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Hotels version – January 2018

ACCORHOTELS | Safety and Security Department | Hotels guide 6.0/2015 - 0


This document is specific to each hotel and is confidential.

Any copy or reproduction, in whole or in part, is prohibited.
Please report the loss or theft of this document to the Safety and Security Department.

The information contained in this crisis management manual is checked twice a year by the
Safety and Security Department to ensure that the procedures described are in line with how
AccorHotels operates. Hotel managers must check every six months that the version of the
manual available within their hotel is the latest version issued by AccorHotels Safety and
Security Department.

This manual is intended for hotel use, forming an organisational and training guide in crisis
management. It is supplemented by good practice sheets on handling sensitive situations,
which should be kept with the manual.
If necessary, the country/region head office crisis coordinator can add any information or
instruction deemed useful to best adapt the manual to local circumstances (organisational,
legal, etc.).
The only parts of the document the hotel is permitted to customise are those marked as
“tables”. Any other change is to be approved by the country/region head office or the Safety
and Security Department

For franchised hotels: the information contained in this document and good practice sheets
constitutes recommendations. As the operator, you are responsible for reviewing them and, if
need be, supplementing or adapting them to your hotel’s or organisation’s specific situation so
as to deliver optimum crisis management when required. We remind you that each operator is
solely responsible for legal and regulatory compliance and for determining and implementing
appropriate and effective crisis management procedures. The franchisor cannot be held liable
in this regard.

Version: 08/2015 – Hotels

ACCORHOTELS | Safety and Security Department | Hotels guide January 2016 - 1

ACCORHOTELS | Presentation title

The hotel Crisis Committee........................................................................................4
THE DECISION-MAKER................................................................................................. 4
THE COORDINATOR.................................................................................................... 4
THE RECORDER......................................................................................................... 5
THE OTHER HEADS OF DEPARTMENT...............................................................................5
EXTRA RESOURCES..................................................................................................... 5
Setting up the hotel crisis management procedure....................................................6
Dealing with a sensitive event [To be displayed]
>> First of all............................................................................................................ 7
>> Once the immediate danger has passed.........................................................................7
>> Monitoring the situation...........................................................................................8
Contact lists [Table to be filled in]
Emergency numbers (available 24/7) [To be displayed]..........................................................9
Crisis Committee....................................................................................................... 9
Internal contacts (hotel + head office)............................................................................10
External contacts..................................................................................................... 10
Satellite telephone [To be completed].......................................................................11
Procedure for call filtering [To be completed]..........................................................12
Call transcription sheet [Tables]
Sheet no. 1: Information request...................................................................................13
Sheet no.2: Request regarding a customer/employee..........................................................14
Report on initial information
Direct emailing version............................................................................................... 15
Version to be sent as email attachment or fax...................................................................16
Log book [Table]......................................................................................................17
Post-crisis review questionnaire [Table]............................................................................................18

ACCORHOTELS | Safety and Security Department | Hotels guide January 2016 - 2

ACCORHOTELS | Presentation title
What is a crisis situation?

“Any unusual internal or external event that affects a person (customer, employee, executive or
third party), an area of business (hotels or subcontracting) or a geographical area and that, if it
is not managed effectively from the outset, may harm AccorHotels’ reputation, business or
development or render the entity, AccorHotels or one of its representatives liable.”

Regardless of its precise nature, any event can be made worse by excessive media coverage.

How is organised AccorHotels crisis management system?

The AccorHotels crisis management system is organised into various levels of crisis, depending
on the warning level:
 Level 0: Hotel event
Only the hotel is affected, and the event can be handled by the hotel manager and staff.
 Level 1: Hotel crisis
The impact on the hotel is more critical, and the hotel convenes its Crisis Committee. The
event can be handled by the hotel manager and staff with help from the country/region
head office if necessary.
 Level 2: Country/Region crisis
The event may have repercussions for more than one hotel, a region or a country without
affecting the overall operation of AccorHotels or harming its image. The country/region
head office handles the crisis in conjunction with hotels. The country/region head office
Crisis Committee is convened.
 Level 3: Worldwide crisis
The event may extend to affect AccorHotels’ operation overall, or entail harm to its image
or reputation. Global Head Office handles the crisis in conjunction with country/region head
offices. Hotel, country/region and Worldwide Crisis Committees are convened.

