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2003 Copyright # Physiologia Plantarum 2003

Printed in Denmark – all rights reserved ISSN 0031-9317

Low irradiance modifies the effect of water stress on survival and

growth-related parameters during the early developmental stages of
buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum)
C. Delpérée, J. M. Kinet and S. Lutts*

Unite´ de Biologie Ve´ge´tale, Institut des Sciences de la Vie, Universite´ catholique de Louvain, 5 (Bte 13) Place Croix du Sud, B-1348
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
*Corresponding author, e-mail: lutts@bota.ucl.ac.be
Received 14 October 2002; revised 24 March 2003

In order to characterize physiological modifications encoun- stressed plants was similar under both light treatments.
tered by buckwheat plants exposed to both drought and low- Water-stressed plants under moderate irradiance exhibited
light stresses, seedlings (cv. La Harpe) were exposed under higher growth, NAR, osmotic adjustment, and lower SLA
controlled environmental conditions, to a progressive decline than plants maintained under low irradiance. However, the
in soil volumetric water content under two light regimes: low former died after 27 days of treatment while the latter still
irradiance (80 mmol m2 s1) or moderate irradiance (160 remained alive until the experiment was discontinued
mmol m2 s1). Phenological evolution of the whole plant (40 days). We concluded that the physiological strategy
until the macroscopic appearance of the reproductive structure adopted by the water-stressed plants maintained under mod-
and physiological properties of leaves in relation to their erate irradiance did not afford a long-term advantage in terms
position on the main axis were quantified. Water stress of survival. The effects of a combination of low-light and
reduced net assimilation rate (NAR) before specific leaf area water stress on chlorophyll concentration and carbon isotope
(SLA) and induced a decrease in stomatal conductance (gl) discrimination (D) are discussed in relation to growth param-
and carbon isotope discrimination (D). Water consumption by eters.

Drought stress is a major constraint to crop production situations (Roggatz et al. 1999). During drought stress
and yield stability in rainfed regions. Transient water growing leaves may develop source functions at smaller
stresses also occur in temperate climates and may have leaf size, often before specific physiological adaptations
a strong impact on plant development. An efficient use to drought occur (Schurr et al. 2000).
of limited water resources and a sustained growth when Adaptive morphophysiological traits of cultivated
water supply is limited are therefore desirable traits to plants to water deficit result from the ecological con-
improve crop performance under drought conditions. straint the crop faced with, as well as from associated
Plant response to environmental stresses varies during agronomic practices. Among cereal species, common
ontogenesis and development. Stress can alter leaf struc- buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.) exhibits
ture considerably and the dynamic of stress interacts several peculiar characteristics: it is a dicotyledonous
with the dynamic of development of structure and func- species showing a high level of allogamy due to hetero-
tions in growing tissues, resulting in very different stily, a very rapid floral initiation, and a non-determined
responses to stress in leaves of different developmental flowering habit leading to a simultaneous production of

Abbreviations – A, photosynthetic rate indicated by the assimilation of CO2; chl, chlorophyll; Ci/Ca, ratio of internal leaf CO2 concentration
to ambient CO2 concentration; D, carbon, isotope discrimination; yv, soil volumetric water content; d13C: carbon isotope composition; FWt,
fresh weight at full turgor; gl, leaf stomatal conductance; LA, leaf area; NAR, net assimilation rate; RWC, relative water content; SLA, specific
leaf area; Cs, osmotic potential.

