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1 © IWA Publishing 2018 Journal of Water and Climate Change | in press | 2018

Domestic use of rainwater in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam:

exploring the barriers from the citizens’ perspective
Le Thi Thuy Hang and Le Thi Thu Huong


Literature review shows that rainwater is a good source of water for domestic use and has been used Le Thi Thuy Hang (corresponding author)
Le Thi Thu Huong
significantly in many countries. However, the case of Ho Chi Minh City shows that using rainwater is Vietnamese-German University,
Ho Chi Minh,
limited although this city has a high volume of rainfall. By conducting a questionnaire survey with the Vietnam
city’s inhabitants and studying related documents, this paper tries to find out the reasons that hinder
the use of rainwater from the inhabitants’ perspective. Based on the paper’s findings, the actions and
solutions towards increasing the use of rainwater for domestic purposes are recommended, mainly
for the city’s inhabitants.
Key words | barriers, citizens’ perspective, rainwater use, Vietnam


In many urban areas of both developed and developing longer duration of inundation (Dahm et al. ). From
countries, rainwater has been harvested and used as dom- 2003 to 2009, there were more than 400 flood events in
estic water, even as drinking water if it is treated properly, the central districts, in which the rainfall events with
and this use has considerable benefits, such as preventing volume more than 50 mm fluctuated from 6 to 15 events
floods and conserving water sources (Krishna ). In Viet- per year (Bubeck & Ho ). Until 2011, there were 58
nam, people in the rural areas have used rainwater all their flooding spots caused by rain and 27 caused by tide (SCFC
lives since a long time ago. However, this practice has not ). In terms of pollution, the surface water and ground-
taken place in the cities although the country has a high water in HCMC – two main water sources of piped water
annual precipitation of 1,821 mm per year, ranking 38 of – were polluted due to the daily discharge of the industrial
185 countries in the world which have rainfall data available wastewater into the rivers. Many of the city’s canals and
(WB ). In the case of Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), the creeks were heavily polluted and increasingly served as
biggest and most developed city of Vietnam, only people the sinks for untreated domestic sewage and industrial
in some districts use rainwater due to limited or no access wastewater (Vo ). According to the measurement results
to the city’s water supply network (DONRE ). of groundwater in August 2016, 40% of samples did not
According to Saigon Water Cooperation (SAWACO), meet the standard, with substances that can cause cancer
the main water supply company of HCMC, in 2016 only for the users if using in the long term (Dong 2016). In Q1
89.84% of the city’s residents could get access to drinkable addition, of the physicochemical and microbiological assess-
water from the water supply system (Dinh ) and the ment of the water supplied by the city’s pipe system in
physical leakage of this system was approximately 28.53% March 2017, only about 70% met the standard (Dung
(Dinh a). Moreover, high intensity of rain was one 2017), which means the remaining 30% of this piped Q2
cause of flooding in HCMC with both a broader scope and water was below the allowed limits. As well, groundwater

doi: 10.2166/wcc.2018.077
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2 L. T. T. Hang & L. T. T. Huong | The barriers for rainwater use from the citizens’ perspective Journal of Water and Climate Change | in press | 2018