What are the reasons behind a crisis management system for hotels?
Any incident or accident that disrupts the smooth running of hotel operations requires
employees to take swift decisions and the setting up of special measures. Crises are always
caused by sensitive situations that are poorly managed.
An event’s evolution into a crisis cannot always be predicted. It is therefore difficult to
comprehensively set out warning procedures applicable to every possible scenario. However, the
implementation of a procedure makes it possible to:
 Raise staff’s awareness of the risks;
 Get equipment and describe the procedures to be implemented in readiness to cope
with a crisis situation;
 Organise the circulation of information and decisions;
 Determine and identify appropriately staff members to be trained;
 Provide the best response to an unexpected event;
 Be in a position to limit the impact of a crisis.

In the event of a crisis situation, the objective shared by all involved will be to
protect both individuals and property, along with the image of our brands and
AccorHotels in general.

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ACCORHOTELS | Presentation title
The hotel Crisis Committee
A Crisis Committee must be appointed, based on the hotel’s organisation. In the event of a crisis
situation, this committee must meet to determine the actions to be taken as soon as possible.
The members comprising the Crisis Committee and their roles are set out below:

It is recommended that the hotel manager holds this position.


• the decision-maker is responsible for instilling a “crisis-awareness” culture in the hotel
• (s)he determines the crisis management organisation appropriate to the business (agreed by
the line manager)
• (s)he ensures the entire crisis management procedure is operational
• (s)he builds a network of people likely to be contacts in the event of a crisis situation
• (s)he ensures the crisis directory is up to date, openly and permanently available
• the decision-maker takes the measures necessary to deal with the event
• (s)he warns his/her immediate line manager and the country/region crisis coordinator
(+ building owner for franchised hotels)
• (s)he assesses the event and decides whether to trigger the crisis management procedure
• (s)he takes decisions (in accordance with instructions from head office/the building owner)
• (s)he ranks priorities for hotel staff
• the decision-maker designates an individual to take charge of collecting feedback to analyse
the crisis situation experienced
• (s)he approves the post-crisis review report and remedial action plan
• (s)he monitors implementation of the action plan


The coordinator is the conduit for all information between the various parties involved in the
crisis management procedure:
• (s)he summarises the information available and coordinates the exchange of information
with the head office Crisis Committee coordinator and with the emergency services.
• the coordinator prepares a situation review including:
• available information
• missing information
• options and decisions, with each person tasked with applying and monitoring actions
• at the start of each meeting, (s)he reviews progress with actions undertaken and changes in
the situation, on the basis of the log book and information received from the head office
Crisis Committee.

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ACCORHOTELS | Presentation title
• (s)he supervises application of the provisions in the crisis management manual, with no
interference in the content of decisions.


• the recorder notes the chronology of events, factual details, information sources, and all
decisions taken by the hotel’s management in the log book
• (s)he writes or approves minutes of meetings
• at the end of the crisis, (s)he gives a copy of the log book to the decision-maker.


They contribute to crisis management in their areas of expertise and manage the actions of
their staff.
Some of these managers have specific roles, in addition to their usual responsibilities:
• organising logistics (meeting rooms, catering, transport, rest areas, etc.) and ensuring that
the systems and equipment (IT, telephones, etc.) needed for effective crisis management
are working correctly;
• organising an operational telephone switchboard: call handling arrangements, distribution of
holding messages, organising staff, messages to be conveyed in responses (the individual
assigned this task can use the call transcription sheet templates);
• ensuring the confidentiality of meetings and documents related to crisis management;
• organising a staff rota if the crisis situation is long term.


• The country/region or Worldwide Crisis Committee may decide to second an expert in a

particular function (legal, PR, an operational or support function) to the hotel’s
management team.
• Such extra staff can contribute to the post-crisis review.

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ACCORHOTELS | Presentation title
Setting up the hotel crisis management procedure

Do not wait for a crisis situation to happen!

Full procedure checked on: _______12.9.2018___________

 Formally designate the Crisis Committee members

 Prepare an crisis directory containing all useful numbers (see table)

 Date last updated: _____12.9.2017_____________________
 Date last updated: ______12.9.2018____________________
 Date last updated: __________________________
 Date last updated: __________________________

 Compile all resources of use in the event of a crisis situation in a file:

 complete crisis management manual
 APACHE good practice sheets: an aid to managing sensitive situations
(Downloadable from AccorLive/Safety and Security Department/Crisis Management/Hotels)
 hotel floor plans
 evacuation procedures
 fire procedures
 expatriates and business travellers follow-up questionnaire
(Downloadable from AccorLive/Safety and Security Department/Crisis Management/Hotels)
 etc. [add any information deemed useful here]

 Obtain a satellite telephone1 (see the guidance on satellite telephones)

 Regularly train crisis committee members and staff in dealing with sensitive

 Regularly inform/brief staff

 Organise regular crisis situation and evacuation drills

NB: a case containing emergency equipment can also be prepared.