Physiol. Plant. 119, 2003 211

leaves and inflorescences. Flower production and seed (pH KCl). Substrate contains (in mg per 100 g DW): 17 P,
maturation are not synchronized and a given inflorescence 126 K, 33 Mg, 322 Ca, 1215 total N and 845 total C. At
may thus contain flowers and seeds at different stages the beginning of the treatment, substrate was watered to
of maturity (Marshall and Pomeranz 1982, Björkman the field capacity (water content of 28%) and plants were
1995, Taylor and Obendorf 2001). Slawinska and randomly distributed in two groups. For both light levels,
Obendorf (2001) recently demonstrated that water a first group of 120 plants (referred to as ‘control’) was
stress has an important impact on seed set and that watered daily while a second group of 120 plants (referred
the effect of water deficit continues after rewatering to as ‘water stressed’) was deprived of additional watering
and is subsequently expressed as a reduction of fertility until the end of the experiment. Soil water content (yv) for
in newly formed flowers. Although field studies suggest each treatment was estimated daily in 10 randomly chosen
that buckwheat requires high amounts of water before pots using the method of responding changes in the
flowering (Marshall and Pomeranz 1982), no physio- apparent dielectric constant and a calibrated ThetaProbe
logical data on water stress impact during the vegetative soil moisture sensor type ML1 (Delta-T Devices Ltd,
stage are available. Water stress episodes in field con- UK). The soil water potential (Cws) was determined
ditions are frequently associated with high radiation. according to the model of van Genuchten (1980) on the
Because of its very rapid growth, buckwheat is often basis of calibration obtained for the considered substrate
used as a catch crop in spring or autumn. It may with samples of known gravimetric water content.
therefore be exposed simultaneously to transient low
water availability and low radiation. Unfortunately,
data concerning the impact of combined water stress Phenological evolution, growth parameter and osmotic
and low irradiance on plants are crucially lacking. potential
Since the response of the whole plant at the vegetative Plants were considered at the following vegetative stages:
stage results from the co-ordinated integration of individ- unfolded cotyledons, 2, 4 and 6 unfolded leaves. Because
ual leaf responses, a thorough study aiming to get a of the death of water-stressed plants (see Results), sub-
better understanding of multiple stresses impact on sequent stages were not considered. The time required to
plants should consider different organs at different devel- reach a given developmental stage was recorded for each
opmental stages. The aims of this study are therefore: plant. The date of emergence of the first inflorescence
(1) to determine if low radiation has an impact on the was also determined, as well as the number of leaves
response of buckwheat exposed to progressive water present at the time of the inflorescence appearance and
stress at the young seedling stage in terms of survival the date of first anthesis.
and growth-related parameters; and (2) to develop a At each developmental stage, leaves belonging to five
comprehensive approach of such an impact by a sequen- randomly chosen individual plants per treatment were
tial analysis of what occurs in individual leaves at differ- collected. Cotyledons and pairs of true leaves (leaves
ent positions on the plant during their development no. 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and 6, numbered acropeticaly) were
under these unfavourable conditions. always considered separately. Leaf area was determined
by an Image Analysis System (Delta-T Devices LTD,
Cambridge, UK) coupled to WinDias software. Leaves
Materials and methods were then immediately weighed to determine FW and
Plant material, growth conditions and modalities of stress incubated for 4 h in Petri dishes in darkness at 4 C on
imposition two layers of filter paper (Whatman No. 1) moistened
with sterile deionized water. Turgid fresh weight (FWt)
Seeds from the diploid cultivar La Harpe were obtained was estimated and leaves were then maintained in an
from AgriObtention (France). They were allowed to ger- oven at 70 C for 48 h prior to DW estimation. Relative
minate on a compost substrate previously treated with a water content (RWC) was calculated by the formula:
fungicide (Rovral, 2.5 g l1) in 20 containers (3.2 l; 40
seeds per container) placed in a growth chamber at 21 C RWCðin percentageÞ ¼ ½ðFW  DWÞ=ðFWt  DWÞ
during the day and 18 C during the night, under a rela-  100
tive humidity of 78±5% and a day night/cycle of 16/8 h.
Light was supplied by Philips lamps (Philips Lighting Specific leaf area (SLA) was defined as:
S.A., Brussels, Belgium) (HPIT 400 Watts). Half of the SLA ¼ LA=DW
containers were maintained under a PAR of 160±20 where LA is the leaf area.
mmol m2 s1 (moderate radiation) and the other half
under a PAR of 80±20 mmol m2 s1 (low radiation).
Light radiation for both treatments was carefully Data from consecutive sampling were used to compute the
checked and re-adjusted every 2 days. Net Assimilation Rate (NAR) by the following equation:
Seedlings (480) developing one pair of green cotyle-
NAR ¼ ð1=LA2Þ ððDW2  DW1Þ=ðt2  t1 ÞÞ
dons were then carefully transplanted in individual pots
(1.0 l) filled with a mixture of silt (29.7%), clay (7.8%) where 1 and 2 refer to harvest at time t1 and t2, respect-
and sand (62.5%). The pH value of the substrate was 6.7 ively.

