become more evil and do more evil things.
Having said that, money is not the determinant of how it is being used,
it depends on the individual who is handling the money.
Therefore, you have to believe and understand that money is good and
it is a tool for a good course.
Think about this:

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You have lovely dreams that you would love to achieve. You have visions
and goals you would love to achieve and all of them will require money
to make it come true.
When you don’t have enough money, you won’t be able to give your wife
and kids the best things of life.
A lack of money can make you become dependent on friends and family
and your options will always be limited.
But if you decide to take responsibilities for your finances which of
course you should, you won’t be a burden to the people around you and
the society at large.
Even if you are not going to make money for the sake of the many things
it can do for you, just make it for the sake of your children and loved
At least, you won’t be a burden to people anymore because you will no
longer have to beg or borrow each time you want to have something
done that requires money.
You will not always have to be at the receiving end, you will have the
financial capacity to give when people ask you for money.
Whenever the topic of money is raised, some people behave as if you
just raised a topic about killing babies.
These set of people behave as if money is not important, yet we would
always require money to get things done because money is the currency
that pays for things.
When you go to the market for shopping, you don’t offer them prayers
when you buy goods as a means of payment. You have to give them
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Some are of the belief that money cannot buy you happiness. It is true
that money cannot buy you happiness but I am yet to see any man that
was able to buy happiness with poverty.
Money may not buy you happiness but it can give you options and buy
you the things that makes you feel good.
Therefore, you need to have the right mindset when it comes to money
Money is good and it is a tool for a good course. There is nothing wrong
with having money and having lots of it.
There is nothing evil about money. Money is neutral and its use is
determined by the person who handles it.
If it is in the hands of a good man, it will be used for a good course and if
it is in the hands of a bad man, it will be used for an evil course.
“In summary, money is just a tool for getting things done.”

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What Actually Is Money?

A lot of people think that money is the paper that we use in buying things
from the market or paying for services.
That was how I used to think too until I began to educate myself about
money and getting to understand its movement.
It may interest you to know that the paper you use in paying for products
and services is not the real money.
I will explain that but first, let me take you down memory lane to help
you understand this better.
Back in those days, there was no paper money in existence but people
still had to buy the products they needed and also pay for services
rendered to them.
The only thing they could make use of was the barter system also known
as the trade by barter system.
The trade by barter system has been in use for many centuries before
paper money was introduced and people were using different things to
exchange for goods and services.
For example, if someone has beans and wants to eat another type of
food (yam), he will have to look for someone who has yam and is willing
to exchange the yam for beans.
The trade by barter system was introduced by the Mesopotamia tribe,
and it can be traced back to as far as 6000 BC.
The Phoenicians also adopted the barter system and sold goods to other
countries and cities through the oceans.

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Another set of people who improved on the barter system were the
Babylonians. They exchanged goods for food, tea, and weapons.
When someone has 5 shirts and he needs a pair of trousers, he will have
to give out one shirt to someone who needs a shirt and is willing to give
out a pair of trousers.
Here is what I need you to understand, the real money in this case was
the value or fashion product that was exchanged.
But there was a problem with this trade by barter system. Sometimes, it
was difficult to get someone who is willing to give you what you want
probably because that person needs something else different from what
you have.
In order to solve this problem, the paper money was introduced so that
whenever you wanted something, you can pay and have it and whenever
the other person also wanted something, he can pay for it and have it.
This made transactions smoother and easier.
The real money is what you are paying for. So if I have rice to sell and
someone who needs the rice is willing to pay me money to have it, it then
shows that the real money is in the product (in this case the rice) and not
the paper that people exchange it for.
What that means is that they exchanged their valuable resources in order
to provide for their immediate need.
So when next you hear someone say they are broke or they need money,
ask the person ‘’ what do you have of value and willing to sell in exchange
for money?’’

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And that brings us to the definition of money.
‘’Money is primarily a medium or means of exchange. It is a way for
someone to trade what he has for what he wants’’.
What this simply means is that the more exchange you make to get other
people what they want, the more money you make.
To put this in clear terms, money is a means of exchanging what you have
for what you need.

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How Is Money Made?

Now that you have your mindset right and you understand the concept
of money, you need to understand how money is being made.
There is a guaranteed equation and formula that helps you to really get
behind the scene and understand the art of making money.
I call this formula the V.P.M formula.
This is actually an equation. As a matter of fact, it is a mathematical
equation that demystifies the concept of money.
It has never been easier to get rich in the history of man than it is today.
In the age that we live right now and considering the amount of
information that is available to us, if anyone is born poor and dies poor,
it is their fault.
Why did I say so?
Because there is a lot of information available to us that helps us to
demystify the mystery of wealth creation.
The purpose of this entire book is to demystify this concept and mystery
of how money is been made to you so that you can have a better
understanding of it and no longer see it as a mystery.
I can assure you that if you apply what I am about to share with you right
now, it can change your life financially.
So let’s dive in and break down this V.P.M formula so you can
understand how it works.
V = Value; P = People; M = Money

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Now, this is how the equation or formula works…
V + P = M => Value + People = Money
Having an understanding of how this formula works will help you to
understand that this thing is no longer a mystery but just a formula for
creating wealth.
The important thing is to have an open mind and digest this information
with the right mindset so that you can apply it in your life and begin to
see the results.
So let’s look at how this formula works.
Value + People = Money
When you have value to offer to people, it will always result to you
having money.
This is how anybody makes money legally.
When you have something of value to offer, you will get money in return.
For instance, if you have bags of rice and you want money, all you have
to do is to look for people who have money, sell the bags of rice to them
and collect money in exchange.
The people who are paying you are getting what they want which is the
bag of rice and giving you what you want; money.
That means if you want to make more money, you have to sell more bags
of rice.
Now, in the example above, you can notice the way I used ‘rice’ to
replace value and there has to be people involved for the exchange to

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And that still gives us the equation that at any point in time,
Value + People = Money
You must understand that people are not willing to lose money.
The only reason why people will give you their money in exchange for
the value you are willing to give them in return is when they know that
the value they are getting from you in return has a higher perceived value
compared to the amount they are paying you.
A lot of people are chasing the wrong things.
Most people are just chasing money. Most people just are just focused
on making one million naira. No!
Don’t do that.
Focus on becoming a person of value that one million naira will be
naturally attracted to.
And the good thing is that nobody determines how much value you can
have. The amount of value you can have and offer to people is
determined by you.
That is why when it comes to the issue of wealth creation, taking
personal responsibility is key.
Nobody is ready to lose money, including you. People only part with their
money when they know that they are getting a higher perceived value in
It doesn’t matter whether you are a business man or an employee. This
is just how the world operates.

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When people notice that the use value of what they are getting from you
is far lower compared to the money they are paying you, they feel
And nobody wants to be cheated, including you.
So when you have value to offer, money will be attracted to you.
Money does not respond to needs, money responds to value. In other
words, money doesn’t come to you because you need it, it comes to you
because of the value you offer to attract it.
As you are reading this book right now, someone is about to be chased
out of his house because he couldn’t pay his rent of N70,000.
But do you know that Dangote will make over a billion naira today?
Dangote is not desperately in need of the money like the man who is
about to be chased out of the house because he could not afford his rent,
yet the money is going to Dangote because he has provided value so he
can naturally attract any amount of money he wants even when he
doesn’t need it.
And by the way, if you used salt to cook today, you just made Dangote
The lesson I want you to learn from this is that, money doesn’t come to
you because you are broke and desperately needs it.
Money comes to you because you have value to offer.
Don’t pursue money desperately, attract money deliberately.
The only reason why a man can be poor is when he has no value to offer
to people in exchange for money.