(For an example, see the “emergency kit” guidance downloadable from AccorLive/Safety and Security
Department/Crisis Management/Hotels)

Especially for areas where natural risks and/or political instability are found.

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Dealing with a sensitive event [To be displayed]

These recommendations are to be implemented once emergency first aid has been given.

>> First of all

Ensure customers and staff are in safe conditions
• Make sure that everyone is out of immediate danger. Evacuate the site if need be;
alternatively limit the movements of customers and staff. In the event of doubt regarding
possible contagion, isolate sufferers.
• Ban access to hazardous sites. Potentially reinforce security in reception (e.g. for
demonstrations, industrial action).
Alert the emergency services and/or relevant authorities (police, health authority, etc.).

>> Once the immediate danger has passed

• Designate the Crisis Committee, convene a meeting with the members to coordinate the next
steps to take.
Organise help for victims
• Designate a member of staff to greet and guide the emergency services and authorities.
• Ensure the family and friends of the victim(s) are looked after.
• Keep customers and staff regularly informed, keep to the facts to prevent rumours.
Report to immediate line manager or the crisis coordinator [To be completed by each
country/region head office]
Transmission of alert by telephone
to Worldwide crisis permanence:
+33 (0)609 100 200
if Hierarchy &
Country/Region Crisis
coordinator Unreachable Contact/Inform by phone
the country/region crisis coordinator:
NAME + Phone Number + email
if Hierarchy Unreachable
Contact/Inform by phone
the hierarchy:
NAME + Phone Number + email

Incident / impacting event

• Points to be addressed with them:
o Is there still a danger? Is the danger yet to come?
o Are there any victims or a serious risk to health or safety?
o What damage to property has been caused? Is operation of the business in jeopardy?
o Is it possible that the situation was caused by a malicious act or terrorism?
o Has a serious event occurred nearby, to a partner or a competitor?
o Are the media present?
• Send the report on initial information (template appended + downloadable from AccorLive/Safety and
Security Department/Crisis Management/Hotels) to the line manager and the country/region crisis
coordinator (+ copy to the Worldwide Crisis Committee if necessary).

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>> Once the danger has passed (cont.)
Dealing with media pressure
Communication is a key factor in crisis situations, and demands great care.
• Contact the country/region Communications Department and follow their instructions.
• Generally speaking, and until the Communications Department issues specific instructions:
o Avoid commenting to the media, even when strongly pressed to do so.
o Do not give the names or functions of people entering, present or leaving.
o Depending on the situation and pending instructions from the Communications
Department, the following standard phrasing can be used to deal with inquiries:
“We are in the process of collecting all the necessary information, and we’ll get back
to you as soon as we are in a position to do so.”
“We are in the process of collecting all the necessary information.
Our very first priority is ensuring the victims are properly looked after.
Unfortunately, we cannot give you any further information at the moment.”
• Remind staff that they must not talk to the media.
• Provide a suitable, separate holding area for the media.
• Check call handling at the switchboard/reception (call forwarding or collecting of contact

Managing the situation

• Open the log book (template appended + downloadable from AccorLive/Safety & Security Department/Crisis
Management/Hotels) at the start of the crisis situation and record events, decisions and steps
taken, and the names and details of the persons involved, in detail and with exact timing, as
and when they occur.
• Assign duties to available staff.
• If necessary, inform any partners affected, while keeping to the facts as known.

>> Monitoring the situation

Keep an audit trail of events, decisions and actions
• Continue to update the log book.
• Always record the identity the persons involved in on-site operations (excluding the
emergency services).
• Collect witness statements from customers and staff, and note their names and contact
• Photograph or film the site concerned (but do not photograph any victims) and damage to
• Contact the insurance company if there is a claim to be made.

Assist victims with future arrangements

• Obtain regular updates on their progress (hospitalisation, etc.).
• Help and support customers and staff in all procedural matters (pressing charges in the event
of assault, consulting doctors, etc.). Remember to retain documents providing evidence of
assistance offered.
• Offer counselling to staff and customers who might need it.