212 Physiol. Plant. 119, 2003

For osmotic potential (Cs) determination, leaves belong- was expressed on a leaf area basis. However, in order to
ing to each pair were separately collected at 14 : 00 h consider accumulation independently of tissue water losses,
(corresponding to the mid-photoperiod) on 10 plants, cut in concentrations were readjusted to the same water content
small segments, placed in Eppendorf tubes perforated with as the controls, as stated above for osmotic potential.
four small holes and immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen.
After being encased individually in a second intact Eppendorf
Stomatal conductance and carbon isotope discrimination
tube, they were allowed to thaw for 30 min and centrifuged
at 15 000 g for 15 min at 4 C. Osmolarity of the extracted Leaf stomatal conductance (gl) was measured on the
sap was assessed with a vapour pressure osmometer (Wescor abaxial surface of leaves from 10 randomly chosen plants
5500, Wescor Inc., Utah, USA) and converted from mos- per treatment, using an automatic porometer (MKIII;
mol kg1 to MPa using the Van’t Hoff equation. Delta-T Devices LTD, Cambridge, UK). Measurements
In order to quantify osmotic adjustment, and consid- were performed at each developmental stage and on each
ering the putative loss of water in stressed tissues, osmotic pair of leaves, considering the mean value for the two
potential was readjusted according to: leaves belonging to the same pair.
For carbon isotope discrimination, leaves were col-
ccorr ¼ cs ðWCs =WCc Þ
lected on 5 randomly chosen plants per treatment for
where WCs and WCc are the water content of stressed each stage, and immediately oven-dried for 48 h at
and control leaves, respectively. 70 C. Approximately 1 g of tissue for each sample was
then ground to a fine powder. Carbon isotope compo-
sition (d13C) was determined in duplicate for each sample
Biochemical analysis
with an isotope mass spectrometer (Isotope Services Inc,
Leaves from 10 plants per treatment were harvested, Los Alamos, NM, USA) and calculated with respect to
frozen in liquid nitrogen and kept at 80 C until ana- PeeDeeBelemnite reference as d13C (%) ¼ [(Rsample/
lysis. For chlorophyll (chl) determination, 100 mg of FW Rreference)  1  1000] where R is 13C/12C ratio. Carbon
were ground in a prechilled mortar in the presence of isotope discrimination (D) was calculated according to
8 ml acetone 80%. After complete extraction, the mixture the formula of Hubick et al. (1986): D ¼ [(da  dp)/
was filtered and the volume was adjusted to 10 ml with (1 1 dp)]*1000 where dp is the d13C of the leaf sample
cold acetone. The absorbance of the extract was read at and da is the d13C of the atmospheric CO2 ( 8%).
645 and 663 nm using a Beckman DU640 spectrophoto-
meter and concentration for chl a and chl b were calcu-
lated using the formula of McKinney (1941). Statistical analysis
For free soluble sugar extraction, 1 g of frozen samples Each experiment was repeated twice (in autumn 1999
was ground in liquid nitrogen to a fine powder and then and in spring 2000) under controlled growth chamber
extracted with 4 ml of 70% ethanol. Extracts were centri- conditions and lead to statistically similar results. Data
fuged for 15 min at 6600 g. Total soluble sugars in the super- presented hereafter are from one single experiment. An
natant were estimated according to Yemm and Willis (1954). analysis of variance was performed on all data set using the
For the identification and quantification of individual SAS software (SAS Institutes, Tervuren, Belgium) using
sugars, a fixed volume of the ethanol fraction was evap- variance analysis. Since the number of analysed pairs of
orated under vacuum to dryness, resuspended in 150 ml leaves depends on the considered developmental stage, two
of HPLC-grade water (Acros-Organics BVBA SPRL Geel, separate three-way ANOVA were performed using radiation,
Belgium) and filtered through a 0.2-mm filter (Acrodisc water availability and the developmental stage for a given
LC 13 mm – PVDF Merck-Eurolab SA, Leuven, Belgium). pair of leaves on the one hand, and the level of leaf at a
Sugars were fractionated using a Bio-Rad 2700 HPLC given developmental stage on the other hand. General
system and an Aminex HPX-87C resin-based column mean values were compared using the Scheffé method.
(7.8  300 mm; Bio-Rad 125-0095, Bio-Rad SA, Nazar-
eth EKE, Belgium) in degassed and prewarmed (70 C)
HPLC water at a flow rate of 0.6 ml min1. Individual Results
sugars were detected using a refractive index monitor
Soil water content and plant phenology
(Model 1755) and quantified by the Valuechrom soft-
ware (Bio-Rad) integrating data from standard curves In control treatment, water content of the soil (Fig. 1)
obtained using commercially available sugars (Sigma remained between 20 and 25% (Cws ¼ 0.01 to 0.12
Chemical, Sigma-Aldrich, Bornem, Belgium). MPa) throughout the experiment while yv progressively
Proline was extracted from 200 mg FW in 3 ml sulfo- decreased to near 10% after 10 days (Cws ¼ 1.24 MPa)
salicylic acid 3% (v/v) centrifuged for 15 min at 8100 g and plunged under 5% (Cws ¼ 2.73 MPa) after
and quantified using the ninhydrin method as described 15 days in the water stress treatment. No difference in
by Bates et al. (1973). this respect was observed between the low and moderate
For a given sample, each measure was performed in irradiance treatment. Under control conditions, all
triplicate. The concentrations of organic compounds were plants reached the 6-leaf stage but this growth stage was
expressed on a fresh matter basis, except chlorophyll, which delayed by 2 days under low irradiance compared to

Physiol. Plant. 119, 2003 213

30 Fig. 1. Mean water content of
substrate used for buckwheat
culture under low irradiance (80
25 mmol m2 s1; LI) and moderate
Water content of substrate (%)

irradiance (160 mmol m2 s1; MI).