depletion and its further environmental consequences such both runoff (rainwater) and wastewater. Normally, domestic
as salt water intrusion, aquifer pollution, and land subsi- wastewater from households is pre-treated in septic tanks,
dence have been threatening the city (Van Leeuwen et al. and after that it is discharged to the common sewer and
Q3 ). then flows without further treatment into water bodies
In general, in the context of groundwater and surface (rivers, springs, lakes, and seas) (WHO VIHEMA &
water pollution, groundwater depletion, limited accessibility UNICEF ).
to piped water, and flooding caused by intensive rains, other In addition, although the benefits and challenges of
alternative sources of water that can be considered for use using rainwater as an alternative water source have been dis-
are wastewater reuse and rainwater harvesting (RWH). cussed in different countries, only a few studies about RWH
The wastewater can be reused if the challenges in govern- have been conducted for the urban areas of Vietnam. These
ance gaps in water policy can be solved, including: studies mainly focused on the assessment, potential, and
administrative, information, policy, capacity, funding, objec- management aspects of RWH, such as the assessment of
tive, and accountability gaps (Van Leeuwen et al. ). local users’ performance of RWH in Vietnam (Minh-
Meanwhile, since 2012 rainwater has been encouraged for Vuong et al. 2016), the potential of rainwater collection in Q4
use in organizations and individual households by the gov- HCMC (Chi & Hoa 2012), the water sources management Q5
ernment as stated in the Law on Water Resources (No. in HCMC (Ohgaki et al. ), and using rainwater in
08/1998/QH10, chapter 3, article 24). From 2014 until Hanoi’s office buildings (Dao et al. ). Some other studies
2017, rainwater has been mentioned in many policies discussed the users’ attitude regarding the use of rainwater
which encourage academics, companies, and individuals in the Mekong Delta (Tran et al. ; Özdemir et al. ).
to do research, reuse, and store rainwater as an alternative In short, the use of rainwater has not been seriously con-
water source besides groundwater and surface water sidered in Vietnam’s cities in spite of the availability of a
(Decision No. 1942/QD-TTg; Decision No. 768/QD- large annual rainwater volume while the natural water
UBND; Decree No. 80/2014/ND-CP 2014; Decree No. sources are polluted and depleted as well as some areas
54/2015/ND-CP 2015; Decision No. 2502/QÐ-TTg; having limited accessibility to piped water. Although some
Decision No. 589/QD-TTg; Decision No. 01/QD-UBND studies on rainwater were done in Vietnam as mentioned
2016; Law No. 06/VBHN-VPQH 2017). Comparing the above, the reasons for no use of rainwater in the cities has
advantages and disadvantages of rainwater and wastewater not been found. Therefore, through the case study of
reuse, the advantage of using rainwater is due to the maxi- HCMC, this paper attempts to find the reasons that hinder
mum exploitation capacity of 4.7 million m3 per day, while the use of rainwater in the city. Within its scope, the paper
reclaimed wastewater is only about 2 million m3 per day. mainly explores the reasons from the citizens’ perspectives,
In terms of treatment, rainwater is treated more easily while other contextual factors or reasons are discussed
(only with pH, SS, and pathogens) than the reclaimed waste- briefly. Based on that, the paper aims to propose solutions
water (with non-biodegradable components, COD, trace for enhancing the use of rainwater in the city for domestic
organics, heavy metals, pathogens, and color). Regarding purposes.
distribution, rainwater is distributed to the users more
easily by the available water distribution network. More-
over, the cost of operation, maintenance, and distribution LITERATURE REVIEW
for the RWH system is lower than the wastewater treatment
plant. Nevertheless, rainwater use also faces many disadvan- Rainwater use in urban areas thoughout the world
tages, like the instability due to collection only in rainy
seasons, requirements of high investment cost and large RWH is not a new technique to collect rainwater from
area for the RWH system, and the risk of acid rain (IGES impervious surfaces and store it for later use, in fact it has
). In the case of HCMC, it is also an obstacle when been used for a millennia, especially in rural areas. Its poten-
the drainage system uses the same sewers or channels for tial benefits and advantages are as a source of free water (the
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3 L. T. T. Hang & L. T. T. Huong | The barriers for rainwater use from the citizens’ perspective Journal of Water and Climate Change | in press | 2018