If applicable in the country in question, convene a meeting of the Occupational Health and
Safety Committee.

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ACCORHOTELS | Presentation title
CONTACT LISTS [Table to be filled in]

Emergency numbers (available 24/7) [To be displayed]

Service Number
Police 113
Fire brigade 114

Hospitals 115

Water company +84 (0236) 3 697 454

Electricity company +84 (0236) 6 251 277
Gas company +84 (0236) 6 505 356

Please add...

Crisis Committee

Role in the Work phone

Usual SURNAME, first
Crisis Mobile phone Email address
role name
Committee Home phone

Decision-maker General Manager Guy Poujoulat +84 (0) 1299526999

Deputy Chief of Eng Đặng Văn Bảo +84 (0) 905 643 723

Coordinator Chief of Security Trương Tý +84 (0) 918 903 168

Front office Võ Đinh Thanh

Deputy +84 (0) 919 337 455
manager Hùng

Nguyễn Thị Ngân

Recorder PA to GM +84 (0) 945 868 559

Talent & Culture

Deputy Nguyễn Quý An +84 (0) 915 859 479

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Internal contacts (hotel + head office)

Position SURNAME, first name Work phone Mobile phone Email address

Please add...

External contacts

Service providers
Arrangement (lead
time, process,
Service provider Type of service provided Contact information
authorised persons,

Please add...

Other external contacts

Information Telephone Website
Travel agency

Please add...

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ACCORHOTELS | Presentation title
SATELLITE TELEPHONE(2) [To be completed]

To ensure the ability to communicate if landline and mobile networks are out of service, it is
recommended that each hotel or group of hotels in a given geographical area avails itself of a
satellite telephone. This recommendation applies mainly to countries/regions where natural
risks and/or political instability are found.
The device should be tested regularly to ensure it is working properly.

Hotel name: _____Grand Mercure DaNang______________________

Satellite telephone available at the hotel: Do not have

Satellite telephone available outside the hotel: Do not have

If yes:
 Storage location (address): ___________________________________________

 Contact (Name of person in charge + Telephone no.): ____________________


Telephone make and model: ____________________________________________________

Serial no. (IMEI): _______________________________________________________________

Network:  INMARSAT  THURAYA  IRIDIUM  Other (state which): ________________

Telephone no.: ___________________________

Device tests:
 Device test date: ___________________ Result: Pass/Fail
 Device test date: ___________________ Result: Pass/Fail
 Device test date: ___________________ Result: Pass/Fail
 Device test date: ___________________ Result: Pass/Fail

If a crisis situation occurs in a country with no satellite telephone, the Safety and Security
Department has an emergency communication case available in Paris which can be urgently
dispatched to a site. This emergency case contains:
 a satellite telephone • office supplies
 a walkie-talkie  electrical equipment (extension cables and adaptors)

Please note that the use of a satellite telephone should be limited and can be harmful to the user’s health, especially for pregnant
women. Employees trained in using satellite telephones have to sign a confirmation that they have read and understood the user
guide for the device.

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ACCORHOTELS | Presentation title

Incoming external calls regarding a SERIOUS event

Note: Behaviour to adopt
- Do not give out any information. - Whenever possible, transfer the call.
- Neither confirm nor deny anything the caller However, if circumstances make this impossible,
says. accurately note down the questions and the caller’s
- Do not give any personal interpretation of details and role.
events. - Listen
- Never take a stance. - Stay calm and even-tempered.
- Do not answer questions, just take a message. - Adopt a neutral tone and remain polite.
- Do not give out your personal contact details. - Act as if you want to help the caller.
- Reiterate that only official representatives
(police, the courts, etc.) are authorised to give out
information about victims or missing persons.