Plants were maintained under
20 control (C) or water stress (WS)
conditions. Water stress was
imposed by withholding watering.
15 Plants maintained for 27 days in
C-MI moderate irradiance died (arrow)
WS-MI and the experiment therefore
C-LI continued under low irradiance
WS-LI only. Measurements are the mean
of 10 randomly chosen pots and
vertical bars are standard errors.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time from the beginning of the stress (day)

moderate irradiance. Water stress strongly decreased the Growth parameters and water status
rhythm of leaf appearance as shown in Fig. 2. As a
Low irradiance slightly decreased DW of cotyledons at
consequence, water-stressed plants reached the 4-leaf
the cotyledonary stage but had no impact on this param-
stage 15 (moderate irradiance) and 13 days (low irradiance)
eter at the 2-leaf stage (Fig. 3). Water stress had no
after control plants. Water-stressed plants under moder-
significant impact on DW at these stages, except for the
ate irradiance exhibited 100% mortality after 27 days. In
first pair of leaves under low irradiance. At the 4-leaf
both experiments, they suddenly lost turgor within 48 h
stage, water stress reduced DW of all leaves, including
and all leaves appeared fully necrosed; these plants were
cotyledons; a significant interaction light  water stress
consequently considered as dead while water-stressed
was observed at this stage, since the lowest DW for true
plants maintained under low irradiance still remained
leaves was observed in stressed plants maintained under
alive but appeared unable to reach the 6-leaf stage.
low irradiance. At the 6-leaf stage, well-watered plants
When the first inflorescence appeared, some leaves
maintained under low irradiance exhibited higher DW
were unfolded while others were still folded and clustered
than plants experiencing moderate irradiance.
just below the inflorescence. Irradiance had no impact on
Relative water content (RWC; Table 1) of cotyledons
the total (unfolded 1 folded) number of leaves present at
was not affected by light or water stress treatment at the
the time of macroscopic appearance of inflorescence, and
cotyledonary stage. It decreased in response to water
water stress only slightly reduced their number (from 5.4
stress in both cotyledons and the first pair of leaves at
in control to 5.0 in water-stressed plants). When anthesis
the 2-leaf stage and to a similar extent, under low and
of the first flower occurred, the mean number of
moderate irradiance. At the 4-leaf stage, RWC of all leaf
unfolded leaves was 6.1 and 3.3 in control and water
levels decreased in response to water stress and to a
deficit conditions, respectively.

Number of unfolded leaves

7 C-MI
6 C-LI

3 Fig. 2. Number of unfolded leaves

as a function of time in buckwheat
2 exposed to a combination of low
(80 mmol m2 s1; LI) or moderate
1 irradiance (160 mmol m2 s1; MI)
and well-watered (C) or drought
0 stress (WS) conditions. Each point
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 is the mean of 5 replicates per
treatment and vertical bars are
Time from sowing (day) standard errors.

214 Physiol. Plant. 119, 2003

Fig. 3. Evolution of the DW of cotyledons, first, second and third pair of leaves in buckwheat maintained to a combination of low (80 mmol
m2 s1; LI) or moderate irradiance (160 mmol m2 s1; MI) and well watered (C) or water stress (WS) conditions. Weights were considered at
the cotyledonary, 2-, 4- and 6-leaf stages (*, all plants were dead for this treatment; ND, not determined because the plant never reached this
stage). Each value is the mean of 10 replicates per treatment and vertical bars are standard errors.

higher extent in cotyledons than in true leaves. Irradi- In control plants, leaf area of all organs (except coty-
ance had no clear impact on RWC. In contrast, the ledons) was higher under low than under moderate
ability for osmotic adjustment in water stress conditions irradiance (detailed data not shown). Water stress
(Fig. 4) was clearly higher under a moderate compared to reduced the total leaf area of the plants (Fig. 5) (except
a low irradiance, as indicated by the lower Ccorr values at the cotyledonary stage) and irradiance had no impact
recorded in organs at the 2- and 4-leaf stage. In the on LA under water stress conditions. In well-watered
specific case of water stressed plants at the 4-leaf stage, plants, SLA of plants maintained under low and mod-
Ccorr values increased from the older to the younger erate irradiance only differed at the 2- and 4-leaf stages,
leaves under both irradiance treatment; such a gradient thus indicating that an increase in the total LA at the
was not observed under well-watered conditions at the 6-leaf stage for plants maintained under low irradiance
4-leaf stage, but became obvious for control plants, espe- induced a concomitant and proportional increase in
cially under moderate irradiance at the 6-leaf stage. At DW. In water-stressed plants, SLA increased at the
this latter stage, control plants maintained under low 2-leaf stage compared to the cotyledonary stage, but then
irradiance exhibited higher Ccorr than control plants dropped at the 4-leaf stage; it still remained significantly
maintained under moderate irradiance. higher under low compared to moderate irradiance (Fig. 5).