only costs would be for storage, treatment, and use); an a serious water shortage that changed the citizens’ aware-
alternative water source for limited quantities of ground- ness about using an alternative water source, but it was
water with pH neutral or slightly acidic, sodium-free still not significant. Until 2001, the rainwater policy was
composition that suits a low-sodium diet. In the case of compulsory for all housing development in Sandakan and
minor flooding due to normal or regular rainfall, RWH many projects were developed by the local authorities and
helps to reduce storm water runoff and erosion in urban private agencies (Shaari et al. ). In Bangalore, India,
environments. It, with separate treatment plants, will also when a RWH system was compulsory for houses with
help to reduce the expansion of wastewater treatment typical site dimensions of 60 ft × 40 ft, 79% of the
plants (Krishna ) as well as the exploitation of surface house owners have complied mainly due to the regulation
water (as the main source for water supply) that may enforcement rather than their own interest (Umamani &
cause negative impacts on the ecosystem, such as the Manasi ).
effects on flora and fauna, the recreational landscape, etc. Despite several obstacles, many studies, programs, and
(Barron ). policies regarding the potentiality of RWH have been car-
However, the implementation of using rainwater is hin- ried out in order to help increase the use of rainwater in
dered by many factors, such as the instability of rainfall, high urban areas in both developed and developing countries.
initial investment cost, usage and maintenance, vulnerable One of them is the concept of Water Sensitive Urban
quantity and quality, and the limitation of storage (Worm Design (WSUD) that emerged in Australia in the late
Q6 & van Hattum ). Parsons et al. () surveyed the 1980s and early 1990s. It outlined a vision for new
potential barriers to the inclusion of RWH in the UK’s approaches to urban water management which addressed
homes and separated them into five sections: (1) insti- the worst impacts of urban communities, such as increased
tutional and regulatory gaps; (2) economic and financial storm water runoff, imported water use, wastewater, and
constraints; (3) absence of incentives; (4) lack of infor- pollutant discharges in order to improve the public percep-
mation and technical knowledge; and (5) house-builder tion and acceptability of WSUD (Hoyer et al. ). In
attitudes. They concluded that the implementation of Paris, Belmeziti et al. () proposed a new method to
RWH would continue to be limited while these barriers quantify the potential of potable water savings in a given
remain. Another survey in the UK about householders’ large area based on one of the prioritizing (ranking the
receptivity of RWH identified that the overall receptivity is stakes of RWH) principles. This method can save up
high, but that factors pertaining particularly to cost and to 11% of the total current potable water through the
maintenance pose threats to the receptivity (Ward et al. use of RWH.
Q7 ). Indeed, the high investment cost and long-term pay- In summary, using rainwater has both benefits and
backs reduce the perception of users on using a RWH obstacles. This has been applied in urban areas of not only
system. For example, in Brasilia, Brazil where the annual the countries which have water shortages but also those
precipitation is 1,502 mm, the payback period takes almost countries where the water source is sufficient but the users
11 years while the proposed treated RWH system total are still encouraged to use rainwater. In some cases, the
cost is about US$ 9,465.46 with catchment areas of use of rainwater in urban areas mostly happens when
468.63 m2 and the assumption of constant daily consump- there are incentives or even compulsory policies by the auth-
tion being 0.61 m , which annually saves US$ 882.7 orities to request citizens to use rainwater for domestic
(Sant’Ana ). purposes.
In addition, many countries have encouraged their citi-
zens to use rainwater as an alternative water source for
daily activities. For instance, in Malaysia, since 1975, METHODOLOGY
RWH has been encouraged but the citizens’ acceptance
was not high enough due to their lack of awareness about This paper is a descriptive research that describes the cur-
the rainwater benefits. The serious drought in 1998 led to rent situation of rainwater and its use in HCMC. Within
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its scope, the paper employs the quantitative method correspondingly to the district’s population, and not based
through a questionnaire survey with the city’s citizens to col- on the citizens’ income because of the minority of the
lect primary data, which aims to identify the reasons that poor and very poor households in HCMC (3.3% of very
affect citizens’ choices in using rainwater. Secondary data poor households have an income lower than 1.75 million
were also gathered from different sources to support the per month and 2.4% poor households have an income
description, discussion, and argument throughout the from 1.75 to 2.3 million per month (PSO Statistical Office
paper. Regarding the study site, HCMC was selected as a in Ho Chi Minh City )). More specifically, 20, 15, and
case study due to its huge precipitation of 1,949 mm per 10 emails with the attached questionnaire were sent to 24
year (Dao ) and its high population of 8,224,400 resi- districts that have a population of over 200,000 inhabitants,
dents (GSO ) which causes high demands of water. from 100,000 to 200,000 inhabitants, and less than 100,000
This demand creates a high feasibility of using rainwater inhabitants, respectively, making a total of 380 emails (see
in the city to mitigate the future risk of water shortages Table 1).
due to the population increase. The content of the questionnaire concerned the citizens’
The questionnaire survey was carried out online for a perception on rainwater quality, the purposes of using rain-
one and a half month period from May 20 to June 30, water or the reasons for not using rainwater, the rainwater
2016, and focused on the reasons why people use or do collection method, the frequency of use, the possibility for
not use rainwater for their domestic purposes. It was con- future use, and so on. The questionnaire included single
ducted with 270 respondents who are residents living in choice questions, multiple choice questions, as well as
24 districts of HCMC. These respondents were considered open-ended questions. It was divided into three parts: (i)
as the sample of 1,900,722 households (information about general information, (ii) households who use rainwater
households in Saigon Giai Phong retrieved on 20 July (users), and (iii) households who do not use rainwater
2016. (Dinh Saigon Giai Phong Online a)) in HCMC, (non-users). The first part asked about the household
according to the formula for sample size in statistics devel- income, the monthly consumption of water, the main
oped by Cochran () as follows: water source that they use and their evaluation in terms of
quality, quantity, and stability of water source, as well as
2 1 p their evaluation about rainwater quality (their living districts
Sample size N ¼ Z ð pÞ
were also noted). The second part was applied for the users
where Z is Z value (e.g., 1.96 for 95% confidence level), of rainwater only and the respondents were asked about the
p is percentage picking a choice ¼ 0.5, c is confidence reasons why they use rainwater, the purposes and frequency
interval ¼ 6%. of using rainwater, and the way they collect and store rain-
The result of this equation was: N ¼ 1.962*0.5*(1–0.5)/ water. In the third part, non-users of rainwater were asked
(0.06)2 ¼ 267. This sample size was then rounded to 270 about the main obstacles that prevent them from using rain-
respondents. water, their future intention of using rainwater, and kind of
An online questionnaire survey was chosen because the tank they prefer to use for rainwater storage. For both
majority of the population of the city can access the internet groups, the open-ended question was employed to ask
through their own smart phone(s) (72%), according to the about their suggestions for improving the use of rainwater
statistics of Google and the Boston Consulting Group in the city.
Q8 (Ca 2016). In order to get sufficient numbers of respondents, Three weeks after sending out the questionnaire, the
as mentioned above, a total of 380 emails were sent to 380 authors received 252 responses (about 66%), of which 218
people randomly in the whole city, with an age range from (86%) were valid and mostly from urban districts while
20 to 60 years old and who represent their households, to only a few responses were sent back from people in the sub-
ask for their responses to the questionnaire. The number urban districts (see Table 1). Therefore, 60 hard or printed
of emails was identified relatively based on the number of copies of the questionnaire were additionally distributed
emails sent to each district, which was estimated directly to the households in five suburban districts,
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Q17 Table 1 | Distribution of survey questionnaire in 24 districts of HCMC, Vietnam