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Even if you are an employee of a company right now, the only reason
why you are still on the company’s payroll is because of the value you
are bringing to the company.
The moment you stop bringing that value to the company, your income
stops coming.
For you to be able to grow, get promoted and increase your income in
that company, you have to identify the value you are bringing to that
company and increase it.
That is the simple formula and that is the ‘’V’’ there in the equation.
So the more you increase in value, the more your income increases. This
is the only way you can be guaranteed that you will never be poor again.
The only way to become a daily income earner and create sustainable
income for yourself even if you are broke right now with no money is to
become a person of value.
Now let me talk about the ‘’P’’ there in the equation. The ‘’P’’ there
stands for people.
Remember that the formula is Value + People = Money. So the amount
of value you are able to offer to people will determine the amount of
money you will make.
Therefore, you can increase your income by increasing the number of
people you are offering the value, or you can increase the amount of
value you are offering to these people.
And if you decide to increase both factors, you are going to have even a
higher income.
The more value you offer and the more people you reach, the higher the
income you are going to make.
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For example, if your desire is to earn 500k, here is the simple math…
N1,500 x 333 = N500,000
N2,500 X 200 = N500,000
N5,000 X 100 = N500,000
N10,000 X 50 = N500,000
N20,000 X 25 = N500,000
N25,000 X 20 = N500,000
N50,000 X 10 = N500,000
N100,000 x 5 = N500,000
N250,000 x 2 = N500,000
N500,000 x 1 = N500,000
As you can see, when the number of people decreases and the value of
what you are selling increases, you will still be able to hit your 500k
Similarly, when the number of people increases and the value of what
you are selling decreases, you will still be able to hit your 500k target.
But for you to earn a higher income, you must either increase the value
of what you are offering, or you increase the number of people you are
offering that value to.
When we talk of value, we are referring to anything (either abstract or
concrete) that can add value to the life of another person by helping
them solve a problem or live a better and happy life.
For example, let’s say you discovered a table water that can help cure
HIV/AIDS within 7 days of proper usage.
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Now, that is a high value product because there are millions of people
out there battling with this virus and they will be willing to give out
anything to have it.
You will not sell that table water for N10. instead, you will sell it for
N250k and people will still rush you with money in their hands to buy.
Why would they do that?
They will pay you such amount of money because they know that such a
formula cannot be found elsewhere and it can save their lives.
In other words, the product has a higher perceived value.
Value Can Be Abstract or Concrete
Back in those days, value was usually attributed to only concrete things,
that is things that you can see and touch with your hands.
However, all that has changed today.
In fact, in today’s world, the abstract things even command higher value
than the concrete things.
For example, you can’t touch a software, but most of these software is
sold for huge amount of money based on the functions that they
Few years back, Mark Zuckerberg bought WhatsApp for a whopping $19
What does WhatsApp do? It is a software that has been developed
mainly to allow smartphone users to chat. The owners were able to sell
it at that amount because they have been able to build a massive system
around it with over 500 million users as at the time it was sold.
Why did I share that with you?
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What I want you to learn from that is that when you are thinking of value
that you can exchange for money, you shouldn’t be thinking of physical
products alone.
Value could be your skills, talents, expertise, ideas, etc.
Now that I have been able to explain the concept of money to you and
how it is being made, let us now move to the next section and look at the
key to becoming a daily income earner.

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Section B:
1. Key To Become A Daily Income Earner
2. Money Is Made By Selling Something
3. The Mindset Of A Daily Income Earner
4. Qualities Of The Problem You Can Solve

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Key To Become A Daily Income Earner

To start this section, I want you to understand that I wrote this book with
the average person in mind.
I didn’t write it for wealthy people who already know how to pull in
millions into their pocket whenever they need it.
One other thing I want you to understand again is that, the principles I
will be sharing with you in this book can work for anybody regardless of
who applies them.
Also, you have to be very enthusiastic about the art of making money.
Your attitude has a major role to play in almost all aspect of your life. If
you are not enthusiastic about the art of making money, everything will
become boring and you would soon get tired and worn out.
We live in a world where we need money to do almost everything. So, I
wonder why someone shouldn’t be enthusiastic about the art of making
money in the first place.
“Even if you are not going to make the money for yourself, at least do it
for your children and your loved ones.”

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Money Is Made By Selling Something

All money is made by selling something. This is an important truth you

must know deep down in your heart if you want to become a daily
income earner.
There was a time in my life when I was really broke and I began to ask
questions to know why some people were very rich and others were
It was that research that led me to the discovery that all money is been
made by someone selling something to somebody.
Think about it:
o An employee sells his time and expertise for money.
o Radio and TV stations sells advertising.
o A musician sells his musical skills.
o A farmer sells his farm produce.
o A shop owner sells provisions and daily consumables.
o A barber sells his barbing services.

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What does that tell you?
The amount of money you want to have and the ability to make it is
determined by what you are selling and how many of it you can sell to
someone within a period of time.
This thing is very simple, yet not everybody knows about it because it is
not being taught in school.
That is why when the average person starts thinking about how to make
money, the first two things that comes to their mind is:
1. How to get a Job
2. Starting a business
There is nothing wrong with having a job. After all, everyone cannot
become an entrepreneur and we must always need employees to have
a balanced economy.
The only problem with a job is that you are been paid based on the hour
or based on the amount of time that you spend on the job.
What that means is that you are selling your time for money, and
because time is limited, the amount of money you can earn is also
Now let me tell you this, we are in the information age. In this age,
information is the new money.
‘’Anytime I want to give myself a pay raise, I write a new book’’ – Robert
What do we have in books? Information!
The people who will be rich in this new economy are not those who earn
by the hour or get paid based on the amount of time spent on a job, but

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people who are earning based on the amount of value that they bring to
the hour.
For instance, you can be working on a job where they are paying you
N100,000 at the end of the month, someone who is earning based on the
value they bring to the hour can make that same N100,000 in 1 hour.
In the concept of wealth creation, time is very important.
So you must learn how to earn your income not by the amount of time
you spent but by the amount of value that you bring to the hour.
Let me use another example to explain this so you can understand it
If you have a website that sells an eBook to small business owners
running ads on Facebook and that website is on 24 hours in 7 days.
Not only that, you have also set up the website in such a way that its
main purpose is to sell and resell to your customers.
From this example above, you can see that you are selling a product that
people are willing to pay for. Also, you can set up your advertising and
sales system such that it can sell more products in an hour and make you
more money.
There is no limitation to the amount of money you can earn because you
have a system that is working 24/7 to sell the product and collect cash
for you, so you can afford to make money every day.
What does this tell you?
For you to become a daily income earner, there are two things you need
to master.

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1. You must learn how to come up with good ideas about products
and services that people will be willing to pay for.
2. You must learn the art of selling.
The unfortunate thing is that these skills are not been taught in school.
Our schools only train people on how to get good grades and become
employees of companies.
Think about this:
If you have mastered the art of coming up with great product ideas that
people are willing to pay for, and you master the art of selling, what do
you think will stop you from making money every day?
Absolutely nothing!
Let me tell you a short story
A friend of mine was also a very big fan of information marketing.
Information marketing simply has to do with creating, packaging and
selling valuable information that will help people get a desired result or
live a better life.
Around 2015, he bought a course on mini importation because he
wanted to learn how to import goods from China and reselling in Nigeria.
After going through the course, he placed an order for his first product.
When the product arrived, he sold it and made some good profits.
Thereafter, he bought and sold more items.
During that period, he was always on Nairaland surfing for information
on how to make more money. There are some particular threads on
Nairaland exclusively for mini importation and he noticed that those
threads were getting crazy views and engagement.
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People were always asking questions on how they can start their own
importation business and make money from it.
As someone who has good knowledge about mini importation, what he
did was to create a short report of about 25 pages with detailed
explanation on how he imports things from China.
He created a website to sell the report and within 3 days this new
business was up and running.
He didn’t spend more than N10,000 to have everything set up but within
3 days he was already making lots of money from this business because
he was selling 1 copy for N1,500.
That was the first information product he created and since then he has
created several other information products.
How did that happen?
1. He discovered a problem that people were having.
2. He created a product as a solution to solve that problem.
3. He created a system to sell that product on autopilot.

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The Mindset Of A Daily Income Earner

What does it mean to have a mindset of daily income earner?