Table 1. Relative water content (RWC; in percentage) of cotyledons, first, second and third pair of leaves in buckwheat maintained under a
combination of low (80 mmol m2 s1; LI) or moderate irradiance (160 mmol m2 s1; MI) and well-watered (C) or water stress (WS) conditions.
RWC was considered at the cotyledonary, 2-, 4- and 6-leaf stages (*, all plants were dead for this treatment; ND, not determined (no plants
reached the 6-leaf stage)). Each value is the mean of 10 replicates per treatment (±SE).

Cotyledons Pair n 1 Pair n 2 Pair n 3

Cotyledonary C 93.0±1.7 91.7±0.8
WS 89.2±1.4 92.0±0.9
2 leaves C 91.3±1.5 92.1±0.6 92.0±1.3 89.6±1.1
WS 87.4±1.2 86.9±1.6 87.3±0.7 86.5±0.7
4 leaves C 89.1±1.0 92.8±0.6 90.2±0.6 92.7±0.5 87.9±0.8 91.9±0.8
WS 56.1±4.5 41.5±10.8 74.2±2.5 75.9±3.3 76.2±3.0 69.9±4.6
6 leaves C 91.1±1.2 85.5±3.0 91.7±0.4 88.9±1.4 95.7±6.1 87.6±0.9 85.9±0.7 87.4±1.1
WS ND * ND * ND * ND *

Physiol. Plant. 119, 2003 215

Fig. 4. Osmotic potential (adjusted to water content of controls, Ccorr, in MPa) of cotyledons, first, second and third pair of leaves in
buckwheat maintained to a combination of low (80 mmol m2 s1; LI) or moderate irradiance (160 mmol m2 s1; MI) and well watered (C) or
water stress (WS) conditions. Osmotic potentials were considered at the cotyledonary, 2-, 4- and 6-leaf stages (*, all plants were dead for this
treatment; ND, not determined because the plants never reached this stage). Each value is the mean of 10 replicates per treatment and vertical
bars are standard errors.

The evolution of the NAR considered at the whole Chlorophyll, sugars and proline content
plant level between specific stages of development is
Water stress unexpectedly increased the total chl content
indicated in Table 2. Under well-watered conditions,
expressed on an area basis; this was particularly obvious
low irradiance decreased NAR comparatively to moder-
at the 4-leaf stage (Fig. 6). Total chlorophyll concentration
ate irradiance between the cotyledonary and 2-leaf
of well-watered plants was higher only under low com-
stages, as well as between the 2- and 4-leaf stages but
pared to moderate irradiance at the 6-leaf stage; the dif-
not between the 4- and 6-leaf stages. Water stress drastic-
ference between the two light treatments increased with
ally reduced NAR values and, from a relative point of
leaf age (Fig. 6). Such an increase was also observed if the
view, the impact of drought was higher between the
chl concentration was expressed on a FW basis (data not
2- and 4-leaf stages than between the cotyledonary and
shown). Both chl a and chl b contributed to this increase:
2-leaf stages. In water-stressed plants, NAR was still
for a given pair of leaves, the ratio chl a/chl b remained
higher in moderate compared to low irradiance treat-
constant whatever the water and light regimes.
Water stress and irradiance had no impact on proline
In well-watered conditions, low irradiance reduced sto-
or soluble sugar concentrations of leaf organs at cotyle-
matal conductance (Table 3) in all leaves and at all the
donary and 2-leaf stages. The concentration in these
developmental stages considered in the present study. At
compounds are therefore reported in Table 4 for leaf
the 4-leaf stage, stomatal conductance decreased with the
pair no. 2 collected at the 4-leaf stage only. In well-
age of the leaf in control plants but this, however, was no
watered conditions, proline concentration was far higher
longer the case in water stress conditions: a very low sto-
in low compared to moderate irradiance. Water stress
matal conductance was recorded in response to water stress
induced a significant increase in proline concentration
and at the 2- and 4-leaves stages, no significant difference
under both light conditions; from a relative point of
for this parameter was recorded between organs or light
view, however, such an increase was higher under mod-
treatment. Carbon isotope discrimination (D; Table 3) was
erate than under low irradiance.
always higher under low than moderate irradiance. Water
In well-watered conditions, hexose concentrations
stress clearly reduced the D values compared to the corres-
were higher under low compared to moderate irradiance
ponding control and, for a given level and developmental
while an opposite trend was observed for sucrose. Water
stage, the lowest D value was always recorded for stressed
stress induced an obvious increase in soluble sugar
plants maintained under moderate irradiance.
concentrations, which was always higher in moderate

216 Physiol. Plant. 119, 2003

70 some cultivars (Marshall and Pomeranz 1982, Baugmärtner
C-MI et al. 1998). Although most studies devoted to the
WS-MI impact of drought on this species focused on the repro-
50 C-LI ductive phase (Marshall and Pomeranz 1982, Slawinska
LA (cm2)