Pop. in 2015 No. of ques. Online Valid online Hard copy Total valid
District (thousand) sent responses responses responses responses Per cent

Binh Tan 332.6 20 17 16 0 16 5.9%

Go Vap 306.7 20 18 17 0 17 6.3%
Binh Chanh (suburb. dist.) 286.3 20 4 1 16 17 6.3%
Thu Duc 265.2 20 18 15 0 15 5.6%
District 12 238.5 20 16 16 0 16 5.9%
Binh Thanh 231.2 20 19 17 0 17 6.3%
Tan Phu 225 20 17 15 0 15 5.6%
Tan Binh 219.1 20 16 14 0 14 5.2%
District 8 206.5 20 14 12 0 12 4.4%
Hoc Mon (suburb. dist.) 200.4 20 2 0 15 15 5.6%
Cu Chi (suburb. dist.) 194.4 15 7 4 6 10 3.7%
District 7 145.9 15 14 12 0 12 4.4%
District 9 143.9 15 10 9 0 9 3.3%
District 6 123.1 15 12 10 0 10 3.7%
District 10 111 15 11 10 0 10 3.7%
District 11 107.9 15 15 11 0 11 4.1%
District 3 90.6 10 7 6 0 6 2.2%
District 1 88.7 10 8 7 0 7 2.6%
District 4 86.4 10 6 6 0 6 2.2%
District 5 84.5 10 6 6 0 6 2.2%
Phu Nhuan 84.4 10 8 8 0 8 3.0%
District 2 71 10 7 6 0 6 2.2%
Nha Be (suburb. dist.) 67.2 10 0 0 6 6 2.2%
Can Gio (suburb. dist.) 37 10 0 0 9 9 3.3%
Total 380 252 218 52 270 100.0%