The mindset of a daily income earner is one which is continuously looking
for problems to solve.
You have to train your mind and keep your eye open for opportunities
about the problems people are having and willing to pay money for to
get rid of it.
Every problem is an opportunity to make money.
Let me tell you this, if you are going to become a daily income earner,
you have to quit complaining about problems. That is what majority of
people do.
But if you are smart enough, you should know that inside every problem
is a hidden opportunity to make money.
You must know how much you want to earn; then look for problems you
can solve in order to make that amount of money.
Be that as it may, it is not every problem that you can solve. There are
too many problems around us and it is not all of them you can solve.
So right now, we are going to look at the types of problems you can solve
and what will determine whether you should solve it or not.

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Qualities Of The Problem You Can Solve

There are 3 qualities that will determine the type of problems you should
be focused on solving.

1. The problem must be important

How do you know when a problem is important?
o The problem is a pain that people have and desperately want to get
rid of it.
o It’s a pleasure that will give people a sense of feeling.

2. The problem must affect a large number of people

Money is a game of numbers. For you to make more money, you have to
sell your product to a large number of people.
The only time when you can sell a product to few people and still make
more money is when you are selling a highly priced product just like I
explained in the V.P.M formula.

3. You must have the capacity to solve that problem

It is not every problem that you’ll be able to solve as a beginner.
You have to identify the problems that you have the skill and ability to
solve and focus on solving them.
You must train yourself to detect the fears, frustrations and problems
that people have and are eager to pay money to get the solution.

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For example, what fears, frustrations or problems do you think the
following groups of persons have…?
o Parents
o Small business owners
o Bankers
o Overweight women
o Single ladies
o Married women
o Civil servants
o Married men
I could go ahead to come up with a list of different groups of people and
then move on to do a research on what problems they have and are
willing to pay money to have it solved.
When you look at the groups I listed above, one thing is common among
Firstly, the group has a large audience. What that means is that if I decide
to sell a product to any of those groups, it will be easier for me to scale
up faster based on the large number of people involved.
Secondly, the group is increasing in numbers. Apart from the fact that
the group has a large audience, it is also increasing in numbers. Do you
think the number of single ladies, civil servants and overweight women
will ever decrease? Not at all.
Thirdly, the groups have money to spend. If you look at the list above,
you will notice I didn’t include job seekers and students. It was on
These people don’t have enough money to spend. That is not to say they
don’t spend money.
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I know there are businesses that target job seekers and students. But for
you who is just starting and wants to become a daily income earner, your
chances of success are very slim.
So, I will advise you go for a market that has money to spend where your
chances of success are very high.
One of the biggest mistake a lot of new business owners make is that
they start their businesses backwards.
Don’t worry, I am going to explain what that means.
They will start a business by renting a shop or office space, buy products
from manufacturers or create them before they will now start looking
for customers that will buy the products.
This is the kiss of death for any new business.
You don’t create a customer for a product, you create a product for a
You need to have a starving crowd who are desperately looking for a
solution to a problem then you create that solution for them.
Doing this backwards means creating a customer for a solution. If you do
that, your business will fail woefully.

”First, you must find out what people want. Find out the people who
want it and how badly they want it, then go ahead and get the solution
for them and collect their money.”

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Section C:
1. How To Build Audience (Leads) On WhatsApp
2. Why You Need To Generate Leads Consistently
3. Don’ts Of WhatsApp Lead Generation
4. Building Your Audience The Right Way
5. Converting Leads To Buying Customers
6. The Money Is In The Follow-Up
7. Activating Your Consistent Bank Alert
8. 25 Lead Magnet Ideas To Grow Your Audience

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How To Build An Audience (Leads) On WhatsApp

Leads are the life-blood of any business. If you can’t generate leads, you
will struggle to make sales. If you struggle to make sales, you will struggle
to make money. If you are not making money, you will continue to be
Every business depends on leads to survive. For your business to grow,
you must have fresh eyeballs taking a look at your products or services
every single day.
Regardless of any kind of business you are doing, you need to have leads
coming in consistently.
Business is a game of numbers. The more leads you are able to generate;
the more chances you stand of closing a sale.
Whether you are a realtor, fashion designer, digital marketer, web
designer, graphic designer, network marketer, affiliate marketer, etc.
one of the best places you can generate leads is on WhatsApp.
I will tell you why.
WhatsApp is being used by over 2 billion people and the app is present
in over 180 countries of the world.
The average person that has a Smartphone has WhatsApp installed on
their device.
I can bet you that 99.9% of your potential customers that has a
Smartphone are using WhatsApp.
In business, it always makes sense to reach your potential customers
where they are congregated.

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So, if you want to reach your potential customers, one of the best places
you can reach them is on WhatsApp.
In this section, I am going to be showing you the best way to start
generating leads on WhatsApp and grow a list of hot buyer customers
who will keep paying you consistently.

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Why You Need To Generate Leads Consistently

We have already established the fact that leads are the lifeblood of any
business. If you are not getting new eyeballs on your business every day,
it is only a matter of time and you would soon be out of business.
If you look at most of the successful entrepreneurs you follow and
admire so much, it is not like they are doing anything special to make a
lot money, the secret of their success is that they have built a large list
of people that knows like and trust them.
Due to this fact, whenever they launch a product, they are able to make
a lot of sales because of the large audience that they have.
The reason they focus more on building their list is because they
understand that business is a game of numbers.
In business, it is expected that you can only convert 10% of your audience
into paying customers.
So let’s say you have 20 people viewing your status right now, if you put
out a product for sale, it is expected that only 2 people (10% of 20) will
buy that product.
If you have 100 people viewing your status and you put out a product for
sake, it is expected that only 10 people (10% of 20 people) will buy that
Now, imagine if you have 1000 people viewing your status, it means you
will be able to convert 100 people into paying customers.
Basically, that is how the numbers game works.

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If you have been trying to sell on WhatsApp and sales are not coming in,
it is because you don’t have enough targeted potential customers taking
a look at your offer.
If you are always trying to sell to the same group of people on WhatsApp
every day, you will become frustrated.
You need to make up your mind and become intentional about
generating leads and building and audience on WhatsApp that will
consistently pay you.
The more people you have viewing your offer on your WhatsApp status,
the more chances you stand of converting a potential customer into a
paying customer.

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Don’ts Of WhatsApp Lead Generation

If you have ever joined any WhatsApp group especially if it is business

related, I am sure you have had one or two persons sent you some kind
of message asking you to save their contact and let them know once you
do that so that they can also save yours and probably send you a gift.
Look at a sample of such message below:

Can you relate?

I am sure you must have received a message like this in the past. It is
even likely that you have sent a message like this to someone in the past
asking them to save your contact and revert once they do that so that
you can also save theirs.

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If you are fond of doing it, please stop it.
Grabbing people’s contacts from WhatsApp groups and sending them
unsolicited messages asking them to save your contact is absolutely
I have tried to correct some persons about this in the past and they
always want to claim it is not wrong trying to connect with new people
using that strategy.
The reason people do this is because they want to build their list and
increase their WhatsApp status views.
But I feel this approach of building your WhatsApp audience is wrong for
two reasons:
1. You Are Spamming People:
You don’t know someone from anywhere, you have never had a
conversation before and all of a sudden, you send me a message asking
me to save your contact.
That is spamming.
Why should I save your contact and connect with you when I don’t have
any business with you?
It is only when I know you or I am sure of benefiting something from you
that I can save your contact.
Entering people’s inbox without their permission and sending them
unsolicited messages is referred to as spamming and nobody wants that.
If you have ever gotten such spam messages, I am very sure that in most
cases you ignored the person.

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If you have ever sent this kind of message to people, I am also sure in
most cases they ignored you.
Look, rather than chasing people and asking them to save your contact,
you want to position yourself as an authority and make people chase you
When you go to people, they see it like you are coming to beg them to
join your network.
However, when people come to you, they will respect you more because
they see you as an authority and someone that has the solution to their
I am going to be showing you exactly how you can position yourself and
make people come to you instead in this report.
2. You Might Be Building The Wrong Audience:
The fact that I am in a drop shipping WhatsApp group doesn’t mean I am
interested in drop shipping.
So if you are sending me a message asking me to save your contact
thinking I am interested in drop shipping, you might just be building the
wrong audience.
It could be that I just joined the group to see the way the instructor was
going to deliver his training and what teaching format he or she would
So you could go through the pain of building an audience only to realize
that they are not people who are interested in what you are selling.
The goal is to build an audience on WhatsApp that constantly pays you.
Let’s jump right in and see how to do that.