>> Five possibilities:

The call is from an AccorHotels employee (e.g. head office, hotel, etc.)
Transfer the call to _____ Guy Poujoulat ___+84 (0) 1299 526 999________

 The call is from an external service provider

Transfer the call to _________ Đặng Văn Bảo ___+84 (0) 905 643 723_____

The call is from the general public (individuals, customers’ families, etc.)
In the absence of any specific instructions, transfer the call (WITHOUT giving the caller the
 during office hours, to _____ Võ Đinh Thanh Hùng. __+84 (0) 919 337 455_____

 outside office hours, to ____ Võ Đinh Thanh Hùng. __+84 (0) 919 337 455____

The call is from the media, an institution, etc.:

Transfer the call (WITHOUT giving the caller the number) to the relevant internal expert:
Journalists ___ Nguyễn Thị Ngân Hà___+84 (0) 945 868 559___
Local authorities ___ Đặng Văn Bảo ___+84 (0) 905 643 723___
Police, government departments ___ Trương Tý ____+84 (0) 918 903 168__

 If conditions mean the call cannot be transferred

Stay calm and even-tempered
Listen and be receptive
Fill in the call transcription sheet and send it to __ Guy Poujoulat____+84 (0) 1299 526 999__

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ACCORHOTELS | Presentation title

Sheet no. 1: Information request

Caller: AccorHotels Media Institution

Partner Other

If the caller is looking for a customer or employee, use sheet no. 2.

Date: Call received by:

Time: Location:

I am ………….. ………….. from AccorHotels Group, how can I help you?
[Your caller tells you why they are calling.]
Do not say the Crisis Committee has met
If you have no objection, I’ll note down the subject of your call, which will enable us to deal
with it properly3:

What is your name? Could you spell that for me, please?

What company or department do you belong to? Where are you?

What telephone number can we reach you on, and when is a good time to call?

Repeat all information back to the caller so as be sure there are no mistakes.
Thank you for calling. I will immediately forward your request to a manager, and we will get back
to you as soon as possible.

Write down exactly what you hear and note the words the caller uses.
Whoever the caller is and the nature of the request, do not transfer the call directly to the Emergency
Response Committee unless you have received specific instructions to do so.

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Sheet no.2: Request regarding a customer/employee

Call received by: On / / at am/pm

 It is important to state that only local

authorities will be
authorised to (1 sheet peraccurate
provide person)
Has called information after making the necessary
Yes No  Employee 
previously? and essential checks.
Person sought
SURNAME Customer 
First name SURNAME
Number of people First name
sought Date of birth - Age / / - years
Family  Sex Male 
Connection to the
person(s) sought
Friend  Female 
Work  Nationality
Passport No.
Mobile telephone no.
Home telephone of person sought
no. Hotel at which
Mobile telephone staying/working
no. If request is regarding Internet 
Other contact a customer:
Travel agency 
Booking method
Comments: Company 
Arrived without booking 
Number of persons
Full names of persons
Questions asked accompanying Follow-up actions

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Direct emailing version

Report structure can be copied/pasted into the email body to make it easier for recipients
to read on smartphones.
Recipients: Country/Region Crisis Committee members
Worldwide Crisis Committee at

1- Alert raised by:

First name and surname:
Telephone numbers:
Report date/time:

2- Information on the event location:

Hotel name(s) and code(s):
Management arrangement:
Hotel manager(s):

3- Brief description of the event:

Facts, apparent cause, date, time and location of the event

4 - Information available (answer all of the questions)

4.1- Impact on persons, property and the business
- Are there any victims?
If possible, state the number of deceased, injured and missing.
For all persons identified, if possible give their identity (surname, first name, nationality, age, place of
residence, number of persons accompanying including children), status (customer, employee, third party)
and condition (deceased, injured or missing).
- Is there any damage to property?
- Is there a risk of business interruption (closure, legal proceedings, etc.)?

4.2 - Current situation

- Have other AccorHotels Group executives been contacted (country/region head office or Global Head
- What protection and emergency measures have already been taken (site evacuation, security
perimeter delimited, contingency plans implemented, etc.)?
- Have the emergency services and police attended the site?

4.3- Third party reactions or interventions (local residents, authorities, interest groups, etc.):

4.4- Media coverage

- Are there journalists on the site?
- If not, are they likely to soon be alerted to the situation?
- Have any interviews been given?
- If so, by whom (employee or third party)?