especially targeting the households who have no or annual precipitation in HCMC were collected to know the
limited access to piped water. Finally, a total of 270 valid volume and potential of rainwater source. Articles by differ-
responses were collected (218 electronic copies and 52 ent researcher about the challenges, benefits, and limitation
hard copies). Table 1 shows the distribution of the survey of RWH were also reviewed.
questionnaire in 24 districts of HCMC corresponding to Data collected by both primary and secondary methods
their population. were then analyzed and synthesized in order to find out the
In addition to the primary data collected through ques- reasons that hinder the use of rainwater in the city. All valid
tionnaire survey, secondary data were gathered from questionnaire responses were analyzed by using Microsoft
different trusted sources, such as the General Statistics Excel, while the invalid ones with wrong or lacking infor-
Office (GSO), Government departments, papers or news mation were eliminated. The secondary data were
of peer-reviewed journals or government newspapers. For reviewed and relevant information was extracted to support
instance, the data of low income strata and district popu- the discussion and argument in this paper. In the next part,
lation helped identify the proportion of distributed the results of data collection and analysis are presented and
questionnaires for each district. The climate data with discussed.
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6 L. T. T. Hang & L. T. T. Huong | The barriers for rainwater use from the citizens’ perspective Journal of Water and Climate Change | in press | 2018

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Most rainwater users live in the suburban districts (63%)
in comparison to the urban districts (37%), in which the sub-
Rainwater use in HCMC, Vietnam urban district with the highest per cent of rainwater users is
Cu Chi (37% over 63%) and the urban district with the high-
According to the latest statistics of the Department of Natu- est per cent of rainwater users is Tan Binh (16% over 37%)
ral Resources and Environment (DONRE) and the GSO (see Figure 1).
from 2010 to 2013, not many of the city’s households used
rainwater for their domestic purposes. Due to the rapid People’s attitude about rainwater use in HCMC
growth of population in HCMC (growth rate of 4.02%
(GSO )), the demand for clean water increases and According to the survey, the people in suburban districts use
that leads to the risk of illegal exploitation of groundwater, rainwater due to two main reasons: saving on water bills
pollution of surface water, and lack of clean water for the (67%) and not having enough piped water (33%). Mean-
residents. In the city, only people in a few districts use rain- while, the urban district users have three main reasons:
water in their daily life, e.g., district 7, Nha Be and Can Gio saving on water bills (43%), benefits for the environment
(see Table 2), because they cannot access the city’s water (43%), and their old habits (14%), which are somewhat
supply system and the groundwater quality in their area is different from the reasons of the suburban district users.
saline. Although the ‘saving water bill’ reason shares the highest
The same results were reflected in the authors’ question- percentage in the responses of both urban and suburban
naire survey in June 2016 with 270 households in the whole user groups, when comparing to the actual water bill
city, covering 24 urban and suburban districts, which (based on their answers about the volume of water con-
showed a limited or low use of rainwater in the city. Accord- sumption per month) and their income, the water bill
ing to these results, only 7.3% of the households use takes up a very small part of the income, only about 0.67%
rainwater as one alternative source of water for their life. to 3.13% depending on their income level (see Table 3)

Table 2 | Percentage of water sources in 24 districts

Water sources (%) Water sources (%)

Population (a) Piped Well Treated Population (a) Piped Well Treated
(thousand system water surface Rainwater (thousand system water surface Rainwater
Dist. people) (b) (b) water (b) (b) Dist. people) (b) (b) water (b) (b)

Urban dist. 6.060 Go Vap 548 100 – – –

Dist. 1 187 100 – – – Tan Binh 430 100 – – –
Dist. 2 140 30 50 20 – Tan Phu 408 100 – – –
Dist. 3 188 100 – – – Binh Thanh 470 100 – – –
Dist. 4 183 100 – – – Phu Nhuan 175 100 – – –
Dist. 5 174 100 – – – Thu Duc 456 40 60 – –
Dist. 6 253 100 – – – Binh Tan 595 100 – – –
Dist. 7 275 50 – – 50 Suburban Dist. 1.336
Dist. 8 419 100 – – – Cu Chi 356 – 100 – –
Dist. 9 263 45 55 – – Hoc Mon 358 1.0 99 – –
Dist. 10 232 100 – – – Binh Chanh 447 10 90 – –
Dist. 11 232 100 – – – Nha Be 104 2.5 44.5 15 38
Dist. 12 427 10 90 Can Gio 71 – – – 100

Source: (a): (PSO 2010); (b): (GSO 2012) and (DONRE 2013).
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Q17 Figure 1 | Distribution of households using rainwater by districts and city zoning.