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Building Your Audience The Right Way

When it comes to building an audience on WhatsApp that consistently

pays you on demand, you need to realize that it is not just about filling
up your WhatsApp with just any contact.
You must ensure that you are filling up your WhatsApp contacts with the
right audience.
The right audience are those people who are interested in your products
or your services.
To ensure that you build the right audience that consistently pays you,
here are the key steps you must follow:

Step #1: Define Your Target Audience:

Before you start building a list that consistently pays you on WhatsApp,
the first thing you want to do is to define your target audience.
You need to be clear on who your target audience are.
Every business has a target audience because no matter what you sell,
everyone cannot be interested in it.
If you try to sell to everyone, you will end up selling to no one.
Apple has their target audience.
Tecno has their target audience.
Nike has a target audience.
Your product or service cannot be for everybody.

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Every business owner has a specific audience they are targeting with
their product or service.
You must sit down and clearly define your target audience.
What is a target audience?
A target audience is a group of people who are interested in or looking
for what you have to sell and also has the disposable income to pay for
such product/service at a price that is favorable to them.
That is my own definition anyway.
By clearly identifying who your target audience is, it will help you to focus
your marketing effort on those people and getting in front of them
because those are your perfect prospects.
Here are just a few examples of different target markets:
1. Network marketers
2. Working professionals
3. Small business owners
4. Stay-at-home moms
5. Realtors
6. Internet marketers
7. Women with corporate jobs
8. Affiliate marketers
9. Information marketers
These are just examples, and your target market might not be on this list.
But when you are choosing a target market, always ensure that you
choose a target market that you understand better.
This will help you to relate with them on a deeper level when
communicating with them.
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Once you have defined the people you want to sell to, you can now move
on to the next step.

Step #2: Uncover Their Biggest Pain:

Once you have clearly defined your target audience, the next thing you
have to do is to find out that one biggest pain that they have.
What is that ONE THING they are struggling with and desperately looking
for a solution for?
For example, if you are targeting network marketers, one of the biggest
problems that they have is that they are struggling to get leads for their
And because they are struggling to get leads for their business, they are
unable to get people to join their business or buy their products.
So if this is your target audience, I just gave you a hint to a pressing
problem that they have.
Regardless of any target audience that you choose, your job is to find out
a pressing problem that affects that group of people.

Step #3: Create A Lead Magnet:

A lead magnet is anything you give away for free in order to collect
people’s contact information.
The contact information you collect could be their name, email address
and phone number.
In this case, the contact information you want to collect is their
WhatsApp number because you want them to save your contact and

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revert so that you can also save theirs before you follow up and market
to them via broadcast or your status.
When you have identified the problem of the audience, the next thing
you want to do is to create a lead magnet as a solution to that problem.
The lead magnet could be an eBook, a video, an audio program, a
template or a WhatsApp training.
Look, if you are the type that doesn’t like giving away from information
on the internet, just forget about making money not just on WhatsApp
but online.
The reason is that if you are not ready to give out something for free,
people will not be interested in buying from you.
People do not know you, they don’t like you and they don’t trust you.
The only way they can get to know, like and trust you is when you give
them something valuable for free.
People only buy from someone that they know, like and trust.
I am sure before you bought this eBook from me, it is likely that you have
been following me online for some time and have consumed some of my
free content.
It could also be that you bought this eBook because you downloaded my
free eBook on how to make money on WhatsApp and you got a lot of
value from it so you decided to get this eBook.
When you have something of value to give people who are in your target
audience, those people will be more than willing to do anything to grab
that free information as long as it is going to solve a problem for them.

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Now, using the example of network marketers we used as our target
audience earlier, you could create a short eBook to teach network
marketers how they can use their Facebook profile to generate leads for
One of the reasons why this works so well is that you’re positioning
yourself in a way that attracts people to you rather than chasing them.
You have what people want so they will come to you and do whatever
you ask them to do (save your contact) just to get that free information
you want to give them.
Secondly, it positions you as an authority because people see you as an
expert. They will look up to you because they see you as a solution
provider and someone who can help them.
Thirdly, you are very sure that the people who are coming to you are
highly qualified leads who are interested in your offer and will also buy
from you when you pitch your premium product.
This is by far better compared to sending people random messages and
asking them to save your contact because most people will never take
you seriously when you do this.

Step #4: Create A Custom Message And Link:

Once you have decided on the type of lead magnet you want to create (I
recommend you create an eBook) create a custom message that people
can click and message you directly on WhatsApp without saving your
With the custom link of the message, it is easier for people to click on it
and send you a message in your inbox with one click asking you to give
them that free eBook that you have promised them.
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When someone clicks on your custom link and land in your inbox, before
you give them that free gift, ask them to save your contact and respond
once they have done that so that you can also save their contact. 99.9%
of the time, they will always save your number because you have
something that they need.
Once they save your contact, you can also save their contact and label it
for the purpose of sending broadcast messages.

Step 5: Promote Lead Magnet:

This is the most interesting part because this is where you get to start
advertising your free lead magnet and get people clicking on your link to
ask for it in your inbox.
There are basically two ways you can promote your lead magnet:

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Organic Promotion

Organic promotion simply means you are not spending any money to
advertise your lead magnet, but rather using free strategies to promote
it. There are basically two strategies I use to promote my lead magnet
We shall take time to look at how each of them works.

#1: Facebook Cover Photo

That space where you have your Facebook cover photo is a goldmine,
don’t joke with it.
It has the potential of giving you leads on demand 24/7 without spending
a dime on advertising.
If your lead magnet is a free training, you can design your cover photo
with details of your free training and attach your custom link in the
description so that people can click and send you a message on
If your lead magnet is an eBook, you can design your cover photo and
add the design of your lead magnet on it.
Ensure you also have the link in the description of the cover photo so
that people can click and message you on WhatsApp.

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#2: Lead Multiplier Strategy
When people come into your inbox to get your free eBook, one thing you
can also do is to tap into their network of contact to get more leads.
Basically, once I have given them the link to the free eBook I promised, I
then asked if they will be willing to help me share the details of the eBook
on their WhatsApp status in exchange for a gift from me.
Some people will agree to help you share and some will just ignore you.
You don’t have to worry about those who ignored you, focus on those
who accepted and also helped you to share.
Make sure you find something you can give them as a gift. People will be
more motivated to go the extra mile and help you share on their
WhatsApp status once they know that they will benefit something at the
end of the day.
Personally, I only ask people to help me share on their status if I am not
making them a one-time-offer. I will explain what the one time offer is in
subsequent section.

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Paid Advertising

Just as the name implies, paid advertising is simply investing some

money to put promote your lead magnet and put it in front of the people
who needs it.
There are several ways you can run paid ads to get people to message
you on WhatsApp to get your lead magnet. But, let’s look at the three
most popular ones you can start implementing fast because of their

#1: WhatsApp TV Ads:

WhatsApp TVs with a lot of status views (at least 1000 views) can be a
great platform for lead generation.
There is one big mistake a lot of people make when they want to
advertise on WhatsApp TVs.
What they do is that when they want to run WhatsApp TV ad, they go
ahead to start promoting their paid product.
It’s a very big mistake and here is why…
If you advertise on a WhatsApp TV and you promote your premium
product on their status right away, not everyone who sees the ad will
buy your premium product immediately.
It is not because they are not interested in your product, it might be that
they still want more education about your product or they probably
don’t have the money at that moment.