40 WS-LI and Obendorf 2001), transient water shortage episodes

30 may also occur in spring or autumn under low light
conditions and have a strong impact during the early
stages of the plant cycle, mainly due to the very poor
10 root system of the seedlings. Plants acclimatize and
0 adapt to light limitation by changes in morphology,
Cotyledonary 2 Leaves 4 Leaves 6 Leaves anatomy and physiology. Those changes also affect
Stage Stage Stage Stage plant response to water stress. Thus, an important
250 point is to determine how response to water stress is
affected by changes in light intensity.
SLA (m2 kg–1 DW)


Low irradiance modifies the response of buckwheat to
water stress
100 The present work shows that low irradiance on the one
hand and water stress on the other hand may induce
changes in similar directions for some parameters but
in opposite directions for others. Both stresses induced
Cotyledonary 2 Leaves 4 Leaves 6 Leaves a decrease in NAR (Table 2) and gl (Table 3), as well as
Stage Stage Stage Stage an increase in proline content (Table 4), while an antag-
onistic effect was recorded for leaf area (Fig. 5), osmotic
Stages adjustment (Fig. 4), carbon isotope discrimination
(Table 3) and sucrose content (Table 4). Some param-
Fig. 5. Total leaf area (LA; in cm2) and specific leaf area (SLA; in eters, such as water consumption and RWC were
m2 kg1 DW) in buckwheat maintained under a combination of low
(80 mmol m2 s1; LI) or moderate irradiance (160 mmol m2 s1; affected by water stress but were not significantly
MI) and well-watered (C) or water stress (WS) conditions. The affected by low irradiance. The overall consequence is
evolution of these parameters are reported during the cotyledonary, that plants exposed to both stresses surprizingly had a
2-, 4- and 6-leaf stages. Each value is the mean of 10 replicates per
treatment and vertical bars are standard errors. higher survival rate than those exposed to water stress
under moderate irradiance.
compared to low irradiance, except for the case of Glu in Leaves exposed to low light intensity usually exhibit a
the first pair of leaves. In response to drought, total higher leaf area, a decrease in leaf thickness, in cell
soluble sugars considered at the whole plant level by abundance and stomata density and an increase in cell
the anthrone reagent method increased by 459% and size and in the proportion of stacked membranes in the
284% under moderate and low irradiance, respectively. chloroplast (Nilsen and Orcutt 1996). These features are
thought to maximize photon penetration into the leaf
and potential absorption of photons in an environment
Discussion of low photon flux density. As expected, the SLA of
Common buckwheat is characterized by a very short buckwheat was higher under low compared to moderate
vegetative phase in its development, since flowering irradiance. This strategy, however, does not compensate
may be observed as early as 35 days after sowing in for the lower potential of photosynthesis, since NAR
values were lower under low irradiance than under mod-
erate irradiance, except between the 4- and 6-leaf stages
Table 2. Net assimilation rate (NAR; in g m2 day1) in buckwheat
maintained under a combination of low (80 mmol m2 s1; LI) or (Table 2).
moderate irradiance (160 mmol m2 s1; MI) and well watered (C) or It is frequently reported that low-light-adapted leaves
water stress (WS) conditions. Values were considered separately for have less total chlorophyll per leaf area and a smaller chl
time intervals separating the following developmental stages:
cotyledonary, 2-, 4-, and 6-leaf stages (*, all plants were dead for a/chl b ratio, which reflects the changes in the relative
this treatment; ND, not determined because no plant reached the abundance of light-harvesting complexes (Nilsen and
6-leaf stage). Each value is the mean of 10 replicates per treatment Orcutt 1996). We did not observe such a trend in our
(±SE). experiments: low-irradiance had no impact on chl con-
MI LI tent at the cotyledonary, 2- and 4-leaf stages and
Time Interval C WS C WS
increased both chl a and chl b at the 6-leaf stages (Fig. 6).
It is also noteworthy that in well-watered plants, gl was
cotyl. – 2 leaves 0.40±0.05 0.32±0.02 0.29±0.01 0.23±0.01 always higher under moderate than under low irradi-
2–4 leaves 0.76±0.05 0.29±0.08 0.52±0.05 0.14±0.04
4–6 leaves 0.33±0.07 * 0.37±0.011 ND ance. The impact of light on the regulation of stomatal
aperture is a well-known phenomenon (Mott et al. 1999):

Physiol. Plant. 119, 2003 217

Table 3. Stomatal conductance (gl; in mmol m2 s1) and carbon isotope discrimination (D; in %) of cotyledons, first, second and third pair of
leaves in buckwheat maintained under a combination of low (80 mmol m2 s1; LI) or moderate irradiance (160 mmol m2 s1; MI) and well
watered (C) or water stress (WS) conditions. RWC was considered at the cotyledonary, 2-, 4- and 6-leaf stages (*, all plants were dead for this
treatment; ND, not determined). Each value is the mean of 10 replicates per treatment (±SE) for stomatal conductance and 3 replicates per
treatment for carbon isotope discrimination.