(HCMC’s living standard divides the income strata into four water, 8.4% buy bottled water, but none uses rainwater as
groups: (1) very poor group: lower 1.75 million VND per their main water source (see Figure 3). In terms of use pur-
month per capita; (2) poor group: from 1.75 to 2.3 million; poses, in HCMC rainwater is mostly accepted for watering
(3) average group: 2.3 to 9 million; and (4) high income trees, washing cars/motorbikes/yards, and cleaning/laundry
group: over 9 million). and shower (in the order of 70%, 65%, and 50%, respect-
Also, looking more closely at the income of all rain- ively). Other uses include flushing toilets, preparing food/
water-user groups, only 16% have a monthly income lower washing dishes, drinking/cooking (40%, 30%, and 20%,
than 1.75 million and 26% from 1.75 to 2.3 million, while respectively) (see Table 4). This is quite similar to the results
the rest have a monthly income higher than 2.3 million identified by Ward et al. () in their research conducted
(see Figure 2). Since the water bill shares a very small por- in the UK.
tion of the income of all groups, people have no Although rainwater is accepted for use in some domestic
motivation to use rainwater for reducing their monthly purposes as presented above, the respondents have quite a
water expense. negative evaluation about its quality. In the survey, 15.6%
Regarding the main water source for their daily use, of them believe that rainwater is ‘very polluted’ and
85.1% of the respondents use piped water, 16% use well 34.55% think it is ‘polluted’, while only 0.4% and 6.91% of

Table 3 | The respondents’ income and their monthly water consumption

Per cent of water bill per monthly income

Group income Per cent Average water use per month (m3) Lowest per cent Highest per cent

Lower 1.75 million VND 3.3% 3.44 1.18%

From 1.75 to 2.3 million VND 10.2% 4.68 2.38% 3.13%
From 2.3 to 9 million VND 52.7% 5.17 0.67% 2.63%
Over 9 million VND 33.8% 6.07 0.79%
Total 100%
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8 L. T. T. Hang & L. T. T. Huong | The barriers for rainwater use from the citizens’ perspective Journal of Water and Climate Change | in press | 2018

Figure 2 | Distribution of rainwater-users by city zoning (urban and suburban) and income.

Figure 3 | Surveyed current situation of using water in HCMC.

Table 4 | Reasons and activities of city citizens in using rainwater

Reasons for using rainwater No. of responses Per cent Activities Per cent

Saving water bill 12 60% Watering trees 70%

Old habits 7 35% Car/motorbike/yard washing 65%
Not enough supply water from city system/well/water surface 5 25% Laundry/cleaning 50%
Environmental benefits 5 25% Shower 50%
Rainwater’s quality is better than other sources 2 10% Toilet flushing 40%
(well water, surface water, etc.)
No piped water 2 10% Food preparation/washing dishes 30%
Plant watering 1 5% Drinking/ cooking 20%
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9 L. T. T. Hang & L. T. T. Huong | The barriers for rainwater use from the citizens’ perspective Journal of Water and Climate Change | in press | 2018

without filters (90% of respondents’ answers). In terms of

frequency of use, rainwater is not used frequently; in the
rainwater-user group, only 10% of people use rainwater
daily while the remaining people only use it occasionally
in the rainy season. This can be explained by the instability
of rainfall in HCMC (see Figure 5) during a year in spite of
its high volume in total. It rains heavily from April to Octo-
ber with monthly rainfall of over 150 mm. In the dry season
Figure 4 | Evaluation about rainwater quality. from November to May, monthly precipitation is under
100 mm and the minimum rainfall is in January or February.
respondents consider that rainwater quality is ‘very good’ While rainwater is quite negatively evaluated by the
and ‘good’, respectively. The remaining 42.5% have no respondents, as mentioned above, the main sources of
idea or a neutral evaluation about rainwater quality (see water including piped water, well water, and bottled
Figure 4). water received a more positive evaluation in terms of
Regarding the method of collecting rainwater, the catch- accessibility, quality, quantity, and stability (see Figure 6).
ment areas of rainfall are often roof surfaces, or in some Most respondents think that their current water supply
cases, rainwater is directly collected from the rainfall and sources have already met their demands, both in quantity
most of the rainwater containers are placed on the ground and quality, and therefore, since they are satisfied with

Figure 5 | Total of monthly rainfall of HCMC from Mac Dinh Chi station. Source: Southern Regional Hydro-meteorological Center.