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Now, if your ads disappear after 24 hours on that WhatsApp TV status, it
means those who are interested in your product but couldn’t buy
immediately won’t be able to reach you again. You have lost them.
Instead of directly advertising your premium product, it is always better
you advertise your lead magnet so that you can collect the leads from
that person’s contacts and convert them yourself on your WhatsApp
As people click on the link from their status and message you, you can
ask them save your contact before you send them the link to the free
Don’t just advertise on any WhatsApp TV. Make sure you advertise on a
TV that has the kind of audience that will be interested in your product.
Make sure also that you find out how the person built their audience so
that you are sure to get quality leads from your ads.

#2: Influencer Marketing:

why do big brands pay celebrities huge amount of money to talk about
their products and services?
It is because they understand that those celebrities have a huge number
of people who follow and believe in their works.
The moment the celebrities recommend anything to their followers, it is
likely to sell because their followers believe and trust in their
Getting influencers to talk about your lead magnet can be a great way to
promote it.

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Influencers are people who have built an authority in their area of
These people have built a large following of loyal fans that knows, like
and trust them so it is easy for their fans to grab whatever it is they
Influencers charge differently to promote your product based on their
level of influence.
Who are the influencers you know in your niche that can help promote
your lead magnet to their audience for a fee?
Pick a pen and paper and make a list of all the influencers you know in
your niche, then start reaching out to them to ask about their fees to
promote your lead magnet.
There are some that you can afford and you may not have the money to
afford some. Pick the ones you can afford and start with them first.
As your audience begin to grow, your WhatsApp status views will begin
to increase too.
With time, you can also start advertising for other brands on your
WhatsApp status and when you must have made enough money, you
can go back to those whom you couldn’t afford initially.

#3: Facebook Ads:

When it comes to running paid ads, Facebook ads has always been my
favorite platform to run ads for WhatsApp lead generation.
The reason is that it is very easy to target the people who will be
interested in your lead magnet and it will be easier to also sell to these

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people when you route them to WhatsApp because they have an interest
in your offer.
There are different campaign objectives you can choose from when
running a Facebook ad, but the Lead Generation objective has been
found to be one of the cheapest forms of Facebook Ads.
You can get leads for as low as N20-30 per lead once you set up your ads
correctly and also target the right audience.

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Converting Leads To Buying Customers

What you are promoting to get people to contact you on WhatsApp is

the custom link you have created for your lead magnet.
Once people click on that custom link, they are going to land on your
WhatsApp inbox and send you the message that you have customized
with your link.
The next thing you want to do is to ask them to save your contact and let
you know once they have done that so that you can give them access to
the link to download the free lead magnet.
When they save your contact and respond, then you can also save their
Now, you also want to keep in mind that you are not just doing a free
giveaway. You need to find a way to make money from these people as
they come into your inbox and grab your lead magnet.
You shouldn’t just be promoting something for free. You must have
something in mind that you intend to sell at the end of the day.
The best way to make money from them as they come into your inbox is
to give them a one-time offer.
You give them a one-time-offer if you are not asking them to help you
share the details of your lead magnet on your status.
Instead of asking them to share the details of your lead magnet on their
status, you rather ask them to buy something from you almost
A one-time offer is a smart marketing technique used by marketers to
increase sales in their business.
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Usually, a one-time offer is something you have to grab immediately or
risk the chance of missing it or paying more for it later on.
So let’s say you are giving away a free eBook to women who want to lose
weight. Inside this eBook, you have shared 5 ways they can lose weight
without hitting the gym.
After delivering the eBook to them, you can make them a one-time offer
to grab your 30-day meal planner for N1000 within the next 24 hours. If
they fail to pay within the next 24 hours, the price will increase.
Whatever lead magnet you are giving away, just ensure that you have a
product to sell them as a one-time offer.
The lead magnet must also be congruent with the product you’re selling
because it will naturally lead the prospect into making a buying a
If you are running ads, the one-time offer will basically help you to cover
your ad spend.
This is how you can make your customers pay for your ads.
For example, you spend N3000 on ads to generate 50 leads on
WhatsApp. When they 50 land in your WhatsApp inbox, you made all of
them a one-time offer to buy your eBook for N1000, if only 5 out of the
50 purchases that eBook, it therefore means that you have been able to
cover your ad spend for that day.
You can see that you may not need to use your own money to run your
All you have to do is to keep offering your one-time offers to your leads
and as they buy, you can use the money to re-invest it into your ads.

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Your one-time offer is not your main product. The work of your one-time
offer is basically to help you recoup your advertising cost. That way, it
will seem like you are actually running your paid ads at zero cost because
the ads is paying for itself.
As people purchase your one-time offer, you can now upsell them your
main product on the back-end and that is where you make the most

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The Money Is In The Follow-Up

Some of the leads you generate will purchase your one-time offer and
some won’t.
While it is important that you get people to grab your one-time offer,
your focus should be on the main product you want to sell.
The first product you are introducing to your potential customers is the
onetime offer, but after that, you also want to start introducing them to
your main or core offer.
At this point, you have to follow-up aggressively.
The best place that you can do your follow-up is via your WhatsApp
You must keep offering them more value via your status while selling
your product at the same time.
The value you give will help to increase the know, like and trust factor so
that they can feel more comfortable buying from you.
Status selling is something you will have to keep doing for life. As long as
you now have an audience that wants something that you have, you
must show up every day to create content that entertains, educate and
informs your audience.

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Activating Your Consistent Bank Alert

The money you make from the first sale is not really important. It is the
money you are able to keep making consistently by selling to your
already existing customers that makes the whole difference.
The leads you generated are going to be there on WhatsApp for life. They
have also given you the permission to market and sell to them.
In order to keep receiving regular alerts, you need to create and offer
them more products to buy.
If you don’t create and offer them more products, they will look
elsewhere and go spend their money with your competitor.
There is nothing wrong with selling the same product over and over
again. However, if someone has already purchased one product from
you, you don’t expect him to buy that same product from you again for
the second time.
The only way to make that customer buy from you again is to offer him
other products that he doesn’t have and cannot do without.
This is how you can activate consistent bank alert in your WhatsApp
Always keep looking out for problems that your customers and potential
customers have and find a way to create products that will solve those
If you can consistently create products that solve a problem for the
audience you have built on WhatsApp, you will never have any reason to
be broke again.

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25 Lead Magnet Ideas You Can Use For WhatsApp Lead

1. eBook
Over the years, eBooks has been proven to be one of the most effective
lead magnets one can use for lead generation.
If you have an eBook that solves a pressing problem for your audience,
they will definitely rush it like hot akara.
You obviously want your customers to take advantage of your e-books
so they can be prepped for your paid products or services.
The best way to ensure they actually read the e-book is to make it clear
and concise why they absolutely have to have this e-book and what’s
2. Video
Video is taking over the internet and is on track to consume over 80% of
all consumer traffic.
So, it’s safe to say, people are enjoying consuming video.
And it would be a genius tactic to use some video content as your lead
You can create a short 10 to 15 minutes’ video tutorial and use it as your
lead magnet.
You can record the video showing your face or simply use a software like
Camtasia to record your screen only.

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3. A Large List Of Resources
You can put together a list of free resources that you know will resonate
and solve a problem for your audience.
A resources list is a collection of valuable assets and they are huge time
When you put together all of the best stuff in one comprehensive format,
you’re saving your users a ton of research time.
For example, if your target audience is people want to create an online
course but don’t know how or what tools and software to use, you can
put together a list of resources to show them all the tools and software
they will need to create an online course.
4. Templates
We are all busy people. This is the reason why people will enjoy a done-
for-you template.
Most people would prefer to use templates and get things done faster
rather than creating that thing from scratch.
Regardless of the kind of business that you run, you can incorporate
them as your lead magnet because literally anything can be turned into
a template.
You can create email templates, sales funnel templates, sales copy
templates, business plan templates, website design templates, graphic
design templates, etc.
5. Cheatsheets
Cheatsheets can be an awesome form of lead magnets because they
offer the user a list of guidelines to achieve a specific goal.