Cotyledons Pair n 1 Pair n 2 Pair n 3


cotyledonary C 110.8±11.3 152.9±18.6
WS 74.5±6.4 120.0±23.9
2 leaves C 214.0±11.7 306.7±12.5 247.8±18.8 298.2±9.4
WS 26.8±5.6 19.7±2.9 34.1±5.3 41.4±7.3
4 leaves C 57.3±7.9 201.1±17.6 99.8±10.6 279.7±21.3 178.3±13.8 364.3±23.2
WS 4.1±0.5 6.5±2.8 9.8±1.8 5.9±1.7 21.3±1.8 17.6±3.3
6 leaves C 173.3±45.5 167.1±40.0 73.3±5.3 208.2±14.9 65.2±7.6 143.7±12.8 94.2±14.2 144.6±18.5
WS ND * ND * ND * ND *
cotyledonary C ND ND
2 leaves C 30.12±0.03 29.15±0.01 29.70±0.01 29.56±0.02
WS 28.73±0.05 27.24±0.05 31.19±0.12 29.10±0.10
4 leaves C 31.14±0.04 29.54±0.02 32.80±0.10 30.21±0.06 33.05±0.02 29.63±0.01
WS 28.17±0.04 27.27±0.06 29.68±0.11 26.67±0.08 27.30±0.09 24.37±0.02
6 leaves C 30.86±0.07 29.12±0.02 31.66±0.04 30.85±0.07 30.32±0.09 28.66±0.11 30.27±0.11 28.28±0.05
WS ND * ND * ND * ND *

one may expect that a partial stomatal closure would low light drastically reduced the intrinsic photosynthetic
decrease Ci/Ca and thus D values. The present work capacity of the leaves and that such an effect had a
demonstrates that this was not the case in buckwheat higher impact on D values than stomatal properties. It
since D values for leaves of plants maintained under low is well known that Rubisco is light activated but that the
irradiance were always higher than those recorded for amount of light required to activate this enzyme is very
plants maintained under a moderate irradiance, whatever small compared to light available, even in a low-light
the water regime (Table 3). Our results also show that environment. A higher D value in low irradiance-exposed
this trend was observed for almost all leaves and that plants might be a consequence of leaf structure modifica-
ontogeny did not modify the impact of light on D values. tion since specific leaf DW is negatively correlated with D
The influence of environmental parameters such as water (Araus et al. 1997), thus implying that the correlation
availability, temperature and external CO2 concentration between SLA and D is positive, as shown in our study.
(Körner et al. 1991, Tognetti et al. 2000, Merah et al. It has to be noticed that the physiological strategy
2001) on carbon isotope discrimination was previously adopted by the water-stressed plants maintained under
analysed, but the influence of light has been neglected. moderate irradiance did not afford a long-term advan-
Since in our buckwheat well-watered plants, gl values are tage, since all of them died before reaching the 6-leaf
negatively correlated to D, it may be hypothesized that stage. Thus, osmotic adjustment, which is more efficient

Fig. 6. Total chlorophyll concentration (in mg cm2) in cotyledons, first, second and third pair of leaves in buckwheat maintained under a
combination of low (80 mmol m2 s1; LI) or moderate irradiance (160 mmol m2 s1; MI) and well-watered (C) or water stress (WS) conditions.
Analyses were performed at the 4- and 6-leaf stages (*, all plants were dead for this treatment; ND, not determined because the plants never
reached this stage). Values are calculated from the means of chlorophyll content estimated on a FW basis and the means of leaf area estimated
for each pair of leaves.