Figure 6 | Assessment of water supply sources.

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this, people rarely or do not use rainwater for some dom- area of their house that does not allow them to store rain-
estic purposes. water (42.7%); (iii) rainwater quality is unreliable (38.8%);
Nevertheless, there is a gap in the knowledge of citizens (iv) and unstable quantity of rainwater (28.2%). In addition,
about water quality and the scientific data. As reported by due to limited information about the rainwater, 27.5% of
SAWACO, the quality of piped water in HCMC does not respondents have not even thought about using it yet. Simi-
meet the national standard (the standard of the Ministry of lar to the responses of the rainwater-user group, the
Health regarding potable water: QCVN 01:2009/BYT – economic aspect is not the major reason for the low use of
National technical regulation on drinking water quality) rainwater. In this non-user group, only 15.3% consider
because of the old pipe system (Dinh ). In addition, high investment cost for a RWH system as an obstacle and
the city is currently suffering pollution of surface water 12.5% do not use rainwater because they can afford the
from two main rivers: Saigon River and Dong Nai River regular water bill.
Q9 (Muoi & Nhan 2016). Meanwhile, the quality of rainwater In general, most surveyed respondents have not yet used
in HCMC meets the standard for potable water of the Min- rainwater for domestic purposes. Some even have no inter-
istry of Health (with the concentration of the ion Na þ , est in it, due to several reasons, such as low and affordable
stiffness, NO3-, NH4 þ , SO42, Cl- in the rainwater samples water bill, sufficient water source, limited area of houses
at 12 stations in 2013) (Nguyen et al. ). However, as pre- for storing rainwater, lack of information about quality of
sented above, the surveyed respondents think that rainwater rainwater, and the unstable volume of rainfall in different
is not safe enough for use while the piped water, well water, seasons.
and bottled water are safe. This contradiction between the
scientific information and the citizens’ knowledge about Potential of rainwater use in the future
the quality of different water sources is one of the reasons
why people do not trust using rainwater. In the last part of the questionnaire, when being asked about
Regarding the non-users of rainwater, which is 92.7% of the benefits of using rainwater, most respondents from both
all questionnaire respondents, a multiple choice question groups showed a positive understanding about this matter
was applied to ask for the main reasons that hinder them through answers like ‘it is a free source of water’, ‘it reduces
from using rainwater (see Table 5). The result shows several exploiting groundwater’, and ‘using rainwater can save water
reasons why people do not use rainwater, as listed below bill’, etc.; a number of people are even willing to increase
(from high to low percentage of their responses, respect- their use of rainwater if there is a proper plan for it. How-
ively): (i) having enough water from other sources, ever, for the non-user group, when being asked if they
especially piped water (70% of respondents); (ii) limited would use rainwater in the future, 54.9% cannot decide
yet, 24.0% say ‘no’, and only 21.1% agree to use rainwater.
Table 5 | Reasons why urban citizens do not use rainwater
For those who agree to use rainwater in the future
(21.1%), their reasons are: (i) to save water bill; (ii) to save
No. of Percentage
water resources; and (iii) to reduce flooding in the city.
Reasons responses (%)
This shows that the perception of people about the future
Enough water from other sources 179 70.2
use of rainwater is not very positive (Figure 7).
Limited areas for rainwater tank or cistern 109 42.7
Rainwater quality is not good 99 38.8
Low or unstable quantity of rainfall 72 28.2
Not think about rainwater use yet 70 27.5
High investment cost 39 15.3
Water expense is still low in comparison 32 12.5
with the income
Others 11 4.3
Figure 7 | Potential of using rainwater in the future.
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11 L. T. T. Hang & L. T. T. Huong | The barriers for rainwater use from the citizens’ perspective Journal of Water and Climate Change | in press | 2018