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Someone might not remember a 3,000 - 5,000-word blog post even if it’s
packed with so much information and lots of value.
However, if you could convert that blog post into a one-page cheat Sheet
that contains all that information, people will gladly click to reach out to
you on WhatsApp to access it.
For example, you could create a Cheat Sheet lead magnet on 10 tips to
create a sellable eBook from scratch.
6. Swipe Files
Swipe files are better than templates because all you have to do is copy
them in their entirety.
There is no need to tweak or add any extra information. This makes
swipe files even more irresistible as a lead magnet.
Many lead magnets are packed with useful information, but are not
meant for copying. But, with a “Swipe File” you are giving away
something extra special – as they can actually “swipe” it.
Swipe files are popping up all over the place, and the great thing is they
can be used and applied in any niche, for any business.
The only rule you must follow is that, as with any lead magnet you create,
is making it informative for your customers. It should always offer a
solution to a problem or challenge they are having.
You could create a swipe file of sales page copy, Facebook ad copy, email
copy and headline, etc. and give it away for free as lead magnet.
7. Free Report
A free report is attractive because it provides some valuable information
that is being given for free.

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The most important thing you must put into consideration when creating
your free report is the offer.
If the topic of your free report is high in demand, but low in supply in
your niche, your prospects will be glad to have it.
8. Audio Training
An audio training is a stand-alone training course that teaches your
prospects how to do something.
One advantage audio has over other sources like video is that you can
hear it while driving, carrying out house chores or having a leisure walk.
This makes it very practical for busy people to consume.
An audio training will do very well in markets where your audience is
usually busy and prefers to consume content on the go.
You can record your audio training on your phone using the AudioLab
App which you can get from playstore.
9. Free WhatsApp Group Training
The most valuable thing you can offer is an online training in a closed
WhatsApp group.
People love it when you are willing to teach them something they don’t
know for free.
Rather hosting an offline training and renting a space, you can bring
those people together in a closed WhatsApp group and share your
knowledge with them.
The mistake some people make when hosting free WhatsApp training is
that they just redirect all the participants straight to the WhatsApp

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Don’t do that.
Before you give anyone access to your free training group. Make sure
they send you a direct message via inbox.
Ensure they save your contact and you save theirs before giving them
access to the group.
10. Checklist
Check lists are similar to cheat sheets, except that they are more
Basically, you are putting together everything the prospect needs to
know into one, actionable list.
They’re also super quick to create.
You can summarize your popular blog posts into a checklist, and turn it
into a content upgrade. Once you combine that content upgrade with a
2-step opt in, you get a big boost in your conversions.
Some people prefer something quick and easy over a lengthy training or
an eBook. It all depends on your customer base.
If the information is value-packed and it addresses their pain points, it
can certainly be a great lead magnet to offer in exchange for a potential
customer’s WhatsApp contact.
11. A Free Chapter Of Your Book
If you have written a book you want to sell, giving away a chapter of the
book is an excellent way you can generate leads on WhatsApp.
The good thing is that, while you are giving away the free chapter of that
book, you are subtly marketing and selling the book, too.

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12. A Planner
If a planner appeals to your audience, you could create one and give it
away as a lead magnet to generate leads on WhatsApp.
People always want things well planned and organized. Their challenge
is always taking the time to organize the things that matters to them
If you can take the stress off of them by creating a planner that keeps
them organized, they will be more than willing to save your WhatsApp
contact just to have it.
Your planner could be a social media content creation planner, weight
loss meal planner, monthly income planner, etc.
13. Resources List
A resources list is a collection of valuable assets and they are huge time
When you put together all of the best stuff in one comprehensive format,
you’re saving your users a ton of research time.
For example, if you are a digital creator, you can put together a digital
product rolodex that provides the list of software your audience will
need to deliver an online course or write an eBook plus the top tools that
can be used for these.
14. Scripts
Scripts are similar to templates.
If your target audience needs something that can help them speak or
write well, a script could be a great lead magnet to use.

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15. Packaged Bundle
You can bundle some or all of your lead magnets into a package and give
it as one lead magnet.
This works because the prospect is getting a lot of content – PDFs, video
recordings, templates, calendar, etc. at one go.
The more useful stuff you can give in exchange for an email address, the
16. The Toolkit Bundle
A toolkit is mostly a collection of tools your prospect will need, all in one
It also converts well because everyone wants to know what tools the
pros use.
17. Worksheets
Worksheets are great because they help you to delve deeper into a
particular area of your topic.
They can include exercises that your prospect needs to fill out in order
to accomplish a specific goal.
18. Food Recipes
If you are in the food and nutrition niche, using a lead magnet like this
can work very successfully.
Your audience love to get a set of recipes and tips to cook up a storm?
19. List
A list is similar to a resource list. The items on this type of lead magnet
are useful things or a set of sources or ideas that are not tools.

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Lists should make tasks easier and faster for your audience.
Your prospect should be able to use the list to understand or learn
something or accomplish a goal more easily. It can be super-specific as
long as it retains its usefulness.
This is one of the easiest lead magnets to produce since you can create
one without writing your own content.
20. Guides
Guides are the most used lead magnets, after reports.
Basically, a how-to piece of content with a goal attached to it whereas
reports tend to be short pieces of content on a certain topic.
If you can create a guide on a topic that is high in demand but with few
guides in the market, it will work very well.
21. A Module Of Your Online Course
You can give away a part of your online course for free as a lead magnet.
You have to be strategic about which part of your course you give out as
a lead magnet so that it can attract more people. You can offer an entire
module, or just a few lessons. This will also increase sales of your online
course, for those people who weren’t sure about how valuable it is.
22. Workbook
Workbooks may be a common option for a WhatsApp lead magnet – but
there’s a reason why people always create them.
The reason is that, they are highly effective.
So don’t dump the idea of creating one just because a lot of people have
been creating it. Create yours and infuse your own creativity.

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The most important thing you need to do is to get inside your potential
customer’s heads and create this workbook to solve an issue or challenge
they’re facing.
23. Case Studies
Case studies have grown in popularity in the recent years, and depending
on the niche of your business – they can be tremendously beneficial to
your customers as a lead magnet.
We all like to see results. Whether these are your own results you’re
talking about, or someone else’s – it’s fantastic
So if you can craft a well thought out study to do, and execute it well – it
could potentially blow up your WhatsApp contact list.
24. Calendar
Calendars can also be very useful and attractive to your target audience
in a variety of industries.
For example, if you are in the fitness niche, you can create a workout
calendar. This will work very well for your audience who can access
workout routines on the calendar and don’t have to think about what
exercises to do each day.
25. A Library Of Content
If you have lots of different educational content, you can make a virtual
library and give your audience access to this content in exchange for their
WhatsApp number.
Using a library as a lead magnet, like is a simple way to give more value
to your prospects with content that you have already created.

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Section D:
1. Creating A Digital Product
2. What Is A Digital Product?
3. How To Get Ideas For The Best Digital
4. Selling Your Digital Product On Autopilot

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Creating A Digital Product

For you to be able to make money, you have to become relevant, for you
to become relevant, you have to become a person of value, for you to
become a person of value, you have to be solving real life problems.
The entire concept of selling is to ride on the deepest cravings of your
target audience.
Just like I told you in earlier sections, it is not every problem that you can
It is impossible for you to appeal to everyone. Hence, you will need to
define your unique niche or target audience and focus on them.
You have to think deeply what gap you want to fill or what problems you
want to solve, then create a digital product that will best-fit for the
people in your niche.
Let me put that in perspective.
You need to create a product that deeply connects to the cravings of the
people in your niche.
For example, I am in the make money online niche.
I have no business selling to people who are not interested in making
money online or improving their finances.

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What Is A Digital Product?

A digital product is any product that is packaged, sold and delivered

electronically e.g. eBooks, Videos, Audios, Online Courses, Webinars, etc.
This book you’re reading right now is an example of a digital product.