218 Physiol. Plant. 119, 2003

Table 4. Sucrose, glucose, fructose concentrations (in mmol g1 of drought-sensitivity at the seedling stage may also be
FW; adjusted to water content of controls) and proline related to the high values observed for carbon isotope
concentrations (in nmol g1 FW; adjusted to water content of
controls) in the second pair of leaf of buckwheat maintained under a discrimination and to the poor ability of the species to
combination of low (80 mmol m2 s1; LI) or moderate irradiance accumulate putative soluble osmoprotectants. In our work,
(160 mmol m2 s1; MI) and well watered (C) or water stress (WS) however, the amount of water available for the plants in
conditions. Analyses were performed at the 4-leaf stage. Values are
the mean of 3 replicates ±SE.
stressed treatments was fixed. Plants are indeed not able
to absorb water from the soil below a minimal Cws,
MI LI which depends on the soil property, and results could
Compound C WS C WS therefore be different if the experiment is conducted in
pots of another size or in natural field conditions.
Sucrose 2.00±0.08 8.84±0.02 1.53±0.09 4.25±0.06
Glucose 0.29±0.05 3.84±0.31 0.50±0.04 2.26±0.07 Theoretically, D values are positively correlated to Ci/Ca
Fructose 0.36±0.04 5.24±0.15 0.53±0.19 2.64±0.08 ratios in C3 species and inversely related to transpir-
Proline 116.9±14.8 1119.4±12.3 536.2±14.8 844.8±27.9 ation efficiency (Farquahr and Richards 1984). Since tran-
spiration efficiency is among the main determinants of
water use efficiency, one may assume that a high D value
under moderate than under low irradiance may sustain is an indicator of a poor ability to efficiently regulate the
protection for temporary stress but not for permanent leaf water status. To the best of our knowledge, carbon
water shortage. The fact that proline content was higher isotope discrimination was never previously quantified in
in control plants under low irradiance compared to mod- buckwheat. D values decreased in water stress conditions,
erate irradiance conditions suggests that the former were as expected on the basis of the well documented stress-
stressed independently of any drought treatment and induced increase in water use efficiency. The values
that total soluble sugars, which were present at higher recorded in Table 3, however, are always higher than
concentrations under moderate irradiance than under those reported in the literature for other species (Körner
low irradiance, are at least partly responsible for osmotic et al. 1991, Tognetti et al. 2000, Merah et al. 2001).
adjustment. This reinforces the hypothesis that proline Whatever the considered phenological stage, the plants
accumulation is a general symptom of stress rather than seemed able to regulate stomatal aperture in water stress
a strategy of resistance (Lutts et al. 1999). We may even conditions, as suggested by the very low value recorded for
hypothesize that, although NAR values were higher gl (Table 3). Thus, the stress-induced decrease in D may be
under moderate than under low irradiance, osmotic associated with a decrease in stomatal conductance,
adjustment has a metabolic cost, which may compromise leading to an increased ratio of A/gl but the very high D
plant survival under permanent water stress. Although value in buckwheat recorded even in control conditions
water-stressed plants maintained under low irradiance should be related to a low photosynthetic capacity leading
stopped their development at the 4-leaf stage, they still to a high Ci/Ca ratio.
remained alive until the end of the treatment and thus Buckwheat seeds were shown to accumulate an
appear to develop a more efficient physiological strategy. unusual galactosyl cyclitol (fagopyritol B1: O-a-D-
Winkel et al. (2001) suggested that a decrease in growth, galactopyranosyl- (1!2)-D-chiro-inositol) associated with
or accelerated leaf senescence in response to drought the acquisition of dessication tolerance (Horbowicz et al.
reduce crop water requirement and hence can extend 1998). The presence of fagopyritol was never reported in
the duration of soil water availability. This hypothesis the vegetative organs of whole plants and we failed to
does not fit with our experimental data since a similar detect any unidentified peak with our refractive index
reduction in soil water content was noticed in water stress monitor after HPLC separation, even in cotyledons, thus
treatment for both low andmoderate irradiance. Nilsen and suggesting that this unusual sugar is absent, or present
Orcutt (1996) reported that leaves of low-light adapted only in undetectable amounts in our tissues.
plants have an extended longevity, which may constitute
an advantage during water shortage episode and for long
Influence of leaf age
periods of stress. Deo and Biswal (2001) recently demon-
strated that the loss of D1 protein in water-stressed Acceleration of leaf senescence in plants subjected to vary-
cotyledons of cluster bean is arrested in seedlings experi- ing degrees of water deficits has been described for a
encing low light intensities in relation to a higher level of number of species (Olsson 1995, Lutts et al. 1996, Deo
b-carotene and a lower rate of lipid peroxidation. and Biswal 2001). Therefore, the sensitivity of leaf tissues
to drought is likely to increase with leaf age. This is not
the case in buckwheat since the youngest leaves often
Buckwheat is sensitive to water stress at the seedling stage
appeared more sensitive than the oldest leaves on the
Although stress imposition was progressive in our study, basis of their relative water content or abilities for osmotic
buckwheat appears as a very drought-sensitive species. adjustment. Schurr et al. (2000) demonstrated that in
Indeed, in comparison to other species, its water poten- Ricinus communis submitted to water stress, growing
tial is quite high and it was not possible to precisely leaves developed source functions at a smaller size before
quantify this parameter with the classical pressure cham- physiological adaptation to drought occurred. According
ber method (Delpérée, unpublished results). The high level to Weber et al. (1996), sink to source transition implies a

Physiol. Plant. 119, 2003 219

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stimulating discussion, to Dr H. Batoko for his careful reading and development in Ricinus communis during drought stress:
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Edited by R. Munns

220 Physiol. Plant. 119, 2003

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