Especially for the non-user group, if using rainwater is cause an inconvenience for them. Last, the information
compulsory, 50% of them prefer rainwater from a network about using rainwater is also limited, especially since there
system (i.e., collective system or shared system) as they has been no significant encouragement or trigger that
think the installation cost would be cheaper or the treatment encourages people to use rainwater. Thus, they do not
would be easier; 41% prefer the individual system for inde- think about using it in the future.
pendent control quality of rainwater; and the remaining Nevertheless, the context of HCMC shows that there is
9% want to use both systems. They also suggested that the an opportunity for using rainwater in the future due to two
city authorities should carry out some actions and policies main reasons: first, even though the groundwater and sur-
about the rainwater use, such as solving the air pollution face water are sufficient, they are polluted; second, the
problems (as they think air pollution makes rainwater city’s pipe system is old and there is leakage, as discussed
become dirty) or having the harvesting system on a large above, but there are financial challenges to renew the
scale to control and treat the rainwater for ensuring the system. In short, although RWH is not a necessary or
quality. urgent need for the city’s citizens at the present time, it
should be considered for domestic uses as one alternative
water source, especially in the long term. Especially, the
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS information on the quality and availability of rainwater for
use should be disseminated to the city’s citizens so that
Based on the secondary sources and results of the question- they know and can make their choice of using or not
naire survey, this paper finds that although HCMC has a using rainwater depending on their preference or invest-
high volume of annual rainfall, the rainwater has not been ment affordability for the RWH system. The lessons learnt
widely used in the city, even as an alternative source of from other countries like Australia, the UK, Malaysia,
water, except in some suburban areas where people have India, and Brazil show that the use of rainwater should be
limited access to the piped water system. With the focus enhanced by different actors: the government and the city
on exploring the barriers from the citizens’ perspective in citizens. In the case of HCMC, since the citizens do not
using rainwater for domestic purposes, the data results and have a positive perspective about the use of rainwater yet,
discussion section point out the main reasons that hinder it is necessary to improve their understanding about the
the use of rainwater in the city. First, in their understanding quality of rainwater and the benefits of using it for some
or knowledge (not based on scientific information), the domestic purposes. Their awareness about saving water
existing piped water supply meets the citizens’ needs, both resources, protecting the environment, preventing floods,
in quantity and quality, and most of them can afford to etc. in relation with the use of rainwater should also be
pay for their water expense which is only a small portion improved. All of these things can be done through different
of their monthly income. For both groups, users and non- actions with the cooperation and support of other actors
users of rainwater, the water bill is not a factor that affects involved in the water sector. For instance, the gap between
their choice of using rainwater or not. Second, the limited the scientific information and citizen’s understanding and
area of some houses does not allow people to store rain- awareness about rainwater use should be eliminated by pro-
water tanks. Third, the lack of scientific information leads viding sufficient information by the authorities and scientists
people to misjudge the quality of rainwater, thus many through media, school education, or water-related events
people think that the rainwater is not qualified for use. In organized by the private or public sectors. At the community
other words, due to the gap between the scientific infor- level, it is necessary to have a plan or guidance to guide
mation and the citizens’ knowledge on rainwater, people people to harvest rainwater properly, both in design and
do not really know that the rainwater is qualified or safe implementation. Raising the use of rainwater can also be
to be used for some domestic purposes. Fourth, from their done by encouragement or incentivizing policies of the
point of view, people think that the unstable quantity of rain- city government and even by compulsory solution in some
water due to the infrequent rainfall in different seasons may cases as the last option.
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12 L. T. T. Hang & L. T. T. Huong | The barriers for rainwater use from the citizens’ perspective Journal of Water and Climate Change | in press | 2018

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First received 22 May 2017; accepted in revised form 19 December 2017. Available online 6 February 2018
Author Queries
Journal: Journal of Water and Climate Change
Manuscript: JWC-D-17-00077

Q1 Dong (2016) is not listed in the reference list. Please add it to the list or delete the citation.
Q2 Dung (2017) is not listed in the reference list. Please add it to the list or delete the citation.
Q3 Leeuwen et al. (2015) has been changed to Van Leeuwen et al. (2015) as per the reference list.
Q4 Minh-Vuong et al. (2016) is not listed in the reference list. Please add it to the list or delete the citation.
Q5 Chi and Hoa (2012) is not listed in the reference list. Please add it to the list or delete the citation.
Q6 Worm and Hattum (2006) has been changed to Worm and van Hattum (2006) as per the reference list.
Q7 Warda et al. (2013) has been changed to Ward et al. (2013) as per the reference list.
Q8 Ca (2016) is not listed in the reference list. Please add it to the list or delete the citation.
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Q11 Mai (2016) is not cited in the main text. Please confirm where it should be cited, or delete the reference.
Q12 Ngo (2016) is not cited in the main text. Please confirm where it should be cited, or delete the reference.
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