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How To Get Ideas For The Best Digital

There are two ways to get ideas for the best digital product
1. Look out for questions that people are always asking.
2. Look out for problems that people are desperately looking for
solutions for.
I will use myself as a case study here so you can understand this better.
Before I sat down to write this eBook, one thing I did was to make up my
mind to share my knowledge with people on how to improve their
finances and become a daily income earner.
Seeing the rate at which millions of people are looking for ways to make
more money and improve on their finances every day, that was what led
me to write this book; to educate people on how to make money online
daily using their knowledge, skills and expertise and arm them with the
best strategies on how to implement this.
The secret of building influence, creating impact and making money is by
solving people’s problems. There is just no two ways about it.
I have observed that a lot of people are asking questions like ‘’how can I
make more money?’’, ‘’how can I become rich?’’, ‘’how do I make money
every day?’’, ‘’how do I make money online?’’ etc.
The best way I could provide answers to those questions is to write this
book you are reading now.
My digital product is meant to provide answers to those who seek to
know how to make money daily.
Your own assignment now is to create a digital product for your target
audience that can be delivered online.
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The easiest digital product you can create right now is an eBook just like
this one you are reading right now.
You can create other products by following this strategy but I suggest you
start with an eBook because it is easier and faster to create and deliver.
All you have to do is to type your ideas in an MS Word document and
convert it into a PDF file and you are ready to hit the market.
Remember that making money is a game of numbers. You must look for
an idea that can be marketable to millions of people.
The higher the number of people that needs your product, the higher the
money you’ll make.
In order for you to make very serious money selling your digital products,
you have to use what Gary Halbert calls RSS.
RSS is just an acronym for Remote Selling System.
It means having the ability to get your sales and marketing message
across to a huge number of people at the same time.
This ability to get your sales message across to a huge number of people
all at the same time is one of the benefits that the internet has to offer.
For the first time ever in the history of man, you can now reach as many
people as you want all over the world with your sales and marketing
This is the reason why I said it has never been easier to get rich in the
history of man than it is today. So if any man is born poor and dies poor
in this new economy, it is their own fault.

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How To Set Up A Remote Selling System That Sells Your
Digital Product On Autopilot

Step #1: Write Your Sales Copy And Set Up A Sales Page:
Simply put, a sales copy is any content on a web platform that influences
a consumer to take action.
When you have a good product, you also need to communicate the
benefits of that product effectively to your customers in order to make
them buy from you. Failure to write a highly persuasive copy will result
to low sales of your products.
I will advise you to hire the services of a good copywriter to help you
write your sales copy if you cannot write it yourself. However, the most
important thing to keep in mind is that you must have a powerful sales
copy to sell your product. Your sales page is like your online salesman in
print that does all the marketing for your product.
Look at it this way; rather than moving from door to door trying to sell
your products to people, you can write a complete sales presentation in
form of a sales letter and post it on a single webpage, and it would handle
all the selling process for you.
It will tell your potential customer what your product is all about, what
they will benefit if they purchased your product, handle all their
objections, show them proof that your product actually works, collect
their credit card details to process their order and finally grant them
access to download the product after they must have paid for it.
All these processes can be automated and your online salesman will keep
working for you 24/7 even while you are sleeping or on vacation.

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Step #2: Set Up A Payment Gateway:
If you are selling products online, you need a means to collect payment
from your customers.
There are different online payment gateways you can use today to
collect money from customers both within and outside Nigeria.
Companies such as Paystack, Paypal, Voguepay, and even Selar and
others have made it very easy for online business owners to collect
payments online.
You need to have a means of collecting money online because a lot of
people are going to be paying for your product, and you can’t afford to
be processing their orders manually.
Your online payment gateway should be integrated into your website so
that customers can easily access it.

Step #3. Create A Lead magnet:

A lead magnet simply helps you to attract your ideal customers and start
a building a list.
So what is a lead magnet?
It is what you give to your leads in exchange for their contact information
like name, email, and phone number. You could go further to collect
more information but I think these three is better.
Your lead magnet could be a free webinar, a free eBook, a free boot camp
or a free video.
Whatever lead magnet you decide to use, just make sure that it is packed
with so much value, it is solving a problem for your potential customer,
and it is congruent with your digital product.
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Step #4: Create A Capture Page:
A capture page is a single page that is been used to capture the emails of
your prospects. This is where your prospects will enter their contact
details in order to get access to the lead magnet.
You can also collect the contact details of your customers with your
capture page. Or you can direct them to your WhatsApp inbox where
they get to save your contact before getting access to the lead magnet.
For every person that buys your product, you can collect their email
address or contact and start building a list so that you can resell more
products to them in the nearest future.

Step #5: Get An Auto-responder:

An auto-responder is a web-based software that manages your list of
customers and potential customers.
Once people enter their details in a capture page, your auto responder
saves their details and delivers the lead magnet to them.
It also saves the emails of all your customers so that you can recommend
other products to them in the future and also make more money.

Step #6: Write Follow-up Emails:

You need to write persuasive emails that will help you make more sales.
Again, if you are not good with writing persuasive emails that convert,
you can hire the services of a good email copywriter to do that for you.
Most of the people who visit your sales page for the first time will not
buy your product immediately.

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Your auto-responder can help you do the heavy lifting by following up
with them on autopilot.
Write your follow-up emails and save them in your auto responder, so
that they can go out on autopilot at a time you want.

Step #7: Send Traffic To Your Offer

Once you have done the first six steps above, you need to start driving
traffic to your offer. This means getting more eyeballs in front of your
The best platform to get started with generating traffic is Facebook.
Facebook has over two billion users as at the time of writing this book.
As a marketer, you have the opportunity to tap into that huge market by
making use of Facebook sponsored ads.
When setting up your ads, Facebook gives you an opportunity to target
the people in your niche. Usually, it is best you spend few dollars to do a
test-run of your ads with four different ad-sets.
This will help you to see which ad is performing better so that you can
pause the other ones that people are not interacting with.
The three important elements of your advert is the headline, the image
and the copy.
The headline must hook your prospects to read the copy of your advert.
Your image must also be very eye-catching such that when people are
scrolling through their newsfeed, they will want to pause and read what
your ads is all about.

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The body which is the copy of your ads must convey the benefits of what
your audience want so that they can take whatever action you want
them to.
When setting up your ads, also keep in mind the audience you are selling
to. If you get your audience targeting wrong, your ads will not perform
well and you will lose a lot of money.
So before you even sit down to start writing your Facebook ads sales
copy, understand who you are selling to and craft your copy in a language
they will understand.

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Section E:
1. Selling Is A Skill You Should Know
2. 7 Tips To Sell Your Products Effectively

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Selling Is A Skill You Should Know

There is a very important skill you have to master if you want to become
a daily income earner.
Again, these skill is not being taught in school.
The skill I am talking about is the skill of selling.
You can’t become a daily income earner if you don’t know how to sell
The ability to sell is the number skill in business. If you cannot sell
effectively, just forget about making money.
There are some people who say they don’t like to sell and I think they are
just speaking out of their own ignorance.
Why did I say so?
Whether you like it or not, we live in a world of sales. It is either you are
buying or you selling. Think about it. The phone you are using, the
clothes you are putting on, the electronics and gadgets in your room,
your shoes, and other valuable items that you have are things that you
bought with your money.
What that means is that someone sold it to you. And for you to make
your own money, you have to sell something too.
The reason why a lot of people are broke is because they have not
mastered the art of selling. They are terrible at sales.
There are very many talented people who are broke because they don’t
know how to sell effectively and most of them don’t even know it’s the
reason they are broke.
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Whenever you see any business struggling financially, it is because the
owners of that business do not know how to sell.
No matter how good or valuable your product is, if you don’t learn how
to communicate its value to the end user, you will find it hard to sell and
make money.
The only reason why any man can be poor is when he doesn’t have any
value to offer, he is not offering his value to enough people or he doesn’t
know how to sell.
If you want to become a daily income earner, you must learn how to sell
and keep improving on your ability to sell effectively. The better you are
at selling, the more your income grows.
Everything you want in life is already available to you but it is in the hands
of people. Your duty is to find out how you can collect it legally.
Money is in the hands of people. You don’t create money (you don’t print
money except you work with the Central Bank), money is collected.
Let me help you understand this.
Money is not created, money is collected and selling is the way to collect
money from the hands of people. That is why people collect money from
you to sell you all those products that you have.
The money in your hands right now does not belong to you, it belongs to
someone else.
It belongs to the taxi driver that will drop you off at work.
It belongs to that food seller close to your office where you go to eat

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It belongs to that barber that will cut your hair.
It belongs to Dangote and every other person who has created a system
to collect it.
Every day when you wake up, the big question you should keep asking
yourself is: ‘’Who is in the possession of my money?’’
When you are able to answer that question, you can now start thinking
of what you can offer those people in form of value in exchange for the
money you want.
Any time you are broke or you need money, stop thinking of begging or
borrowing. Instead, start thinking of what you can sell to those who are
in possession of your money.
Once you find those in possession of your money, create an irresistible
offer for them so they can pull out their credit cards for you.