4.5- Other
- Foreseeable developments in the situation
- Risks and concerns
- Requests for extra resources

5 - Recommended event categorisation (select one option)

o Event managed directly on the ground
o Event managed by country/region head office (“country/region” crisis)
o Event handled by Global Head Office (“worldwide” crisis)
(Template downloadable from AccorLive/Safety and Security Department/Crisis Management/Hotels)

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ACCORHOTELS | Presentation title
Version to be sent as email attachment or fax
The person responsible for filling in this document is whoever is closest on the ground in a fit physical and psychological condition to do so
 Country/Region Crisis Committee members
 Worldwide Crisis Committee

1 – Alert raised
Alert raised by (name):
Company: Position: Date:
Telephone/fax numbers: Time:
2 – Information on the event location
Hotel name(s) and code(s):
Management arrangement:
Hotel manager(s):
3 - Brief description of the event
Business affected, facts, apparent cause, date, time and location of the event:

4 - Information available

Impact on persons, property and business

Number of deceased, injured and missing
For each victim:
 identity (surname, first name, nationality, age, place of
 status (customer, staff or third party);
 condition (deceased, injured or missing);
 number of persons accompanying (including children).
Damage to property
Risk of business interruption
(closure, legal proceedings, etc.)?
Current situation
AccorHotels executives already alerted
(regional head office or AccorHotels Paris head office, etc.)
Protective and emergency measures taken
(site evacuation, security perimeter delimited, contingency plans
implemented, others)?
External interventions (emergency services attended, authorities,
Third party reactions or interventions
(local residents, authorities, interest groups, etc.)
Media coverage
Are there any journalists present? If not, are they likely to soon be
alerted to the situation?
Any interviews been given? If so, by whom (employees or third
Foreseeable developments in the situation
Risks and concerns
Requests for extra resources

5 - Recommended categorisation (Checkbox)

 Event managed directly on the ground
 Event managed by country/region head office (“country/region” crisis)

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 Event handled by Global Head Office (“worldwide” crisis)
(Template downloadable from AccorLive/Safety and Security Department/Crisis Management/Hotels)

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ACCORHOTELS | Presentation title

Event: ______________________________________________________________________________ Page: __ / __

Person responsible for Complete
Date Time Issuer Recipient New information Decisions proposed/taken implementing Deadline yes/no/in
decision(s) progress

Note for users: alter column headings to match the desired objectives.
(Table downloadable from AccorLive/Safety and Security Department/Crisis Management/Hotels)

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ACCORHOTELS | Presentation title

Hotel name: …………………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………………………

First name & Surname: ………………………………………………… Position:



The following questions are purely indicative, and not a complete list, to help organise information by
subject area to optimise the efficiency of feedback.

1. What were you doing at the time the event happened?

2. Were there any forewarnings? If so, how was the information received and used?
3. What was done first?
4. What was the most difficult and why?
5. Which protagonist or segment of the public was the most difficult to handle and why?
6. What surprised you the most (internally and externally)?
7. What do you see as the most striking and most revealing points?
8. Which details, positive or negative, became of crucial importance in managing the crisis event?
9. In your view, were the in-house protagonists well-prepared?
10. What lessons have you learned from the crisis procedures and organisation in place? What is your view
of the decision-making process?
11. Did you experience difficulty in dealing with media pressure? If applicable, were you able to follow
Global Head Office instructions or did you have to cope with unforeseen circumstances?
12. What lessons have you learned in terms of internal communication and handling information flows?
Did information management (or lack of management) have any repercussions on other sites or
13. What lessons have you learned in terms of external communication (e.g. commercial, authorities, or
victims’ families and friends)?
14. Are there legal aspects you feel it is important to raise? Was the legal aspect of the crisis managed
15. Was knowledge of the local environment (knowing the protagonists, how institutions operate,
language, perception, etc.) sufficient to provide for effective crisis management?
16. How do you assess the quality of the interface between various crisis units (local, hotel,
country/region and Global head offices)?
17. How did you manage resolution? How did the resumption of normal operations go? Who took the
decision to resume normal operations and on what criteria? How did you pass information down to
18. Looking back, do you have any regrets about this crisis situation? Is there anything you would have
liked to have dealt with, or dealt with better?
19. How do you currently feel about the company’s response to emergencies?
20. Have you conducted a post-crisis review with staff involved in the crisis? If so, what key (positive or
negative) points emerged? If not, when do you plan to conduct one?
21. Open questions, doubts, priority areas for improvement?

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To sum up, if you had to retain 3 to 5 key ideas (lessons, principles, essential points) for
each “box” below, what would they be?

Positive points that are worth noting and using Negative points in the category of
in future “Never again!”

Points giving rise to questions, doubts and a Ideas to improve the effectiveness of the
need for discussion procedure

Other subjects to be addressed

PS: Any documentation relating to the event (log book, TV news recordings, press agencies, press book,
AccorHotels press releases, messages for internal use, debriefing materials, etc.) to illustrate the post-
crisis review is welcome.

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