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7 Tips To Sell Your Products Effectively

1. Focus on talking about the benefits of the product and not the
features. Features tells what the product is while benefit tells what the
product does.
2. Don’t make it all about you, focus more on the needs of the customer
and how you can satisfy him.
3. People buy based on emotions and justify that emotions with logic.
You should always look for the emotional side of what you are selling and
talk more about it.
4. Only sell a product that you believe in and that you can buy. That way,
people can see the enthusiasm and be convinced.
5. Always be in the face of your customer because money follows
attention. Create contents and tell stories about what you sell.
6. Don’t be a used car salesman. People love to buy but they hate being
sold to. Use education-based marketing and educate your audience
about your products. Then offer your product as the best solution to
their problems.
7. Do not appear too needy and desperate. People can smell desperation
from afar and they will avoid you like a plague. So, always sell from a
point of confidence and value addition.

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Additional Section:
1. Where It All Begins
2. Thinking Creatively
3. Feeding On Good Information
4. Become A Voracious Reader
5. It All Starts Now

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Where It All Begins

Everything in life has a beginning.

There was a time you learnt how to sit.
There was a time you learnt how to crawl.
There was a time you learnt how to walk.
There was a time you also began to learn how to talk.
There will also be a time when you decide to become a WhatsApp daily
income earner and that could be now if you want it bad enough.
The truth is that you don’t just wake up one morning and become a daily
income earner.
There is a place you need to start from and that is what I want to show
you in this chapter.

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Thinking Creatively

Your brain is one of the most powerful parts of your body, but it is quite
unfortunate that most people do not use their brains.
You have to keep using the brain consistently to allow it grow in nature.
The only way to exercise the brain is by thinking creatively.
Thinking is hard work, that is why a lot of people do not want to engage
themselves in creative thinking.
Your ability to think is what will help you to get the solutions to different
problems in life.
Thinking is a form of exercise that stretches your mind and forces you to
come up with solutions to problems.
It is as a result of providing solutions to people’s problems that you get
The likes of Thomas Edison believe that one of the most important things
not been taught to people in school is the fine art of programming. Why?
The reason is that programming forces you to use your brain and think.
‘’The most necessary task of civilization is to teach people how to think.
It should be a primary purpose of our public schools. The mind of a child
is naturally active; it develops through exercise. Give a child plenty of
exercise, for body and brain. The trouble with our way of educating is that
it does not give elasticity to the mind. It casts the brain into a mold. It
insists that the child must accept. It does not encourage original thought
or reasoning, and it lays more stress on memory than observation’’ –
Thomas Edison

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People who earn money every day are those who knows how to use their
brains to think productively.
When people are complaining about one challenge or the other, daily
income earners are thinking of how to provide a solution to that problem
and get paid for it.

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Feeding On Good Information

There is this popular program called ‘’Dem Say Dem Say’’ hosted by
Expensive On Wazobia FM.
I noticed some people are so addicted to that program but considering
the fact that I am being careful about what I feed my mind with, I don’t
listen to that program.
What the presenter of that program does is to bring you bad news of the
happenings around Nigeria every day.
I didn’t see how that was going to help me grow in anyway. Rather, it will
keep on filling my mind with negative information and I don’t want that.
The only way I could protect my mind from feeding from bad information
was not to listen to the program.
Your input will determine your output. It is what you take in that you will
definitely bring forth.
You have to program your mind in such a way that it is consistently
spitting quality thoughts and ideas. Your mind has to be primed to attract
only positive vibes.
How can you do this?
You can do this by listening to audio or watching video programs that are
packed with valuable information that will help you grow and become a
better version of yourself.
You can do this by associating with people who think big, people who
think possibilities, people who push you to do more and let you know
you are capable of doing anything. When I am talking about association
I am not just referring to those whom you surround yourself with
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physically. This also applies online. You have to follow the right people
on social media because who you follow determines what follows you.
You can do this by reading books from great men and women whose
words inspire and motivate you to develop the mindset of a daily income
You can do this by attending events, seminars, and conferences where
you will get quality information that will help you to think bigger and
expand your mind.

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Become A Voracious Reader

One of the characteristics of people who have succeeded greatly in life

is that they usually have a huge library of books.
If you study these people closely, you will notice that most of them have
read hundreds of thousands of books to improve the quality of their lives
and finances.
They are book addicts.
Because reading does to your imagination what lifting weights does to
your muscles.
If you stop lifting weights and exercising, you begin to lose your muscle
power, fitness, etc.
Same it is with your brain. The more you exercise it through reading, the
more imaginative power, choices and creative options you’ll have.
Reading expands your mind, reading strengthens your imagination, and
reading helps you to learn and master so many things.
I think it was Mike Murdock that said If you are serious about your
finances, the number of books you should have on money should be
equal to the number of your age.
If you want to become a daily income earner, you can’t do without
reading books.
Apart from thinking, another productive activity a lot of people try to
avoid is reading.

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That’s why there is a statement that if you want to hide anything valuable
from a black man, put it in a book because he won’t read it.
The person who reads consistently will always have better
understanding than others and it is the same thing when it comes to the
issue of money.
I once attended a seminar which was seated with over a 100 prospects
who came to for business opportunity.
When the presentation started, the up line leader asked the whole
prospects who would like to make more money and all hands went up.
He then asked who has read at least 3 books on money that year and no
single hand went up.
He went further to ask if anyone has read at least one book since the
year began and only one hand went up.
What does this tell you?
A lot of people want to see a change in their finances, but they are not
willing to be committed to their own financial education to learn how to
actually make money.
You have done well by getting yourself a copy of this book. The fact that
you are reading his book is an evidence that you are at least better off
than most people out there who will never read any book on money for
a whole year.
However, I don’t want you to stop here. Keep investing in your personal
and financial education by getting other books and courses that will help
improve your life and finances.

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It has never been easier to have access to information in the history of
man than it is today. With just your smart phone and internet
connection, you can have access to books on any topic of your choice.
You can now sit down in the comfort of your home or office and turn
yourself into an expert on any topic of your choice just by using a search
engine like Google.
If you are really serious about making more money every day, then you
should become a voracious reader. Read books on business, life success,
and money.
Reading is to the mind what food is to the body. The more you read, the
more your mind grows and the more opportunities you can have access
to succeed.

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It All Starts Now

I believe there are three types of people who will read this book.
The first set are those who will read it, get excited and talk about how
good the book is, then keep it aside.
The second set of people are those who will read it, make some effort to
become daily income earners, but because of life challenges, they will
give up and go back to their comfort zone.
The third set of people who will read this book are very few. In fact, they
are the 1%. These set of people have a burning desire to become daily
income earners, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.
They will take action fast, make mistakes, fail and get tested by life but
they won’t quit until they succeed.
Which of these set of people do you belong to?
Your answer to that question will determine the result you’ll get after
reading this book. I didn’t write this book to entertain you. I wrote this
book for you to get results. And for you to get results you have to take
Some people say knowledge is power but that is half true. Applied
knowledge is power. The only thing that will help you to get results from
this book is to take action TODAY. Take action and start something today
not tomorrow, not someday but NOW!
I wish you success and hope to see you at the top.
Your friend,
Abwa Lawrence
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Don’t know where to go from here?

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will help you grow your business online.

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